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Originally posted by wd50:
Shocked that Burlington Central lost to Marmion in 3A today Marmion 7 BC 6...BC they seemed like they had it all.
Congrats to Marmion.

Not only did BC have it all but they were picked by prepbaseball report to win it all. Who would have thought that prepbaseball report would have gotten this wrong?
Originally posted by BBfun:
Originally posted by wd50:
Shocked that Burlington Central lost to Marmion in 3A today Marmion 7 BC 6...BC they seemed like they had it all.
Congrats to Marmion.

Not only did BC have it all but they were picked by prepbaseball report to win it all. Who would have thought that prepbaseball report would have gotten this wrong?

PBR did not have BC winning it all. They just had them in the final four.
Originally posted by ballyall:
Whoa! Do you mean we are actually going to validate that minor season called high school baseball and take time away from the far superior and much more competitive travel teams to discuss these scores? Wow! High school scores worth reporting!

(please note the sarcasm!)

I think a good idea for future would be to get more high school teams involved in travel tourneys--therefore the kids get an opportunity to get seen and play on some of the major Illinois college fields during the summer... threfore it might relieve some of the tension between high school baseball and travel... GIVE THEM THE SAME OPPORTUNITIES that the travel teams have...DSP HAD SEVERAL high school teams participate this year and the high school coaches felt it was good for the kids to play in 1 or 2 tourneys during the summer..
The problem is that the kids want to be able to draw the scouts. The high school teams just don't do that, the scouts know that the top travel teams could beat the pants off of any high school team. So the scouts are drawn to tournaments where these top teams play. They get a lot more bang for buck than going around to the high school games to look at the 1-2 kids that are playing that might play in college. Compare that to the top travel teams where the whole team ends up playing at the next level somewhere.

I'd love to say that the 2010 state 4A champs could have taken on some of these top travel teams, but the truth is that in a 7 game series the travel teams would come out on top just about every time.
Most high school coaches are going to tell you it isn't their #1 objective to get scholarships for their players. On travel teams, what do you their #1 objective is in forming these teams?

This is why there is all the conflict. In defense of the high school situation, on an average high school team how many kids are even capable of playing beyond high school?
I am not sure the #1 priority of all travel teams is to get there players scholarships. Just because they play at nicer fields against better competition does not mean that these teams offer better coaching and more colleges contacts. I have seen my share of "elite" travel players have below average careers in hs. I am not ripping on travel teams. I am sure some programs are well run and coached. As a HS coach my job is to mentor, coach, teach, discipline, condition, prepare for college, build a sense of community and pride, and of course to put together a successful program. To say that HS coaches #1 priority is winning is dead wrong. There is so much more.
There are all kinds of travel teams, and I understand why the high school coaches don't like them in general. However if you manage to get on one of the top teams, they have contacts and will give you opportunities that no high school program can.

In my case my son now has a very nice offer from a school that saw him one time in Georgia. Even I was shocked at what they offered him after seeing him only once. But they trusted their scouts and what others said about him, and I could tell from their comments that they did get good information. And my son showed up on campus and fell in love with
tthe place. So without the travel team, this opportunity does not come up for him.

I know that the common comment is that you don't get "discovered" at these events, but here is one exception. He basically pitched to 5 batters to get their attention. So never underestimate the power of the left handed pitcher, right NC42DAD?
I agree that the elite programs serve the elite or very good players. Not all players fit that mold though. I do believe that many players would be better served saving their money and committing their time to their hs programs. I am happy to hear that travel worked out for your son. I think many parents and players are led to believe that travel is the only way to get seen and scouted. They also spend thousands of dollars chasing the very elusive D1 scholarship. Put that money in a 529 plan for a few years and there is your scholarship.
Just thinking out loud here but with the economy being what it is and parents straining to pay the bills let alone up to $2,000 or more for travel ball if I'm a HS administrator I might suggest a new spin to Summer ball. Rather than playing single games over the week and working for a single school champion what if the emphasis was changed to make it a true summer exposure/tournamant league. Imagine if you can if HS ran weekend tournaments much like travel tournaments where every weekend 6-10 schools would participate in different tournaments at various HS fields and each school would be guaranteed a minimum of 4 games. Taking this one step further if you could get schools like St. Rita, Providence, Sandburg, Naperville Central, New Trier, Oak Park River Forest, Lincoln Way, LT, Brother Rice etc, to fully participate and get their top talent there each weekend or headline in this league I guarantee you college scouts would show for these weekend tournies. As they would be able to scout more than just one or two kids. If this kind of schedule/league could be guaranteed it would eliminate alot of the need for travel ball as scouts would come out to see these teams and also if the cost could remain similar to what HS Summer ball currently costs I would think alot of parents would think twice about spending the money on travel. I realize that there are alot of bugs in this and that it would be very difficult to pull off and the possibility of it ever really happenning is pretty unlikely. However, I do think if it could ever come together and if done properly it would effect travel ball and make HS Summer ball more relevant and possibly increase the overall exposure of Illinois HS Baseball and its' players.

The problem still would be tht the very top players are still better off in the weekend travel tournaments. The top travel teams will literally have their whole team (20-25 kids) play in college somewhere. Not all D1, but they will all play somewhere.

Compare that to the current 4A state champs that will have (by my count) 8-10 kids play in college, and that number is sky high compared to most high school teams that may have 2-3 potential college players at any one time. Where do you think the scouts will show up in the summer? A tournament full of teams where every player has potential, or a tournament where each team might have 3 players with potential?

However I do agree that from the parents and kids point of view, if you decide to go the travel team route you'd better be sure that you have some skills that will catch the eye of a college coach. No surprise that most parents (including myself) completely overstimate their son's ability and underestimate the quality of the competition for those D1 spots. And how you ever catch anyone's eye as a position player is beyond me. You had better be at least borderline all state as an outfielder, 1st or 3rd baseman or you are going to have a tough time catching anyone's eye.

And travel ball does not have to cost $2,000. It can cost that much, but it does not have to.
Last edited by NCHS Redhawk
Couldn't agree with you more Redhawk!

Personally, I found the big, big advantage of hs travel ball was that my kids got out of their "comfort zone." In Naperville and most other towns, these kids have all played with each other since coach-pitch days - childhood friends.

If they go off to play after high school, these kids will more than likely not be playing with anyone they know from their hometown even. Playing with rival kids from their own conference was a great experience and was a great precursor to playing after high school IMO. It is great to expand your experiences. Contrary to what many think around here, there is a world outside of Naperville or your own hometown for that matter. It was a great experience, not to mention, playing for another coach too.
The weekday conflicts seem to be getting more frequent, especially from a few programs. I have no problem with Fri-Sun. But I will have kids leaving on Tuesdays. I think the "exposure" tournaments have also turned into money makers for the organizers. I have also had kids that will come back telling me how they are hitting .600 on their travel team, but hit sub.300 against the "watered down" high school summer pitching. The answer is not weekend hs tournys. We use the summer league to evaluate for the spring, to allow everyone to get game time, to see who can execute (we are extra aggressive running the bases, bunting for base hits, and using the hit and run in the summer), we also have face to face meetings with every varsity player to discuss what each player needs to work on in the off season. I make lots of college contacts in the fall/winter to get my players matched with an appropriate program. This past year I had 14 seniors. Ten are going to play college baseball and that may be
eleven if my all conference CF will play both FB and BB at
Butler. My philosophy is for players to find a school they love, where they can play, and where they can win.

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