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Blue Dog, NOBODY could put all that on their eye black? Come on ---- quit splitting hairs. Tebow promoting A religion NO. Promoting religion YES.

This thread is not about religion as you're trying to make it. This is about an athlete using himself and the field to promote something to the fan base. You keep just trying to divert this thread into a "God is good" thread and that's not what THIS is about. Those discussions become very self serving especially on an internet format such as the HSBBW. Save those discussions for wherever you can find a receptive audience --- but not here. One cannot take Mark 16:15 literally and come onto the HSBBW, the pitching mound, the dugout, the line of scrimmage or my bedroom and interrupt or at least modify the intended activities for their own glorification. When someone wants to preach to me (or us) WE should be allowed to pick the time and the place and not be "bible bushwhacked".
Last edited by Fungo
Thank you, Fungo.

In the same way that I feel that those who use freedom of speech to be provocative and challenge the status quo, so goes Blue Dog. It is tolerated when it is minimal, but he has turned on the fire hose lately. Enough already.

It seems that Blue Dog is challenging the moderators to ban him so he can then say he is being persecuted for his religion.

Please take it somewhere else, Blue Dog. You are not helping your cause anymore.
Last edited by infidel_08

I find it interesting that all of a sudden Blue Dog went from a hitting zealot to a religious zealot

This nonsense whether from Blue Dog or any other poster should not be tolerated on this site---why is his drivel permitted---you edit and delete other posters for much less--


Let me say this in response to your remark to me that I have not seen anything---RUBBISH--- 8 times I have been counted out and came back --don't give me your drivel about not having seen anything--how I feel inside regarding a Supreme Being is my business and mine alone and I don't need some wannabe preacher trying to tell me what I do or don't know-- you never taught anything regarding hitting and here in the religious zealot realm it is more of the same--DRIVEL
Our conscious minds are a complex mix of absolutes, opinions and beliefs (including faith).

Absolutes can be proven.

An example of an absolute is:
Babe Ruth was the first MLB player to hit 700 home runs.

Many opinions are simple preferences.

An example of a preferential opinion is:
Sandy Koufax was the best left handed pitcher I ever saw.

Other opinions can be supported through absolutes (combined empirical evidence).

A supported opinion could be:
Statistically, Cy Young was the best left handed pitcher of all time.

Beliefs can NOT be proven (supported) as an absolute. (Thats why they call it faith).
John 3:16 is a familiar example of belief.

It is not however a franchise on the truth.
I believe that people have the right to believe what they want. I respect differing opinions. I have no problem with Tebow and his beliefs. I believe that he believes. So what difference does it make if I do not. I just don't want someone knocking on my door at 9 am on Saturday sharing their beliefs with me. What I find more disturbing is the need for some to MAKE everyone believe what they believe in. That kind of self-righteousness and arrogance is just not very nice. JMO
Fungo is the best at starting topics and getting people thinking about more than just baseball.

That said, I wonder if Tebow's eye black was anything other than a biblical verse, would this have even been a topic?

Words on eye black have been around for quite some time and have not been an issue before this.

Without all the media hype about this young man appearing larger than life (and yes, even I got a little tired of it) I doubt it would garner this much attention.

It does however provoke much thought into where do we draw the line. While I saw nothing wrong with the eyeblack, I wouldn't have any problem with outlawing ALL sayings, logos, etc...

I agree with the poster who said that actions speak much louder than words. Talk is cheap.
That said, I wonder if Tebow's eye black was anything other than a biblical verse, would this have even been a topic?

It's actually interesting there is so much about it now. He's been doing this for a while now...nothing new about it. The way everyone in the media and here has picked up on it makes it seem like the BCS night was the first time he's had a bible verse on the eye blacks.
I don't think Tebow needs to put any messages on his eye black for anyone to know what type of person he is. He, his coach and the media have made all of that pretty well known. I had heard his coach went with him on one of his summer missions.

What do you all think of Mark Richt putting his coaching title on this website and also of Bobby Bowden's well known pushing religion to his team?

Mark Richt

I had heard that when Bobby goes into the home to recruit, he sidles up to the mom and talks about the church aspect like "I'll make sure Junior gets to church every Sunday." Now we all know the history of FSU players and their off field problems, so please don't let this get into a bashing of FSU players.
I'm not saying he always does it, Oldslugger. I'm saying he has done it many times in the past in similar situations for the same reason (high profile, high visibility opportunity games). Heck, he did the same thing in the SEC championship game in December.

I'm just saying his putting God front and center isn't anything new. I know his Heisman acceptance speech is different (individual vs team/game), but the consistency is there. Clearly the approach is "I've got a big visibility opportunity here" doubt about that. He may be a marketing major!
Last edited by Tx-Husker
re: what Religion is Tebow promoting?


HaverDad, there are alot of sub-denominations of Christianity with widely competing views on God's Laws for us.......

I see Tebow promoting God's Laws and prophecies for us....Which can only come from the Bible verses he displays.....He is leaving the understanding part to us......

To understand John 3:16 one must read more than that one verse.....I believe this is the allure of the Bible verse eye black....
Last edited by BlueDog
I wonder if Tebow's eye black was anything other than a biblical verse, would this have even been a topic?

Frank good question. I thought about that and I think there are many things that would rub people the "wrong way" much more so than a biblical verse. A few that come to my mind are:
political endorsements
racial remarks

If something or someone needs to be promoted you can rest assured there are those that don't want to hear it or see it. I guess it depends on where you stand and what each means to you.
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