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I agree with most of what you've said but the reality is the school is not being split and GBN and GBS is not going to become one school. Such is life. However, New Trier has always had a great feeder program and schedules arguably the toughest non-conference opponents as anyone. I am an Evanston grad and enjoyed each and every victory over NT, but I respect and admire their head coach and their baseball program overall.
I agree they have a good feeder program and their coach is good.I'm also saying that size matters and so do resources. They are good, but they should be good. If GBS and GBN would be substantially bigger, that would be giving New Trier and Stevenson a taste of what it is like. Most of the schools thay play are 2,100to 2,400.Both those schools are over 4,000. That is what all these new class systems are about. To level the playing field.
It is not going to change in the near future. All I am saying is they shouldn't break their arm patting themselves on the back.

This inane anti-NT drivel hits these boards a couple times a year.

Yes...NT has a large with it.
Yes...the NT community is with it.
Yes...NT students bust their butts inside all winter to make themselves better...applaud it!

NT easily plays one of the toughest non-con schedules in the state. Not just occasionally, but YEAR IN and YEAR OUT. And, not only do they play it, but they almost invariably perform extremely well against their non-con competition--teams that "gear up" for their tilt with the TREVS.

Other programs should look at the NT's, Lockport's, Stevenson's, Sandburg's, Barrington's of the IL HS baseball landscape and emulate them--success is RARELY an accident.

Instead of whining or deriding a school, its ballplayers, and its program for doing things right; maybe other programs should get themselves in shape and challenge their ballplayers the same way. It is always easier to look outward than inward--maybe that is part of the story behind the tradition of success at NT--the focus is on NT.

As an aside, it is funny to hear someone who is always talking about the private lessons his son takes chiding those at another school for doing the same.

With that said...NT wins the South...GBN wins the North.
Last edited by K13
Although I will do so without the "edge" K13 used, I do agree with him. The schools that he mentions continually field very competitive teams, and I have to say that the student's commitment to excellence is apparent. My son is a senior at one of the schools K13 mentioned and I am also very, very familiar with NT. Coach Napoleon not only schedules a tough schedule, his teams play with outstanding fundamentals and understanding of the game. Although some of the kids from NT may come from a so-called "privileged" background, I believe that the drive and commitment for excellence, which they probably receive from their parents and peers, is a bigger factor to their continued success. No privilege or size is going to make a difference in the weight room during the off season.

In addition to the schools K13 mentioned, Libertyville High School, a somewhat smaller school, is always competitive. Again, they play a good fundamental game of baseball.
I did NOT deride New Trier. I actually said the same things K13 said about them. They are big and rich. I said those are reasons they are good. I said they should be good. How is that derogatory? What have I said that is demeaning?

I did say that they have an advantage over smaller schools with less resources. Is that false or degrading?

Maybe the sore spot was that I mentioned Niles North beat their star Miles Claus an eliminated them. The previous two years one hot pitcher from Evanston eliminated them. But that is not a knock on them. It is just what happened. Why attack me? I actually had a good friend whose son played on those teams that lost to Evanston and I was pulling for New Trier. He was the back up catcher and is playing in Rochester.

Are you saying that not only should they have competetive advantages, but they have to be honored and have their behinds kissed as well?
Let's go ahead and pick on New Trier...keeps the heat off of my guys.

The reality is that not too many of our kids are suffering for much in terms of material objects and even......coaching lessons. For those kids who do it on their own or without professional help I tip my are deserving.

Winnetka, Wilmette, Evanston, Oak Park, Barrington, Hinsdale, Oak Brook, Libertyville, Lake Forest, North Burbs, South Burbs, NW goes on and on...there is no shortage of $$$$$ being spent on the sport.

But I don't think NT wins because of $$$$, they win because of motivation....just like anyone else. They may have a few more players to choose from and that doesn't hurt for sure, but you haev to respect ALL the or poor or somewhere inbetween.
Fastballdad, my wife is nice enough to say size doesn't matter. But in baseball it does. I beleive the financial resources help, but the size of the schools are the big difference. If this was not true, why did they just change the class system in high school to add classes? Why don't tiny schools win when there are less classes? You say that they have a few more players to choose from, but these schools on some caes are 80% bigger than the other schools they compete against.

I respect their talent. I am not talking about sour grapes because right now I don't have a dog in the fight. But I still say that the teams with all the advantages SHOULD succeed.

By the way, every Saturday night, the Trevians, New Trier's feeder program, is playing games at Frozen Ropes. It is girls softball, but it is 3 hours a week of indoor field time. Name another program doing that. Then tell me resources don't matter.
My sons play against graduated in 99 the other is an 07. Every year they played NT, and although I don't have the facts in front of me, we have competed with them evenly over that time period. Our school was about 2000 in 99 and is about 2800 now, so NT has always been much larger in student population. hasn't stopped us from competing with them.....shouldn't stop others.
Well said FBalldad. And, Bballdad, if I mistook your comments, I am sorry, but they came across as something being "wrong" with the position NT is in. There are other BIG schools from wealthy communities that don't put out the product that NT does. If you read enough of these boards, you understand that NT always takes a hit for its size and the wealth of its community--as if that alone explains their success. As a small part of the "NT" baseball community, I know it NOT to be the truth. I see firsthand how hard the kids work, and how important baseball is at the school and in the community--so, I will always be a bit defensive when it comes to the program.

Goose-- applaude

Bballdad-- I assume you are talking about Josh London. I was lucky enough to coach Josh on my travel team and he is a FANTASTIC young man from a terrific family.

I am not a fan of the new class system, but hopefully it will put to rest some of the whining about how big NT is. Maybe they should have a class for just NT and Stevenson--then everyone acrediting NT's success simply to their size would have nothing to complain about. Or, better yet, maybe we should also start dividing classes by the amount of $$$$ spent per student. As long as we live in a state that funds schools with property taxes (as insane as that seems), we are stuck with some schools being much "richer" than others. The problems such a system creates are much more fiendish than a better chance at athletic success. How's that for a rant? greenjump
With all due respect to everyone in this site, I believe that GBN does not have enough offense along with enough pitching, after altbach that is, to bring down the CSL North. I think this week division will come down to the wire between Niles North, Deerfield, and Highland Park. My pre-season favorite is 1. Deerfield- they were very young last year and all have another year of experience, 2. Niles North- They can easily lead this division if Williams puts his team on his back, 3. Highland Park
Need for correction and clarification.

HP's #1 pitcher last season and going into this season is senior Frank Rizzo. Rizzo's a big, hard throwing righty who can carry a team by himself. Big arm, bigger heart and gives 100% every time out. He has been flying under the radar but I predict another big season for him this year. JMK, I wouldn't call him "amazing" but he is our best.

My congrats to you and all those wise guys that held on when things looked bleak. No, I no longer own my seat and I don't like being reminded about it. LOL. My best to Geno and all the old timers and, of course, to your son this year.

I think the White Sox are going to the Northwestern Tournament over the 4th, but we're hitting the Stanford camp instead. I look forward to seeing you down the foul line somewhere this summer.
I do not believe that the people in this forum are looking at the CSL north very objectively. As of right now, there is no standout that will run away with the division. That is why I believe that both Deerfield and Niles North has a shot, and hp with an outside shot. I still do believe that Deerfield will win the division, contrary to jmk721, because of their strong pitching. They have a great junior class of pitchers that are lead by their ace senior pitcher. I just dont believe that anyone is taking them seriously, which I guess will work in their favor.

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