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First, hitting a double and the scoring from second. No wonder I needed o2! LOL! Orlando, what a lineup. We were off to a slow start but now warming up those bats. I'm sorry I didn't do a better job with the pitch calling. (Calling pitches and playing. How can I do that? Hey, it's Dice Ball and so = all goes!) That one to Frankie - well you see, absolutely dumb call on my part. I thought he was takin. WRONG! Promise to have staff buzz him once next AB. Denkinger in disguise! Who'd of thunk! Orlando, that man is out to haunt us the rest of our lives. Well, at least we know the truth!

Sixth Inning

ssmom #0 9(is zero a number?) (5,2) Hits ground ball to ss, ssmom limps to first but is thrown out, 1out
playbaseball #6 (5,6) another ground ball to ss to 1st, 2 out
jerseydad #45 (6,2) that balls hit hard, deep left, going back, back….back and caught by the LF, incredible over the fence catch to rob jerseydad of a home run. 3 out

Rz – 30 (3,3) that ball is smoked down rf line, just past the out stretched arms of a diving 1st base and then the ball rattles around in the rf corner, easy stand up triple. Rz at 3rd with 0 outs
Creeks – 74 (3,6) another line drive to rf, easy jog for Rz to score, RBI for creeks as he stands at 1st its all tied up at 3 each 0 outs
OB44 - ummm....44 (3,3) OB44 go a hold of this one, it is high and deep, it looks likes its out ……no….it hits the top to the fence and bounces back like a rocket, the lf gets ball and OB44 is rounding 2nd….it’s gonna be close……safe! OB44 hook slides around the tag! This is one for ESPN! RBI triple. OB44 stands dirty and smiling as Keyboards have pulled ahead 4-3 here in the 6th. 0 out
GotWood – 365 (4,2) that ball hit high but caught by the 3b. OB44 stays at 3rd. 1 out
I’m surprised that TPM in the Paws dugout isn’t doing anything; she is standing at the top of the dugout looking at her pitcher with her normal casserole stains on her uni. We will see what will happen!
catcherdad – 6 (4,5) crack, that ball just missed the pitcher head as the ball screams out to cf, RBI single OB44 scores, what’s that is his back pocket? OB44 pulls out a purple Gatoraid, thanks a swig, and looks into the Paws dugout with a smirk.
CoachB – 25 (1,4) floater to rf, to close to move the runner, 2 out
RHP – 27 (3,6) off the tip of the bat, the ball spins away from ss and into the outfield, that goes down as a single, catcherdad to 2nd and RHP at 1st 2 outs.
AK – 13 (1,4) K 3 outs

Paws 3
Keyboards 5
Last edited by Bullwinkle
Rz, Creeks, you guys are clutch (and, probably, winded) Proud of you!

And OB, what can I say. It's well I have a fertile imagination; not only could I see that hit in my mind's eye, but you looked good doin' it!

catcherdad (interesting spot to hit, as a catcher's parent I have the odd feeling like that about pitchers as well), way to rope it! RHP, great placement!

Lovin' the inning, keep up the momentum.

I don't know about the Commoose, but I've been trying to type this post for about 2 1/2 hours. Not saying I'm busy, but I had a cold call sales rep on the phone a little while ago and when I asked him to call back after the holiday, he said "I only need 30 seconds of your time" and I said "If I had 30 seconds, I'd use it to go to the Ladies Room" & hung up!
Originally posted by LadyNmom:
I'm thinking after this game I can prove, and end years of debate with my husband, that son's offensive abilities come from my genes....

Oh, yes. I think I agree there...
...that... can be very...
(ducking frying pan: upsidedown chicken casserole: AARP paperweight--HEY! Be careful with that--you're going to put an eye out with that thing. OK, lady, calm down. BACK AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD.)
Whew. That was close...
...she got me in the back of the noggin' one of those purple Gatorades.

Watch the road tomorrow and the next couple. Son is going home with his girlfriend B-ball player for Thanksgiving.


Is it time yet? It's the top of the 7th. I bought a new wagon, an extra heavy duty one. Got your Burrito King deluxe Big Boy Boom Boom with lots of extra beans Either it propels the keyboards to victory or REPELS the 3p's

Aim well.
Wheeew,...been workin', shoppin', shippin', gettin' my nails done, bakin', and playin' baseball. I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!! Yeah babah,..its all good and under control.

( well errr,...uuuuuhhhhh,... all except for that ball shot to me by #27. What the heck? That better not happen again, gosh &%$#@ it! )

My excuse reason for the error musta been because of fumes. Yeap, I indeed did say fumes I'm tellin ya! Got kinda dizzy ( JT, I said dizzy,..not ditzy! Big Grin ) and light headed from all the limabean casserole and pumpkin pie smells. That in combination with the fumes from the acrylic nail glue and wheeeew,..peeeee-youuuuu- wooooooo,...whooooa Nelly, that's a toxic combination. Almost leathal.
Warning: don't try it at home. Been there, done that, don't wanna do it again!

Mental note to self: In the future never get nails done on a baseball playin' day.

But,..but but butttt,..I must admit ( insert little high pitched squeal here ) my nails did turn out fabulouso to the max!!! As Paris says, " They're hot! ".
Got em' painted a purple passion glitter color with airbrushed baseballs and paws
alternating on every other finger. To die for! I think all us PPP's should get them. Ahhhh,..come on guys whatta ya say? We can call it true test of PPP hazing loyalty. Wink

Ladymom,..we musta been reading each others minds today. ( great minds think alike )
I already Fed Exed the " Moose Master with the Mostess Guy " a double limabean casserole this afternoon. Included a note that read: " More of this available, behind the bleachers after the game. Come and get it biiig boy!! "
( wink wink)
Not sure if that will entice him or not.

A girl can only put it out there & hope.

I do know he's been sniffin' around cause he noticed TPM's casserole stains on her shirt. Could be a good sign. Maybe that sparked a little interest?
We better cross our purple fingers paws and wait & see.
( double-wink )

think the last time I was summoned behind the bleachers by a girl was 8th grade!

Beeezer,....dont forget to bring your icon sword and shield. I have a feeling things could get messy behind the bleachers after the game.
Havent heard back from FO, you may have to be my knight in shining armor, solo style.
I feel confident you will be up to the task. No fear here. Remember I'm the one that read your scouting report, every single line down
to the fine print! ( tee-hee)

ssmom limps to first but is thrown out, 1out

This will NOT happen again. Coach TPM, perhaps I should run backwards next time?
I'm faster that way! Worth a try.

We gotta come back Paw People! Lets get our rears in gear and show those keyboarders what we're made of,..and it ain't just limabean casserole & purple Gatorade!

I'll be here with bells on and carrying an airhorn tomorrow!!
Last edited by shortstopmom
Team PPP,
Sorry that I have not been available for comments this evening, but have been trying to get another pitcher (#47), to join the team but he decided he needed some R & R for the week. We sure could use his help.

BUT, I know this is a temporary slump and we are going to kick some KEYBOARD tomorrow!

Rest up, drink lots of purple ade and see ya at the park in the early am!

Gonna serve birthday cake Big Grin tomorrow at tailgate! Everyone's invited!

Best bday present will be a WIN!
Last edited by TPM
SSMom and LadyNmom - I got your back.

Just so you know I'm quite the athelete - I run a sub 7 minute 60, can bench two LARGE cans of chicken noodle soup and have a vert jump of well over 2 1/2 inches (as long as I didnt eat lunch).

When it comes to a table of food, no one messes with me.

Dont tell the sissyboarders, but my cousins uncles nephews brother is gonna spike thier water tomorrow - 2 sips and they wont be able to see more then a foot in front of them.

By the way, dont tell coach, she doesnt go for this kind of stuff - something about integrity.
SSMom and LadyNmom - I got your back.

Another knight in shining armor strikes again!!!
You da man Catcher 09!!!!!!!
Extra casserole for you!!! ( bring the chicken noodle soup cans,..they might come in handy! )

And psssst,..dont tell Coach, but I've called in a few favors,..and have some very, ohhh lets say former Chipendale dancers cleverly disguised umpires coming to the game to wish Coach TPM a special birthday !!!! ( Got their card from Diamond Darling who ran into them at the ER. She was there for her foot, they were there for something about dislocated hips???)
Coach TPM is gonna flip!! I mean the gal is turning 29,...ya gotta get her somethin' special! Wink
Last edited by shortstopmom

Couple observations regarding todays activities...

First, the sixth inning...

...Credit to RZ and Creeks for getting on base....

...And "Key" Credit must be given to the briliant strategic move by Coach "O" to Bat around pulling this move right out of a youth baseball background...also brilliant observations by "O" before my AB that "justbaseall is a straight shooter. Look for the heat"

OB44 go a hold of this one, it is high and deep, it looks likes its out ……no….it hits the top to the fence and bounces back like a rocket,

- first of all those rumors of "unnatural enhancement" are "clearly" wrong. And that book I am writing "If I did it..."?...Lies, lies, lies and vicious rumors. But to be be sure I suggest buy my two-hour interview on pay-per-view, just $49.95 Checks are fine! Make them out to OB44

- Yes, it was a special Bat...Karmic Wonderboy produced by the GBC Gotwood4sale bat company selected and handcrafted by the Woodman himslef from a cork tree that was struck by lightning.

...the lf gets ball and OB44 is rounding 2nd….it’s gonna be close……safe! OB44 hook slides around the tag! This is one for ESPN! RBI triple. OB44 stands dirty and smiling as Keyboards have pulled ahead 4-3 here in the 6th.

- No, contrary to PAWS rumors that vaunted hook slide was NOT created when both my legs cramped 10 feet from the bag.

- Hate to differ, but my triple was not "one for ESPN!" but rather "one for the age (50)!"

- No Oliver, there is no conspiritorial connection between my Bat maker The Woodman and his wife Playbaseball the PAWS leftfielder. The fact that the ball was hit to left field, and I am VERY slow and somehow got a triple and is simply Karmic coincidence.

- The face that the PAWS 3B is Hokie and he spent a great deal of time with my in the Minor karmic thread leagues had nothing to do with the slow tag.

OB44 scores, what’s that is his back pocket? OB44 pulls out a purple Gatoraid, thanks a swig, and looks into the Paws dugout with a smirk.

- Rumors of a Gatorade Contract negotiated by my agent 08DAD that includes a bonus for each smirk, are greatly exaggerated.

- Yes, I have decided to turn down that $33M offer on the advice of 08DAD.

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44 very sorry to hear about your accident, but I think you could still play....I'm doing it while in physical therapy...and at the Doctor's office.....just show up with "spirit"......I wish you well with your foot....but hope your team falls a lot further than the roof. (TPM...I meant that with all due respect).

Catcher09...thank you....think Ssmom and I need all the help we can get....

Ssmom.....keep baking....

....and team....we have to do it tomorrow for Coach....either that or sing "Happy Birthday"...I think she'd rather have a win....
**** Gooood Morning Team!!!! ****
Time to get uppp!!!! Rise and shine PPP's!!!

7 a.m. my time zone, 5:00 & 8 a.m. in others!
Up Up Up!!!

Took a nice little 2 1/2 mile jog this morning & already have " stuff " baking in the oven,..tablecloth washed, ironed, and placed strategically perfect on the diningroom table. ( cute little pilrams and turkeys sittin' as the centerpiece )

Gotta run out and get some more pumpkin spice & cranberries,..but will have glove on hand at all times. ( can swoop up more from the shelves that way anyways, in one scoop! Nothin' like multi tasking!! )

Have a good breakfast guys. Hope you hydrated last night. Make sure you stretch and are at the field on time. ( thought I'd get a little bossy and give out the morning orders, must be the military mom/wife thing in me, while TPM gets a few extra birthday beauty minutes of sleep )

This is the home stretch and we gottta make those Keyboarders sing the blues!!!
Its gonna take a T-E-A-M effort. ( insert song " We are F-a-m-i-l-y,..I got all my brothas and sistahs with me,....") Do the Ellen DeGeneres dance while you're singin'. Get those feet movin',..clap your hands to the beat!! Oh yeah,..I can feel it!! We're gonna be goood today babah!!!
I know we can do it!

*** May I be the first to wish Coach TPM a super awesome, totally to the max, perfect, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! *****
( can't wait for cake!)

I'll be ready with bells on when you all are!!
Varooooooom,...zing zing zoom,..out the door she goes!!!! ( bat bag in tow )
Last edited by shortstopmom
Originally posted by shortstopmom:
Beeezer,....dont forget to bring your icon sword and shield. I have a feeling things could get messy behind the bleachers after the game.
Havent heard back from FO, you may have to be my knight in shining armor, solo style.

I've never been ordered to wear a gladiator costume by a woman.....but I think I like it. I've always wanted to be a gladiator.
Last edited by Beezer

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