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Anytime you bring up Bonds in a hitting discussion a part of me says, "yeah but that's
Bonds, (Barry Bonds)" In other words, "Let's keep the discussion to mere mortals so we can teach guys we work with how to hit."
I did hear Mickey Mantle say he swung for a HR every single time he went up there.
Still I'm with LOW on that: I want a guy to get a job done (situationally)... unless his name is Bonds, Mantle, Ruth.
Shep, having fun?....I know Scout is......

Not having fun having to defend position, over and over because of your condescending attitude...

Just go back to your conversation last night with LOW and put yourself in his shoes and even you sir will see who is out-a-line.

OH YEA, By the Way, LOW BB & SHEP are all part of the ESTABLISHMENT. So you know what that means, GOOD OLE BOYS STICK TOGETHER.

Last edited by Shepster
For the umpteenth time I've been banned.

For the umpteenth plus one time I've reregistered and it allows me to post.

But, I am not a huge fan of the establishment.

I am not RS, at least the RS I think you're talking about.

I am not in high school.

Blue Dog is not my dad.

And, Blue Dog is as close to describing a high level swing as you'll find on this site.

Boss Lady Mom? Believe we have an imposter here.
Wow. This has been interesting. Just a few thoughts from a nuetral party. Bluedog, I think it would be interesting to look at players as they take pitches. All put their front foot down but many do not rotate yet because they have not committed to the swing. I will have to watch some video of this myself to get a better look. I think it is also important for people to understand what their role is in baseball. David Eckstein with the Cardinals is a solid hitter, but would not be around long if he tried to hit homeruns on every pitch. All swings carry components of both types of swings. Many players including Pujols rotate more on the inside pitches and less on the outside. The main thing that many have pointed out before is that I have seen terrible swings by great hitters and beautiful swings by people that can't hit a lick. We have to be careful what we fall in love with. Lastly, "Situational hitting....Hitting up the middle, opposite field......Advancing runners, laying down the bunt.....What's the count?..How many outs?..Where are the runners?" to me, this is what BASEBALL is all about; if it is non-sense, then we are talking about hitting only in a cage or a homerun derby.
Infopimp, many, here, can learn from you....... hi

Let's hear some dialogue on rotation in the swing......I look forward to what you have to say......You know, as well as I do, that rotation gets a bad rap on message boards overall.....Too much misinformtion being passed around.....Let's set the record straight..... clever
Don't think Blue would say that to you infopimp if you were the rider, must be somebody else...

Is Linear still an eligible poster here?

That RS would be the only other fit.

If it is RS Linear then I apologize in advance, but do change your sign on if you can bro. Please...infopimp is just not that appealing to the ESTABLISHMENT Smile
hsballcoach, nice post.....

My job is to teach hitters how to hit......

Eckstein doesn't get base hits by not swinging hard.....His homerun just may be a line drive over the infield and under the outfield.....But, when he hits this, his intent is to hit for the fence.....If he catches it real solid, it just may keep going......Truth is, if he didn't swing for the fence, Eckstein would be washed out.....

And, Pujols does rotate on every pitch, inside or outside.....MLB hitters don't turn rotation on, then turn it off.....Hitting outside pitches the opposite way has to do with bat angle, not lack of rotation....
Last edited by BlueDog
My job is to teach hitters how to hit......

Boy this gets old...but here you go Blue one more time. Will you please answer these questions. I'm on my knees beside my computer begging you....

What hitters do you teach?

What is the highest level you have reached?

Who is the best pitcher you have faced?

Have you ever coached college and/or pro hitters?

Talk is cheap PAL without creditionals.

What are your's?

I teach hit the first hittable pitch....We don't wait for a mistake pitch.....The pitcher does not dictate to us......And, the situation doesn't either......We expect to drive every pitch we hit.....Our intent is for every swing to be a homerun....

Blue; who is "we"?

Do "we" need to call the priest? bee

Just kidding brother bye dazeda
Last edited by Shepster

Be careful what you wish just might get it (lottery) Smile


I am going to give you what I believe you are trying to convey to us in statement worded in two different ways.

Be honest with me and tell me if I am close. Here it is>

Here it is again worded a little different Bluedog and I "THE SHEPSTER" do hereby give you permission to reproduce, publish, make money, or use these two statements in any fashion you wish to in instruction, teaching, or other message boards hyper meeting Shep agrees Blue. haha

The center or middle of body in rotation holds together the lower and upper halves and is actually the "cog that turns the wheel" Smile

Do I graduate?

Never said you weren't smart either, by the way. Just happen to think quite the opposite in fact Smile

Shep hi
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Brotherman LOW337,

Saw a good un today.

6'4"/225 HS first baseman with bloodlines to boot. Hits a ton! Thought I was watching Robert Redford in the Natural for a second-LOL

Not heavily scouted either. OFP would be great if he could run a little more but who cares if he can hit it thru the tops of the light poles.

Read your post on UT trip. Will not ask for any info because of confidentiality policies so you won't have to worry about that sir.

Thanks for compliment on other thread too bro.

Really gives me a reason to keep comimg back here when professionals like yourself recognize a scout's ability and give him credit for it as you have done for me. Just an associate and intrinsic rewards keep me going knowing that my time isn't being wasted.

I would also like to publicly thank you for that sir and will pray that the draft falls directly in line for this year and our God will bless you with a tassle of MLB selections.

Will respect confidentiality so nobody PM me looking for names and so forth because ya ain't gonna get 'em tater

Waiting for the Bluedog and info**** to arrive.
Can't even bring myself to type it because it doesn't match him. I liked Linear better. LOL

His identity will never be revealed by him anyway; however, bet we could bribe info-pimp.

Now that would be an idea. I'll get the hat out manana. Better yet, I'll make him an offer tonight if he shows. Would be worth every penny to know the Dog's identity. I'll PM him when he gets here Smile

Inquiring scouts, coaches, parents would like to know.

Maybe we can bribe swing. Swing? How much will it take to get Dog's ID? LOL

No pun just fun brothers. All in an attempt to prevent boredom. Would like to see others jump in tonight. Makes it interesting, for sure.

LOW, I am not a member of organized baseball as you know it.....I have no affiliation with any team or organization at any level of baseball.....I don't talk hitting with most coaches, as we mostly have nothing in common to talk about.....I teach only individual players......I do not teach groups for various reasons, mostly because I consider it a waste of my time......I do charge, but do not need the money.....If a kid can't afford to pay, I still work with them.......No bad attitudes, caps turned around, or bad work habits.....My students understand they must work hard and want to reach their potential.....I only work with players who are dissatisfied with their current instruction or coach and have been referred to me.....
Last edited by BlueDog

Question you can probably answer sir.

Do you know or have known gentleman in TENN who developed Perfect Swing videos and instruction back in early 90s. I'm being serious now.

I have studied those at great length and he also emphasized the middle/center as being "KEY".

You can use those statements up a few posts too if it will help your students. Smile

Shep Acknowledges
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I will not "rat out Doggy". I am for all that work with kids and I bet he is a good coach. A good coach understands all this and choses what works within the framework of the time and ability of the players.

My instinct sayd he can do that and make them better. Anybody that claims to make them all great must be coaching kids with less to do than me.

TIP: He does live in a large state that is home to the King Ranch
Swingbuster, our Quarter Horses have blood lines that go back to the King Ranch. My Wife and I have a Quarter Horse Business that is no longer a business. Now, they are pets. EXPENSIVE PETS. We are now down to 3 quarter horses when we used to run 15 out to pasture every morning.

Kinda back to the topic. I don't want to hijack this thread and so, I'm going to start a new thread about the purpose of the site and posters. It will be up in a minute.

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