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First Inning

Justbaseball - #24 (2,4) ground out to pitcher to 1st base. 1 out
Itsinthegame - #12 (3,6) pop up to 1st. 2 outs
catcher09- #17 (5,4) slow grounder to 3b to 1st. 3 outs

RHP – 27 (5,3) sharp grounder to 3rd to 1st. 1 out
AK – 13 (1,6) bunt to pitcher to 1st. 2 outs
JT – 7 (2,2) double off the fence in right center field. JT on 2nd base 2 outs
0209Mom – 19 (6,3) fly ball to deep lf, lf makes play, 3 outs
Second Inning

jmePop #43 (1,4) slow roller to 3rd, throw to 1st. 1 out
FloridaHokie #18 (5,6) another grouner to 3rd, throw to 1st. 2 out
LadyNmom #14 (3,3) hard line drive down rf line, LadyMmom is on her horse, head first slide into third…. triple
Cleveland Dad #16 (5,3) line out to 3rd. 3 outs

DD – 5 (6,2) grounder to ss to 1st. 1 out
StillLearning – 15 (2,4) jammed on the hands, slow roller to pitcher to 1st. 2 outs
DB2B – 1 (5,6) ground ball to 3rd, thorw to 1st in time. 3 outs
Last edited by Bullwinkle
Originally posted by Bullwinkle:
FloridaHokie #18 (5,6) another grouner to 3rd, throw to 1st.

I've hit grounders before. ...certainly my share of groaners...more than a few grinners...plenty of gappers...several goners...the occasional groundskeeper (no serious injury I'm thankful to say)...but that was my first grouner.

Ya know... Ya come to the ballpark every day, and ya learn something new each time.
Last edited by FloridaHokie
Third inning

Beezer #23 (1,1) Single up the middle. Beezer on first
ssmom #0 9(is zero a number?) (1,3) ssmom bunts to pitcher, 1-4 bezzer out at second FC. 1 out
playbaseball #6 (5,4) line drive to right field, ssmom safe at 2nd, rf throws to 2nd. Single, 1 out
jerseydad #45 (1,6) ground ball to 3rd. ssmom out on force, playbaseball on 2nd, jerseydad on 2nd, FC 2 out
FrankF #41 (4,4) 3 run homer to deep lf. 3 RBI
Former Observer #38 (6,5) K 3 outs


Rz – 30 (5,1) single to rf. RZ on first 0 outs
Creeks – 74 (6,6) ground to ss to 2nd base to 1st, double play 2 outs
OB44 - ummm....44 (4,2) ground ball to 1st, unassisted 3 outs

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