Just wanted to offer advice on pitching if anyone has any questions or interest in pitching. Ask away!
Just wanted to offer advice on pitching if anyone has any questions or interest in pitching. Ask away!
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Thanks for your time here, BBallinstructor
My question is how often should bullpens be done and should they be part of a regular routine? Our HS Spring teams (Fr to V) and our Legion teams do no bullpens, so they basically get no work in between starts. Our pitchers, from Freshman up to V, have struggled this season and I feel this has a lot to do with it. There are a few kids who have done fine, but they are the exception. In general, what should pitchers do to stay sharp during the season, especially since there's not much time for lessons this time of year.
Thats a good question nspeltz11 and a complicated question.
Try to identify the type of pitcher you are and the type of mechanics you have and find an mlb pitcher with a similar delivery. An important thing to think about is that we are all different and require unique checkpoints throughout our deliveries. So trying to copy another persons mechanics might not give YOU the best results. If you're watching video of a pro, find checkpoints that include balance, head position, direction(glove side), lower half shift, height throughout the pitch, and balance at the end. Watch how it all works together with rhythm then try to find that for yourself. Look for the same things when your analyzing your own video. It should all be smooth, balanced, and repeatable. Check out this article for how to work efficiently.
Keep me posted on how its going. Try to find more than one MLB to watch, see how they are different yet work the same with common checkpoints. Hope this helps.
Time on the mound between outings is very important. Not only is it a time to work on new things but its a time to forget about the bad things. The bullpens do not need to be at 100%, especially this time of the year. I would keep it to one bullpen session between starts/outings with the focus being on maintaining a good feel for pitching. Not sure if you golf but think of it as time on the range. Get some kinks out, work on stuff, forget stuff but overall just trying to keep the feel. If a mound is not accessible between starts then work in a "flat ground" routine into the throwing program. Have his throwing partner squat for about 12 pitches after warming up. Keep the distance short and the velocity at 60%. Pitching mechanics are just like a golf swing. You never figure it out, you just hope to maintain?
If I start every Friday. What would be a routine to do for bullpen. Run Sat? light throw Sun? Bullpen Mon (how many? FB, CU, CB)? Throw Tue? Light pen Wed?
I know it cant be exact, but can you give a skeleton schedule?
You are on the right track with your routine. Try the following program
Friday - Pitch
Saturday - Light Throw, Distance Run (20 Minute Min)
Sunday - Regular throwing amount, long toss is ok to help with soreness. Distance/Sprint work. Workout routine if you have one
Monday - Bullpen Session (25 - 30 pitches) Work on what you need to work on from previous game. I recommend 3 of each pitch from the wind up and 3 of each from the stetch. command your fastball. Run - whatever you feel up to
Tuesday - Regular throwing or day off is fine, sprint work
Wednesday - "Touch/Feel" bullpen. nice and easy just to keep the feel of the mound. maybe 15 pitches at 60 percent. distance run
Thursday - Light throwing. Sprints
Friday - Dominate
Your awesome, Thanks Instructor 50
BaseballInstructor50- I'm curious to hear your thoughts about how distance running enhances a pitcher's performance.
Distance running does a few of things for a pitcher.
The running gets the blood pumping and moving to help relieve soreness in the arm and body. When a pitcher feels less sore he is able to get back into action throwing again. It serves as a way to recover quicker, feel better and could help avoid later injuries.
It also provides an opportunity to build endurance. A pitcher that is in shape can pitch longer in long innings, long games, and long seasons. Running can help keep pitchers physically fit to perform.
Last but not least, when you are on a distance run, you have a lot of time to think and a lot of time to listen to your inner dialogue. That voice inside your head that says keep going or quit, Ive had enough. Its the same voice you listen to when your on the mound. So in your distance running, push yourself and learn how to make yourself go when the going gets tough.
Knowing the purpose of distance running and then getting it done will give you confidence on the mound.
Curious, what are your credentials?
please explain more your opinion on how running helps soreness.
The running gets the blood pumping and moving
So does dynamic stretching and any other movement of the body.
to help relieve soreness in the arm and body.
Really? Could you please cite scientific evidence of this?
When a pitcher feels less sore he is able to get back into action throwing again.
It serves as a way to recover quicker,
False. In fact, the exact opposite happens.
feel better
This is subjective, so I can't really argue against it.
and could help avoid later injuries.
Like what? How could distance running prevent future injuries?
It also provides an opportunity to build endurance.
False. Distance running builds aerobic endurance and minimizes anaerobic endurance - which is the energy system required to perform at an optimal level for baseball. In fact, distance running lowers testosterone levels.
A pitcher that is in shape can pitch longer in long innings, long games, and long seasons.
(distance) Running can help keep pitchers physically fit to perform.
If it decreases energy, strength, and testosterone, how?
Last but not least, when you are on a distance run, you have a lot of time to think and a lot of time to listen to your inner dialogue. That voice inside your head that says keep going or quit, Ive had enough. Its the same voice you listen to when your on the mound. So in your distance running, push yourself and learn how to make yourself go when the going gets tough.
Sure, because jogging at a continuous pace for an extended period of time has so much in common with forcefully maximizing your body's movement at 100% capacity for short bursts of time numerous times throughout a game, all while strategically formulating a game plan.
Knowing the purpose of distance running and then getting it done will give you confidence on the mound.
I knew that distance running was stupid for baseball, and I was plenty confident on the mound.
Here are some scientific studies explaining exactly why no baseball players should run distance:
If anyone else would like, I'm sure I can find many other studies. The moral is this…NO baseball players, at any position, should be doing any distance running at all. Any coach that advises a player to run distance does not understand the kinetic chain of the human body, and is simply not helping players optimize their physical capabilities. Players: DO NOT RUN LONG DISTANCE. IT DOES NOTHING FOR YOU.
EDIT: In rereading this post, I sense that it may come off as a personal attack. If so, I apologize - I don't mean for it to read that way at all. I simply do not want to see baseball players make the same training mistakes I made. We have access to facts and I want them shared with as many people as possible. I want to challenge information, not intellect. I want to clear that up before any responses.
My credentials,
Played professionally for 10 years,
7 different organizations
Cup of coffee in the MLB,
Also played in Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Korea
Long distance running helps for pitchers. So does sprints
throwing may not be an pure anaerobic contraction. If you had pitched 50 throws in 100 seconds, then I can see more pure anaerobic activty. Pitching for 2 hours would be considered more aerobic. You don't see pitchers with 26 inch pythons. Most of the references above are just opinions. And the ones that are experiments are not specific to baseball pitching.
btw instructor50, there is a history here at HSB be some to be anti distance.
Basketball and football is all about explosion. I'm sure they do distance running also
" we''re not athletes, we're baseball players " Mr Baseball
Any injuries as a pitcher?
Just curious if so, what were they. What do u think caused them-background on your experiences as a youth pitcher. When u started, how many innings did u average in travel teams, HS, and did u pitch in Fall too/year round.
Never any serious arm injuries. I missed a couple of weeks with some bicep tendinitis but that was it.
I pitched all through my baseball career from little league to the big leagues. While pitching wasn't my primary position until college, I did pitch when needed throughout spring and summer leagues in my youth.
It wasn't until college that I got into a pitching program that included a consistent throwing, conditioning (distance running and sprints) and workout routine. The program helped to increase my velocity and keep my arm healthy. My opinion and recommendation is to absolutely DO distance running (a nice slow jog for a minimum of 20 minutes, walking is ok if needed) to your pitching routine. The goal is to get your heart rate up and flush out the soreness. Whether that's distance running, biking, elliptical, etc... just get it done.
JH keep fighting the good fight! Slowly people will have to believe when hit with enough facts.
bbinstruct. please read the articles above. It's ok to change. I would have complete respect for a coach willing to progress.
Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:
…The goal is to get your heart rate up and flush out the soreness….
I get the trying to get the rate up, but I’m not quite sure I understand how the soreness gets “flushed”. I’ve heard similar things, and they usually have something to do with lactic acid.
I've read that soreness is from sm micro tears in muscle not assoc w lactic acid, which leaves body after 60 min. If activity/pitching causes lactic acid to build how does running a more strenuous activity get rid of it? Wouldn't it causemore? What is newest info show?