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Question away. I played the game. I also understand that doing whatever it takes to win a game is what led to the steroid era.

If he gets drilled and doesn't get a base he'll never do it again. That's up to the umpires.

Like I said earlier, if he gets drilled and simply takes his base then I'm fine with it all.
Last edited by CADad
Redbird and TR: I played D-1. My coach did not condone cheating. My coach preferred we stay in the box and hit the ball rather than try to act our way to first.

I dislike the lying and cheating. I was raised by a father who taught me that the way a man plays sports is indicative of the way he lives his life.

I believe Jeter, while a good player, is lacking in integrity. Evidence? 1. He does everything he can to earn an Oscar and to convince the umpire he was HBP. 2. Then he throws the umpire under the bus when speaking to the press. He wants to have it both ways...he wants credit for turning a fairball and certain out into a HBP, then he wants to blame the umpire for giving him first. This is the behavior that has earned players the nickname of "Rat" in some umpiring circles.

Previous evidence? He lied to his manager and to the press about what an umpire told him after being called out on a tag play at third. There is more and more. Jeter is not the choir boy NY fans believe.

Integrity, as I teach my students, is doing the right thing even when no one is looking. God only knows what Jeter does when thousands of people aren't watching him.

I am not naive. I know this goes on. I am not surprised players cheat. What amazes me is that many people, several on this board, can accept players purposefully cheating, even cheering them on, yet roast an umpire who makes an honest mistake.

But, what the's job secruity. As I read recently on another board, "If players and coaches didn't lie and cheat, there would be no need for umpires."
Originally posted by redbird5:
And what's the penalty when a WR acts as if he catches a ball when he really doesn't??! If yo uguys are looking for a player to be a role model, you're looking in the wrong direction.

Those who didn't play have a problem with this. This has been going on since the beginning of baseball. A phantom tag and sell job is the same thing as what Jeter big deal.

You and those that say this is part of the game and has been forever are 100% correct.

This incident is much different than taking a cheap shot, the umpire awarded base and he took it, what player would have turned around and told the umpire his call was wrong when it was in his favor? I hope mine never does that. Eek
Umpire's calls, good and bad are part of the game, when they become THE game is when you have a problem.

Sports is entertainment and the dramatics are part of the entertainment.
That is another one that has it's own penalty built in. If I'm the runner and the other fielders follow your lead I'm going to take another base if you don't get the call. BTW, I'd equate that to quietly heading toward first trying not to rub it and not to what Jeter did. Umpires are used to all the things you've mentioned. They aren't used to the elaborate and probably unnecessary act.

Of course Jeter should get drilled "that's been a part of the game and has been forever." Maddon played it right. Now he won't get tossed when they drill Jeter. We'll just have to wait and see if a situation comes up where they can do that.
Last edited by CADad
Jimmy your an umpire and from your posts I bet a very good one. I would expect you to feel this way. In your eyes the player cheated the game , was dishonest , showed up the umpire , etc etc. In my eyes the player did what he had to do to get on base. Just like players do what they have to do to sell a call on a swipe tag. Or try to pick up signals. Or deek a cut. Or a base coach pointing fair on a ball hit down the line.

I would not expect any umpire to appreciate what Jeter did. As a coach I have no problem with what he did. He got on base. We all have our own opinions. It sure wouldnt be much fun if we all agreed all the time thats for sure.
Jimmy I just want to add the vast majority of coaches I know respect the heck out of the umpires. They have a job to do and it is not only much appreciated but respected as well. Just like there are some poor coaches there are some poor umpires. And just like coaches are not perfect neither are umpires. Mistakes will be made. But that is part of the game. I have always been one of those people that believes it all evens out sooner or later.
Originally posted by CADad:
That is another one that has it's own penalty built in. If I'm the runner and the other fielders follow your lead I'm going to take another base if you don't get the call.

Of course Jeter should get drilled "that's been a part of the game and has been forever." Maddon played it right. Now he won't get tossed when they drill Jeter. We'll just have to wait and see if a situation comes up where they can do that.

1) There is no penalty built in for selling a swipe tag. No one else runs off the field until the call is made.

2) So...according to your logic...a guy should get drilled for selling a missed swipe tag and/or acting as if a ball hit off his foot when topped to 3B?

This conversation is absolutely nuts.
I think Jeter is a great player because he brings all the intangibles to a team you want a player to bring to your team. Sure there are guys who can field better. Sure there are guys who can hit better. But Jeter brings something to the table that very few can bring to the table. He is a winner.

Were there better QB's than Tebow? No doubt.

Jeter plays the game the way I want my players to play the game. And yes that includes finding a way on base anyway you can.

I am not a Yankees fan. But I sure am a Jeter fan. Just like I was not a Brewers fan. But I sure loved watching Molitor play. And Yount won't too shabby either.
So let me ask this. Was it OK, a couple of years ago against Toronto I think, when A-Rod yelled "I got it" as he ran by the 3rd baseman?.

I thought that was bush league and I thought what Jeter did was bush league.

I don't think Jeter is that great of a shortstop in the last few years. In 2006 he was awarded the Rawlings Gold Glove when he was clearly not the best defensive SS that year. The media and Yankee fans love to put Jeter on a pedastal. Here on the west coast we get sick of the praise that the media has for him. When I was at the All Star Game in Anaheim this year, Jeter and A-Rod got the biggest boos from the crowd.
The insults are not appreciated. I understand your points and don't really disagree with them. My own opinion is that yes it is part of the game but this particular instance was overboard. It is just my opinion. In the meantime I'm having a bit of fun with people who so strongly believe that Jeter can do no wrong. I sat at a Yankee game and listened to a really nice (I'm serious) woman next to me yell "A-Rod ya bum, Jeter we loves ya" for an entire game. We were there wearing Angels caps and were well treated by the Yankee fans so my impression is that they're good people unless you are a Red Sox fan. That was last year. I think A-Rod had a pretty good season. I think Jimmy has a pretty good take on where Jeter really comes from.
Last edited by CADad
Yelling I got it is bush league. And I find it hard to believe that people can't figure out the difference in trying to sell a call and playing bush baseball. When your trying to sell a call your working against the umpire. When your yelling I got it your working against your apponent in a personal way.

The neighborhood play at 2B vs going in high with the spikes at 2B.
The swipe tag phantom tag tossing the ball and running off the field vs blocking the bag and throwing your knee into a runners face.
The swipe tag at 1st base when the throw pulls you off and acting like you made the tag vs not clearing the path for the runner when you can.

Players play the game with respect for the opponent and do not do anything to the opponent that they would not want done to them.
It is not the players job to ensure that the umpires get the calls right. Just like it is not the umpires job to ensure that the players make the proper decisions playing the game.

"Mr Umpire no the ball did not hit me."

"Hey SS you need to appeal that play he missed 2B."

Oh how unfair for the umpire not to tell the mif that the runner missed the bag. You know we just want to get it right.
By the way do you think the reason Jeter and ARod got the most Boos has something to do with the fact they play in NY? Could it be that they get booed because they are Yankees? Now why would so many fans of other teams boo a Yankee? Could it be because they win so much? Or could it be all the media attention that they get for playing in NY?

Those same clowns booing them would be wearing their jerseys at the same game if they played on their team. Now tell me thats not the truth?
I think if he was hitting .400 and was 4 for 4 with 4 home runs in the game, he would have done the exact same thing. The team needed a baserunner. He got on base. It's the umpire's job to determine the correct call. Not Jeter's. It's also not Jeter's job to try to have everyone in the game like him. It's his job to help his team win. If that means taking advantage of an umpire's mistake for the betterment of the team, then that's what is going to happen.

That's how I was taught to play the game. Do whatever you can within the realm of the game to help your team win. Is he going to get thrown at next time around? Probably. It was a dirty play. But baseball is a dirty game.

I really don't know how this thread turned into a moral discussion about steroids and the skill level of a surefire first ballot HOFamer, but I see nothing wrong with what Jeter did. And neither did the opposing manager...
The only problem I had with what happened was the extreme he went to after he got the call. That was a little over board imo. I will def admit to that. But I have no problem trying to fool an umpire.

2-2 count big pitch big time in the game. I have been sitting there quiet the entire game. We throw one low and away "Yep there it is.!" Yes hoping to influence the call. Now I know a quality umpire is not going to go for that. But maybe just maybe I will help us get the call. No different than coaching 3rd base with a 2 man crew. Shot hit down the lf line. Close one and I instantly throw my arm into fair territory. Yeah I am hoping to help my team out. And on the same token if I dont get the call I never say a word.

If this is wrong in some peoples eyes then I am guilty. But I have been guilty of worse in my younger days. lol
JH that post is just another reason why you are my hero. Man I love the way you think.

Is it cheating when an umpire opens up the strike zone and a kid who never gets ab's gets rung up on a BS call? His mom and dad have been sitting through game after game to get a chance to see their kid play and he finally gets an ab and gets shafted?

Is it cheating when an umpire sees a player miss a bag and he doesn't inform the mif and the runner scores the winning run and a teams season ends when the run scores?

Is it cheating when a kid hits a 2 run walk off HR in the state finals and he is called out for missing 1B?

Is it cheating when a kid hits a 2 run walk off HR in the state finals and never touches 1B but it is ignored?

Is it cheating when an umpire calls the automatic 3-0 strike?

Is it cheating when an umpire calls a strike on a hitter because he stared him down on a previous pitch call?

Is it cheating when an umpire sqeezes a pitcher because he has shown disgust with a previous pitch call?

Is it cheating when a poor catcher turns a strike into looking like a pitch way off the plate and the umpire calls a ball because he doesnt want to look like he missed the call?

Is it cheating when an umpire decides the game is over and its time to hurry up and get 27?

Now I am starting to burn up space almost as bad as Yardbird. So I will stop because I got about 2,000 more of these.

Baseball players will agree with me. The good coaches will too. Thats all that matters to me.
Originally posted by Coach_May:

Is it cheating when an umpire opens up the strike zone and a kid who never gets ab's gets rung up on a BS call?


Is it cheating when an umpire sees a player miss a bag and he doesn't inform the mif and the runner scores the winning run and a teams season ends when the run scores?

No, MLB doesn't allow it. It used to done in Fed, but no longer,

Is it cheating when a kid hits a 2 run walk off HR in the state finals and he is called out for missing 1B?

How can you ask this? This is an acutal violation of the rules. If it is properly appealed by the opposing team, he is called out. You should ask is if it is cheating if the miss is ignored.

Is it cheating when a kid hits a 2 run walk off HR in the state finals and never touches 1B but it is ignored?

Ignored by whom? Can't call it if it isn't appealed

Is it cheating when an umpire calls the automatic 3-0 strike?

If it's not a strike, yes.

Is it cheating when an umpire calls a strike on a hitter because he stared him down on a previous pitch call?


Is it cheating when an umpire sqeezes a pitcher because he has shown disgust with a previous pitch call?


Is it cheating when a poor catcher turns a strike into looking like a pitch way off the plate and the umpire calls a ball because he doesnt want to look like he missed the call?

It is cheating if an umpire knowingly calls a strike a ball.

Is it cheating when an umpire decides the game is over and its time to hurry up and get 27?

It is cheating if the umpire calls outs or strikes that are not there. It is not cheating to speed up the game without violating rules.

Baseball players will agree with me. The good coaches will too. Thats all that matters to me.

This former D1 first baseman does not agree with you and neither does the varsity coach at my school. It's never good to generalize or try to classify one by an opinion.
In some of those instances I dont have a problem with it. Not at all. And in some of those instances I have a serious problem with it. In other words its not a black and white game. Not every situation is clear cut - black and white.

A few years back a young man hits a walk off 2 run hr in the bottom of the 7th in the state finals. The place goes crazy. The umpire's clear the field and call the hitter out for missing 1B. And from accounts of fans he did. They went on to lose in extra innings. Right call by the rule book? Yes. Right call in my book? BS call. Him touching 1B had nothing to do with the outcome of the game the players had decided it. But the umpire stepped in and made the call. You as an umpire will say the rules are the rules. Me as a coach will say BS.

The speed limit is 35. A person gets a ticket for going 36 in a 35. Is that the spirit of the written law? But hey he broke the law. There is the written law and the spirit of the law.

A catcher drops a strike on the black. Pops right out of his glove rolls on the ground under the batters feet. Called a strike. Was a strike. I have no problem with it being called a ball. Catch the ball if you want a strike. And if its called a strike fine its a strike.

This is just my opinion but everything in this game is not black and white. You calling Jeter a cheater for selling a hbp is exactly what I would expect an umpire to say. Me saying he was just trying to get on base and help his team anyway he could is exactly what most coaches and players would say. At least the ones I know.

Jimmy your going to do what you do because you believe in the way you do it no matter what I say. The same goes for me. You umpire in a black and white world. I dont coach that way. You have a rule book you enforce. I will drive as fast as I can in that 35 mph zone until I find out just how fast I can drive without getting a ticket. And so will everyone else I am playing against.
People who know me around here know I ain't shy about expressing an opinion. What I love about this thread is that each opposing argument I read, I agree with part of it.

That no doubt is why I saw the very first post by Jimmy and the next time I came, there were six pages of comments.

I'm still not (after perusing the posts) completely decided on the issue. I think I lean Coach May's way. But this thread has illustrated what is great about this site more than any thread I can remember.

How fun!
I grew up in New York. I was 6 when Jeter was a rookie. I don't know what it's like to watch a Yankee game without Derek Jeter at shortstop. He is my idol, he always has been and always will be.

I don't like A-Rod. I think he is incredibly talented, but he needs to keep his mouth shut. He doesn't fit the "Yankee" mold. I couldn't care less if he was no longer in pinstripes. But if he did this in this same situation, I would have the same opinion. As a baseball player, I have to respect doing whatever you can for your team.

Baseball is a very subjective sport that is filled with a lot of human elements and a lot of egos. There are a lot of unwritten rules in the game. A lot of the time, I really feel bad for umpires because the only time their job is exploited publicly is when they make a mistake. But not this's his job to make the right call. Jimmy- From what you've posted here and in the past I really believe you are a great umpire. You have a great sense of the game and are very passionate about the rather difficult task of umpiring a game. So please don't take any of this as umpire bashing. But the guy simply messed up. I don't blame Jeter (or anyone else that would have done this) at all.
Originally posted by Coach_May:
By the way do you think the reason Jeter and ARod got the most Boos has something to do with the fact they play in NY? Could it be that they get booed because they are Yankees? Now why would so many fans of other teams boo a Yankee? Could it be because they win so much? Or could it be all the media attention that they get for playing in NY?

Those same clowns booing them would be wearing their jerseys at the same game if they played on their team. Now tell me thats not the truth?

I do think that the majority boo them because they are from NY. Most baseball fans on the west coast get tired of the east coast biased we see and hear on TV. The Angels have owned the Yankees in the playoffs until last year and the Yankeees would still get all the hype.

Do I think Jeter is a good player......yes. Do I think A-Fraud is a good player ........yes. I even like Cano alot but he is still on the Yankees. Come to Anaheim someday when the Yanks or the Red Sox are playing. The people that come and cheer for the Sox or the Yanks are some of the most obnoxious fans ever and make going to a game unbearable. I wouldn't even take my son to those games for several years until he was old enough to handle it.

Look......I am new to the board and I am not trying to get into a flame war with anyone. I just thought I would try to contribute. I have a son thats a 2013 and I find very good info here. I did play when I was young but I am quickly realizing how serious it is when your kid gets to a high level of play. Again......I hope I can contribute now and then.

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