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Originally posted by FutureBack.Mom:
.... he says he loves being a Dodger, and admits to still being 'nervous', so perhaps he has some redeeming social value ...

If he's nervous batting 3.10 with going yard 435 feet today (second HR in two days) can't hardly wait to see what happens when he settles in. Wink

I agree with RJM, all sides seem to be happy. Let's see how it plays out.
23 Ramirez LAD OF 3 13 4 8 1 0 2 5 15 0 2 0 0 .615 1.154 .615

Just think, all the SOX had to do was respect this man for his previous contribution to their success, just like Babe Ruth did for them, but no they thought he was through. Well the Irish are known for raising potatoes not much on managing ball clubs though.

Last edited by LLorton
Just think, all the SOX had to do was respect this man for his previous contribution to their success, just like Babe Ruth did for them, but no they thought he was through. Well the Irish are known for raising potatoes not much on managing ball clubs though.

LL, define respect.

I've mentioned this in past posts:

1. Manny was paid handsomely for his past performance ($160 mil over 8 years, including 3 years over $20 mil).

2. He signed a contract where he was contractually obligated to be a member of the Red Sox through the end of the 2010 season (inclusive of 2 team options at $20 mil). For the return of $160-$200 mil, he contractually agreed to be a member of the team.

Now, he felt that the contract he signed was one with which he could not live (I'm sure looking into 3 or 4 years from now). I wonder if a 5 year contract were signed a week ago, and then in the 3rd or 4th year his productivity declined, would Manny be knocking on the door to rip up the contract for a lower one?

But, the dilemma in this is that 24 other guys in the clubhouse also signed contracts. If Manny forces the team into renegotiating, then the line outside the door forms. Ortiz and Beckett, both of whom have a much bigger gripe than Manny, should/would be at the front of the line. If a team wants to look long term, then a business model has to be in place. It is the path they chose.

You seem to be seduced by Manny's offensive numbers. It's kind of like being married to the Playmate of the Year. She looks great at the beach. But, she doesn't cook, clean, help raise the kids, contribute to the house, and disappears for a couple of days each month. Do you want to be married to her? The Sox decided to skip the trophy wife and get a well rounded partner of lower maintenance.

And, incrementally, Manny's production will look something like 35 HR and 120 RBI. Bay may look something like 28 HR and 100 RBI (but with better defense, base running, availability to actually be on the field). Throw in the $12,500,000 difference in salary savings, and it is more easily seen why the decision was made. The loss in offensive production can be made up at another position (SS?) with the extra cash on hand.

I love that Manny want to finish his carrer in Dodger Blue. In April, he wanted to finish it with the Sox. I guess he'll say anything for the money. Nervous in LA? After playing in the NY-Sox series and the WS, I can't see how nerves would be an issue. He just seesm so insecure about his future for a first ballot HOF guy.

Irish? Larry Lucchino? Theo Epstein?
Last edited by wayback
Originally posted by TPM:
As of this moment, Manny's average is .667, OB% .700 and slg% 1.222. Eek

Also, I just read that as soon as Manny picked #99, about 125K in shirts sales occurred in 2 days.

Manny is hot in LA.
Manny is fun to watch hit. His numbers in LA will far surpass the numbers he would have had sitting out the remainder of the season faking an injury (did it in '06). Manny is motivated. He needs stats and demonstrate a good attitude to get his next contract. Boras has him thinking it's a four year, one hundred million doallar contract. I doubt it! Manny isn't a 25 mil a year player anymore. For the next four years? LOL!

Jason Bay is a nice player. He's off to a great start for the Sox at the plate, in the field and on the bases.

The Red Sox had nothing to lose except a headache. The Dodgers had nothing to lose except a couple of prospects. The Sox are paying Manny's salary. A writer in the LA Times asked, "If Manny refuses to cut his hair, do the Dodgers call the Sox and ask them to dock his pay?" Smile
I thought the Dodgers were paying Manny league minimum ... perhaps they should be the ones to dock his pay 'cause no matter what, if others have been asked to clean up their acts, then Manny ... no matter what he brings to the plate (pun intended), needs to be treated the same.

It is difficult for me to say this but ... well ... um ... err ... I am actually enjoying watching Manny play ... especially at the plate. It has been quite a while since the men in blue have had that kind of offense ... now if the younger guys would take some lessons and be a little lot more selective at the plate (or stop pressing which Martin seems to be doing) they might get on ahead of him and help his RBI count ...
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Sorry for bring this back up but watching the Sox and Rays on ESPN right now I saw Bay drive a ball off the Monster to score Ortiz. He took third on a great baserunning play on a comebacker to the pitcher. They showed his stats in the 7th inning or later and they are outrageous (sorry I can't remember what they were but he's in the top 15 in avg and something else and top 10 in 3 more categories).

Manny WAS putting up some great numbers in LA this season but he's now gone for 50 games.

I think it's been enough time - the Red Sox got the better end of the trade IMO.

You are a piece of work with a small, very small knowledge of the game and what goes into it

01-- you cannot even spell Manny's last name correctly
02-- you term Bonds and Manny as two great "black" players--I do not think you want to say that to Manny's face as he is one very proud Dominican
03-- you say you support the downtrodden and that is why you support Manny and Barry---i would liek to be so downtrodden at 20 Mil a year
04-- You need to study up on what a 5 tool player is--you are so off base it is not even funny--I am a great MAnny fan, in fact his HS coach works with out travel team so perhaps I know something about MAnny, and even I cannot term him a 5 tool player-- 3 if he is lucky

It has been like comic relief reading your inane postings--thank you

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