dtiger - DBAT starts at 16U and as far as I know the Mustangs do not have any teams before 15U. They may have experimented with younger teams in the past but I don't think they have had them the past few years. The Marshals...I am not sure what they are currently doing but their first year there were so many teams in our age group that they used up all the colors and directions naming them all.

(gold, white, black, north, south, did I miss any?) I never could figure out which one we were playing. (well, ok, I knew when we were playing MM South because we would get our rears kicked!)
I agree with you...it is nice that the Dallas Tigers put teams together at 12 and keep the core group together through high school. I have seen other groups try that approach and I haven't seen it executed as successfully, it seems like the teams tend to break-up or lose key players before they make it to 15U. Hats off to the Tigers for making it work. Now, if the coach would just stay through high school...wait, that's another thread.