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Beast, when you go just remember these helpful guidelines:
1. don't stand on the fence- the ball goes over there on accident sometimes
2. don't mention the words "playing surface", "pitching issues" or "wind" them's fightin words
3.try to present yourself in a classy manner befitting the teams which will be playing.

see you there, my uncle J.S. is coming in for an encore
The Jackwabbits prevailed after 4 and a half hours of baseball. 13 innings, the lights shut off, and some voodoo from a Red Oak bench player all were just part of the incredible game tonight! Both starters, Fletcher (R.O.) and Jeffrey (Forney), went the first 8 innings both throwing well over 100 pitches. Red Oak's bullpen had only 2 arms left, and Forney had just 3 subs to put in by the end of the game! Red Oak led 3-0 through the first 4, the Forney came back to tie it at 3. Eventually winning 4-3. This was one of the best high school games I've seen in a while!
I think Midway is one of the best #4 seeds in the playoffs. The Pirates had better show up ready to play. I may take a beating for this one but I think Terrell is playing as well as anyone in the district right now and if Ringo is on they could give Cleburne fits in a one game series. I think Forney has been way too inconsistent to do very much damage and Red Oak has been a Jekyll and Hyde team all season. The best thing going for all of 15-4A is that the teams out of 16-4A don't score a lot of runs for the most part. I think Midway and Midlothian are the two most dangerous teams to face.
go pirates; Once again the sandbagging starts. Midway is 4th for a reason, Poteet in 2. Terrell can't beat Cleburne but I hope they do. Red Oak over Midlothian in 3 if they can recover from the heart breaker in Forney. Forney, who knows who will show up. Ennis has been ranked as a top team in the area most of the year. Forney in 3 in a tough series which is usual for them. Inconsistent is correct. 15-4A wins 3 of the 4 matchups. Good luck to all 15-4A teams
I would love to see a 15-4A sweep 4NEE but once you get to this point it's all about consistancy and who gets hot. The last 2 weeks Terrell has beaten Forney and Mabank and had leads against Red Oak and Poteet. Forney and Red Oak both have a chance to win and move on, but both will have to do more than they have done the last couple of weeks. 16-4A is upside down which should help everyone in 15-4A.
having played the teams in 16-4a twice each, the belief that the district is upside down would be right based on history. a lot of parents here felt that same way, and we ended up on the outside looking in. the balance of these 4 teams is incredible. cleburne found a way to pitch their ace in 11 of 14 district games. a 1 game would benefit them. midlothian i believe is the strongest team in the district. more than 1 capable pitcher and well coached. if you are in a tight game with ennis or midway lookout. you are correct about low runs scored. i beleive we will see a split between the 2 districts. i see the 1 and 2's from each district winning. just my 2 cents. since we are sitting home here in corsicana, we are planning our schedules to pick up a few of the games this week.
take it easy Jewels, PBallFan is there to support the team just like everyone else. I'm glad they show up to shake the noisemakers, just wish they stayed loud even while we were down.
And although Griffin did well, he let the errors behind him get to him and he got visibly frustrated, who wouldn't? And no he didn't pitch his greatest game, his greatest was last year against Texas High, it's a well documented statement. The whole team needs to find that same intensity and focus again today.
Is Slater going to be ok? that hit made everyone cringe.
I have good and bad news; the bad, Forney is done for the year, the good; my last post of the year.
Forney strted their last game with euns in the 1st thanks o a couple of hits abd a McEuen HR. Several things happened from that point; the once again inability of mid-infield to make a simple play, inability to turn a dbl play. Not enough strikes, who dropped Blackmon down to side arm? Lost velocity, control and less break on the curve. If it isn't broke don't fix it, he is a good one. eatherly came in in a tough situation with bases loaded no outs. Pretty good job from a guy that hasn't thrown much and has a hurt arm. Ennis couldn't catch up to the fastball maybe whoever was calling pitches should have paid attention. Forney pulled nack to within 2 with a 2 rbi hit bY Eatherly. Then a dropped flyball and a poor effort from a political reserve opened it up for Ennis. Congrats to Ennis they played well and hit when needed. Good luck to Jeffery, Eatherly and McEuen as they move on to the next level. Really good players and great young men, they will be missed.

Until next year, good luck to all teams still playing.
well yeah, he did have all those strikeouts n all, but like yall said, he lost his composure.. that inning they broke away, they got like... at least 3 hits i think. and he just lost control. he wouldn't have been so ****ed off if it was really just the errors' fault. and i never said he had a BAD game.

and sorry for quieting down....but man, after going down like that and then putting in a JV pitcher.. you could tell. it wasn't just us that gave up. the coaches knew it was lost too..
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 4NEEBBALL:

Forney strted their last game with euns in the 1st thanks o a couple of hits abd a McEuen HR. Several things happened from that point; the once again inability of mid-infield to make a simple play, inability to turn a dbl play. Not enough strikes, who dropped Blackmon down to side arm? Lost velocity, control and less break on the curve. If it isn't broke don't fix it, he is a good one. eatherly came in in a tough situation with bases loaded no outs. Pretty good job from a guy that hasn't thrown much and has a hurt arm. Ennis couldn't catch up to the fastball maybe whoever was calling pitches should have paid attention. Forney pulled nack to within 2 with a 2 rbi hit bY Eatherly. Then a dropped flyball and a poor effort from a political reserve opened it up for Ennis.

Wow Joe Dan Eatherly, I mean 4NEEBBALL, how easy you make it to second guess coaches from the stands. Why not call Coach Farrow by name when you make accusations of coaching miscues? You just can't seem to accept the lineup decisions made by "actual coaches". Hay did a very good job this year at short and McEuen was probably the best third baseman in 15-4A. Eatherly's move to center was probably the best suit for him. There were only 2 players that consistently got on base each and every game and that is Sutton and Jeffery, but both got ice cold in the playoffs, along with the rest of the starters with the exception of White. That happens. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that your second guessing and expertise won't be missed by future teams.
Last edited by forneyball
16-4A sweeps 15-4A. So much for the district being upside down and 16-4A not hitting much. Way to go 16-4A !!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats to all the tems.

Will say Red Oak played one hell of a series lost the final game on an error. The player that made the error had a great series, it was the only mistake he made the entire series.

forneyball ; I am not going to disagree with your post but you have the wrong person. I enjoy readings these posts but I have only commented a couple of times since I have a son playing. I do have opinions but I would rather voice them in person. Good luck to all next year and thanks for the great memories.

Joe Eatherly

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