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Just got back from the game. I am not a Bonds fan but that was impressive. The wind was just howling into Wrigley today. Straight in from center field. The flag was just stiff. The first one was on the first pitch he has seen in four days. It landed on Sheffeild Ave. No Doubt. The second one was on a 3-2 count and was just hammered in to the teeth of that wind. 3 for 3 with two jacks and 6 rbi's. Kept score the whole game. I think I'll keep that one.

Best part was that both balls were tossed back. Even the one from Sheffield Ave. was thrown back on the field. Have to love those Cub fans.

Maybe he will break the record in Milwaukee.
steroids may not help you put the bat on the ball but you can swing faster and hit the ball much farther . plus you can wait longer to track the ball. Kinda like swinging a metal bat

It helps alot, why do you think so many MLB players are riskying their health and will very likley die much sooner than the non steroid users.

Barry would be lucky to have 500 home run without roids

Real Life Dangers of Steroids

History of Steroids
Last edited by Frank Martin
Originally posted by deldad:
Best part was that both balls were tossed back. Even the one from Sheffield Ave. was thrown back on the field. Have to love those Cub fans.

I'd bet my bottom dollar that both returns were faux balls. Those Cub fans are smart too. Wink

Even though he's far away from Japan right now, I know he reflects back on those experiences from time to time. What a great opportunity you offer those kids.
I'll just be glad when he breaks the record; I'm tired of him and the whole ordeal. It is truly incredible that he can hit the way he does at age 43, whether the reason is physical, chemical, or both, but ignoring the steroids allegations, I just don't care for the man. As soon as he breaks the record, the Giants will be willing to trade him to any team out there for a year's supply of bubble gum.

In 30 years, he'll be the mean old man on the corner that yells when little kids walk on his grass. Maybe he can live next door to Albert Belle, and they can growl at each other for the reason-of-the-day to their heart's content.

Alas, I think I vowed not to Barry-bash as many wonderful people on this board seem to like him. Mea culpa, I confess...which is more than he's done. Wink
Must admit that I have not researched the affects of steroids as much as many others have.

But thought I read that steroids not only add strength, but also improve vision! Does anyone know for sure if this is true? Just curious!

Adding a lot of strength while at the same time improving vision. If true, that is quite a combo! Especially for someone who was a great player to begin with.
Got this from the SF Chronicle this AM. They're not saying that the kid didn't throw one back, but another article in the Chron stated that the one he threw back wasn't the same one that Bonds hit. No doubt someone hung onto 753.

Balls thrown to Bonds marked
John Shea

Friday, July 20, 2007

As in 2001, when Barry Bonds set the single-season homers record, different baseballs are being used for Bonds at-bats.

When Bonds approaches the plate, Major League Baseball has umpires put into play marked and numbered balls for purposes of authenticating home runs.

The Giants said the new balls have been used since Bonds hit his 751st homer July 3 at Cincinnati.

Officials working for MLB are in the crowd when Bonds hits, and the pursuit was on when Bonds homered twice Thursday at Wrigley Field.

The first homer was retrieved beyond the right-field wall on Sheffield Avenue by Dave Davison, 39, who said he might sell Bonds' 752nd home run ball and already turned down a $5,000 offer. He said he'd consider bids topping $25,000.

The other ball, No. 753, was snagged off the basket above the center-field wall by 13-year-old Tyler Olson.
With "Beckman mania" hitting our shores and the "other" game from worldcup, one wonders whether we as Americans have any reason "ever" to be proud of the accomplishments of our "star" athletes.

A "Blackman" devoted his entire life to baseball and accomplished much even before the "steroids controversy" like being MVP many times and setting numerous MLB records, but that wasn't enough.

Baseball people here and around the country, those who know this game have played it, and can attest to how difficult it is to hit a 90 to 100 mph fastball "steroids or not", completely amaze me with their negative comments about the most premier batter in the history of Major League Baseball.

This man's accomplishments needs to be honored, respected and celebrated, though you may not celebrate his "style". But which one can say that your "style" is so "perfect". Truth be told...none.

Why? Because no sport in this country or any where else in this world is completely devoid of some kind of use of supplements or stimulants...Starbucks coffee is a stimulant!!! Anyone who thinks supplements or stimulants aren't in use in athletic endeavors is naive beyond stupidity.

It's time to get off the high horse of self righteous indignation about maintaining baseball "integrity" and deal with the reality of the real world of baseball. It is not the game of my father's time, nor of my grandfather.

The game has been corrupted by money.

I use to think that pure baseball is played at the high school level but it is corrupted by steroids and other stimulants too.

The only place you can find a "real" game of baseball on the big diamond is at the Junior level 13-15 y/o. That's where you find guys just playing the game out of pure unadulterated love for the game.

The rest of it is entertainment, but it isn't pure baseball.

So Barry Bonds I salute you, because in the game that baseball has become, not like that of my father's time, you certainly learned how to play the game. and now you reign supreme.

...and the people are unhappy.
I'm sorry LLorton,
But I don't agree with your assessment.
Barrys not the only one that used steroids, But he is the most visible.
Do you think that it is "OK" that Barry took Steroids??

I don't,
Barry was wrong and so were the other players that took them.

I realize your passion for Barry as a pure hitting machine.
And he deserves to be honered as a great player.

Barry should not have to bare all the burden of the steroid era.
There's enough blame to go around for everybody.

But as a Fan and a Parent of a baseball player, I Want my Son to go as far in the sport as he can.
But not by cheating the game.
It has to be a level playing field.
It's time to get off the high horse of self righteous indignation about maintaining baseball "integrity" and deal with the reality of the real world of baseball.

And the way to "deal" with it, as a fan,parent,player would be to demand that steroids be cleaned from the game!

Anyone who thinks supplements or stimulants aren't in use in athletic endeavors is naive beyond stupidity

Comparing Starbucks coffee to steroids are we?
Naive beyond stupidity?

Your willingness and others to tolerate the issue and accept it for what it is.....IS THE PROBLEM!
After the hearing in congress, baseball stablished a line that clearly divided before and after of steroids era. Before that line the use of steroids is kind of forgived because its use was general and its prohibition was not explicit. After the line was stablished and a penalty started to take effect it is a different history.
Last edited by Racab
llor...Nice post.

I've been a fan of his since his days at ASU and the Pittsburgh and on to the Giants.

I was a hamburger minor league player years ago, and I agree with your assessment about hitting a baseball thrown at 90-100 miles an hour against the best pitchers in the game. Most people are afraid to stand in the batters box let alone hit a baseball hard and far!

How about the one year he was INTENTIONALLY walked 203 times?????????????????

You go Barry.

One of your Chicagoland fans!
I really dont like Barry Bonds. But steroids or no steroids, he can hit..It's amazing the hand eye coordination that man has. I think when he breaks the record. The owner of 756 will return the ball to Barry........yeah and get some doe of course. I respect his homerun record that his will eventually overtake. He is truely a great baseball player. I've enjoyed watching him although i don't like him Razz
I am a Giants fan.

I don't particularly care for Bonds...never have, even when he was a bit smaller.

But I admire his accomplishments, juiced or not.

However, it is inconceivable to me that Commissioner Selig will likely not be in attendance when the record is broken. He looked the other way when many/most inside of baseball knew there was likely a problem. He was slow to implement penalties for steroid use. He was embarrassing (I thought) before Congress.

You need to sleep in the bed you make. Personally, I cannot think of anything Commissioner Selig has done as commissioner that makes me admire him.

I have a chance to sit in a boat in McCovey Cove Tuesday night...haven't decided for sure yet, but look for me on TV! Big Grin
Do you have pictures of Leyland when he was the Pirates's manager, and now?, I think that he also is a lot bigger. Do you think Leyland used roids too?
Do you have a picture of Aaron when he started his carrer as a second baseman?, to see how big he was 20 years later?. You know, I am suspicious of my self, I used to weight 145 lb when I was 20 years old, And now I am 210.

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