Originally posted by Swampboy:
You don't work with ANY umpires who pretend? Really? Please explain how that works. Do you make your own assignments? Have you given your association a list of umpires who meet your standards of perfect integrity? Do you pre-screen your partners in the parking lot when you're changing clothes? Or do you live in a parallel universe where umpires don't need a rule reminding them to value getting the call right above their own dignity? I gotta throw the BS flag on that one.
I dont pretend to speak for Jimmy, but I have to cut you off....Umpiring is a small fraternity and the higher you go in it, the smaller it is.....
In the associations I belong to, we all meet, go to clinics and work games with various partners....and its not long before you (rightly or wrongly) are judged on a number of criteria.....something on the lines of a pecking order....
Have I had to work a game with partners of lesser ability and sometimes lesser integrity?.......Yes I have.....but I wont ever work again with those with lesser integrity.......It may have cost me a few games back in the day, but it has opened more doors for me than it closed.....
I am fortunate to work a good amount of games with a regular partner who works the same levels that I do.....I then work with a pool of guys I am comfortable with....with their level of expertise and their ethics....
Our assignors know this dynamic exists in all my chapters...and they work with it...and the scrutiny that we undergo from leagues and coaches weeds out many such people from our ranks.....higher level Assignors have a short tolerance for problem children...
I only worked with a cheater once in my career....In a 3 man crew....we noticed the plate umpire pinching one team...and in the 3rd inning my partner and I walked in and had a "come to jesus" meeting with him....one more missed pitch and we were walking off to let him explain why he was now working solo....
What I am saying is that we all develop reputations as umpires....some good and unfortunately some bad.....and to the most part that I can, I avoid the working with the ones with bad reputations...even if it means I give up games....
Now, Jimmy has worked higher levels up the chain than I have or ever will....Im sure that the situation is somewhat similar...