quote:There can be many reasons why a certain player didn't make varsity. There are also many players who blossom at different times. We have seen many who were average players one year and became big prospects by the next year.
This is encouraging for those of us who just recently had sons cut from HS team. It has been 2 weeks and my son refuses to talk baseball, but I have copied about 40 posts from you seasoned men (and women) whose comments will encourage him not to give up on his beloved sport. It will take time, but these will motivate him to work harder and maybe shine over the rest next year or at least for a new travel coach this summer.
Adversity is what really makes one rise up and conquer . . . This is the lesson I have "re-learned" and most value from this site over these past few days. I hope lefty's dad will do as I did, copy/print the these inspirational stories, show to show his son when he's ready, and offer the encouragement and help at that time, and wait. He will either take up baseball again or show heightened interest in another of his gifts. Even if they only play baseball for the love of the sport (rather than competitively), they won't have given up.
My daughter's boyfriend at college played HS baseball, was cut his sophomore year, kept playing but for Rec team. Although accepted into Architecture at college, after one year, he knew that his love for baseball was so strong that he changed his major to Secondary Education so that he could teach HS history and coach baseball, his first true love! As with everyone here, there is a way to keep baseball in ours and our children's lives! How awesome is that!