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Originally posted by Panther Dad:

I hope you all have a chance to meet John Fuqua (DBAT 18 GM) one day -- he is a good guy.

I am sure he is and I look forward to meeting him someday. PD - you can't expect to have this much DBAT rah-rah and not get a little razzing Razz in return and .... as I recall, several current DBATers have acknowledged having other hats in their closets (clown or vegas colors).
Last edited by cheapseats
Round 5
DBAT 17 d. Dallas Panthers 18 (7-0)
Dallas Tigers 17 d. Dallas Patriots 18 (9-3)

Round 6
DBAT 18....2/5/1
DBAT 17....1/6/1

WP - Victor Black
LP - Chay Lytle

Round 7 (Championship Game)
DBAT 18....17/16/2
Tigers 17....7/9/1

WP - Michael Bolsinger
LP - Keith Leerskov


Our kids played well and worked hard this week. Wish we could play in AABC qualifiers every weekend because the play is so intense. Hated to have to play our 17s today in an elimination game - they gave us all we wanted and it was a close one. First time our group had played the DBAT 17 and Tigers 17 teams. Those two teams have been moving up the age groups and battling each other for years and I have to say are both exceptional.

Rundown of our games:

DBAT 18 d. Dallas Mustangs-Wade (5-0)
DBAT 18 d. Mckinney Marshals (9-2)
DBAT 18 d. Dallas Patriots (10-2)
DBAT 18 d. Dallas Tigers 17 (5-2)
DBAT 18 d. DBAT 17 (2-1)
DBAT 18 d. Dallas Tigers 17 (17-7)
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
Thanks for the kudos SWAC, Cheapseats and OBN. Thanks PD for the kind words.

Cheap - No offense intended about the BBI Premier Divisions. Just want to promote all of the teams and their kids and hope to convince a couple of other orgs to come join us.

OBN - Meeting you was one of the highlights of the tourney. Smile

Was disappointed that TRAIN didn't stop by the dugout this weekend. Frown
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
Congrats to DBAT - and BBI Premier for that matter... sounds like all of the teams made a good run at staying in as long as possible...

with that said... were there any Lone Star teams in that tourney, or Super 8 teams?

with this being said earlier:


I know SC had his big team in his Mustang Classic... but how did other Mustang teams/Marshals/whoever else do?

Sounds like some good baseball was being played...
BBI Premier Teams:

DBAT 18 (6-0)
Dallas Tigers 17 (4-2)
DBAT 17 (3-2)
Dallas Panthers 18 (2-2)
Dallas Patriots 18 (2-2)

Lonestar teams:

Metro Pirates (2-2)
McKinney Marshals 17 (1-2)
Mustangs-Hendricks (1-2) was against Mustangs-Ross
Mustangs-Wade (0-2)
Mustangs-Ross (0-2)

Mustangs-Carpenter didn't play because they have an automatic bid to the Regional since Lonestar is the host league for the Regional.

McKinney Marshals 18 did not play in the qualifier.

No Super 8 teams played.
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
DBAT GM - My memory may be fading but I think the regional host (a McKinney team) for the Mickey Mantle regional qualifier also gets a bid to the MMWS, I could be wrong so if I am someone let me know.

It is my understanding that the winner of the McKinney 16U league gets to host the MMWS. I have no idea what that city league is called but the team has to be comprised of a certain number (if not all) of McKinney residents. I believe in years past there have been no 16U teams in the city league so they have assembled a team to represent the city in the MMWS.

In Farmington the host team for the CMWS is the team that wins their local 18U league. Last year the team that won that league was at our Regional tournament scouting games in order to pick up a couple of players for the CMWS.
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
The host team does not organize either the CMWS or the MMWS. That is done by a committee and usually a large one at that. In both McKinney and Farmington these fine people do a tremendous job and are nationally respected for their efforts.

The host teams are normally the one's that win a local league and play in the tournament as a representative of the hosting city.
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
It is my understanding that the host team for the MMWS this year will be the McKinney Mavericks, coached by Robert Spengler. The roster must include 80% McKinney residents, I think. One of the top MMWS guys posts here on a faily regular basis -- he can fill in the facts -- including how the host team is determined on a yearly basis. It is not related to the results of any league outside of McKinney.
Look Diablo, I might not have coached HS baseball since 1993 but I know from reading most of your posts that you usually have very little that is constructive to say Smile....Diablo Meaning #1: one of the evil spirits of traditional Jewish and Christian belief....My HO is just that. My point which I would hope a HS coach would have picked up on was that the DFW area isn't producing State Championship winning programs.
Originally posted by Diablo con Huevos:
bad quote there... from what MEATSdad said earlier about BBI Premier and Lone Star being equal... how did lone Star teams finish??? Which top Lone star teams were NOT in tourney that could have made some noise?

KG Thank you for getting my point and my confusion.

"I think it is important to understand with your post that most do not consider the HS season of primary importance.

Not that it should or shouldn't be that way, but recognizing that summer baseball has become what a player will attach his talent identity with."

Congratulations to DBat 18 and to GM for the great tournament!!!!

My HO came from watching about only a dozen games mostly at the 15/16 level, but some at the 17/18 level.

I would love to see one "premier" league where the top teams and talent played each other but I'm still not sure that would serve the best interest of area baseball. It would serve the individual players....iron sharpening iron...

Hey Catcher don't you have any words of enlightenment for us?

I enjoy reading and learning from you all ...even I need another cup of coffee...and some con Huevos.
by Cheapseats:According to the Lone Star League website Mustangs-Carpenter were 17-0 in league play for 2005 so for that year the league winner and Mustangs-Carpenter were probably one and the same. I have no idea how the standings are shaping up for 2006.
If you are inferring that the Mustangs-Carpenter earn that host spot in the Regional I can assure you that this is not so. Not saying that it is right or wrong but simply that in this case the team has already been determined.

AABC does not allow a team to host an AABC State, Regional or World Series tournament. An AABC sanctioned league must be the host. It is then up to the league to set up who is to represent them at the tournament. In this case Lonestar chooses to have the Mustangs-Carpenter represent them at the Regional regardless of league play outcome. If the McKinney Marshals go 15-0 and Mustangs-Carpenter go 5-10 in Lonestar league play it doesn't matter. Again, there is nothing wrong with this as that is the preferred way for that league.

My teams have always played in BBI and every time BBI has ever hosted an AABC State, Regional or World Series the team that represented BBI did so based upon merit. Up until a couple of years ago, BBI hosted the MM Regional each year and that made for fierce competition in 16U league play because the 16U league champion got an automatic berth into the Regional as the host team. I personally would not have my team play in a league that did not open that slot up to a competitive process - but that is by choice. BBI is not run by a single person but rather by a Board of Directors and the coaches of the 16U and 18U leagues vote before each season on how they will play their league schedule and how the post-season slots will be allotted. Quite simply, this democratic process is the preferred method for my team.

I am glad that people are choosing to become educated in the AABC process as IMO it is by far the most prestigious tournament series in youth baseball. Ultimately, if you are playing in any league it doesn't matter which one as long as you are playing.

I do want to see the best teams playing the best teams in a single league because it helps the players within that league get better by playing each other (iron sharpening iron was a nice quote) and it makes for an incredible exposure environment for all the teams involved. I realize not all teams and players can play in this league and there is no simple answer to how you can appease well over 100 North Texas teams but IMO one league for the best teams is a great answer for those involved. It would seem that the trickle down effect makes other teams strive to be included in that league thus improving their teams and metroplex baseball as a whole in the process.

Gotta go now. Late for church.
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
"I think it is important to understand that most do not consider the HS season of primary importance"

This may be correct, but by whom? The coaches, the kids, or the parents.

When my son first started taking pitching lessons from Steve Busby when he was 10 years old, Steve ask me what I hoped to accomplish by doing this.
My answer was to hopefully help my son make his high school team and be a solid contributor. I did not say so he could make a select team, or prepare him for a college team or play pro ball.
I think the parents have made high school baseball less important (or seem less important) than it is or should be. In most kids 10-16, high school baseball is still very important. Maybe not in the parents big picture of things, but in the kids hearts, making and playing on their high school team, representing their school and city it is very important. And as a parent,I am very proud when I see my son wearing his school colors and pitching for his hometown.
Last edited by Danny Boydston
IMO the importance of HS ball varies greatly from each school to school. Kids that attend schools that are continously at the top will place more importance on HS baseball. Kids at schools that are on the borderline care but the ones on top summer teams still consider the school season a warm-up to summer ball. The kids on top select teams that attend the not so good schools can't wait until summer ball. I realize that this may not be the popular way to think, but with my experience in my own HS, along with discussion with everyone on my summer team, the perception of HS varies greatly.
Last edited by Dtiger
Originally posted by theygrowupfast:
"I think it is important to understand that most do not consider the HS season of primary importance"

This may be correct, but by whom? The coaches, the kids, or the parents.

When my son first started taking pitching lessons from Steve Busby when he was 10 years old, Steve ask me what I hoped to accomplish by doing this.
My answer was to hopefully help my son make his high school team and be a solid contributor. I did not say so he could make a select team, or prepare him for a college team or play pro ball.
I think the parents have made high school baseball less important (or seem less important) than it is or should be. In most kids 10-16, high school baseball is still very important. Maybe not in the parents big picture of things, but in the kids hearts, making and playing on their high school team, representing their school and city it is very important. And as a parent,I am very proud when I see my son wearing his school colors and pitching for his hometown.

I believe that your thoughts on this topic are right on.

Although, the quote you copied me on refers to the upper tier players as my post often states.

I wish HS baseball was of primary importance to all to promote more community support.

Although, when a scout can see the best of the best compete against each other, the select arena will offer this rather than HS.
Originally posted by DBAT 18 GM:

I personally would not have "MY" team

And in this exact quote, is the downfall in amatuer baseball as I know it.

DBAT GM, you have gone far enough. You may uplift the kids you associate yourself with as much as you want. As I personally think that is one of you best qualities.

But, I warn you, when you start promoting the DBAT organization and especially the DBAT 18U team as "your" team, I will do my best for all who read to understand what exactly goes on behind the scenes.

As for now, I will lay in the weeds and pretend like I didn't see that quote. Unless you chose to do otherwise that is.
I agree for the most part with TGUF, when my son was 7 and went to his first summer camp hosted by the local HS Coach (who is now at Argyle) he told me his ultimate goal was to make that team's Varsity squad when he got to HS, it wasn't to be a pro baseball player, it wasn't to play in college it was HS baseball. And even today as an 07 player the goal he shoots for the most is to be a starting/contributing member of the Varsity Squad.......

Each summer, from age 11 on, leading up to HS he played select baseball, and to him that was a seperate situation. Goal was still HS baseball and select ball in the summer was a way to seek out better competition, which in turn would challenge him as a player, to meet other ballplayers that were no longer chasing butterfly's in the outfield or playing silly games in the dugout he wanted to be around ballplayers not kids playing ball..... but keeping in mind that he was still setting his sites on that goal to of making that school's Varsity team when he got to HS.....

Now that he has attained the goal of making the Varsity squad he still values/respects and dedicates himself to that team from Sept-May but come summer it is about select baseball. Last summer was the exception when he played on the HS only team due to a request by our coach, because of last summer he values the select arena even more so..... the competition, the change of venue's, the coaching and the dedication that is displayed by not only the players but the parents......

As a parent I love the opportunity I get to spend the summer's with a new/diverse group of parents and players. My son and I both gain new friendships and experiences that we can't/don't get w/HS baseball. And the political issues that we have in the HS ranks just don't exsist w/select in the way they do in HS.

High School baseball is all about representing your school and that is tradition and a time honored passage. HS ball is about playing with "what you have" (that is unless your school is creative about getting players Wink) and seeing where you can take your team....Select ball is all about choices, you tryout and evaluate teams and decide what is a good fit and you have the option year in/year out to stay with this decision or move on.

Most of all I tell my son honor your committment for the season you are in, in otherwords I tell my son 3/4 of the year you are dedicated to the HS and that coach and then in the summer you are dedicated to your select team............learn to balance, learn to switch gears and give 100% to both.

Having different teams to choose from and different leagues only makes summer ball more interesting and competitive. With each new team/league/facility comes choices and comes variety and hopefully more avenues for players to get what "they need" to make the summer a better growing experience for them as a player and in the end that will not only benefit them as a player but it should in turn benefit their HS team.

Hence the name SELECT......players select where to play, Coaches Select who they want and Leagues Select who they want to compete with..............

And BTW: the 17 Marshal's went 2-2 this weekend they won yesterday afternoon against the team from NM.
Last edited by oldbat-never
Great post OBN.

As what's truely important out of all of this is the life lessons you learn along the way.

Lessons can be learned regardless of what level, team, or season.

If your child can become a better person because of baseball, you have achieved the single most productive part of the game in my opinion.

Again, nice post.
Originally posted by DBAT 18 GM:
by Cheapseats:According to the Lone Star League website Mustangs-Carpenter were 17-0 in league play for 2005 so for that year the league winner and Mustangs-Carpenter were probably one and the same. I have no idea how the standings are shaping up for 2006.
If you are inferring that the Mustangs-Carpenter earn that host spot in the Regional I can assure you that this is not so.

DBAT GM - don't think I said that and no I did not mean to infer that....I am simply pointing out that if the bid had been extended in the way you are proposing it would have been the Mustangs-Carpenter for 2005. I am not sure what the answer is to the concern you have raised but I don't think it will get solved or answered on this website ... Sam is not present on HSbaseball web (I don't think) to defend himself so I don't know that we have all the information or all the facts.

In regard to league play, I have a different perspective than you do since I am a parent and not a coach but I do not spend a lot of time questioning what league or WS my sons team plays in....we look for a reputable club with good coaching then after we are on-board we show up when and where we are told ...
Last edited by cheapseats
Nice post OBN - I agree with the approach you have taken with your son.

Like you, our primary goal for our son in the early years (9-14) was to prepare for baseball so that he could be a contributor on the high school team should he decide to play in high school. If he had said, "I don't like this game I want to be done" when it came time for HS ball we would have been fine with that (sad but fine). However, he thrives on the game and is happy to spend every evening of his summer playing baseball. An added bonus .... if you are playing ball every night you have little time for other distractions that could lead teenagers astray.
Last edited by cheapseats
Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:
Great post OBN.

As what's truely important out of all of this is the life lessons you learn along the way.

Lessons can be learned regardless of what level, team, or season.

If your child can become a better person because of baseball, you have achieved the single most productive part of the game in my opinion.

Again, nice post.

DTiger made an important observation about kids wanting to do well for their high school if the program was established and reputable. (Paraphrased)

KG is right with life's lessons! I think it's important for the kids who aren't in established programs, but are difference makers to do their best to step up and make their high school exprerience a positive one for all involved. Just because the program might not be top priority, doesn't mean the athlete shouldn't do everything in their power to promote it positively.

Originally posted by Panter Dad:
I love high school baseball!

Me, too.
Last edited by collikar
Originally posted by SWAC:
Originally posted by cheapseats:
Dtiger - I think the McKinney Thunder (Coach Eubanks) hosted it two years ago....

(Disclaimer - fuzzy memory involved, I could be wrong...)

Two years ago the host was the McKinney Mavericks.

I believe the way this works for the MMWS is that a "McKinney" team has to be the host. I think there is a league rule that states 80% of the players must reside in MISD for that team to be eligible to be the MMWS host team. Therefore, almost every year, the Mavericks are the only "eligible" team. Not necessarily with the best McKinney players, but the one with the most. It seems to work for this tournament and those players that want to play in that tournament can join the Mavericks and get their shot at it.

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