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@Consultant posted:


Did you notice the roster? Players from Canada, Australia, Italy, Mexico, DR. This is a Minor League team.

I have many good real estate memories from Hobbs, NM. and baseball memory's from Las Cruces.


Yes, I am familiar with the NMJC roster. I scouted them last year as a potential opponent in the Region 5 post season tournament. And I saw their best players at the Region 5 & 14 all star event last month.  They have kids from all over and some of them can really play. Foreign players are often more willing to play in places like Hobbs, NM than domestic players are. They just want an opportunity to play. Domestic players are much more picky. They more often get caught up in the glitz and the delusion of grandeur. So they will often pass up a great baseball opportunity for a bad one that looks more impressive when announced on social media.

@TPM posted:


Canadian HS travel teams head down south to play with Juco and college teams to prepare against better competition and play in front of coaches and scouts.

We had a commit from Canada that ended up going in the draft and never made it to campus. 

@adbono Trust me, the midwest people know the strong JUCO programs in our area as well and the ones that aren't competitive.  There are about 3-4 of them that "us midwesterners" know are the top JUCO programs and are loaded with DI players.  With even less DI schools in the midwest, a large chunk of them go to these JUCO's to try and grab a spot on a DI roster.  There may not be as many JUCO's but definitely not any less competitive. 

@Consultant posted:

Outstanding. It tells story for our young aspirating baseball players, who are not aware of the talent available for the College Coaches.
What can he do to compete?


Agreed.  I normally tell people you can potentially play anywhere,  but you should look at the trends.

Note, free version shows all,  paywall version allows filtering by division, graduation class and position.

@adbono posted:

This is off topic relative to recent posts in this thread but does relate to the OP. In case you missed it. In a fall game that was played yesterday New Mexico Junior College beat New Mexico State University 8-7. For a little perspective NMJC is currently a top 30 D1 JuCo and is almost always in the top 50. I have seen them play last spring and this fall. They are good. NMSU is usually a top 150 D1 program. They were down a little bit last year but they often compete for conference championships in the WAC. They are pretty good too. This may be a foreign concept to those in the upper Midwest and the Northeast, but this is not an anomaly. Good JuCo teams in sun belt states can regularly beat respectable D1 teams in the same area. No matter where you live you should be familiar with the level of JuCo play in your area. The only way to know is to watch some games. I would encourage every current HS player (that aspires to play in college) to go watch the best JuCo in his area. The level of play can be an eye opening experience.

Why JuCo?

  • It’s the quickest and cheapest way to figure out where baseball fits in your go forward plan
    • Where does the ballplayer project (pro, p5, d1-d3)
    • Can they embrace the suck (juco makes going to most any school seem easy (baseball portion) – and makes pro ball an easier transition)
    • You figure out how important is baseball in the ballplayer’s life relative to girls and other interests
  • Quickest way to playing time, but it’s not guaranteed (my son played little as a juco freshman)
  • Great go forward visibility with quantifiable stats
  • An AS or AA degree that transfers most everywhere and saves a ton of tuition
  • A group of lifetime friends that endured the suck with you

Two of my son’s former HS teammates who were not recruited followed him to Hill, both played college ball for 6 years thanks to COVID, one at Texas the other at a Tarleton – never would have happened without juco.

Lastly, at the start of playoffs this season there were 18 juco alum on the rosters – 5 from Texas juco’s…

@ALF648 posted:

This is a thoughtful twitter thread on this topic

I think you are being kind by using the word thoughtful. There is not one original thought in that thread. Twitter is a platform to post other people’s thoughts and claim them as your own. And a number of so called baseball experts are pretty good at that. One or two of them have even ventured onto HSBBW and tried that tact. I’m not saying Walter Beede isn’t knowledgeable. I believe that he is. But there isn’t one thing in that thread that hasn’t been discussed here. Most of it months and/or years ago.

All according to which players you are talking about.  Remember how soon or late, they are all recruits and the ones that are transfer portal guys would tell you that coach loves them very much.  Gave them a place to play and a better chance to make it to the next level in many cases.  He showed his love by giving them a better opportunity.  Kind of like talking about a husband.  Opinion matters if you are talking to the ex-wife and her family or the new wife and her family.  One says he is a jerk and cut them loose and the other says he gave them an opportunity and loves them.

@PitchingFan posted:

All according to which players you are talking about.  Remember how soon or late, they are all recruits and the ones that are transfer portal guys would tell you that coach loves them very much.  Gave them a place to play and a better chance to make it to the next level in many cases.  He showed his love by giving them a better opportunity.  Kind of like talking about a husband.  Opinion matters if you are talking to the ex-wife and her family or the new wife and her family.  One says he is a jerk and cut them loose and the other says he gave them an opportunity and loves them.

And the coach’s love is real conditional…which isn’t really love, it’s using. Semantics I guess.

it is a bit like marriage, some take the commitment really seriously, others cut ties when it’s hard. Pick your coach like you pick your spouse.

Last edited by baseballhs

I'm married for 35 but being a pastor I understand it fully because I hear it all the time.  It was never the fault of the husband to the new family and never the fault of the wife to her family, unless the husband married a family member of his ex-wife.  Then the family is split.  Yes I've seen it.  Even saw where he divorced one sister for the other and seen where he divorced his wife for her mother.

I would say 75% of all marriages are based on conditional love rather than Godly love.  Preached that sermon just recently.  I will love you if or until.

I agree it's a commitment but it's one that should come from both sides.

There are a lot of players that transfer for better opportunities. They were given the opportunity and they took it. So it does work both ways. Right?

There are way too many players that make commitments where they don't belong.  You have to understand how it works. At many P5 programs ( not all) most freshman don't get an opportunity.  Make sure you understand what the coaches philosophy is, it is a developmental one or does he just run them out there.

If you want to play, go where you will have the best chance to do that, even if it isn't a CWS contender.

Sure would love to be a fly on the wall when that SEC coach made that statement.

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