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Having watched from a distance for some time I'm sure I will ruffle some feathers with my first post, but I've been known to push a button or two. I have seen Red Oak, Poteet, Forney, and Heath multiple times this year. Forney looks like they are playing for next year and are the second or third best team in 15-4A. Red Oak and Heath pitchers will dominate Poteet's hitters as well as their hitters against Poteet's pitching. Only a couple of kid's in the Poteet lineup that can hit quality pitching on a regular basis. The upper 80's and low 90's that Red Oak and Heath run out there will shut Poteet down. Poteet's 81-82mph pitchers shut Forney and Mabank down but won't be a match for the bats that Red Oak and Heath send to the plate. Red Oak will win 15-4A with Poteet and Forney fighting it out for second. Heath will run the table till the playoffs. Just my .02 worth.
You know I get so sick of people who get on here and make comments about things they know nothing about! Poteet Is loaded with talented players! This guy is nuts and is probably a Red Oak homer! But anyway how could you say Poteet can't hit top level pitching. They are loaded with some of the best hitters on thier high level respected summer teams! Blunt,Moody,Sutton,Nowell,Franklin,Griffin,Taylor,Alexander,Slater,Foster just to name a few! And then there's the pitching!!! Blunt,Nonemaker,Griffin,Nowell,Franklin,Taylor some of the best pitchers in the area! Some people!
Last edited by BASE - STEALER
All bulls**t aside. I do believe Heath has the best 4A team in the area with there mixture of underclass men and seniors they should win Region 2. Just my .02 worth.

They very well may be the best HS team in the area, period. Since I have'nt seen too many 4A teams play outside of DFW I won't comment on their chances at a state title, but I would love to see the team that can beat them in a series.
Being a big Red Oak/Autrey fan, I appreciate was N.G. has to say. But I also think Tuesday night will be an extremely good game. Our pitching is good, but we have no one throwing in the low 90's. Wallis topped out at 87 a few weeks ago, but that's the hardest I've seen out of them all. I think Poteet will be just fine against the R.O. staff. It should be close all 7 innings just like last year! Either way, Red Oak, Poteet and Forney will be the top 3 out of the district.
I would have to agree with 'Natural Grass'. From watching and input from persons close to the program it seems the seniors and this years team is not the primary focus. Coach Farrow knows Forney will make the playsoffs in this weak district, but it is a free ride this year. The Seniors are Boxley's boys and the underclassmen are his. This team should only have lost 3 games but playing for the future puts up losses.

(Forney looks like they are playing for next year and are the second or third best team in 15-4A. )
How are they "playing for next year"? There are only 4-5 seniors on the team and all are contributing and getting playing time. One of the seniors, contributing with home runs, wasn't even on varsity last year. They seem to be pitching Blackmon and Jeffrey on a regular basis to produce wins. Are there players not getting playing time that should be on the field? Is he playing players in positions that they are not capable of playing?

"Playing for next year" just doesn't make sense and coaches don't sacrifice a season just because some of the players aren't "HIS". Give Farrow some credit, I know him and he is a top notch coach that will get everything he can from the kids, all the kids. Last time I checked HS baseball, district games are all that mean anything prior to the start of state tournament.

chuck_norris is correct, "this is getting laughable".
Last edited by XXPlayBallXX
I will have to agree with all that really counts are district games and I believe Farrow is a good coach and will play to win all district games. Maybe i should have said preparing for next year. The lack of athletes that can play outfield really hurts both the infield and outfield since both Blackmon and Jeffery are outfielders and one or the other is usually on the hill. There are some players out of position because of that but I guess Farrow is filling in where he thinks will give the team the best opportunity to win.
For everyone that is playing along...I grew up in Dallas(I'm too old to have attended Poteet), son graduated from a DISD school, and I now live in Crandall. No ties to Forney or Poteet, just like watching good baseball and both schools along with others provide that. I was at the Poteet vs Forney game and Poteet dominated that game. Forney played scared and it showed. If the playing surface cost Forney that game, as was suggested, then they will have trouble with West Mesquite as well. I think both schools have the same surface. I think Heath overall has the most talent and I think Red Oak is the best team in 15-4A. I haven't read where too many disagree including the Poteet dads. These are my opinions and if the boys from Poteet disagree then they can prove me wrong on the field. Won't be the first time I have eaten crow.
The playing surface created some issues but Forney got beat by lack of aggressiveness at he plate and tentiveness in the field that resulted in errors. We will find out more Tuesday when Poteet plays Red Oak. I bet Red Oak does not throw their number 1 but saves him for Forney on Friday night as is typical of everyone that plays Poteet until playoff time. I don't believe anything a Poteet dad might say.
Natural Grass, what you don't seem to understand is that Beast and GoPirates the (Poteet Dads) are just professional Sandbagers! They both know very well that Poteet is the best team hands down in the district! Your just falling for their tricks. Red Oak is Good but Poteet has to much talent! You say you went to the Forney / Poteet Game, well I can tell you the Poteet bats were off that night and they still won. Not to take anything away from Blackmon because he is also one of the best young pitchers in our area! But Poteet did win. I just don't understand your reasoning. I have coached for and against several players from all 3 schools and Poteet is by far the most talented. Just look at thier records alone Poteet only Has two loses and they were against two of the top 5A teams in the state! Com'on Man!
Last edited by BASE - STEALER
You also have to remember, Red Oak is very young. They start 3 juniors and 2 sophmores. The kid that seems to be the closer is also a junior. Only 4 Seniors that have been main contributors. They have basically led R.O. to this point on the mound and behind the plate. 2 SP's, C, 1st, and CF are the only seniors. Their youth could hurt them against a good Poteet or Forney team.
Originally posted by 4NEEBBALL:
The playing surface created some issues but Forney got beat by lack of aggressiveness at he plate and tentiveness in the field that resulted in errors. We will find out more Tuesday when Poteet plays Red Oak. I bet Red Oak does not throw their number 1 but saves him for Forney on Friday night as is typical of everyone that plays Poteet until playoff time. I don't believe anything a Poteet dad might say.

Isn't the playing surface artificial field turf? It's not the astroturf they used to have is it? How would this playing surface cause problems at all? I haven't seen too many bad hops on field turf myself. Excuses, Excuses...
Originally posted by ryanexpress:
Add to that total a one hit shutout Friday night by Thompson of Heath against JJ Pearce with the wind blowing out on their tiny field. Impressive outing but this post will probably cause someone to go off on another tangent unrelated to the boys..

That is amazing that you could see the wind blowing all the way from Edmond, Oklahoma. Big Grin

Was that unrelated enough?
Let's be careful not to blame the kid and assume he intentionally hit the batter. Aside from being the best 2012 in the mteroplex (imo)JT is a nice kid who I don't think would do that. As for the other remarks about being not good sports, not good fans, not good in humility .... fair enough as I've eluded to similar in earlier postings.
Texas Crude, Beast, and others who know Jake:

Please intervene here and right this wrong. You guys have know Jake since he was a really young kid and you know he would never hit anyone especially in the head and especially a friend of his. The boy does not deserve this accusation. No one else has been hit by a pitch this year? This is amazing!
Wow, everyone is off track here. It is not often that HS players throw at each other without a purpose and the normal pupose is inside to move them a little off the plate but not to hurt or injure.The majority of HS pitchers don't have total control at all times anyway. if they are going to hit another player it won't be thrown at the head. And daddy get over it. Now move on to post about 15-4A.
Originally posted by BASE - STEALER:
Big Train is right, Jake is a good kid and he would not intentionally hurt anyone, so don't start something you know nothing about! You know it's great when your on top, but everyone is always out to get you when you are! Oh And by the way Rockwall Heath can beat any team in any district right now including 5A!

Hey B-S....I don't think anyone said he intentionally tried to hurt some. You can intentionally throw at someone without trying to hurt them!!

BTW...what 5A teams are they playing for their non-district games? Just curious.
Originally posted by NuffSaid:
Originally posted by BASE - STEALER:
Big Train is right, Jake is a good kid and he would not intentionally hurt anyone, so don't start something you know nothing about! You know it's great when your on top, but everyone is always out to get you when you are! Oh And by the way Rockwall Heath can beat any team in any district right now including 5A!

Hey B-S....I don't think anyone said he intentionally tried to hurt some. You can intentionally throw at someone without trying to hurt them!!

BTW...what 5A teams are they playing for their non-district games? Just curious.
Not at their head!
Originally posted by Big Train:
Texas Crude, Beast, and others who know Jake:

Please intervene here and right this wrong. You guys have know Jake since he was a really young kid and you know he would never hit anyone especially in the head and especially a friend of his. The boy does not deserve this accusation. No one else has been hit by a pitch this year? This is amazing!

I agree. Jake doesn't deserve to be accused of hitting someone in the head intentionally.

Stop trying to beat the kid down on-line because Heath can't be beat on the field.
I have one question for all the obvious haters out there.. WHY would a smart, good kid with great talent intentionally hit another kid when he can dominate like he has..? I have no dog in the hunt but it seems petty jealousy abounds in this small arena.. Dont detract from those who
A. have the talent
B. have workedhard to develope it.
Originally posted by MikeD23:
I have one question for all the obvious haters out there.. WHY would a smart, good kid with great talent intentionally hit another kid when he can dominate like he has..? I have no dog in the hunt but it seems petty jealousy abounds in this small arena.. Dont detract from those who
A. have the talent
B. have workedhard to develope it.

Come'on MikeD...even guys in the pros with LOADS of talent throw at guys intentionally (whether they hit their intended target or not). Every pitcher at some point in his career will be asked (given the sign) to throw at the hitter. Either to back him off the plate or send a message. That's baseball!

Don't act like it doesn't happen!!!!

BTW...I'm not dissin' the kid or his talent. Just arguing a point.
Last edited by NuffSaid

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