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My son just started his first fall team practices today.  Up until this time, it has just been small group work.  He is a pitcher so he has been doing weight lifting, running, long toss, bull pens and throwing some batting practice.  He said it's still boring, but is looking forward to when they start doing intersquads soon.  He said he's been feeling good so far this year.  Arm feels good, bull pens going good, throwing well in the batting practice sessions. 


It's a far cry from last year.  He is a sophomore this year.  His senior year of HS, he tweaked his elbow and only pitched like 8 innings, then took the summer off to let things heal.  I think that had an impact all the way to the spring last year.  This past summer he pitched in a summer collegiate league and had a good summer and he and I both think it is making a big difference so far this year.  Looking forward to how things go this fall and especially how they translate into the spring.

Dropped son off mid August for his freshman year, three hours away. Workouts started 2 days later. Lots of running and then more running, weight room and flexibility sessions. Nutritionist developed eating program, took him and his roommates shopping to show them what to buy and not to buy. Got a call to ask if he could spend a little more money on healthy food. Mandatory study hall every night, unless there's a football game. Sounds like he is very busy, but I'm sure there is a little fun going on. Love's his baseball roommates, all pitchers.

Started throwing flat ground a couple of weeks ago. Fastballs and change ups only, inner squad last week, gave up a double off the wall. Says he feels great. Told me a couple of weeks ago that "school is easy, baseball is hard". Glad to hear in that order.

Trying to stay away and not bug him. I don't talk baseball unless he brings it up. I must say, it's killing me.

Can't wait to see him playing again. 


My son called me last night, just to chat! I was shocked.


Chefmike, we did talk about baseball, even though mono has kept him out of practices. He expects to start attending practices next week! I don't think he will make it back into baseball shape in time to play in a game this fall season, but it will sure help his mood to be a part of the team.

My son started his junior year after being out last spring.  He is slowly adding more innings to build back up.  His first scrimmage he felt great after pitching one inning.  Second time out he said I guess I haven't made it up to two innings after the batters teed off on him.  He feels his placement is not back to where it was and he still has a lot of work to do.

Originally Posted by twotex:

My son called me last night, just to chat! I was shocked.


Chefmike, we did talk about baseball, even though mono has kept him out of practices. He expects to start attending practices next week! I don't think he will make it back into baseball shape in time to play in a game this fall season, but it will sure help his mood to be a part of the team.

So glad he is on the mend! I wish my kiddo would call "just to chat!" Communication largely via text thus far!

Originally Posted by twotex:

My son called me last night, just to chat! I was shocked.


I know the feeling.  Our son is 4.5 hours away at a JUCO (2nd year).  Getting him to call was like pulling teeth, but he would respond to texts.  Then his (now ex) girlfriend started college at a 4 year state school this year.  She became too overwhelmed with school work, softball practice, etc so they put their relationship on hold.  The side affect was he now calls us on occasion - more than he did before.

He's recovering from a  virus (stomach flu) - woke up yesterday to an upset stomach and vomiting.  Spent most of the day in bed (no classes yesterday) and was going to let the coach now of his condition this morning. 

I had to do the same thing many years ago.  It really depends on the personality of your child more than a "cookie-cutter" answer.  My son had very little trouble adjusting to new freedom.  Being around others in a controlled atmosphere makes them more well-rounded.  Good or bad. Not all bad is bad.  You can learn from the bad things on college campuses.  The empty-nest slowly leaves you when you hear frequent phone calls and texts with" got any money, can I borrow some money?  Can I get this-that (LOL)   Playing sports in college is always on another level.  He/she gets to test where they stand among other sports athletes.
As always-congrats to parents that have children entering college. Today, if a kid wants to go to college, count your blessing.  Good luck!

Having just moved my daughter back to college past weekend, I am assuming some of you have started to move yours there as well.  For you freshmen parents and players, these are perhaps the most exciting of all times during your son's tenure in college.  The anticipation of competing at the college level is about to turn into reality this fall season.  If you are a pitcher's parent, you won't believe the joy when your son calls and tells you he struck some well-known upper-classman out or shut the side down and/or got a compliment from the coaches.  If your son is a hitter, you'll be on cloud nine when he calls and tells you he got his first "college" base hit.


It's emotional when you leave them by themselves at campus, but those feelings of loss will soon be replaced by feelings of anticipation and excitement as your young man enters this new exciting journey in life.


Please post here often on your experiences throughout this fall season.  For parents of seniors, you just might cherish this fall most of all!  You certainly won't believe how fast the time has gone by.   


Today's society uses text and social media, much like we are doing here.  Texting and   driving is not good.  Congrats on getting prompt call-backs.  I have heard from many parents saying, " he/she is ignoring my texts and calls."  Yea, my son did it once after I warned him of the consequences... Result.. No more phone in my name.  If i pay, he answers or calls back in a prompt manner. If he pays, call me sometimes besides asking for $$$ lol.

High School & College Sports LockerRoom

I snuck over today to watch my son's team's scout day (the advantage of living 12 miles away door to door). Sat in my favorite bleacher seats about 400 feet away and saw him throw real well. Missed him hitting, but learned that he had hit well also when I talked to him on the phone tonight. I was back at work in 75 minutes...

Saw 2013 a couple of weeks ago for dinner and he has adjusted amazingly well. Actually apologized for not wanting to come home . . . we explained that no apology is necessary. We want him to WANT to be there.


Fast forward a week and he's ready to give up baseball. Insists it's not his performance but he admits that they're all REALLY good. We offer support and encouragement, and ride the wave.


This week he's loving every moment and admits that he was comparing himself to fifth-year seniors, which in his words, "is like comparing an 8th grader to a senior in HS." He's feeling much more comfortable with where he is, and he knew coming in that it would be a grind and no promises were made other than a fair shake, which by all accounts he is clearly getting.


We'll see what next week brings

Jr is now in his Jr season and it is amazing how fast it goes. You also adjust your perspective as a parent. I don’t really need to get much of an update from him very often, just ask how things are going both in school and in baseball.  I already know his routine, and don’t really worry about “stuff” other than he stays healthy.


I mention something regarding summer ball, because of the experience with my son and some of his friends, D1-D3. Kids are getting placed now so this is appropriate.

Sometimes it is best not to play. After my son’s freshmen year he played in a pretty competitive league, probably ranked around 5th in the country and had a decent season, he is a two way, good hitting, so so pitching. The problem was he did not get time to work out, or work on his mechanics both in hitting and pitching.  He said he felt like he did not really improve over that summer. Fast forward to last summer, he decided to do an internship, so he worked, worked out every night either in the cage or gym, or doing a throwing program. He played in a Sunday league made up mostly of JC kids, plus a few like him, plus a few HS kids playing up. The end result was he was able to work on his pitching mechanics with his college pitching coach (YouTube) got significantly stronger and is coming into his fall season refreshed, strong, and is better able to compete. He has several friends who are pitchers that frankly got burned out over the summer, and are now coming into a fall season fatigued. Something to think about, particularly if a kid will pitch a lot of innings, or if he needs to get bigger and stronger. 


Summer ball is special and it is great, but not necessary and frankly it can be detrimental. 


I've always enjoyed reading this thread, and have had the pleasure of speaking to many of the posters via PM's, phone calls, and personally at ball games.  It's fun to follow and cheer on our HSBaseballWeb Family.

My son had Tommy John Surgery in July of 2012 and missed the entire 2013 season.  I watched him throw in his team's first Intra-Squad game of the Fall this afternoon.  I'm a proud dad, anyone coming off major arm injuries knows the hard work needed to come back.  It had been nearly 16 months since he toed the rubber in a game, but it was if he hadn't been away.  He struck out the first two batters before giving up a hit to arguably the best hitter in the conference on a two strike jam shot.  He pounded the zone throwing 14 of 16 pitches for strikes.  The velocity is still a work in progress, but he had some life and will continue to get stronger.  For the first time in his life he is a Pitcher Only.  That means that I can relax after he pitches...unfortunately, he was the last one to pitch today, so I had to deal with the pitcher-dad anxiety the entire scrimmage.  

Best of luck to your boys this season and enjoy every minute.  I will check in from time to time, and will likely be following your son when the season starts.

We enjoyed a good day of fall baseball yesterday as my son's college team (PHCC) played at Eastern Mennonite University.  Arrived a tad late (middle of the 1st) but at least we arrived.


PHCC won the first game 6-3 although EMU outhit then 12-7, but EMU recorded 4 errors.  It was pretty much starters on both sides for most of the game.    With the game tied at 1-1 PHCC broke it open with a bases loaded triple.  PHCC would hang on to win 6-3.  Late in the game (8th inning) EMU had bases loaded and one out.  The batter hit a dying liner into RF.  PHCC's RF made a spectacular diving catch and came up throwing to get the runner who had been on first out before he could get back.  It truly was an ESPN moment.


Game 2 was a slug fest with errors on both sides.  Both teams were inserting second string players.  PHCC out hit EMU in this game 15 hits to 11 hits, but PHCC had 3 errors while EMU recorded 4. 


Son had a good day.  Went 1-3 with a double, HPB, and a run scored while playing the entire game at 1B.  His lead off double in the 5th inning bounced of the LF fence near the 355 foot mark.b  Thought for a moment it had enough carry to go over.    He would score on the next hit.  He didn't come in until the 5th inning of the second game, played right field and went 1-2.


It was good to see him. He visited with us between games.  PHCC has one last fall game today at home (Martinsville).  Unfortunately, we can't get to that one and we won't see him until Thanksgiving.

Originally Posted by fanofgame:

Your son is one heck
Of a fighter. That kid has been through a lot. I hope he has a great season best of luck to
All of you

Thanks fan, I hope everything is going well for you and your family...I know that you can appreciate the adversity KD's gone through, as your son had a similar path.  It's definitely going to make him a stronger person/player in the long run. 

Originally Posted by bsbl247:

I've always enjoyed reading this thread, and have had the pleasure of speaking to many of the posters via PM's, phone calls, and personally at ball games.  It's fun to follow and cheer on our HSBaseballWeb Family.

My son had Tommy John Surgery in July of 2012 and missed the entire 2013 season.  I watched him throw in his team's first Intra-Squad game of the Fall this afternoon.  I'm a proud dad, anyone coming off major arm injuries knows the hard work needed to come back.  It had been nearly 16 months since he toed the rubber in a game, but it was if he hadn't been away.  He struck out the first two batters before giving up a hit to arguably the best hitter in the conference on a two strike jam shot.  He pounded the zone throwing 14 of 16 pitches for strikes.  The velocity is still a work in progress, but he had some life and will continue to get stronger.  For the first time in his life he is a Pitcher Only.  That means that I can relax after he pitches...unfortunately, he was the last one to pitch today, so I had to deal with the pitcher-dad anxiety the entire scrimmage.  

Best of luck to your boys this season and enjoy every minute.  I will check in from time to time, and will likely be following your son when the season starts.

Such wonderful news for your boy! I know how hard he has worked to get back there and how hard he will continue to work. Tell him he has a friend on in the Northeast who is pulling for him big time. Go Eaters.

Hope everybody's Fall is going as well as possible and am glad some poster's son's are getting over injuries and back on the field.


My wife and I went up to Mississippi for Parent's Day and got to watch part of a scrimmage on Friday and the first game of the team's annual Fall Green and White series on Saturday. Son's team won and for the first time in his college career, we were there when he hit a homerun. So that was a great thrill.  We have many new players so it was very interesting to watch them perform. They play a doubleheader against a team from Arkansas this coming Saturday so I can hardly wait to hear how that turns out.


I also will be eagerly following many Web members sons this season. Less than four months until our Spring season begins!

Originally Posted by RJM:

I have a text message preprogrammed into my cell for my son. All I have to do is go to text messaging and hold down 1. It types into the text area and sends: "Answer your damn phone!" My daughter is the good child. She almost always answers her phone.

I need to know how to do that!!!I have 4 children with phones, only one answers

My oldest son is in his senior year, and is loaded up with classes (21 credits this semester) including a senior paper and some fun (elective) classes.   He's a little busy, and once in a while he comes up for air with a text or a phone call (only on special occasions).  I believe practices end this weekend, and the seniors planned a trip to Atlantic City for Fall Break next weekend.  Nothing good ever happens in Atlantic City with 8 senior baseball players, cash, and some free time.   


We miss our oldest and middle son (college freshmen) who is very good at responding to texts and messages.   Compared to his older brother, he is downright chatty.   With my middle son, we went to a big time college football game complete with world class tail gaiting and we got to spend a lot of time with him.  He's loving his school, but he really misses playing baseball.   I'm really looking forward to having the whole family together over Thanksgiving break.  This may be the last year that our family is together in this way.  Let's face it, "the Eagle" has to leave the nest at some time, as he already has an engineering job offer.  It is going to be an emotional senior year when he finally throws his last college career pitch.....sorry but I can't help to think about it.   I just hope it is at an NCAA event, and my wife are there to share that moment with him. 


These 3 college baseball years have flown by, and I know his senior season will be over in the blink of eye.  My wife and I are trying to enjoy every last baseball minute we can with our oldest and youngest (high school junior).  My wife and I have welcomed 8am weekend showcase games with my youngest son, and we try to cherish every minute at the ball field no matter what time it is.  Last week, my youngest son got his first legit recruiting email from a D1 college coach (no mention of a camp).


It's all good.

I must agree...time flies too fast!

Fenwaysouth I have always enjoyed your posts through the years, this site was always my go to for questions.

 My oldest is back home and playing his junior year at a local D2 ...thank goodness!


He was away for 2 years, transferred to a jc, and still working hard for the dream.

I must say we are already going stir crazy Waiting for season to start.

We miss spending all weekend watching games,

Make sure to cherish those days.

 My younger son started Fall Ball, as freshman out of state, they keep him so

busy he doesn't have time to miss us. He's said he's living the dream and determined to go to Omaha again this season. The only time he has to text us is around 10pm every night or at lunch. I'm sure you already know they don't have a lot of free time between workouts,class,practice, meetings and study hall.

All you baseball moms with sons out of state....send care packages with baked goods!!!

my son lives with 4 other ball players and

they all look forward to those boxes.

I miss him. 

Now that they are in college, we don't get details! Why is that?

We text them and they respond 20 mins. Later. Then it's just a one word description.

How did you do today? Good.

How many innings did you get today?  3.

Did you kick butt? Yes.

Did you hit? Yes.

What did you do? Bunted.

Did you execute? Of course. 

Whats for dinner? Pizza.

Just a sample of what a common text conversation with my college freshman is like. 

Originally Posted by baseballfam4:

Now that they are in college, we don't get details! Why is that?

We text them and they respond 20 mins. Later. Then it's just a one word description.

How did you do today? Good.

How many innings did you get today?  3.

Did you kick butt? Yes.

Did you hit? Yes.

What did you do? Bunted.

Did you execute? Of course. 

Whats for dinner? Pizza.

Just a sample of what a common text conversation with my college freshman is like. 

You're gettin' more than most on that!  


BTW, make sure to ask about classes as well.  Seriously.


Truthfully, we experienced...and I heard from many friends...that this is the norm.  Hang in might(?) get better in a couple of years.  

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