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An UPDATE on Gunnar Sandberg from his sister's blog:

First off Happy Holidays to everyone! Now that 2010 is wrapping up I thought it would be nice to update all of you on how Gunnar is doing before we move into 2011. Gunnar has come a long way in his recovery. It has been over 9 months since the accident and we really didnt know where he would be at this point. Gunnar has amazed us all with his recovery.
He just finished his first semester of his senior year at Marin Catholic...which he is very happy about because he is now a second semester senior and will graduate in June with the rest of his class. He has worked very hard in school this semester and it has been hard. He had to study a lot harder because it was difficult for him to memorize information and retain it all. He got through his finals but they were hard. He has been working with a tutor and it has definitely helped in his performance. Gunnar is planning on going to College of Marin next year and stay at home. College applications just came too fast and it didnt feel right. He wants to apply to other schools next year when he has a better grasp on how he is doing and where he wants to go to school. Hopefully he will be able to work and travel a little while he is spending his year in Marin. He will also try and play on the College of Marin baseball team next year. Yes, Gunnar is back playing baseball already. He started playing a few weeks ago and is very happy to be back. Last weekend he hurt his shoulder/ rotator cuff a bit so he has been laying low but cant wait to start the season in March. The league that he plays in is still using wooden bats and now the next step is headgear for Gunnar and for pitchers. Our family has worked with students from BYU on a prototype for a helmet and just heard that people from Bell helmets are also working on something. We are very excited that so many people want to help Gunnar, as well as make a difference in baseball. Getting a helmet passed is tough because of all of the regulations. We are not sure when they will be done but we have high hopes. Also, the Marin IJ is doing an end of the year piece on Gunnar and some of the other "feel good" stories of 2010 including the recovery of Stephan Wever. I am not sure when it will be out so keep your eyes peeled for an article.
I would like to thank all of you for being there for my entire family, especially Gunnar. It has been a crazy year and we definitely would not have been able to get through everything without the support from all of you. Whether you live in Marin or are reading this from far away your love, support, thoughts, and prayers have been greatly appreciated. I honestly dont know what we would have all done without all of you. So, thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts. I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year...lets make 2011 a fantastic year!

If you have any questions please feel free to email me, I would love to answer any of them!

And a link...

Gunnar Sandberg

Sounds like really great Holiday Season news! Wink
Last edited by justbaseball
Just think its worth the updates...especially when its really good news!

From the website of Blaine Clemmens, former PG scout and Atlanta Braves scout:

An email sent to me (Blaine Clemmens) today, from Walt Traver, father of Marin Catholic catcher Andrew Traver... I got to know Walt quite a bit last year at this time, first when I had invited his son to participate in BAWS (he eventually couldn't play due to a nagging injury) and then got to know him and the program a whole lot more in the wake of the Gunnar Sandberg and wood/metal bat saga... what a story this is!


Hi Blaine,

It’s been quite a while and with baseball starting up again I thought I would say hello and thank you again for all of your assistance last year with the bat issues, radio interviews and the legislation. Marin Catholic played their first game of the season yesterday against Castro Valley High. Marin Catholic won 1 to 0. Want to guess who scored the only run for Marin Catholic? Gunnar tore his labrum during winter ball and will likely not play defense, but he is DH’ing. In yesterday’s Castro Valley game, Gunnar hit a single, stole 2nd, was bunted to third and then scored on a pass ball. You can’t write a script like that!

Hope all is going well for you.
Thanks again,
Last edited by justbaseball

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