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Ok, TPM will manage against Orlando if no one wants it.

I promise I will not take any rookies behind the shed and give verbal bashing. Eek

Will not throw bucket of balls, kick dirt at umpires, have any kind of hissy fits or deliver chin pimp slaps.

All team members will be treated equally regardless of scholarship or how much your folks gave to alumni fund. In other words, you got to EARN it baby!

Team names could be
Tiger Paws Big Grin
Webster Warriors
Miami Mashers
Howdy Dowdys

Team colors orange/purple
Last edited by TPM
Obviously, TPM, they're afraid of me (either that, or they're so convulsed with laughter they haven't been able to type.)

However, if you continue to refer to yourself in the third person, I'm thinking you might want to consider a career change to professional football or basketball Wink.

Don't mess with Florida women, sports fans!
Whoa there, FloridaHokie. That was sorta a lame attempt at humor. That "dirtbag" mom is actaully very proud to be called such. Her son Vance pitches for Long Beach State. I can assure you that the one and only DB2BMOM has every right to be proud of that, her son is an outstanding pitcher. I tried to get him to play with our summer team for several years, but he always played for the "other" teams, and killed us every time we faced him. I know Shirl a bit, watched a game with her last year and we talk from time to time, and I can reassure you she's a classy lady, one of the better parents I've seen in the opposing stands over the years.

Long Beach and Irvine make a nice little rivalry, which is why I was saying she'd pose with anyone. There was no offense intended at all. Smile
Last edited by 06catcherdad

Played Short Stop, Coed Badminton and ran Cross Country Track, won "Silver Knight" award (nothing to do with Bobby) from the Miami Herald for Athletics. Also served as Athletic Trainer for Football team and other athletes, this experience maybe more appreciated at this stage in the game! Medic!!!

Moved on to "Player Development" and had three sons. Big Grin Career then naturally progessed to coaching. Have participated in numerous coaching clinics required for liability insurance which means I'm certifiable. crazy Got suckered, um I mean had the opportunity to be head coach for an "Expansion" team, the 9yr old Seattle Mariners. (First base is that way!) I'm an experienced scorekeeper and statistician. Hablo espanol un poquito tambien! This could help if team picks up some players from the south.
I can shell sunflower seeds without using my fingers.

References: Websters, Rogets, Britannica, Wikipedia

Salary: Will work for food (to feed teenage boys)

HSBBWeb Old Timer & Owner

Posted November 14, 2006 11:26 PM
Still Learning,

"I'm working real hard with my physical terrorist..."

I'm sorry to laugh at your expense, I know it must be painful.

Thats OK MN-Mom, Laughter is what eases the pain.

Ouestion: If I keep going to PT three times a week, knowing how much it is going to hurt, yet I am pleased with the progress I'm making; does that make me a Sadomasochist? What implications would this have for the Therapists since they do it for money? Eek
Last edited by Still Learning
rz, I'm sure we'd love to have you on a western team.

Heck, I couldn't think of a good matchup to go against cheeseheads. On the other hand, the land of fruits and nuts could have plenty of opponents, I'm sure.

I guess this just goes to show why I shouldn't be allowed to manage (and even I shudder at the thought of me as commmish!). We'll all have to defer to the wisdon of his mooseness.
Last edited by 06catcherdad
Originally posted by rz1:
Originally posted by 06catcherdad:
What if we were to play East vs. West? .

Now it's situations like this that sends us Mid-Western and Northerners to therapy, always on the fence, traded from one side to the other, and we never have any "real" friends.

Orlando and I are north/south Smile
Originally posted by 06catcherdad:

"Heck, I couldn't think of a good matchup to go against cheeseheads. On the other hand, the land of fruits and nuts could have plenty of opponents, I'm sure."

Surely someone in NoCal can think of a good matchup with cheeseheads, fruits and nuts.

What's that? Did someone say "Reisling" sounds like a party to me!
Last edited by Still Learning
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
I don't even think that Wisconsin was a thought in anyone's mind during civil war. Smile

Get the books out, or Google warmed up TPM, Wi troops had a big part in determining the outcome. Also, Camp Randall, where the UW plays football was a Civil War training/POW camp.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by rz1:
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
I don't even think that Wisconsin was a thought in anyone's mind during civil war. Smile

Get the books out TPM, Wi troops had a big part in determining the outcome. Also, Camp Randall, where the UW plays football was a Civil War training/POW camp.

You're da man!
If O44 is going into therapy, can he get a medical waiver, or does he get red-shirted?

How 'bout being red-straightjacketed? I have one that I won't need for a while.

TPM- I wasn't being defensive it was more or less a WI history lesson. Since we are froze over 4 months a year our history and accomplishments are a bit of an unknown short story. Wisconsonites as a whole tend to be a little shy and unassumming
Last edited by rz1
...get me that Straight Jacket...and three more...I can see the "nut cases" Me and Woody and JT and Hokie...

44, I have access to some others but for my own personal safety they are still "in use". Besides even in diceball it's hard to make plays and even the jacketed fan in the stands has a hard time doing the "wave". I think we will have to trust that you guys will be on your best behavior
Last edited by rz1

Originally posted by FloridaHokie:
Woody's back.....!
We missed you for the first five pages or so. been recruiting overseas or something? ...trying to get Krak to lace em up for the team?

Nope...I've been here in the Chicago area...raking leaves...causing trouble.

I did try to send that urine sample before I learned of Bullwinkle's patented machine.

My first attempt was a painful failure...any of you guys that have ever relieved yourself on an electric fence will know what I'm talking about...I didn't have any trouble hitting the CD tray, but that's about all I remember...there was an enormous flash and the next thing I know I'm dazed and sitting on the floor near the corner...somehow I had a slight perception that I was a wee bit wiser at that moment than I had been just earlier. I just can't get this image out of my mind...

Trial and error. I figured that I had better go back to the drawing board if I wanted this to fly.

First I wrapped all of the sharp edges on my computer with Teflon tape...couldn't find the duct tape...can't imagine where I put it. And I lined the computer up with the sofa...that hard landing on the floor was not going to happen again.

Next I glanced out over my wing chair and trimmed the ailerons...that's when I noticed it...the likely solution to my vexing problem...a pitot tube...perfect! Thank goodness for good 'ol Danny Boy Bernoulli. Never, never did I think my buddy Bernoulli would have such an effect on me!

All of that Teflon tape must have done the explosion.

That tube was a pretty small target, but I'm certain that my aim was good enough ...Bullwinkle surely received it.

I know it got as far as Comcast's office because they sent me an e-mail explaining to me that they knew about everything I was doing and that they will not come out to the house to fix any problems resulting from my attempt. They mentioned something about "it's in the small print" and "courts have consistently ruled in our favor". Ok...I get the picture.

I'm going to have to say "no dice" to the baseball game. After doing all of the exhausting testing I really feel that I'm better suited to rest up and watch this baseball game from the bleachers.

So batter up!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by 06catcherdad:
Those dirtbag moms will pose with anyone, won't they. Razz

Yup, we sure do. I'll have to pose with you the next time we meet to show that I will pose with just about anyone. Razz

Plus I have the distinction of being the one and only HSBBWebster to have documented proof of my meeting with the Bullwinkle. Cool

I'm bored! When does the draft begin? I like the idea of Orlando and TPM managing the teams.
Thanks for the plug.

Although I sometimes "show flashes of dominance" (like that TD) Wink, management is my strength.

I also propose that after the games, a HSBBW draft take place for all players, #1 pick getting a free year's subscription to the HSBBW! Big Grin

As for Orlando, she is quite knowledgeable in the game, perhaps a bit more than some other people I know. Eek
Bullwinkle is busy around the office working out other sponsorship ideas and later this afternoon I’m getting together with Snoop Dog to chill and work on a theme song to HSBBDice2006. Hanging with the dog normally means I’m out of commission until Monday….

So TPM and Orlando are team owners…

TPM and Orlando please draft your teams and post results so we can start game Monday afternoon 11/20/06. Best draft is the TPM chose first the Orlando second and so on…it might be easier in chat…but do whatever works for you two.

Commissionaire Bullwinkle J Moose, esq
Moose and Dog Weekend Tour 06 starts now!

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