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Used to hit 300- Thanks for the compliment. If we stay healthy, hungry, and focused we should have a pretty good year. I have plenty of seniors that want to put last year's season to rest with a great year in 2010. We have an experienced pitching coach working with our large staff which is a blessing. Having a third coach on the varsity level sure helps. Peter Spear coming back from TJ surgery is a big plus too. The UEC will be a battle. This is the final year before the conference is split into two divisions when Metea, Batavia, and Geneva come in. We open with Neuqua next Thursday so we will find out early what we are made of. Haskins has proved himself to be a very worthy coach. The ring proves it.
Last edited by DC33
Coach Dave Haskins returns to Prairie Ridge today with his new team, St. Charles East, at 4:30. With Haskins and Prairie Ridge coach Glen Pecoraro at the helm for both squads, all three coaches in PR baseball history will be on the field at the same time. Chuck Lowitzki, who was the head coach at PR for one year, returned to the school as Pec's assistant. SCE is 5-1 and PR is 4-2.

Should be a good game, hopefully the emotions don't get the better of each head coach, although, I'm sure that extra incentive (winning) will be in the back of their heads.

I won't be in attendance, but if someone on this board is going to be feel free to post the score tonight. Both teams have some solid players.
Here's one I've never seen before. Naperville Central-Palatine tied at 3, bottom of the 7th. One out, runners at 2nd and 3rd for Central. Batter hits a medium deep fly ball, runner at third tags and scores. Game over, or is it?

The runner on second went to third without tagging up. Well after the runner scored, Palatine got the ball to second to get the third out.

Is the game over, or was there an 8th inning? I got this one wrong, and it took one very persistant parent yacking in an umpire's ear for the umps to get this one right.

What do you think happened?
Redhawk, the game should be over. Whoever scored that run before the runner was tagged, wins.

Yes Ball4 Life you are correct, the game is over. Even though the runner was not tagged out and all the defense had to do was touch second with the ball before the runner returned to the base, this is not a force play. The runner was not forced to advance. Therefore since the run scored before the last out was made, the game is over.

Most of the fans (including me) did not understand this point.

That was the end of the Palatine - Naperville Central game, with the Redhawks winning 4-3 to up their record to 6-0.

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