Wow, this has turned into quite a debate.

Starting from the original posters question regarding the relay it has evolved in another direction.
When I coached I hated talking to “some” parents, but like all coaches it was unavoidable at times. Coaches, parents, players, administrators are all people and communication is an important ingredient in being good at what you do.
The coaches who post here seem to be very knowledgeable and confident. I’m sure if they had a parent who was a former Major League Manager they would try to pick his brain. At least I hope everyone would want to. Then there are those coaches that are beyond learning anything.
On the other hand, I once had a father come up to me and say… “I hate to *****”… I stopped him immediately by saying… “Then Don’t”! We did end up talking over the situation later.
I believe most coaches can be approached, if done in the right way at the right time.
In the situation that started this thread, the right way (at the right time) might be…. If one really cares enough… This should be done in a non threatening manner and probably started by other positive comments. “Coach I was curious why you guys don’t use a double relay system. At this point the coach should be able to answer that very civil question. It should not turn into an argument. The coach could say it’s none of your business or he could respond. If the parent shows disrespect, they should expect the same treatment.
Please don’t anyone take this the wrong way because we are talking about coaches not singling out one or two coaches. I do get tired of coaches who feel that they need to stick up for every single person who has ever coached.
Common sense should be enough to realize there are varying degrees of coaching expertise. Just as there are varying degrees of players, teachers, students, umpires, policeman, etc.
It really bothers me when a coach who has proven he doesn’t deserve respect and knows very little about the game becomes Mr. Dictator and beyond any questioning.
A coach should appreciate a parent who has something to say… discussing it directly with him rather than taking it to those higher up. I’ve seen it the other way around, where parents start a “get rid of the coach” campaign.
I’ve even seen excellent coaches lose their job because of parent groups starting petitions to get the coach fired. I’ve even seen one of the finest men I’ve ever known who was extremely knowlegable, kind and fair... feel the wrath of parents and lose his job.
Politics mean different things to different people. Being diplomatic is beneficial for both sides… the coach and the parents. And yes “meddling” is still just “meddling” and parents should avoid it.
So the question IMO is what is meddling? That brings us back to the original question.