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Dog, better check Glaus again. Same slot with elbow behind hands just more or less rotation and more or less tilt based on location. change in the slotting of the elbow. It happens with the rotation of the shoulders.

Oh but it is the same position. Dog, ever hear you ain't seeing what you think you are!

when you hit a baseball pitch location determines point of contact,

Florida, since when did the pitcher throw the ball and swing the bat. Doesn't the hitter determine point of contact? Meaning where Dunn hits an outside pitch is surely not where any other hitter may hit it.
To hit an inside pitch, the rear elbow must stay in close to the body.......The arms do not extend, rotation is maximized and the ball is usually hit with authority.....

To hit an outside pitch, the rear elbow must move away from the body...The arms must extend.....

Low and away, the arms extend even more....As the arms move away from the body, rotation is minimized and the ball is usually hit with less power.....

Now, if someone wants to call this action of the rear elbow "slotting", well,........

How you think goes a long way in understanding high level swing body movement.....I have always contended that if you can't change the way you think about swinging a bat, then, you will struggle to understand this stuff....
Last edited by BlueDog

In the past ten days I have been with the good stuff---coaches on the field instructing their players during games as well as before and after

No cyberspace stuff--real one on one stuff with "real and good" coaches---

I cannot miss what you call "good stuff' because you have no idea as to what it is---perhaps this old warhorse could teach you a thing or two if you open up your cyberspace mind
Last edited by TRhit
Dog, the level of rotation to ball contact makes the elbow look different because of the relation to the body in which it happens. If you have to extend the arm/ elbow away from you to make contact on a pitch away then I see 2 problems. One your trying to hit the ball to far out in front of the plate and two your trying to hit a ball that is, well, a ball. Its to far away or outside and isn't a strike. Take that pitch and let the umpire say "Ball".
Do you agree that the rear elbow "works" naturally during proper swing movement and does not require any conscious action?

I agree that the whole swing process requires no conscious action.....It's about loading and unloading properly.....

Once you get loaded, you gotta learn to just turn.....Most hitters won't ever get to this level of understanding.....Their body will add some movement before they turn.....

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