That's the million dollar question for 22s. Here HS ball ended 3 weeks ago, so legion and travel ball is in full swing. My son is a 2021, but should be a 22 by age, so he has lots of uncommitted 22 buddies gunning right now for offers.
I got myself all worried for nothing when it came to 2021s late last summer and into the fall. Basically every 2021 around here who wanted to play college baseball is getting the opportunity. Even some I never thought were college-caliber at all. We're even still seeing commitments trickle in for 21s. So I am not going to get worked up over the 22s around here. Having said that...
Offers for 22s around here stopped last winter (Nov/Dec). A couple few D1 offers accepted last fall and then one D2 in December. Then it went completely dormant until April when a lone 22 RHP here committed to a local mid major D1. Granted, we're in Nebraska, but one 2022 commitment thus far for the year won't give you warm fuzzies. Obviously the dead period was still in effect until just now, so I am expecting things to pick up here shortly. But how well things will pick up, remains to be seen. With what happened with the 2021s around here, I am optimistic for the 22s, but I also fear for the potential of the "delayed carnage." That the 22s might still end up taking the worst beating of all the classes due to Covid et al. We'll have a much better idea here in the next 90ish days or so...