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Originally posted by bsbl247:
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by Coach_May:
I have never put on a bunt to break up a no no.

Because you understand more about "the game" inside the game.

......TPM. There are those that understand "the game within the game". I only know Coach May through his posts here on the HSBBWeb, but it doesn't surprise me a bit that he leans more on the traditional side and the longtime "unwritten rules". As I said earlier, Scioscia is Old School too, and would never have bunted to break up a No No...but the circumstances changed in the prior inning and Scioscia played the Eye for an Eye game, JMO. Admittedly, the bunt surprised me, but I was excited as I stood from my chair yelling at the TV..."that's right, take that! Shove it right down Guillen's throat!" Afterwards, I felt bad for Verlander, but let's face it, his teammate brought it on. That's the biggest reason why I started this thread, and yes, our feelings are divided. Talk to a pitcher, and the majority will think the bunt is bush, man up and earn your way on with a legitimate hit...however, talk to a position player, and the majority of them will say we're trying to win a ball game, and bunting is part of the game! Fun stuff...... Cool

Seems we agree while others don't...let's do lunch, your stadium or mine. Smile
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by bsbl247:
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by Coach_May:
I have never put on a bunt to break up a no no.

Because you understand more about "the game" inside the game.

......TPM. There are those that understand "the game within the game". I only know Coach May through his posts here on the HSBBWeb, but it doesn't surprise me a bit that he leans more on the traditional side and the longtime "unwritten rules". As I said earlier, Scioscia is Old School too, and would never have bunted to break up a No No...but the circumstances changed in the prior inning and Scioscia played the Eye for an Eye game, JMO. Admittedly, the bunt surprised me, but I was excited as I stood from my chair yelling at the TV..."that's right, take that! Shove it right down Guillen's throat!" Afterwards, I felt bad for Verlander, but let's face it, his teammate brought it on. That's the biggest reason why I started this thread, and yes, our feelings are divided. Talk to a pitcher, and the majority will think the bunt is bush, man up and earn your way on with a legitimate hit...however, talk to a position player, and the majority of them will say we're trying to win a ball game, and bunting is part of the game! Fun stuff...... Cool

Seems we agree while others don't...let's do lunch, your stadium or mine. Smile was 107 degrees at my house today, but a dry heat. Wink So I guess it depends if we want to spend lunch in hot/humid South Florida weather or Very-HOT/Dry So Cal weather? Cool

Anything comparable? Yup. Bowling. Break up a perfect game...lay down a bundt!

After your opponent has bowled eleven consecutive strikes and he is just about to release his last ball in an effort to achieve a 'perfect game' you lay down a delicious bundt cake right in front of him. There's no way he's going to ignore that. He'll be on his second bite before his ball tails harmlessly into the gutter short of the pins thus spoiling his 'perfect game'.

The trick to using this strategy is, of course, having the sense that your opponent that night is likely to bowl 300. Baking a nice lemon flavored bundt cake in anticipation and then concealing it cleverly is a tough task. And a cheap store bought bundt will not work. They're easily spotted and always rejected on the spot.

Some will argue that a cheap bundt will actually motivate your opponent to hurl his ball at the pins rather than using the lane. When this happens the pins faint and fall over before the ball even reaches them and assuring a 'perfect game'. Be smart. Bring your bundt from home and not the bakery.


Last edited by gotwood4sale
Ah come on someone could have leaned into the pitch, but who wants to get shelled with a 100MPH FB.

You ever try to drag bunt a 100MPH fastball? Or any MLB pitch for that matter? Much easier to stand in there, hack away, then walk your gentlemanly butt back to the bench telling your teammates how you were just doing your part to help the guy with his no-hitter.
Originally posted by dswann:
Six game suspension for Weaver Confused Sends a interesting message. Me after a hr... I'd order a hotdog,eat it, watch the flight of the ball see who caught it,do a little shadow boxing towards the pitcher blow a few kisses and then moon walk a round tripper while glaring at each infielder !

For Weaver, it's only one game so the suspension not that bad really. I suppose the league didn't like the headhunting along with the fact that Weaver started it all by assuming the first HR he gave up was being hotdogged instead of realizing the hitter was only seeing if it was going foul.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by Coach_May:
I have never put on a bunt to break up a no no.

Because you understand more about "the game" inside the game.

Coach_May (BTW I respect what he says) also said unless you know the intent its tough to know why he bunted. IMO a bunt in that situation is easily justified (close game, pennant race etc...). BTW, a lot of us here on this site do have an understanding of the "the game" within the game. TPM, I find many of your post very informative and insightful, but there are times that you come off as a "Know it all" and your Ego gets in the way. I for one have a lot of personal experiences in baseball being a player, coach, dad of a player but I know I do not know everything or would ever suggest I do. Nothing personal, really.
Originally posted by dswann:
Me after a hr... I'd order a hotdog,eat it, watch the flight of the ball see who caught it,do a little shadow boxing towards the pitcher blow a few kisses and then moon walk a round tripper while glaring at each infielder !

And break dance on home plate!

Who was the guy (a few years ago) that hit a HR and stomped on each base with both feet? I really don't mind that stuff, but I'll never buy the story of bunting in the 8th inning of a no-hitter was to 'start a rally'. Not the way this game was going. Just tell the truth.
Originally posted by zombywoof:
Originally posted by dswann:
Six game suspension for Weaver Confused Sends a interesting message. Me after a hr... I'd order a hotdog,eat it, watch the flight of the ball see who caught it,do a little shadow boxing towards the pitcher blow a few kisses and then moon walk a round tripper while glaring at each infielder !

For Weaver, it's only one game so the suspension not that bad really. I suppose the league didn't like the headhunting along with the fact that Weaver started it all by assuming the first HR he gave up was being hotdogged instead of realizing the hitter was only seeing if it was going foul.
Fined for Six and sits a game. Pretty sure the second HR was what set him off.
Originally posted by dswann:
Is there anything comparable to this other sports?

- I think you're not supposed to slam dunk with a huge lead in the last 3 minutes of a basketball game.

- You're not supposed to celebrate empty-netters in Hockey, and you're supposed to try to feed a guy the puck when he's got two goals (get him the hat-trick)

- You're not supposed to talk during a golfers backswing if you're in the gallery.

- I don't think there possibly could be anything that's considered unsportsmanlike in s0cc3r...
Last edited by wraggArm
First, the game is still a dog fight so Aybar needs to do what he can to reach base. Not Bush in this instance.

Second, Verlander fields the ball and makes a throw it is an easy out. Not Bush.

Third, Verlander can stare his teammate Guillen down for his antics (that was definitely cause for pitching in.)At this point all courtesy to the opposing pitcher (Verlander) was null and void.

Mike Sciosia runs his program as traditionally as anyone and Aybar should not be criticized in this instance. Pitchers such as Mark Mulder and Curt Schilling agree that the bunt was a smart move in this game and not at all Bush.
Originally posted by threeup3down:
First, the game is still a dog fight so Aybar needs to do what he can to reach base. Not Bush in this instance.

Second, Verlander fields the ball and makes a throw it is an easy out. Not Bush.

Third, Verlander can stare his teammate Guillen down for his antics (that was definitely cause for pitching in.)At this point all courtesy to the opposing pitcher (Verlander) was null and void.

Mike Sciosia runs his program as traditionally as anyone and Aybar should not be criticized in this instance. Pitchers such as Mark Mulder and Curt Schilling agree that the bunt was a smart move in this game and not at all Bush.


Welcome to the HS BaseballWeb, it's nice to see more members from our area on the site. I honestly didn't have any problem with the Aybar bunt because of the situation the previous inning with Guillen's antics. However, it got me thinking...take away everything that went on in the bottom of the 7th, now how do I feel?

First, I think Scioscia is one of the top three Manager's in the MLB. And Verlander is arguably the top pitcher right now, definitely in the top five. I was cheering for the Halos, but I also enjoy watching Verlander deal on the mound. You mentioned above that Scioscia runs a traditional program, and I agree. That's why I don't think he has his players attempt to break up No No's with a drag bunt in normal situations. The 7th inning was not normal, the Angels and Scioscia were angry and etiquette was thrown out the window, and I was all for it. I'm not sure about your reference to Curt Schilling? Schilling had a Perfect Game going late versus the Padres a few years back, and Ben Davis broke it up with a bunt. The Phillies and Schilling were not Happy Campers, and shared their feelings with the media afterwards. If he's okay with it now, he's a hypocrite. Maybe he's in the same boat as me, and agrees with the bunt because of what happened in the 7th? Who knows? I know I don't bunt to break up the No-Hitter...unless someone goes Guillen on my team the previous inning, JMO. Smile
If a player's intent is to bunt simply to break up a no no that is bush in my book. If the players intent is to lay one down because he feels that gives him the best chance to reach base in that at bat and give his team a shot to win the game or get back into the game or get something started for his team that is good baseball.

Given the score of the game and who put the bunt down I go with good baseball in this situation. But thats just my gut feeling because I have no idea what was really going through his head. Without truly knowing the hitters intent we simply dont know for sure. Its pure speculation.
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
- I don't think there possibly could be anything that's considered sportsmanlike in s0cc3r...

Fixed it for ya! Wink

Its such a goofy, random sport with such goofy, random fans that I don't think there are any sensibilities to offend. Ergo, nothing unsportsmanlike is possible with those people.

On the alleged Schilling hypocrisy - I wonder what the score and playoff picture was at the time? (prompting anyone here to go look). Was there a game to be won for a pennant race, or was Davis just breaking up a no no?
Originally posted by Coach_May:
If a player's intent is to bunt simply to break up a no no that is bush in my book. If the players intent is to lay one down because he feels that gives him the best chance to reach base in that at bat and give his team a shot to win the game or get back into the game or get something started for his team that is good baseball.

Given the score of the game and who put the bunt down I go with good baseball in this situation. But thats just my gut feeling because I have no idea what was really going through his head. Without truly knowing the hitters intent we simply dont know for sure. Its pure speculation.

Thanks for the clarification

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