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Forney lead through the first 4. A few errors caused Red Oak to let the lead slip to 3-0. In the bottom of the 5th Red Oak came out swinging! A Cody Alsup grand slam put Red Oak ahead 5-3. After taking a 7-4 lead going into the top of the 1st, Red Oak's pitching staff lost it! Milke and Wallis just couldn't throw strikes. Tying and winning run's were both walked in. Forney wins 8-7. Red Oak still seemed pretty flat, not like they had been up until Poteet. Still, a great game.
The Forney vs Red Oak game was 6-3 after Alsup hit a 3 run HR in the 5th. Forney scored 1 in the 6th and Red Oak answered with 1 on a passed ball. 7-6 Red Oak going into the 7th. Forney had a hit to lead off the 7th and then the Red Oak pitchers lost the zone. Eatherly finished the 6th and closeg out the 7th for the 8-7 Forney win. Neither team seemed up for an important game.
At least some Poteet players and fans showed up and got into it with some Red Oak fans almost as exciting as the game.
I got to attend this game and was surprised by the actions of one of the Red Oak players, the DH. He was approaching the batters box when the coach pulled him and put another hitter in his place. The DH was so upset that he threw his bat and stormed like a toddler into the dugout. Someone off the bench had to go and retrieve the bat. The move seemed to work out at the time because the new DH hit the first pitch for a double. I also witnessed, first hand, a Red Oak parent stand and yell at the Poteet players in the stands. A peace officer for Red Oak had to break up the incident. Guess Red Oak fans are still bitter over not being able to beat Poteet.

I admire Forney for the way they capitalized on Red Oak's errors and battled back to take the lead in the 7th when it looked all but over. Coach Farrow has done a great job with these kids. They did seem flat but were able to turn it on when it was needed. Great Win.
Last edited by XXPlayBallXX
A peace officer for Red Oak had to break up the incident.

That is not correct. An administrator for Red Oak had to jump on two Red Oak adults for yelling at four 17 year old kids. Those 4 kids sat there all night not saying a word for 5 innings. When the game was over and the kids left 4 parents and the Red Oak head coaches dad apologized to those kids.
See your first hand account of the incident is bulls@@t. Just like I new it would be. And before you ask " well why did they go to game" because they can. The police officer never said a word to those kids. But I know with Poteets reputation that not many will believe this. But you know what I don't give a rats azz. See you on Tuesday.
Last edited by The Beast
Well I don't know what kind of administrators you have in Red Oak, but this "administrator" had hand cuffs and a badge both attached to his belt. It was not the uniformed officer on patrol in the stands.
I never once questioned the Poteet players' right to attend the game, I'm glad they came out to watch. My post went entirely to the fact that Red Oak parents treated the kids with disrespect.
Last edited by XXPlayBallXX
Me and the officer had a good talk after the game, he's coming over for Easter dinner on Sunday. Smile
I don't usually sit in the stands but I did find a good seat for the 4/23/10 game last night, right under the press box. Should be a fun night. Wink

Talk about raising my ugly head. Man you need to join the Hair Club for Men. When you took that hat off for the National Anthem it almost blinded me from the sun hitting it. See you Tuesday. Should be a good one. Oh and I sent your administrator some flowers for the game, she's going to love them.
Hey Beast I don't know what this is about since I was out of town for this game but got first hand info from a good friend that was there. But I think I know who you are referring to and it is kinda funny, so good one...

Talk about raising my ugly head. Man you need to join the Hair Club for Men. When you took that hat off for the National Anthem it almost blinded me from the sun hitting it.
Originally posted by XXPlayBallXX:
VERY well put 4NEEBBALL. All we keep reading is how bad sports Red Oak and Forney players/fans are. Now that's the pot calling the kettle black. Poteet players have always been "mouthy" and show VERY poor character. Surprised that MISD hasn't stepped in and muzzled the kids. In all the years that I've followed Forney baseball, I've never noticed any actions by Forney players that come anywhere close to the childish behavior displayed by Poteet players year in and year out. The only time I've ever witnessed Poteet players keeping their mouths shut was after game 3 in 2008 when Poteet was sent home by Forney in the playoffs. Even during that game Forney players displayed much more class than Poteet right to the very end.

Humorous to listen to Poteet fans/parents complain about the actions of other teams, hypocritical comes to mind.

word i heard through the grapevine is that only 4 years ago the forney players broke the huddle out before the game as F*^# Poteet!! just a rumor i've heard..can anyone confirm this?

You talk about Forney and Red Oak having class compared to Poteet and then you set there and say you heard that Forney broke the huddle saying F*** Poteet! Then the other night the Red Oak player flipping off Poteet! Yea that's real class! The bottom line is Poteet dominates the district and Forney and Red Oak both are always second and third period! You guys make way more out of this than the players, for the most part the players are friends alot of them play together in the summer from all three schools so just give it up! And by the way Orville you have lost all credibility on this site with all that ignorant preseason and early season garbage you were saying about Poteet! And if you want, I'll go thru the website and bring it all back to the top for everyone to read!
Base - Stealer,
Most of the talk here is from parents ( dads ) and ex-players dads. most is good natured trash. You are correct that a lot of these players play together in the summer but in the spring they are bitter rivals and a lot of ugly things are said on the field. For some reason it gets out of hand at times. I blame parents the most from all teams and from Poteet I will also blame the coach as he seems to allow way too much which just adds fuel to the fire. The players will only go as far as allowed. As trash talking escalates in the stands it gets going on the field too. Expect lots on tuesday in Forney. It takes away from the good and sometimes great performances of the players. the focus should be on the guality of baseball that these teams play.
WOW!!! So this has turned away from the great game of baseball into a discussion about peoples integrity!!! Do you know the coach? Do you know everything that goes on day in and day out? My guess is no! There is nothing wrong with us daddies having our fun little trash talking sessions with each other but don't question the integrity of those whom you do not know! You mean to tell me that when Forney broke out F#@$ Poteet (from orville) that the coach knew? NO!!! Kids will be kids no matter what is said when it comes to big rivalries. Even major leaguers turn up their stuff when they are in a rivalry game. It's not a knock on the manager, it is just the heat of the game.
Not to bad of a game.. Poteet did there thing... Forney errors killed them. Blunt pitched very well. Jeffrey just had no help and was a little wild.. As for the trash talk those of you who were there should no Poteet has no CLASS at all ya they win but not the right way. Very poor decisions on there part.. Those of you who said red oak was bad poteet wAs horrible. By the way I didn't hear a thing come out of forneys dugout but yes the fans were bad.
Poteet showed they are a very good team and they take advantage of mistakes. Blunt was good but not great this time. Forney must make a move at shortstop or they cannot expect to play with top teams like Poteet.
The fans were bad as expected, mostly kids on the Forney side or at least as I saw from the stands. Poteet is an embarrassment with their behavior. It is hard to believe a coach would allow a team to constantly mouth at not only the other team but at fans. The Poteet 2nd baseman was ejected for throwing at a group of Forney kids on the fence. The coach actually came out and tried to defend the actions. It is a shame such a good team and program acts in such a degrading way.
Is this typical or what? Poteet has no class, the kids mouth, etc. etc. I did not see any of the players mouthing and I was there. I can tell you however the shortstop for Forney and the outfielder were mouthing to our fans that were standing down the 3rd base line as well as the coach on 3rd base. So IF there was mouthing from our players that I did not see I can assure you it was from both sides. It is just amazing to me how every other team can make a bad throw hit our dugout but let us put a new player in that is not warmed up and he throws the ball over the waist high fence into some fans and it was on purpose. Increadible. I guess before the game when one of our outfielders during warm up threw the ball and hit his own starting catcher in the ribs while he was warming up the pitcher before the game in the unprotected bullpen was done on purpose all so....Give me a break. You rabbbit fans need to get off of it. Forney needs to put some nets up so that the people standing along the side the fence have some protection. Or better yet maybe the fans should sit in the stands like they are suppose to. The crowd noise was loud as predicited. I guess no one is going to mention what the Forney kids did last night that their administration did nothing about. Our students our loud but they are cheering for their team. It is called team spirit. Poteet did not even play the way they are capable of last night and they still dominated. Poteet won, it is what it is and if your going to start bashing Poteet at least be honest about it.
Originally posted by 4NEEBBALL:
The Poteet 2nd baseman was ejected for throwing at a group of Forney kids on the fence. The coach actually came out and tried to defend the actions.

I'll play the hardnosedgamer card and say the kid just came in off the bench and was trying to get loose. I guess that one got away from him.

As far as the behavior from the fans, I would expect the type of behavior we saw/heard last night from students (noise makers and trash talk from Poteet students, Forney students coming over to Poteet side and trashing "K" symbols for Blunt), but what I did NOT expect was the trash talking from supposedly GROWN adults on both sides of the field. I think Poteet, Forney AND Red Oak should take a look at their own actions by parents, students and players before trashing another program. Personally, I think it should all be stopped. But that's not only up to the coaches, but the parents of the players as well.
Last edited by Jewels4Baseball
Blunt was good but not great this time.

Yeah not bad for a kid that was rear ended at a stop sign from a pickup doing 30 mph a couple of hours before the game.I think he did ok just striking out 13 rabbits. I thought it was a total team effort. And I thought Ryan Moody had an outstanding night at the plate last night going 4/4 with 3 rbi.
Last edited by The Beast
Poteet is an embarrassment with their behavior. It is hard to believe a coach would allow a team to constantly mouth at not only the other team but at fans.

This is coming from a team where their coach was turning around and mouthing off at the Poteet fans down the left field line. From the looks of his team, maybe he should spend a little more time focusing on the game instead of the other team's fans. By the way, I guess "STD", "free Clinic", and tearing down the other teams 13 k's are the best you can do when you are getting your butt kicked. If it's not the surface, it's the wind. If it's not the wind, it's the umpires. If it's not the umpires, it's the fans. Get over it!
I was at the game and am basically pretty neutral. I didn't see Poteet players doing anything the Forney players didn't do. They all were just playing a loud intense fun baseball game. The Poteet fans were really loud but that is what makes its great, they WERE NOT out of line at all. I can really see where they give Poteet an advantage. All schools should have that kind of following for their baseball team. As far as the Forney 3rd base coach, kudos to him, Poteet did have one idiot dad down there acting more like a middle school kid then a grown man and I think the coach did a great job restraining himself. The 2nd baseman who threw the ball into the crown, that really did just get away from him. He was warming up pitching for about 2 innings and he just got put into the game in the 7th and that was the first ball rolled to him and he just let it loose and it sailed, it was totally unintentional.
I wonder why every team that plays Poteet says the same thing? Classless players, Coach and fans. Other teams start acting accordingly when playing Poteet and that is unfortunate. Generally speaking it is never heard from other teams playing each other even if the game is lopsided. I guess if the shoe fits? Poteet may be 1st in district but they are last in class.

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