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First bad outing. Texted PO Jr last night "any games this weekend?" Reply "Ya I pitched poorly today. Lots of errors and hits"

So of course I called. Surprisingly, he was not down and out. He was disappointed in his performance, but realized he has more work to do. I was amazed by his attitude. He said the coach told him to keep his head up, and keep working hard.

Son said mistakes up get hit hard at this level, especially when you are facing the starters. Good early lesson for a freshman. 3IP, 6H, 4K, 1BB & 3ER

Fall ball is over at my son's school. They had the Alumni Game yesterday. I asked him about it and he said only the Sophomores and Freshmen played. He was happy about that. I do not know his stats for the fall but I know he did not allow any hits. He did not pitch much. Coach said he pitched enough over the summer and he needed to see what some of the others could do. He used my son when he wanted to show the newer pitchers and hitters what they had to compete against.


Good luck to everyone the rest of the season.

I feel ya Picked Off.  My son had similar numbers his second time throwing Live in his scrimmage on Friday.  He pitched 3 innings, gave up five hits & 3 runs.  He pounded the strike zone, but struggled keeping the ball down & they hit him.  He hasn't been released to throw breaking stuff yet, but I believe that will come this week?

On another note, SDLefty's son had a good scrimmage.  He played great defense at 1B, and topped off his day by going yard.

Picked, believe me, I can relate too.  I think the kids take it better than we do sometimes.  At least it seems like my son does.  Takes a lot to have a bad outing, then wait a week to try to prove yourself again.


My son is in his sophomore year and I have not been down to see him pitch yet.  Seems he is doing pretty good.  Has pitched 10 innings in intersquads and given up 4 runs.  I know 2 were on a 2 run bomb (his description).  Said he made a mistake and left one belt high down the middle.  I asked him one time, have the coaches said anything to you?  His response - Nope.  Like a couple hours later, he comes to me and says, oh yeah, Coach Collins told me no one on this team can hit you when you're throwing strikes.  I'd say that's something - Haha.  Kids.


The other day he started and went three innings.  When I texted him to ask how he did.  Said he didn't have his best stuff and gave up 2 in 3 innings.  One in the 1st, one in the 2nd.  He was mad about the one in the second.  Said it was a blooper over 3rd, hit and run to put runners on 1st & 3rd, then a blooper over 2nd to score the run.  He hates those little bloopers just over the infield.  The good news was that coach used him as an example to the team.  Apparently, one of the pitchers gave up 4 in an inning.  He pointed out my son and said he obviously didn't have his best stuff, but limited the damage to just one run in an inning.  He said that's what everyone needed to try to do.


So, there is always a silver lining.  Hope to get down there one day this week to watch an intersquad, then next week they play their two fall games against some local JUCOs.  I'll go down to the one he's pitching in. 

My son's team practices 5 days a week for the period allowed by NCAA. 6 weeks I think. They also lift several mornings a week. Most of their practices are playing intersquad games. Prior to and after the allowed team practice period, they lift, run and throw either at times designated by the coaches or in small groups with the coaches, staying within NCAA guidelines.

Hope that helps.
Originally Posted by bballman:
My son's team practices 5 days a week for the period allowed by NCAA. 6 weeks I think. They also lift several mornings a week. Most of their practices are playing intersquad games. Prior to and after the allowed team practice period, they lift, run and throw either at times designated by the coaches or in small groups with the coaches, staying within NCAA guidelines.

Hope that helps.

Thanks bballman

Hey looks like they had a great day!  Always sweet to win the team World Series.  My son's team had their annual "Spooktacular" team scrimmage yesterday, played in their costumes.  Unfortunately, bsbl-son has been shut down for two weeks due to soreness in his surgically repaired elbow.  He will begin playing catch again on the 4th, I'm hoping the rest helps.  Best of luck to TS!

I don't know how I missed this thread.


My son is a freshman at NAIA SAGU.  Due to my profession and location, my wife and I were unable to take him to school.  My brother/sister-n-law did the honors.  My wife has flown back and is now watching the last two games (5 game series) of their Fall World Series.  He started game two and should start game 5 (if it goes to 5).  He was selected (as a Frosh) as one of his team captains.  Probably in the blood since I find myself taking charge of groups.  The wife is in heaven and I can't wait to see him this Christmas.


More to follow........   

Oh yeah, I posted this on 30 Oct on another thread:



Son started fall workouts in September and hit a wall on 1 Oct. Morning workouts start at 5:30 AM and end around 7:30 AM. Afternoon workouts begin at 2:30 PM and end sometimes as late as 7 PM (Mon-Sat). Coach is tough and demands a lot. The veterans on the team are tough on the fresh recruits as everyone wants to win. Baseball, new school, and health issues broke my son down.

However, after talking with him and giving that father motivation speech, he's back on the field and doing well. Intra-squad scrimmages have concluded and the pace is slowing a little. Soon, the cuts and "red shirt" labels will be made. We'll see if he's earned a roster spot.


Because he doesn't communicate very well, I didn't know about fall scrimmages and the World Series.  I also didn't know he started and was one of the team captains.  What's wrong with these kids. Hahahaha


I will say, he's hard to reach by phone.  I usually can get some responses via Skype.  As mentioned above, they're usually short responses with no details.  I think it's safe to say he made the roster.

Originally Posted by fenwaysouth:

BaseballmomandCEP - Too funny.   Was your son the squirrel?  I love that costume.  My dog would go crazy if I wore that thing!

That squirrel was SO funny!  No my son was the Big Bad Wolf wearing the Little Red Riding Hood nightie.

(Sorry I didn't see your post, just got back from 6 days in California visiting colleges and attending a conference.)


Update:  Pitched Game 4 but lost.  Went to game 5 and his team won the series.  Don't have his stats since I can barely get a hello over the phone.  Coach gave the end of fall feedback and said he needed to keep his grades up and that he was slated to pitch a lot of innings next spring.  My wife and I are so happy for him and can't wait to monitor him and his team next spring.


PO Jr's fall ball is over. He texted me his stats.

19.2 IP

4.5 ERA

15 K's

9 BB

10 ER

66% Strikes

I asked him how he felt about the stats."I'm not happy, but not totally disappointed".

Seems to have a good attitude, he knows he has some work to do. He's lost 22 lbs and pick 3 mph on his fastball.

He will be home in a week for Thanksgiving, can't wait to see him.  


Well, it looks like that huge storm system that is poised to hit the east coast is going to prevent my oldest son from coming home for Thanksgiving (8 hour drive).   He has an exam today (Tues) and a paper due so he really had no choice.   The weather band is going to be ice from Upstate NY down through PA, MD and VA.  So, it is going to be a Skype Thanksgiving with him and all of our relatives at the house. 


He's got some West coast teammates who won't be going home either due to the weather and flight cancellations.  At least he has his teammates & coaches for a baseball team Thanksgiving.  I suspect they'll watch Steve Martin & John Candy in Planes, Trains and Automobiles, and possibly some football.


Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!



Fenway, thanks for the T-day greetings - sorry your son got stuck. 


Our youngest came home late last night and will be with us for a few days.  He is second year college (redshirt frosh) about 6 - 7 hours away from home, just a bit too far to make the trip with any regularity.  I work from my home office and was home today.  He worked out for about two hours in our living room this morning, visited friends for lunch and wanted me to take him down to the HS field in the afternoon.  It was just he and I.  We long tossed and then he hit.  First he wanted just FBs.   Then off-speed.  Then situation/count.  Then more FB's.  Then harder.  Then more situation.  I threw at least 300 pitches.  Carrying buckets back to the shed, I figured we were done.  "I need to shag some flies".  Three tall buckets later and darkness setting in, "you done?".  "One more bucket."  Just about then, sunset brought on some bright red clouds and gave us just enough light to get through that last bucket.  Almost three hours, just he and I.


Drove home and his friends were waiting in the house to take him out.  These guys played with him (and for me) in HS.  Outstanding young men.  They all walked out the door... "See ya coach, we'll be good."  Exactly the same as it was three years ago but not since.


I'm going to feel REALLY bad tomorrow when I wake up and feel the ache from all those throws and fungo swings.  But I sure feel REALLY good tonight.  Gonna be a great Thanksgiving.


Happy Thanksgiving to Ya All !!!!!

fenwaysouth- I'm sorry to hear that your son won't make it home for Thanksgiving, but I'm glad that he'll have his extended family of teammates to spend the holiday with.  It should be a fun Skype session!

cabbagedad- I always enjoy your posts and your input from a HS school coach's perspective, but this last one had to be my favorite heart-felt post coming from a dad...thanks.

My son's Fall baseball ended last week with the team's World Series.  His squad won the series and therefore did not have to pay for the team meal.  As some of you may know, my son is recovering from TJ surgery and it's been a very slow comeback process.  He missed nearly a month of baseball in the middle of the Fall, however, he did toe the rubber for one inning in the last WS scrimmage game & struck out the side.  I was very happy for him and I'm hoping that he can stay healthy...he deserves a few good things to go right for him. 

As for our family, my kids will both be home from college this Thanksgiving, although my daughter does have to work Thursday morning.  Why a Surf Shop is open on Thanksgiving Day is beyond me?  I'm looking forward to family time, lots of food, and football. 

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone....enjoy your family time, whether they're with you at home, or on Skype.

Well, bballson had his fall meeting with the coach today.  He is a sophomore pitcher at a pretty good D2 school.  Sounded like it went pretty well.  Coach said he liked what saw out of him in the fall and they are looking at him for being one of the starters this spring.  Want him to work out hard and throw 4 days a week over the break.  I always get a little nervous before evaluation time.  It was good to get good news.  Relief. 

Originally Posted by bballman:

Well, bballson had his fall meeting with the coach today.  He is a sophomore pitcher at a pretty good D2 school.  Sounded like it went pretty well.  Coach said he liked what saw out of him in the fall and they are looking at him for being one of the starters this spring... It was good to get good news.  Relief. 

Congrats to all of the players and their families and here's to a successful upcoming season for all.


I was at one of my son's fall games and afterward a pitcher was talking to his parents and they asked him how he did in his last outing a few weeks earlier. He said "I was pitching REALLY well......until I hit the Gingerbread man" 

Originally Posted by bballman:

Well, bballson had his fall meeting with the coach today.  He is a sophomore pitcher at a pretty good D2 school.  Sounded like it went pretty well.  Coach said he liked what saw out of him in the fall and they are looking at him for being one of the starters this spring.  Want him to work out hard and throw 4 days a week over the break.  I always get a little nervous before evaluation time.  It was good to get good news.  Relief. 


Just got back from one of the happiest trips I've made to Mississippi in the last five years. My son not only graduated but was recognized for having the highest GPA of all the hundreds of graduates this year at his university. He knew he was up there but didn't realize he would get the top award. So a great surprise! Despite all my pride in his baseball accomplishments, I am really happy because as we all have said many times the grades and the rest of their life are really what it's all about. He is also due to finish his Masters this May.  On top of this, he has one more spring of baseball and I think Delta State has reloaded with some good new talent. Less than two months until their first game in West Palm Beach on Feb. 9th. Good luck to everyone's son as Spring season draws near.

Originally Posted by Three Bagger:

Just got back from one of the happiest trips I've made to Mississippi in the last five years. My son not only graduated but was recognized for having the highest GPA of all the hundreds of graduates this year at his university. He knew he was up there but didn't realize he would get the top award. So a great surprise! Despite all my pride in his baseball accomplishments, I am really happy because as we all have said many times the grades and the rest of their life are really what it's all about. He is also due to finish his Masters this May.  On top of this, he has one more spring of baseball and I think Delta State has reloaded with some good new talent. Less than two months until their first game in West Palm Beach on Feb. 9th. Good luck to everyone's son as Spring season draws near.

Congrats Three Bagger! What an accomplishment. It's always great to hear stories like your sons. Hard enough to play competitively at that level, but when you hear highest GPA in the graduating class, that's awesome! Sounds like your son is on his way to great things in life! 

All the best on his final colligete season! 

Thanks for your kind remarks. It really hit me as I watched that ceremony that I (not my wife though) sometimes focused too much on the baseball aspect of college. Nothing will change my love for the game but I realize that my son has greater dreams than perhaps even professional baseball can provide and if this is the end of the baseball journey in May or June then so be it. There will be new challenges and accomplishments that aren't measured in batting average and stolen bases. If he gets a chance to play at the next level he will take it but he doesn't measure himself by his baseball skills, so I think he will be fine either way.

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