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I'm thinking - wow his HS season is almost over. Our record is not good - lots of close ones - but not a winning record and yet the kids seem to still be having fun. When I drive around our local community and see all the city baseball teams(young kids and they look so darn cute - dads standing on the field with them - teaching them the game) and think - wow my kid is the starting SS on his HS team. How cool. He made it all the way. At times it was not an easy path for him, but I am one proud mom.
Last edited by baseball_fever
Originally posted by LHPMom2012:
sandlot mom -- your son could still play club ball if being a walk-on doesn't work out. Still plenty of opportunities to play out there!

Yes! That is the plan anyway. I think club ball will be the best of both worlds for him.

What has been hardest for him is the expectation to play at the college level. Not that he was always a standout player, but it does seem that everyone wants him to play in college. His Dad and I have been very careful to make sure it was his decision to even set playing college ball as his goal, but his team mates, coaches, and other parents all seem like they are disappointed that he's chosen another path. You can see it on their faces when we tell them he's not taking the offers. Mostly everyone encourages him to at least try and walk on (which he will). He's made a very difficult decision and I'm sure he's second guessing himself every time someone says "Oh no" with a frown when they hear his plans.
Next-to-last regular season game today. Not the prettiest, by far, but a win is a win sometimes. Son went the full 7, giving up 5 runs on 8 hits, one of them being a solo shot. Couple of walks and a HBP that brought in a run. He also threw 9 Ks and his offense was outstanding, with 3 of his teammates blasting homers, and the offense scoring 13 runs.

Next game tomorrow. With a split, they'll need help to be the #2 seed. With a win, they will be the #2 seed and host the 1st-round game in the State Tournament.
Originally posted by sandlotmom:

What has been hardest for him is the expectation to play at the college level. Not that he was always a standout player, but it does seem that everyone wants him to play in college. His Dad and I have been very careful to make sure it was his decision to even set playing college ball as his goal, but his team mates, coaches, and other parents all seem like they are disappointed that he's chosen another path. You can see it on their faces when we tell them he's not taking the offers. Mostly everyone encourages him to at least try and walk on (which he will). He's made a very difficult decision and I'm sure he's second guessing himself every time someone says "Oh no" with a frown when they hear his plans.

Your son can't let outside influences make his decision. Otherwise he will regret doing something because others told him he should. I got the same surprised comments when my son chose not to play college ball. Many thought for sure he was playing and some asked where he was playing.

The thing with him though was he knew whatever he was gonna do was his choice and nobody was gonna influence him or talk him into doing something he didn't want. There were times he was considering it but that was up to him. He was taught to think for himself and that's what he did. He hasn't looked back and even if he did have any regrets, at least it was his decision, not ours or anybody elses.

Baseball beyond HS isn't for everybody and there's many many players like my son who could have done well at the next level but chose to move on.

Seems like your son has made the right decision. He shouldn't let anybody convince him otherwise.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by sandlotmom:
Last week we sent in the deposit for Sandlot Son's first semester of college. He turned down the opportunity to play at a couple of very small schools that had not much to offer other than baseball. Instead he will attend a school that has an excellent program in his intended major and begin to explore all that the university has to offer him.

Baseball has been his whole world. It is what has made him the man he is today and he will continue to be a huge fan of the game. But he didn't get an offer from any school that met his needs outside of baseball and so he had to make a choice. I will miss being in the stands, but I couldn't be prouder.
Your son made a very difficult and mature decision. It's a good start to the rest of his life.

Last night my son and I were talking about the seniors in his high school who chose no name d3 colleges just so they could extend their sports careers four more year when they could have made much better academic decisions.
Final regular season game yesterday. The varsity squad won 10-3. Senior righty who has been hurt and rehabbing the bulk of the season went 5 innings, giving up only 2 runs and hitting in a few of his own at the plate. Team is the #2 seed from their region and will host a first-round game next Tuesday. Their opponent is a team they faced in the pre-season, winning that one 12-3.

Good luck to all as the tournaments start!
Marlins - How did your game go?

34 had his final JV game on Saturday, team won 8 to 2. They ended up 10 and 4, a good solid season. He had an interesting day at the plate, a 4 pitch walk and 2 HBP, both at his helmet. He was not pleased at the second one, but tossed his bat and headed toward first. About a 1/3 of the way down the line, he realized that he was now the team leader in HBP, which leads to the "wear it award", so he raised his fist in triumph... 34 ended up hitting about .500 for the year and emerged as the starting catcher over the last half of the season, so between the team's success and his own growth as a player, the season was great!

Coach pulled most of the starters in the last inning and put in a tall freshman pitcher who has pitched sparingly this year. He ended up striking out the side and the smile on his face was priceless.

Thinking his season was over, 34 got the call up to varsity for the final regular season game and the playoffs at the start of school today. He will likely be there only to catch bullpens and warm up pitchers, but its quite an honor for a freshman. Our school usually does not do this, but this year, 34 and one sophmore got the call. He is thrilled.

Good luck to all as your seasons end, in the playoffs and in summer ball.
I'm new to the forum and I thought I would post some information about what I am doing this season.

I am currently doing a coaching internship at my old High School in NY. So far it has been a great experience. I have been working mostly with the JV program who is off to a 13-0 start. Our Varsity program is also off to a 13-0 start. We are about 3 games into the second half of our league schedule and things are not looking to slow down one bit.

We may be 13-0, but we have never been really challenged this year. We play in a weak league and most of our scores have been in the high teens and low twenties and opponents have been scoring around 4 runs a game...
2Bmom, just went back and saw your pictures. They are Great! Good to see 2B wearing #5, that is my son's number as well. Played 2B most of the year when not pitching.

Our season is over. Bballson had a decent year. Started out very strong and had a couple of not so great outings at the end. Wound up 3-3, 2.9 ERA, 50 K's in 41 IP. Got the Cy Young award for the team's best pitcher and made 2nd team all region. Not bad for a 5'9" sophomore in the largest classification and one of the toughest regions in the state. I'm pretty proud of him.

Summer ball will be starting soon and I am looking forward to that. Gave him a couple of weeks off to recoup and we have started throwing and hitting to prepare. Hope to see some of you at the WWBA's at East Cobb this summer.

Good luck to all of you who are still playing and heading to the playoffs.
State Tournament started this week. In the 1st game the varsity's senior righty started and threw 5 terrific innings, while the offense put the team up 8-0. Put a couple on in the 6th, and the coach went to the pen. 4 runs later, the coach went to the pen again. 2 runs later, and the junior lefty was able to shut the other team down. Gave up a couple of hits in the 7th, but held on for the victory.

2nd round game, son took the bump against the #1 team from another region. 1-1 tie into the bottom of the 6th. Infield foul pop-up on the 1st-base side, wind was swirling and the 1st-baseman couldn't make the catch. 3 pitches later, the state-leading home-run hitter added to his collection. 2 batters later, another homer that bounced off the yellow stripe on the wall. Team was able to plate 1 run in the 7th and had the tie run on third, when the opposing pitcher induced a pop-up to their 1st-baseman. Son took the loss, 3-2. Son pitched well...opposing pitcher was dynamite.

Consolation bracket play starts on Monday. Son should get the start. As long as they win, they keep playing. Son is currently 6-1 (let's hope that winning number grows Big Grin).

Good luck to all who are still in their tourneys, and to those who are looking forward to summer ball!
i've been lurking all season.....and have enjoyed reading about everyone's year.

son is 3/4 of the way through his senior year....hard to believe, seems like yesterday he was playing teeball. he'll pitch the deciding game of the conference tourney monday night and the state tourney begins in 2 weeks. he threw a perfect game last week for the second no-hitter of his career. he struck out 13 of 15 batters in a 5 inning game. 2 brilliant defensive plays to keep the no-no alive.

for those whose sons are graduating....hard to believe this stage is almost over. CONGRATULATIONS on this milestone. and to those with underclassmen, enjoy EVERY minute because it really does fly by.
Last edited by L8 Breaking
L8 Breaking,

You're right...Time is flying by! Congratulations to your son on a great season, wow, 2 No-No's including the Perfect Game had to be exciting!

247 Jr. just wrapped up the regular season on a high note and will start playoffs next Thursday. We'll find out who they play on Monday afternoon, should be fun!
thanks for the kind words! tonight is our senior night and our third sport this year....this one is alot harder. maybe because it's the final sport, but i just keep thinking we should have more time.

i also wanted to clarify my earlier post....the brilliant defensive plays were by his like that really are fun. you never know when that diving catch in an early inning is going to be the highlight of the night. kudos to his awesome teammates.

funny thing about living in a small school. i pulled out a picture of his 8 year old all-stars and 9 of the kids in the picture are on his varsity team. including a great group of 6 seniors.

i'm really looking forward to watching him play college ball, but man did we have some fun over the years! Smile
Son's team finished conference play in first place. First time in eleven years. After starting 0-3 they finished 10-4, one game in front. The dogpile was preceeded by a walk off drive over the centerfielder's head. Figuring the bench will play all of the remaining non-conference game junior finished the season at .500.

Extra innings, runners on first and second, no outs, after two failed bunt attempts and fouling off two pitches ....

the big moment

My son has a cameo appearance as the runner on first. I guess we could say he moved the winning run into scoring position (on base all five at bats). He even listened to me for once in his life. He was one of the last to arrive and on the top of the dogpile. He even kept his helmet on.
Last edited by RJM
Our season is done. Lost the State Championship game 6-5 to our conference rivals but it was a good game and we went down fighting...

Finished the season 27-4. Won the conference and are state runner-up. Son had a successful season pitching (11-0, ERA 1.15). His first full season pitching since 12u because of elbow problems that he had surgery for in Nov 08.

Good news in that now, at 17, he's fresh and ready to go...

Summer baseball starts June 1st!!
Congratulations RJM and Hawk19!

Season is over for the Varsity Squad. After defeating the first team on Monday 10-0, they fell to the next team 2-1 in the bottom of the 7th. Son pitched the 2nd game, giving up only 5 hits. Bottom of the 7th, 1 out, a single, a grounder to 2nd that the 2nd-baseman couldn't get out of the glove, and then a perfectly executed hit-and-run that went right where the 2nd-bsaeman had been to score the winning run. Son ended the year 6-2, the team ended 19-7. Great year, given that they hadn't been to the state tourney in 6 years. We will miss the seniors (most of the varsity starters) but are looking forward to the summer.

Good luck to everyone who is just starting, or still playing, their tourneys!
If the "big moment" doesn't work I've worn it out watching at least twice a day. Good thing baseball doesn't have a too many men on the ice penalty. The bullpen catcher was running down the sideline in play (between foul line and out of play line) long before the runner crossed the plate. All year long I kept my mouth shut. I'm more likely to analyze than cheer. That was me screaming "get on the base" at the runner on second since the ball was possibly catchable.
Last edited by RJM
Freshman son finished up the regular season starting and playing every inning at the varsity level this year. His team ended up 14-10 and should make the post season for the first time in 6 years.

He had his ups and downs and finished the year batting .301 with a team leading 4 home runs. He was fortunate to have a good group of teammates and coaches which has made the season very enjoyable.

The playoff seedings come out on Sunday so hopefully we get to play at least one more game. Smile
Originally posted by Patriot:
Congrats to Warningtrack Son. What a great start to his high school career. Nice power for a 2013. What position did he end up playing? Hope you make post season.
We'll see you at the field here or in AZ.

Started a few games at SS early on but moved to 3B for most of the year.

Sure would love for Patriot Son to play with Warningtrack Son during the summer....there's always a spot for a shut down lefty Smile

See you in AZ next month for sure.
Wow! There are some very impressive accomplishments listed here-congrats to everyone! My senior (the baby) is coming to the end of his HS career and going out with a bang (6 HR, 9 3B, 39 RBI, etc. in 17 games) and has been named player of the year. The team is seeded 5 out of 22 in the district, so more exciting days ahead, although they haven't been looking too sharp lately-hopefully they will "shake it off" and pull it together for the tourney. Good luck to everyone whose teams are still playing!
Tonight was an emotional night for me. Son started last HS game on the mound, and won 8-0 against the district champs. He is 8-0 this year with 2 no decisions, the last one being in the district semi-final, where he pitched 9 innings and left with the score tied 2-2. Unfortuately, we lost 3-2 in 10.

Overall, this year has been like a dream come true. Son came back from a shoulder injury his junior year, and it wasn't until the fall that he began throwing regularly. He had his first no-hitter ever this year, along with 3 shutouts. He had several good colleges come calling, and has chosen a quality school to continue his baseball and academic career. He has conducted himself like a champion on and off the field, and given 100% in everything he did. I am a very lucky mom to have the priviledge to be around such a great kid. I look forward to seeing what the future brings.
Congrats OHBBMom! Isn't it great when they do that well and are good kids on and off the field too? I'm gonna toot my horn on my 2010 grad too being the proud dad and all. He hit .467 with 9HR 41 Rbi and 50 hits in 105AB. He made 1st team All region, Player of the year for his Region, he made the All Star Team, the AZ Sunbelt Team and to top it all off he made 1st Team All State in AZ all while maintaining a 4.0 GPA all four years. What a player and a responsible, teachable young man. He has recieved one MLB questionnairre so far for the draft. If he makes it fine if not he has some great memories and a good foundation to grow on. Good luck to your boy OHBBMOM and to all the players lookin to succeed n or off the field!!!
Congrats azallan and OHBB! We can be really proud of these guys; it would be nice if they could all play together because they sound alot alike!

I don't believe our players are considered for the All-State team because the coach is not a member of some association in PA? Anyway, rocketson2 is now his school's Scholar Athlete of the Year, #7 in his grad class, and MVP of the team. Too bad he didn't wait to commit until he had completed this season, but he is happy with his choice of a local DIII that consistantly makes the NCAA tourney.

The HS team has won their first Divisional game and has a great chance at the state tourney if they win one more, but every game from now on I will be facing that "emotional night" you spoke of, OHBBMom!

Good luck to all!
It looks as if all have enjoyed success this high school season. Congrats to all the players and their parents and continued good luck as the journey continues.

Prime Jr. finished Monday with a loss in the Quarterfinals. We aren't sad though as life is all about experiences. They won a State Title last year and should have repeated. However, two Senior, middle-of-the-lineup starters made a bad decision that cost them and their team. They attended a "Cinco de Mayo" party and were caught (minor possesion) and kicked off the team prior to the Playoffs. We could have used them as the field narrowed to the States best four. However, all of us parents applaud the School for valuing ethics and the nurturing of young people over baseball wins and titles!

Prime Jr., had a great year; hit .400 and led the team in all power stats; home runs (12), slugging and total bases. Heck, he was 2nd on the team in steals. Here in Georgia, the rest is short as Summer teams play is already in progress and we join the team for games tomorrow and Friday.

Next is continued conditioning and preparation for his 1st College Fall workouts! We can't wait.

Thanks to all the "Vets" here who have contributed valuable advice and insight to all us viewers!!

Best of Luck to ALL and LOL!
Last edited by Prime9

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