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Except in a case I have seen where the son of the president of the dug out club stays on the team and is the weakest player while a stronger player was cut to make room.

Originally posted by YoungGunDad:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 55mom:

Another would be to ban parental donations over a certain small amount.


We took care of this by establishing 2 things:

1 - A Dugout Club run by parents

2 - A yearly Dugout club fee per family.

Works like a charm!
Our HS coach has been coaching at our school for 35 years, he must be doing something right. Do I agree with how he runs the program, most of the time yes. Am I upset because he is starting an upperclassman over my son, no. It is his team and he is doing what he thinks is best for the team. My job is to sit in the stands and cheer for the team and occasionally run the grill and work on the field.
A good coach will try to minimize the impact of individual parental politics on his program, so that he can control his situation.

OK. Just hypothetically:
If any of you were coaching a high school team (your 1st and 2nd years at this particular "monied" HS) and the parents of players already on the team were PTA co-presidents AND team parents when you got there. LARGE amounts of money are most likely being donated towards the booster club as well as many hours of volunteer service. The next kids of these parents (who have been visible all these years with older brother) are coming in to HS your 2nd year and the only way they will be able to play is if you cut 2 of your JV players, would you? Before answering, realize the powerful position of these parents (who have been very chummy with the principal for years).

I'd find a way to accomodate those generous parents, but if your kid can outplay them, he'll play.

There are many hurdles to players making the baseball team.

One of the hurdles is politics.

You can't change that.

But your son can change the way he plays.

If your son is in the top nine hitters, he'll play.

If I am a coach, I can't change that.

By the way, I can use some help from the booster club.

Can you work the concession stand on Friday night?

Here's another way to look at it.

If your son is talented enough, you don't have to join the booster club, be the club president, or work in the concession stand.

My son played four years of high school baseball.

I never attended a booster club meeting or worked the concession stand one time.

What do you think the politicos thought of me?
Last edited by FormerObserver
Oddly enough Roll Eyes , during this week of tryouts, I just got an email complaining of politics on the JV team. Thought it was funny, and didn't agree. (The writer even complained that the coaches aren't nice! wtheck?) I thought I saw some politics going on last year. Definitely feel like I saw some parents trying to play politics. I didn't feel like it effected my son.

FO - you were probably not Mr Popularity!!
Hello there - I am new to the site and have been reading these posts on politics in HS sports. My oldest is a freshman and will be trying out for the freshman team the first week of march.

Not sure if I should be scared of the political angle or not based on some of these posts! I was really hoping we left that behind us in travel ball.

My son has been working is tail off all winter, hopefully it will pay off and politics will not come into play.

This is a great site! Thanks.
Funny.. The kids that play don't believe in politics and the one ignored do. The same with football and etc.
I also hear the coaches sons are the best, we all know parents dont know anything in a kids eyes they listen to others more.

I can only speak for my situation
Our jr team and high school have won only a handfull of games in the last 2 yrs. (7th grade-12th same teams) If that is the best then we are in trouble.
The way it works with our school is the rec teams pick all stars and the HS coaches go to the all stars to begin their selection. The problem is that we have many rec teams with coaches that pick the allstars. I cant be a coach I am a handcap women but My Brother is at the lower league and he has attended this picking. Each coaches son is automatic in then any close friends. If any spaces are left they pick ususally fill one or two. The same boys every yr, losing every allstar game and then now are losing every HS game. Yes one boys father is a high school coach. It may not happen to you but how would you feel if it did. If you had to keep watching your child being ignored after swinging the bat hrs on hrs everyday.

You may or may not believe it is politics but its hard to not be able to help your child achieve something they strive so hard to achieve. But check out Pete Rose and keep positive
What do you think the politicos thought of me?

FO . . . I agree with 55mom . . . your son must have been an ace and stayed on in spite of you (ha ha)!

I did work concessions several times but I doubt it was ever noticed by the coach from the field. Thinking back, I did not have my son Joe sell ads for the HS fence surrounding the ball field. I can think of all kinds of things that maybe I should have done. As a single mom and full-time graduate student, it is harder than it used to be to do a lot as when I was a full-time mom.

Joe's dad called me last week offering a "sizable" donation to the booster club for the coming year. Although it was tempting, I know that Joe would not want that. He has told me before that if he can't make the team on his own ability, he doesn't want it. I would not want to discredit such an honorable ideal by taking the money. I refused it . . . otherwise, I would be just like those who I have complained about. Like you and others have told me, Joe will have to get out there and work like he never has before. Something tells me he will!
Last edited by Mom1211
Not sure if I should be scared of the political angle or not based on some of these posts! I was really hoping we left that behind us in travel ball.
If he's not the marginal player it won't be an issue. If he's one of five players fighting for the one or two remaining roster spots it can be politics or just the way the coach sees the world. Given enough coach's views they might come up with every combination of two of the five based on how they coach the game or perceive roster needs.

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