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In reality the fall and summer seasons are prime time for college coaches and scouts.

The average high school baseball team does not have the talent of a well formed travel team.

A well formed travel team will be an All-Star team. For this reason events and showcases garner far more attention from both scouts and college coaches than the high school season.

Quality ball players are usually recognized in travel ball while they are underclassmen. A prime example would be the Junior Olympics that chooses the better players for the Youth National team.

These kids hit the radar and end up being drafted or offerred scholarships by the top schools.

The scouts you may see at high school games with their radar guns are the final step in the prospect process.
by am08: you are forgetting is that the HS Coach is also trying to build his TEAM relationships too. He wants the kids to start working together, jelling, coming together; all the things that make a good cohesive team. How do you do that if half your team is off doing their own thing
our hs coach WAS very adamant about chasing great team chemistry by keeping local youth all-stars together as they moved up .. also his HS team core together for summer & fall baseball -

that is .. until a few classes arrived who had been "doing their own thing"

THEY "jelled" during a few weeks of indoor workouts better than his guys who had played together for yrs - the underclassmen were so advanced, they helped teach uppperclassmen fundamentals .. cuts, relays, defensive sets etc

his mind changed forever
Last edited by Bee>
AL MA 08 posted: From my experience, the scouts aren't paying that much attention to fall the travel teams until 17u and 18u unless you happen to be on some high nationally ranked team.

I agree. It's exactly why some do travel in the fall. It's better if teams jell for the spring, but sacrificing exposure and better competition for jell is not a good idea, imo. I tried to explain to the new high school coach who wanted my son to uncommit from a travel team in the middle of recruiting during fall of his senior year, the players long term interests were more important than the coaches percieved self-interests. He proceeded to abuse his arm like a rented mule in the spring, unfortunately requiring more parental "input". He was job hunting by May.
Last edited by Dad04
Baseball coaches should be in full uniform.
What do the professional baseball coaches wear!?!?
Baseball is the only sport where the coaches can go on the playing field.

I made up the word "shants". Yes it is a combination of shorts and pants. The Midland Coaches, and they have 10 of them by the way, wear "shants" that look like they are custon made. They appear to be baseball pants cut into shorts. They are similiar to the Bike baseball shorts that some of you probably used to wear! Smile They also wear stripped tube socks w/ their shants.

The Midland Redskins do not charge their players to play. The coaches all work for the Midland Corp. (it is a multi billion dollar company!) in Ohio for 9 months out of the year. They coach baseball for the other 3 months. They recruit the best players around the country and have them come live in Ohio for the summer. They give the players pre paid credit cards with monthly spending cash put on them (I still do not know how this is leagal w/ NCAA rules). They also have their own private jet that flys the players to Farmington to the World Series. I'm sure I am leaving off some of the other details.

When we played them at the 2005 Connie Mack World Series they had 20 players on their roster from 10 different states!
Last edited by TromblyBaseball
The Midland try outs are open to the public. Please visit for more details. In response to Steve's account above of what is paid for and what isn't he is not stating facts. I would like to think that one would do the proper research before stating inaccurate so called facts. Midland is a multi-million if not billion dollar company and there is no cost to the families for their child to play for Midland but my kid never flew on any private jet the last two years and my finances don't show me in my check register where they were provided a credit card for the summer. However, they do a wonderful job of setting up each player w/ host families. The host families have been a wonderful experience to a couple great summers of baseball !
Last edited by j2h6
The scouts you may see at high school games with their radar guns are the final step in the prospect process.

Quality ball players are usually recognized in travel ball while they are underclassmen.

Why do they need the final step? why go and see a kid play in high school? since some believe the competition to be less. why bother?
Originally posted by TromblyBaseball:
Baseball coaches should be in full uniform.
What do the professional baseball coaches wear!?!?
Baseball is the only sport where the coaches can go on the playing field.

Yes, baseball coaches wearing uniforms is traditional but I think it's silly, regardless of the level of play.

As far as your other comment about baseball being the only sport where coaches can go on the playing field, that's not true. Regardless of the sport, baseball, football, basketball, coaches go on the field/court during time outs, not during play. So given your scenario, when a football coach calls a time out and walks out on the field and huddles with his team to go over plays, he should be in full uniform?

Roll Eyes
Last edited by Beezer
Most often the people you see with the radar guns looking at seniors are scouting directors or someone whose opinion the organization will trust.

It is the final stage when things like foot speed, pitch velocity, bat speed are seen by the people who would be involved in the draft.

These scouting directors want to see for themselves what the reports have been stating.

Those reports have been issued based on the play of underclassmen at such events as showcases and travel ball tournaments.

Were the high school season so important, we would see far more winners of state championships drafted. We do not.

Travel ball and showcases will get a kid on the radar, not high school ball especially fall ball.
Last edited by Quincy
by Trombley-somebody-said-it-so-it-must-be-true-baseball:

What did I post that was inaccurate?

"The Midland Redskins do not charge their players" - OK, so far

"The Midland Coaches, and they have 10 of them by the way" - opps .. 1 GM, 1 field manager, 3 position coaches

"The coaches all work for the Midland Corp" oops again .. of 3 coaches, 1 resides in Florida, 1 is a hs AD, 1 is hs teacher/baseball coach

"it is a multi billion dollar company!" as j2h6 noted above, million? billion? trillion? who's counting?

"They recruit the best players through-out the country ... and have them come live in Ohio for the summer" kudos to Midland, however another oops .. as you SHOULD KNOW, AABC limits the # of players on any roster whose PERMANANT residence is outside of a teams region

"They give the players pre paid credit cards with monthly spending cash put on them" oops again .. urban legend, tho it wouldn't surprise me if the coaches had an expense card

"They also have their own private jet that flys the players to Farmington to the World Series" oops .. as you really SHOULD KNOW, AABC handles and PAYS FOR ALL travel arraingments for 8 teams to Farmington CMWS - they are COMMERCIAL FLIGHTS w/open return dates

"I'm sure I am leaving off some of the other details" only the important ones, it seems
Last edited by Bee>
He's going to stay on the fall hs team. The travel team came in at the last minute, and he had already committed to the hs team. His leaving the team would have put them in a tough spot.The coach said he could play on both,but he's also playing fall basketball for the hs. and thats too much for him and me. He will most likely join the travel team in the fall.
My son, who is a 2010 is committed to play in the fall for his high school team.

This requires consultation with his high school coach. It sounds like your son has already told his high school coach he would play for his high school team this Fall. This is a lesson in personal ethics. Even if your son gets the permission of his high school coach, the coach may consider your son unreliable. It's about personal integrity.

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