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My son, who is a 2010 is committed to play in the fall for his high school team. Last night he got a call from the manager of one of the top travel teams in the area, asking him to play for them. What is the best approach for getting his current coaches blessing for switching teams. I wont let my son switch if the current coach is not okay with it.
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In the fall, coaches in our area generally let the boys play on other teams in addition to the HS fall teams - HS during the week, travel ball on the weekends. Fall baseball here is pretty laid back. In the spring, it's HS only. Then back to travel ball in the summer (and HS too - we have summer ball as well). If you don't already know the HS coach's policy, you might want to ask - your son may be able to do both for the fall season. If you know for sure that the coach doesn't allow the players to play on other teams, then maybe your son could switch to the travel team after the fall HS season ends and catch a tournament or two. Based on our experiences, I don't think you're going to have much luck getting the HS coach's blessing.
Sigh...I'm not sure there is a gracious way to "uncommit" from playing "high school fall ball". The two nightmare conflicts in our case were about fall ball and pitch counts senior year.

If son wants to do travel ball, I would suggest HE engage the high school coach presenting benfits for the coach, such as;

1) The player will get better being challanged by perhaps stronger competition and additional reps.

2) The players absence will open a spot for a younger player to get valuable experience at the fall ball level.

3) Any interest from college coaches or pro scouts can reflect positively on the entire program. Maybe scouts and coaches will follow him back to the school in the spring.

If the coach doesn't recognize his benefits of the player traveling in the fall, then parents should play the bad guy so the player can say "My dad says I have to, coach."
Last edited by Dad04
Good luck on this one.

I remember our HS coach. He punished players who didnt play fall ball for him.

Hope your coach in not like that.

But you did make a committment so I say play fall ball with the HS. You are 2010, I wouldnt worry about it.

Tell the travel team you are sorry but you already committed to another team but that you would love to play with them next year.
Some times HS coaches and Summer travelers teams coaches don't have a good relationship. The reasons are obvious, so the last thingh you want to do is to play summer ball without the HS coach blessing.
That happens to my son Marcos in the summer of 2002 when he played for The Florida Bombers. Hs coach told the scouts and recruters lot of lies, and that cost my son few rounds and some good money. Then, my son went to a Junior Collegue and signed next year as a draft and follow. Be sure the HS coach give him permition to play for the other team.
Last edited by Racab

sounds like you've been burned once or twice?

Everyone needs to remember that unfortunately the High School coach does not always have the players best interest at heart ! This may come as a surprise to some but its a very true statement ! I'd recommend trying to work things out but in the end you must do whats in the best interest of your child.

I'm not sure about where everyone else lives but where I live in Virginia the VHSL (Virginia High School League) implements rules to avoid such a situation as this. The rules in place are so that players don't feel pressured to do out of season activities. Thus, the coach cannot make the kid pay for it come spring time.

It's not a 100% fix but certainly helps if when a situation comes up !

Best of luck to you but by all means try to work with the coach first !
We have not been burned by the Midland Redskins, but they do contact our players frequently. I am not threatened by it because they do a good job and if a player from California wants to move to Ohio for the summer to play for them, go ahead.

The only problem I have with Midland is the "shants" that their 10 coaches wear. If you have seen them, you know what I am talking about. I feel coaches should be in full uniform, especially at the World Series.

We have only played them once and we beat them 3-2 in the 2005 Connie Mack World Series. According to many people it was one of the Greatest Games ever pitched in Farmington. Our pitcher, Brett Hunter took a 1-hitter into the 7th inning and and we had a 3-1 lead. He gave up 2 bloop 1B's in the 7th and his pitch count was high so I had to take him out. The awesome thing about this game was that Brett was sitting on 95 mph and hit 98 mph 5 times! He finished w/ 12 K's in 6 innings against a very good team.


Brett Hunter will be a JR this year at Pepperdine and should be a high draft pick. He was Freshmen All American and just finished this summer pitching for Team USA.
Last edited by TromblyBaseball
Another solution to this is if the Travel coach is willing to do it is have him call your HS coach and introduce himself. Have him tell the coach that he is there to work alongside him and not trying to disrupt his program in any way, that he has a high caliber player he would love work with and that both would benefit greatly by him playing on the travel ball team.

The HS coach will appreciate AND highly respect the Travel ball coach much more if he does it this way. That way the Travel coach doesn't appear to be some monster out there trying to "steal his players".
You should be able to MANAGE both. In our area Fall ball is 99% of the time Saturday double headers. You talk to the HS coach about the good "opportunity" that your son has been offered. Work it out. If HS really needs him a few certain dh's ( pitch, shorthanded, etc. ) be there. If travel team is going to a school your son likes go there. Just plan everything ASAP with both coaches. Play with both the same weekend,we have.
Just be totally honest with both coaches. If one is really sour-assed over it your son would probley not ENJOY the fall season playing for him anyway Roll Eyes Thats my 2 cents.
Originally posted by bcb3:
My son, who is a 2010 is committed to play in the fall for his high school team.

What else needs to be said? I believe I see the word "committted."

Since your son is an incoming soph does he have a position secured? If not, doesn't he want to be visible to earn a position? Is he willing to be invisible and allow someone else to win a position from him?
YoungGunDad- Sounds good. Tough to do. It's been my experience that too many HS coaches think they own these kids and will punish them if they don't fall in line. I'm not saying all- but a good majority.

The reality is that if they can have their best kids play in a better situation, they can coach kids in the summer that actually could use some playing time. That makes their whole program better.
Any HS coach who would deny a player exposure to college coaches and scouts in the fall should not be allowed to coach.

While seeking to form his team for the spring season, a good coach with the child-player's best interest in mind would seek out opportunity to promote talented players to colleges.

Coaching in HS ball is about the players primarily, not about the coach. If a coach loses sight of this, he is not performing the service for which he was hired and entrusted.
I remember our HS coach. He punished players who didnt play fall ball for him.

A question. Are there not rules at the state level where the high school coach cannot coach his kids in the off season? I know there are probably ways around it.

Punish a kid? the kid shows up in the spring and he has become better and is one of the top players on the team? you punish him because he did not play in the fall for the head coach? Now if he is a marginal player?

My take. High school coaches back off let the kids play.
Florida had a rule banning coaches from coaching any time except the spring season, but last year they did away with that rule. One way coaches get around it is to set up an 18U team with Babe Ruth, Dixie, Pony, or whoever, that's not affiliated with the school, and one of the assistants is the head coach of that team.

I guess we were lucky - our coach was a big supporter of AAU and had no problem at all with the boys playing on other teams, as long as it wasn't during the regular season. But he's gone and we have a new coach, so we'll see.
Originally posted by TromblyBaseball:
I feel coaches should be in full uniform...

I realize it's tradition but I think this is one of the silliest things in baseball. What is the point of a coach wearing a baseball uniform? He's not going to play so why is he wearing the same thing the players are wearing? Granted, they should be well dressed and in a similar outfit but NOT in a uniform.
Originally posted by Beezer:
Originally posted by TromblyBaseball:
I feel coaches should be in full uniform...

I realize it's tradition but I think this is one of the silliest things in baseball. What is the point of a coach wearing a baseball uniform? He's not going to play so why is he wearing the same thing the players are wearing? Granted, they should be well dressed and in a similar outfit but NOT in a uniform.

A coach in a solid program 16+ that wears a uni is not silly. Now the dad that breaks off and starts his own travel team at 9U and sports a full Uni well..............
Originally posted by Beezer:
Originally posted by TromblyBaseball:
I feel coaches should be in full uniform...

I realize it's tradition but I think this is one of the silliest things in baseball. What is the point of a coach wearing a baseball uniform? He's not going to play so why is he wearing the same thing the players are wearing? Granted, they should be well dressed and in a similar outfit but NOT in a uniform.

imagine if the NBA coaches dressed out!

(men with pot bellies, should not be wearing tight pants...) Smile
Originally posted by TromblyBaseball:
The only problem I have with Midland is the "shants" that their 10 coaches wear. If you have seen them, you know what I am talking about.

Well I certainly had never heard of shants before you posting the above Trombley Baseball.

I know what a shanty is...and even a shunt...but not shant. Judging by the picture of a pair of shants below I would guess the name is derived from the fact that they look kinda' like shorts and kinda' like pants...hence shants.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
by trombley bb: Call the Midland Redskins .. They get players from around the country to switch teams every year!
soo, how do they get these players?? intimidation? deceit?

or do they simply offer an opportunity & let the player/parents weigh it and make a decision?

how could any organization feel slighted if a young man had a better opportunity elsewhere next season unless ... well .. uh .. err .. gee, there goes a paying customer Frown
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by Bee>:
by trombley bb: Call the Midland Redskins .. They get players from around the country to switch teams every year!
soo, how do they get these players?? intimidation? deceit?

or do they simply offer an opportunity & let the player/parents weigh it and make a decision?

how could any organization feel slighted if a young man had a better opportunity elsewhere next season unless ... well .. uh .. err .. gee, there goes a paying customer Frown

Good programs have more willing paying customers than there are spots available. It's more like...there goes a ton of talent.
by 3D: Good programs have more willing paying customers than there are spots available. It's more like...there goes a ton of talent.
Confused so there are loads of talented guys with nowhere to play??

one of their guys gets a higher level opportunity w/Midland & and another checkbook talented player slides right into his slot

where's the problem?
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by Bee>:
by 3D: Good programs have more willing paying customers than there are spots available. It's more like...there goes a ton of talent.
Confused so there are loads of talented guys with nowhere to play??

one of their guys gets a higher level opportunity w/Midland & and another checkbook talented player slides right into his slot

where's the problem?

Maybe you missed my point. Like you said another check just fills the spot!! It is the talent that will be missed. Plenty of Parents willing to write a check to get their kid on a team.

btw. Are Midland tryouts invite only?
by 3D: Like you said another check just fills the spot!! It is the talent that will be missed. Plenty of Parents willing to write a check to get their kid on a team.
not sure I understand? you seem to be saying that "marginal talent" & a fat checkbook can land a roster spot on a top team.

is that common??

I don't believe Midland has tryouts, they invite from the their own scouting and that of trusted sources

You made the comment about losing a paying customer. My point is, there are plenty of paying customers, but not plenty of top talent. So a good program losing a kid to Midland(obviously talented) would hurt. Not because of the money,(that can be replaced) but because of losing a talented player.

I checked Midlands website and they do have tryouts Sep 8-9. But I
wonder if the tryouts are invite only?
Originally posted by Quincy:
Any HS coach who would deny a player exposure to college coaches and scouts in the fall should not be allowed to coach.

While seeking to form his team for the spring season, a good coach with the child-player's best interest in mind would seek out opportunity to promote talented players to colleges.

Coaching in HS ball is about the players primarily, not about the coach. If a coach loses sight of this, he is not performing the service for which he was hired and entrusted.

Quincy and bcb3,

One thing I believe you are forgetting is that the HS Coach is also trying to build his TEAM relationships too. He wants the kids to start working together, jelling, coming together; all the things that make a good cohesive team. How do you do that if half your team is off doing their own thing.

From my experience, the scouts aren't paying that much attention to fall the travel teams until 17u and 18u unless you happen to be on some high nationally ranked team.

Try to work it out, but also try to see his side too.

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