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I have no dog in this hunt and have never seen the players or teams being mentioned but... my son hit 3rd, 4th or 5th during high school and got throw at all the time. As a parent, I never thought about taking it personally since brushing back hitters is part of the game... And yes, he was hit in the head and shoulders several times. Did I want to see him get hurt? Obviously not... but I realize that knocking down hitters is a part of the game. Do I agree? I dunno...
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
Please try to remain on topic -- it's not fair to those that want to discuss 4A D15 to roam too far. I'm glad some made their opinions clear on a kid or a team or whatever.....let's continue to discuss the positive aspects of the season. There are some cool things going on out there.


You going to Columbia this weekend?
Originally posted by tychco:
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
Please try to remain on topic -- it's not fair to those that want to discuss 4A D15 to roam too far. I'm glad some made their opinions clear on a kid or a team or whatever.....let's continue to discuss the positive aspects of the season. There are some cool things going on out there.


You going to Columbia this weekend?
I'm going over to TCU tonight...
Originally posted by tychco:

Originally posted by Panther Dad:
Please try to remain on topic -- it's not fair to those that want to discuss 4A D15 to roam too far. I'm glad some made their opinions clear on a kid or a team or whatever.....let's continue to discuss the positive aspects of the season. There are some cool things going on out there.


You going to Columbia this weekend?

I'm going over to TCU tonight...

I'm going over to Poteet tonight...
Originally posted by 4NEEBBALL:
Ok, let's try this again now that we all have our "feel good" on and have established JT was raised right by a great mom and dad.

Any thoughts on Poteet and Red Oak tonight?

The #3 ranked 4A team in the area, and #9 in the state, Mesquite Poteet Pirates should defeat Red Oak tonight,even though I think it will be a good game! Does anyone know what the pitching match up will be tonight.
Originally posted by Maverick0714:
Originally posted by tychco:
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
Please try to remain on topic -- it's not fair to those that want to discuss 4A D15 to roam too far. I'm glad some made their opinions clear on a kid or a team or whatever.....let's continue to discuss the positive aspects of the season. There are some cool things going on out there.


You going to Columbia this weekend?
I'm going over to TCU tonight...

If I wanted your post, Mav, I would have beat it out of you...
Not surprised Blunt did well he has been throwing well. I am also not surprised Red Oak did not throw Fletcher, saving him for Forney. It might not have made a difference but i would like to see the match ups with Poteet when all teams throw their number 1. Poteet is a good team but when a team knows their ace is not on the hill in a district game for 1st place could there some thoughts in the players minds that coach thinks we can't win so the intensity is not there?
Ok, seriously? I just got turned on to this site not to long ago. I have no kids in this district, it just always pops up so I read it.

I have an idea...NO MORE EXCUSES!!! YOU cannot just let teams play, win, and lose!!! So you are telling me that teams that go deep into playoffs and win state championships take a game or two off each series because their "Ace" is not on the hill??? YEAH RIGHT!!! That is your argument that you have just given us??? You are turning a post that is meant for good baseball talk into an excuse fest! I think I will tell my little league team that when Johnny Flamethrower is not pitching it is okay for us to lose because we are not as good mentally or physically when he is not on the mound!
Does this mean that Red Oak will not win district??? Unconceivable! Where are all those RO fans that said they should have won last year, and were clearly the best defensive/offensive team in this district? I dont think those Poteet players were as scared of Red Oak's whomping of Lancaster as we thought they would be. . .
Austin Blunt clearly just out pitched this team, the majority of the Red Oak players were clueless. I believe there were 8 or 9 giant K's taped to the fence. Probably not well enough to be DMN player of the week, or get a magazine cover, but his parents should buy him an ice cream cone at least.
I will say this- I believe that Red Oak's catcher played very well, he was quick, nothing got by him, and he has a nice frame. And I understand he also played with class toward the Poteet players, unlike the RO junior who flipped off Poteet when he struck out. But those Poteet fans are loud so its all even.
How many runs has Poteet actually allowed so far in district play anyway?
Seriously? Last year we put somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 runs on Forney in two games and they were still talking trash how it was luck and they should have beaten us. Red Oak said they were the better team last year even though we beat them soundly at their place and then came from 5-2 down with two outs in the 7th and won 7-5 in the 9th. This is after we had already clinched district. We wanted a perfect district record that bad. This year Blunt throws a perfect game against Forney and the "surface" had something to do with them getting beat. Blunt puts up 13 k's and gives up 2 hits against Red Oak and they are still the better team? The Red Oak pitcher hits 4 batters and throws 2 pitches in a row at a Poteet batter's head and yet it's a Red Oak batter that "flips off" the Poteet players after he strikes out. Beast and I downplay the talent we have at Poteet because you never know what you are going to get out of 17 and 18 yr old kids, but the noise is only going to get louder Tuesday and April 23rd.
Poteet fans are loud, but they are consistently loud. I think it's funny how loud Forney fans were until the 3rd inning and they hadn't come anywhere close to getting on base, after that you could hear crickets chirping over there. Same thing last night, Red Oak fans were having a good ol' time until those 5 Poteet runs came in in one inning (wasnt 1 a Hr from Beau Nowell?) then the crickets came out. The Poteet Fans start loud and keep cheering regardless of the score until the end of the game.
Are we sure it wasnt the noise instead of surface and pitcher issues that caused these Forney/Red Oak losses? Quick, grab that life saver while you can!
So you are telling me that teams that go deep into playoffs and win state championships take a game or two off each series because their "Ace" is not on the hill??? YEAH RIGHT!!!

from chuck_norris

Good point Chuck. I konw when I was playing ball I never played well when our ace was not on the mound. If I remember correctly we lost every game except when he was on the mound! Just sayin.
Thank you go pirates. I am just disgusted that no matter what Poteet does Red Oak and Forney just continues to make excuses. Is it that hard to admit you were out played? Not only did Blunt pitch a great game but we hit well from our 1 hole to our 9 hole. I believe there was a post on here that our batters would not be able to hang. Looked to me like they hung just fine. Poteet gets such a bad wrap for being poor sports. Our coaches were not the ones on the field talking **** to the other team including the players. I could not believe some of the stuff that came out of the mouths of the parents for Red Oak not to mention to the behavior of the kids on the field. From what I heard the coaches for Red Oak were calling for the pitcher to hit the players. Really?? Hey, worked for us since it people so many people on base. At what point does Poteet get its due????
Playing for second place in 15-4A might not be so bad after all. First, I don't think Poteet's chances of winning the District are in jeopardy. It would take a lot for anyone to unseat them from 1st place. However, this doesn't mean that the other teams should concede to them. Strange things could happen. Uh-Oh, therein lies luck, bad bounces, etc.

Back to second place....the third place finisher could potentially face Poteet in the 3rd round of the playoffs (Region quarterfinals), but the second/fourth place finishers wouldn't potentially have to see them again until the 5th round (Region final). This is assuming they advance that far. So, maybe, for this reason, second is a good strategy. Avoid the Giant as long as you can...maybe they'll be tired by then (or bored).
Originally posted by 4NEEBBALL:
Here's your due. Poteet, a very good baseball team. Players,coach and parents with very few exceptions are classless, put yourself where you feel you fit.
What you are doing here is classless! The Poteet parents are very classy. The problem is not the parents or the players. It's the ignorant students in their small group, that have no interest in the game other than to come out and heckle the other team. You can't put that on the parents or the players! And that still has nothing to do with all the excusses!!!
VERY well put 4NEEBBALL. All we keep reading is how bad sports Red Oak and Forney players/fans are. Now that's the pot calling the kettle black. Poteet players have always been "mouthy" and show VERY poor character. Surprised that MISD hasn't stepped in and muzzled the kids. In all the years that I've followed Forney baseball, I've never noticed any actions by Forney players that come anywhere close to the childish behavior displayed by Poteet players year in and year out. The only time I've ever witnessed Poteet players keeping their mouths shut was after game 3 in 2008 when Poteet was sent home by Forney in the playoffs. Even during that game Forney players displayed much more class than Poteet right to the very end.

Humorous to listen to Poteet fans/parents complain about the actions of other teams, hypocritical comes to mind.
Back to second place....the third place finisher could potentially face Poteet in the 3rd round of the playoffs (Region quarterfinals), but the second/fourth place finishers wouldn't potentially have to see them again until the 5th round (Region final). This is assuming they advance that far. So, maybe, for this reason, second is a good strategy. Avoid the Giant as long as you can...maybe they'll be tired by then (or bored).

You are correct, if Poteet gets by Heath, maybe the real "Giant" in your scenario.
You are correct, if Poteet gets by Heath, maybe the real "Giant" in your scenario.

If Poteet gets by Heath y'all are all invited to come to Roundrock to watch the final four. Winner of 10-4A would not play the winner of 15-4A until the regional finals. 2nd and 4th place from 15-4A would be in the upper bracket with Heath. I only know this because we have made it that far before. Sorry, was that too classless?
Guys and ladies please remember we are trying to have a discussion about the game of baseball. Everyones OPINIONS on who is classless and not are just OPINIONS! Every team out there is cocky and every team can get loud with the best of them. I used to hate playing teams that talked alot. All you can do is beat them. If you can't beat them, then get used to it. Thats the way it has always been and thats the way it will always be.

We all have complaints about everybody!!! Lets get back to good ole' baseball!!!

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