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Originally posted by OLDSLUGGER8:
Originally posted by Coach Merc:
This is really terrific information posted above. Actually to the tune that TPM wites, the folks at the NCCA aren't sure...

So I propose that the equipment companies, specifically the bat makers fully fund each D1 baseball program with 27 full-rides, take the NCAA if/then bylaws and use them in a celebratory national bonfire honoring their great bottom line profits garnered from all the kids out there whose parents fork out $350 annually Smile

I understand the some coaches don't get paid for half the work they do, but FYI many make good $$ on the side from equipment companies.

Can that be used as well? Big Grin
BHD, here is a cut and paste from a BA article earlier this month on games during the Fall that count against the 56:

"SoCal Innovation

Posted Sep. 5, 2007 4:54 pm by Aaron Fitt
Filed under: Around The Nation

We’ve heard a lot of complaints from coaches about how much of a burden the new compacted schedule will be next spring, but a couple of Southern California teams have come up with an innovative way to get to 56 games. San Diego and Long Beach State will play a three-game “Fall World Series” from Oct. 26-28 that will count toward the teams’ 56-game limit, but will not be reflected on the teams’ spring records. One reason the idea made sense was because both teams will play 2008 games in Hawaii, which do not count toward their 56-game limits, so they had extra games to give.

“That’s going to be an awesome opportunity, man,” USD coach Rich Hill said. “It’s like going back to the ’70s, playing fall baseball, putting them in a bunch of different situations. We want full media exposure, fans–make it exactly like a super-regional to expose our kids to that type of environment in the fall."
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
OS my response had nothing to do with the rules. Cut and Paste as you will. It also had everything to do with the sum of Bees remarks over a period of time.

My conclusion is that there were always 2 rosters, one in the Fall and one just prior to the spring season. The only difference now is that both will be basically identical, where under the "old rules", the Fall roster included many kids that didn't make the spring roster for whatever reasons, and some of those had well over 40 kids on them?
by bblhd: You implied the school was an over recruiter and infact the coach is in his 4th year and has made changes
my view of that program using fall as a tryout, then running guy's off at break simply came from YOUR posts over the last couple yrs... and YOUR erronious assertion that it was "standard DI proceedure" everywhere

Last edited by Bee>
I'm reasonably sure that the 27 counters is a maximum number, and not a requirement. I think the math still works.

With reference to "rosters", that term is used sparingly in the Bylaws. However, 30.13 reads:
The following procedures shall be used in regard to the squad list required in Bylaw
(a) The forms shall be kept on file in the office of the athletics director, and such file shall be available for examination upon request by an authorized representative of another member institution; the NCAA, and, if the institution is a member of a conference, an authorized representative of the conference;
(b) Any student-athlete who signs a drug-testing consent form must be included on the institution’s squad-list
form, and any student-athlete who is included on the squad-list form must have signed a drug-testing consent
form pursuant to Bylaw 14.1.4. An institution is not required to place a student-athlete who is “trying out”
for a team on the squad list form for 14 days from the first date the student engages in countable athletically
related activities or until the institution’s first competition, whichever occurs earlier; (Adopted: 1/10/92 effective
8/1/92, Revised: 4/28/05)
(c) A supplementary form may be filed to add names of persons not initially on the squad or to indicate a change
of status; (Revised: 1/9/06 effective 8/1/06)
(d) A student-athlete’s name must be on the official institutional form to qualify to represent the institution in
intercollegiate athletics; and (Revised: 1/9/06 effective 8/1/06)
(e) The athletics director shall sign the form for each sport. The head coach in each sport shall sign the form for
the applicable sport. (Revised: 1/9/06 effective 8/1/06)

Looking at 30.13,, and 14.1.4, it appears that the squad list is a living document, and effectively creates a roster throughout the playing and practice season. I think this "roster" typically will contain more than 35 names. I'm not sure if this squad list needs to be pared to 35 at the begining of the championship segment, or if there is a separate declaration for the 35 player squad.
BEE the comments were in a post that was talking about over recruiting. I was never upset and made it clear I was surprised as my son was. That was the new coach's second year and he has not had that since. Many other people said that they encontered the same thing. I thought it was a good thing for people to be aware of. As I said then I was not ticked about it and it made the tryouts more interesting. We had no clue it went on.
I repeat the school does not over recruit. It had walk ons, tryouts and it appears they are working with a smaller roster this year and only 53 games.
The goals we had were met in most part when we decided on Charleston.
I'm not sure if this squad list needs to be pared to 35 at the begining of the championship segment, or if there is a separate declaration for the 35 player squad.

This is exsactly what I was told. It had to be at 35 for the spring roster. I asked if 50 players could be there on the tryout list and was told yes but had to be down to 35 when the final roster was submitted. The Adv said that 15 would have to be cut in my example.
The point is that this over recruiting can still go on. the 27 max guys with scholarships are deemed to be on the final roster by the NCAA.
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
BTW, the verbage is "limits counters", no where does it say you HAVE to have 27.

Agree, and just another set of variables the coach will have to consider. How does a coach "recruit" a kid, let alone 27-35 who can qualify as a non-counter?


15.5.1 Counters. A student-athlete shall be a counter and included in the maximum awards limitations set forth in this bylaw under the following conditions: (Revised: 6/10/04)

(a) Athletics Aid. A student-athlete who receives financial aid based in any degree on athletics ability shall become a counter for the year during which the student-athlete receives the financial aid; or

(b) Athletics Participation as a Major Criterion. A recruited student-athlete who receives outside financial aid for which athletics participation is a major criterion (see Bylaw shall become a counter for the year during which the student-athlete receives the aid; No Athletics Aid—Certification Required. A student-athlete (except for a recruited football or
basketball student-athlete) who receives institutional financial aid (as set forth in Bylaw shall not be a counter if there is on file in the office of the athletics director certification by the faculty athletics representative and the director of financial aid that the student-athlete’s financial aid was granted without regard in any degree to athletics ability.

Then the next consideration is the academic scholarship a kid earns that is exempt as countable with the gpa criteria.

15.02.3 Counter. A “counter” is an individual who is receiving institutional financial aid that is countable against the aid limitations in a sport. Initial Counter. [FBS/FCS] An “initial counter” is a counter who is receiving countable financial aid in a sport for the first time.

15.02.4 Financial Aid. “Financial aid” is funds provided to student-athletes from various sources to pay or assist in paying their cost of education at the institution. As used in NCAA legislation, “financial aid” includes all

institutional financial aid and other permissible financial aid as set forth below. Institutional Financial Aid. The following sources of financial aid are considered to be institutional financial aid:
(a) All funds administered by the institution, which include but are not limited to the following:

(1) Scholarships;
(2) Grants;
(3) Tuition waivers;

Just more variables, and in practicality, it appears tough to have a minimal amount of counters, so although 27 is the max, it appears 27 will be utilized
Last edited by OLDSLUGGER8
Third report.

I called the NCAA again (pretending that I hadn't called before) they told me I had to speak with someone in the baseball group and forwarded me to another voice mail. Now i have two people calling me back. Roll Eyes

They are either really busy today or it's friday but how come I can't get anyone on the phone asap like BBHD?

Again they told me I must talk to someone in the baseball/football group.
Interesting thought.

Without visiting the HSBBW or doing research, a parent and player reading would have absolutely NO clue what type of scholarship he would be getting.

I could see how easily it is to trick someone who has no clue.

I preferred son got baseball money, some prefer academic, some couldn't care less as long as they get something!

Last edited by TPM
quote: No Athletics Aid—Certification Required. A student-athlete (except for a recruited football or
basketball student-athlete) who receives institutional financial aid (as set forth in Bylaw shall not be a counter if there is on file in the office of the athletics director certification by the faculty athletics representative and the director of financial aid that the student-athlete’s financial aid was granted without regard in any degree to athletics ability.

How important is is a students academic achievement ? Most coaches try to max academic money before dipping into BB money. In all offers we had the academic money was greater than the BB money.
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
quote: No Athletics Aid—Certification Required. A student-athlete (except for a recruited football or
basketball student-athlete) who receives institutional financial aid (as set forth in Bylaw shall not be a counter if there is on file in the office of the athletics director certification by the faculty athletics representative and the director of financial aid that the student-athlete’s financial aid was granted without regard in any degree to athletics ability.

How important is is a students academic achievement ? Most coaches try to max academic money before dipping into BB money. In all offers we had the academic money was greater than the BB money.

bobblehead, that bylaw relates to counter classification, and any student who receives both academic money and baseball money is a recruited counter, and the academic portion is subject to the gpa/standardized criteria to exclude it from the team equivalency.

Regarding, what would a certification read like for a stud pitcher, NEVER RECRUITED, who received a package of needs-based and academic grants who happens to be at the University without "any regards to athletic ability"
TPM you are correct. Without some of the information here, parents could be as clueless as the people you reached on the phone earlier...

I will be out at Baseball Heaven on Saturday and will stop over to say hello. Last weekend work got in the way the same way it is this Sunday. Shift work at times is the best and other times . Oh well.

I am going to head up to Maine next weekend for the 2 games with the Canadian National Team.
bobblehead, that bylaw relates to counter classification, and any student who receives both academic money and baseball money is a recruited counter, and the academic portion is subject to the gpa/standardized criteria to exclude it from the team equivalency.

Yes I THINK I understand but who knows anything for sure these days/
The academic money based on GPA is not counted as money for the 11.7 max scholarships. As a package with BB money it is a counter.
I think that students who play BB with no BB money but have academic money from previous years aren't counters. I am not sure I understood that but it doesn't apply to us.

I am only posting what the NCAA "appears to say" and I am sure some of my interpretations are not always right on.

I will say that all parents should grasp Section 15 of the Bylaws relating to Financial Aid.

Academic monies exempted that are earned by a student-athlete make their keyring much more heavier with more keys to unlock doors, when used in conjunction with baseball talents.
1:50 and still no return phone call from the NCAA.
Gee, maybe no one has the answer!!!! Ok, I'll chalk it up to TGIF and staff busy with their email or taking lessons on interpretation? Roll Eyes

I was under the impression, always for years, anyone with blended money was a counter, but only their athletic counted in the 11.7. Anyone without athletic aid is not a counter, was never a counter, will never be a counter and not counted. The new rules do not change that.
Last edited by TPM
The Ivy League schools should do much better as a result of these changes with the best retention rates (mid to high 90's). and no athletic scholarships. I have two dauthters at Columbia Univeristy so I'm a little biased. When the APR penalties start to kick in the LSU's, ULL's with 50 man rosters will become less competitive. I checked the LSU baseball website and their fall roster lists 40 players. Unless they cut 5 players between now and the first game they will not be in compliance. There are 13 freshman. I think he'll have to cut 4 non scholarship freshman. 13 players are juniors and only 4 are seniors. One Senior catcher jc transfer batted .128 in 55 at bats and one Senior pitcher jc transfer had 9.75 ERA. The other two seniors were solid. Of the 13 juniors, 7 are new JC transfers, and the other 6 were fairly solid at pitching or hitting. So far, without further analysis, it appears 2 Seniors are subject to being cut and may never see the college baseball field again. The only thing that might prevent this is if for some odd reason they were promised Senior Year Scholarships, but with so many JC transfers, I'm pretty sure their allotment was used to fund the transfers. Of the 9 Sohpomores, 4 contributed significantly as freshman and 5 did not or hardly played, of which two were pitchers who saw minimal innings. Four of the 40 are catchers, one of which is a freshman who is also an outfielder. One senior is a catcher who hit only .128...he's question. This is what's going on at one of the best baseball institutions in the nation under pressure to win again. If some on this site are correct, the LSU roster listed on the website better not be the official one, otherwise LSU is in violation right now.
The body count at LSU one year ago when the ND boys arrived had about 49 kids listed. With 13 recruits from 2007 in the fold, that is 62 players, and only 40 remain.

How many graduated, and how many went pro ? If that total say, was 10, then 12 players left the program early.

The rule starts 8/1/08, but when you think about it, the planning for it started the day the CWS ended, or soon after.

No D1 at this time can/is going to recruit/offer/NLI 2008 kids in excess anymore unless some coach cuts a boatload of his players.

November 2008 NLI's, those that receive baseball monies will become counters the following August in 2008. A coach has to figure out his counters that he thinks will remain before he determines the # of spots he will be "allowed" to fill.
To all,
NCAA is alive and well at 4:30 pm on a friday afternoon.
BBHD is correct.

I sw someone from the baseball group, unless member services states otherwise, the roster of 35 has to be compliant ONE day before REGULAR season competition. Fall compliance is no more than the allowed counters, you can have as many "walkons" as you wish. Recruited walkons, with NO commitment are walk ons, well he's not sure of that term actually, a walk on is a walk on, just a walk on asked to come tryout by the coach, unless the recruited walk on is given anything that needs to be counted it has got to be 25%, then he's a counter without an NLI. But recruited walk ons given NOTHING are walk ons and are NOT in the 27. If the walk on makes it to spring, he becomes part of the 35 man roster. Did you all get that?

One more thing, the new rules are the new rules, there's no voting, it is NCAA legislation, with the 60 day overide. To meet again and discuss things, there has to be a certain percentage of schools that have asked for override. Right now it is quiet for overrides to force another meeting.
Last edited by TPM
Yes you can start to begin to think you are losing your mind. OS's citing of rules have been helpful.

As discussed the 25% goes into effect for Aug, 1, 2008. All current players before that are grandfathered in. As far as getting MORE if you are getting less, I am to presume you stay the same, but again everything is so confusing. Next year the max is 30 qualified counters and I think the 27 begins in 2010? This gives coaches time to adjust their $$ BUT everything else begins next year.
The last time to tranfer is this fall without sittng out a year?
Last edited by TPM
Thank you for the response ... agree that these changes are definitely confusing. I would not like to be on the other side of the recruiting bench. Those receiving less could remain the same ("grandfathering") or possibly be increased to meet the requirement or because of a positive season's contributions. Guess we have a few wrinkles to watch ironed somewhat.
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
Yes you can start to begin to think you are losing your mind. OS's citing of rules have been helpful.

As discussed the 25% goes into effect for Aug, 1, 2008. All current players before that are grandfathered in.

For bobble, I told him I agreed, but I did say this, and I will stick to it:

My conclusion is that there were always 2 rosters, one in the Fall and one just prior to the spring season. The only difference now is that both will be basically identical, where under the "old rules", the Fall roster included many kids that didn't make the spring roster for whatever reasons, and some of those had well over 40 kids on them?

TPM, if the NCAA told you existing players are grandfather IN, doesn't that sound like they are brought up to speed with the new rules?

If an existing player is currently less than 25%, and is a contributor, you better believe that if they are not "upped" to 25%, the coaches will have some angry customers?

A D1 head coach I know told me that all counters have to be 25% regardless of when they arrived, so now we have another quirk to research if he is accurate.
I think the grandfather is for existing grants and academic money and not BB money.
the fall can can have a lot more than 40 guys . Must be pared down by spring. Non counters can raise the numbers and guys who already play for the team with academic money that would constitue a counter don't because of the grandfather. That is my unde4rstanding.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
Originally posted by OLDSLUGGER8:
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
Yes you can start to begin to think you are losing your mind. OS's citing of rules have been helpful.

As discussed the 25% goes into effect for Aug, 1, 2008. All current players before that are grandfathered in.

For bobble, I told him I agreed, but I did say this, and I will stick to it:

My conclusion is that there were always 2 rosters, one in the Fall and one just prior to the spring season. The only difference now is that both will be basically identical, where under the "old rules", the Fall roster included many kids that didn't make the spring roster for whatever reasons, and some of those had well over 40 kids on them?

TPM, if the NCAA told you existing players are grandfather IN, doesn't that sound like they are brought up to speed with the new rules?

If an existing player is currently less than 25%, and is a contributor, you better believe that if they are not "upped" to 25%, the coaches will have some angry customers?

A D1 head coach I know told me that all counters have to be 25% regardless of when they arrived, so now we have another quirk to research if he is accurate.

Minimum Scholarship Amount Reduced
Posted Aug. 10, 2007 5:08 pm by Aaron Fitt
Filed under: Around The Nation

The NCAA Division I Board of Directors did not delay the implementation of a minimum scholarship threshold for college baseball as the sport’s academic enhancement group proposed, but it did amend the controversial legislation at its Thursday meeting.

Schools will now be required to offer at least a 25 percent aid package to all scholarship players, rather than the 33 percent that was approved in April. In order to make the change more palatable to underfunded schools that had protested the change, programs that have less than 11.7 scholarships at their disposal will be able to use countable institutional aid to get to 25 percent. This means underfunded programs will be able to stretch their funds a little farther than they otherwise would have by giving out more need-based aid.

“If you had five scholarships and you had to give 33 percent to each kid, theoretically you could only have 15 kids on scholarship,” said LSU coach Paul Mainieri, a member of the working group that will continue to study this issue in the next year. “Now, with 25 percent, you can have 20 kids, and you can stretch it further with the institutional aid.”

The lower scholarship threshold also gives fully funded schools a little more wiggle room in case something unexpected happens with their rosters.

“This gives you more flexibility–not a lot, it’s still going to be very restrictive, much more than we’re used to doing, but this is the way the rule is, so we’re just going to have to abide by it,” Mainieri said.


What is that? If it is academic money exempt under the GPA criteria, then it was only countable to the individual and not the program equivalencies. My guess is that they mean to the individual as all press on this matter leads to that conclusion.

So another term needs defining/clarification as to who its counted originally against to determine if it qualifies to the individual 25% rule.
Last edited by OLDSLUGGER8

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