quote:Originally posted by bsbl247:quote:Originally posted by TPM:quote:Originally posted by Coach_May:
I have never put on a bunt to break up a no no.
Because you understand more about "the game" inside the game.
......TPM. There are those that understand "the game within the game". I only know Coach May through his posts here on the HSBBWeb, but it doesn't surprise me a bit that he leans more on the traditional side and the longtime "unwritten rules". As I said earlier, Scioscia is Old School too, and would never have bunted to break up a No No...but the circumstances changed in the prior inning and Scioscia played the Eye for an Eye game, JMO. Admittedly, the bunt surprised me, but I was excited as I stood from my chair yelling at the TV..."that's right, take that! Shove it right down Guillen's throat!" Afterwards, I felt bad for Verlander, but let's face it, his teammate brought it on. That's the biggest reason why I started this thread, and yes, our feelings are divided. Talk to a pitcher, and the majority will think the bunt is bush, man up and earn your way on with a legitimate hit...however, talk to a position player, and the majority of them will say we're trying to win a ball game, and bunting is part of the game! Fun stuff......
Seems we agree while others don't...let's do lunch, your stadium or mine.