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Originally posted by ShawnLee:

I'll take your word that it was tongue in cheek as I have no real evidence that it wasn't. Usually someone gives some indication of that so as not to be misinterpreted. Perhaps I jumped to the conclusion becasue that is very typical of dick's posting style. He's right becasue he says so and he'll argue louder, longer and more venomously than anyone else.

As to the "hypocritical and childish" stuff; have you ever read any of his stuff. While I'm not trying to sugar coat my opinion of him, I think you have some serious issues if you believe that my comments relating to him are anything like the stuff he spews. Just because he is "worse" does not make the way you speak of him "less wrong".

As to my question about the Cliff's Notes; you seem to be an intelligent person. Don't you think it interesting that periodically, someone fairly new to the boards will spend some time reading dick's stuff and then, within a couple of weeks, they are calling people out just like dick (albeit with less rancor). Perhaps it's a funtion of the type of people who are attracted to dick in the first place. What's so weird about people reading something agreeing with it and then posting what they think? You do it right? It's only odd because you disagree with the message and loathe the messanger.

Think about it.

Most spend many months or even years reading before they begin to post or at least post with well reasoned questions as they learn. Not dick's acclytes. They spring forth from the HI board fully knowledgeable and ready to battle with all unbelievers. Are you implying that everyone from his "camp" is secretly Rich? lol Got any other conspiracy theories? I always liked the moon one.

Regardless of what you might think, my reference to you brother's ability was genuine. IMO he doesn't need anything you can find at HI, although some of the stuff from DMac may be useful. He was very accoplished for his age when he got to dick. As an athlete, you're always looking for a way to improve and improvement becomes more difficult the better you get. I appreciate your comments. He's worked hard to be where he is. But as you're aware, you have to work that much harder than everyone else to be at the top.

Dick doesn't have any secrets. This whole thing developed because he got thrown off Englishbey's site for being an a**h**e. That simple. I was reading trhe posts daily when it happened and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Some others claim to have been booted for no reason. I can't speak to their situation but I know that any forum would have booted dick for the way he was behaving at EH. The whole 2nd engine thing started with "the swivel" which he said that he had just learned from Englishbey. I wasn't around for any of that, so whatever. I honestly don't care. I'm sure Rich was being Rich and that tells me enough right there. I still think he's on to something.

Good luck to you and your brother. Take everything with a grain of salt. Thanks again. I'm doing just that. Wink
Originally posted by S. Abrams:

The only reason I posted that message is that you were coming off like Richard/Chameleon/name-of the-day...not a good habit or way to be involved in a discussion. Your attacks on CoachB25 were off base. Could you please point out these attacks to me? I don't recall attacking anybody especially CoachB25. If anything, I was the one who was "aggressively approached" by you Shawn and Coach when you all were made aware of my association.

The questions...we disagree on your answers but that's fine. Could care less about Kozma (have never heard of him). Have long said that torque is a bad reference word for the hand/bat action.

College question was a shot, granted, but based on the defensive Defensive? How so? I answered Coach's questions and I answered your questions. I didn't avoid anything or hide, which is what I would call "defensive". nature of some of your postings, not totally unwarranted. Never said anything about being the need to be a professional (maybe just the need to act professionally). Having played HS, you know to take someone like Richard and his minions with a grain of salt. You also know alot of what is espoused by some works well in a batting cage but not in a game. You're correct. I do. Thank you for at least giving me the benefit of the doubt in this department. It is the game situation successes that has made us want to pursue this further.

Did you answer the questions correctly...well, you only answered the one about grip pressure. I apologize. I thought I had answered all your questions. Agree with the answer....the "hands" guys cannot agree and support their argument. Can you explain this further? Nor can they give any credence to the slotting of the back elbow if the hands are what everything keys off of. I'm missing something here again. The other questions have really nothing to do with a vertical bat/forearm position, even though a vertical bat is a good thing. Nothing wrong with a 45 degree slot either. I agree.

Nothing you read here or on other hitting websites is anything new. Alot of gurus will talk CHP,BHT/THT and whatever and think they have come up with something revolutionary...and make money off the idea. Been around this game literally since birth and at every possible level...seen gurus come and go, rehashing what somebody else said years ago and calling it their own.

I admit often I will like what some of them say; actually I like how they may say something that may prove useful to a certain hitter (the same key may mean something different to other hitters; sometimes helps to be able to say the same thing in different terminology to get through). While I may disagree with some on this board, I will pick and choose some of their phrases at times when working with various HS hitters. It ain't about my ego, it's about helping the kid understand the swing he needs to hit a baseball in HS. That's good to hear. I'm glad you're open to these "old ideas" with new ways of saying them. Wink

Good that you are trying to help your brother. Hope you find a good instructor that he can relate to and understand...that's alot more important than anything you learn on this or any other website. The fact that you desire to help is the important thing. Good luck. Thank you.
Originally posted by CoachB25:
I think it is good that we've all put our cards on the table. We have some great discussion going here and so, thanks to everyone that has contributed. Now, if we can, let's all get on with the hitting discussion. I'm never going to say that I'm totally innocent of any attacks. I'm certainly not perfect. I do appreciate that members understand how long I've been at this and how much I care about this site. Thanks.

At one point in the discussion with the stills, the question was asked if "torque" could be seen in the "still pictures." I disagree that it can. When I first responded to the stills, I really wanted to direct your focus to the change in the "angle" of the bat. There is only one thing, IMO, that can cause the change that we see in the stills: swivel/torque/turning/whatever. I would then venture to suggest that at least a part of what is being seen in the hands is the result of the bat head going into the lag position. So it is your contention that it's the bat head that is moving the hands and not the other way around? Another part of what is happening, in my opinion, is that there are resulting changes in the hand position due to tilt and the elbow. Thoughts? I'm not sure. I can tilt my body without swiveling my wrists or turning my forearms. I think the hands and forearms are moving because they're being "actively" moved. Also, I can slot my elbow without anything happening to my hands as well. I think the slotting of the elbow just allows for "easier turning" of the bat. IMO. Thoughts?

What were we talking about again? lol
JJA or anybody who doesn't believe in torquing the handle... Well, go out and actually try it. You'll be amazed. I was hesitant at one point too. Just try it.

Or, try to film yourself getting the early blur without torquing the handle.

Don't believe it exists? This is pretty telling if you ask me:

What about this? I bet he doesn't use his hands! lol

What about this guy... his hands begin to unhinge before the block of the front legs and the stopping of the shoulders rotating...... how is that possible?

Last edited by Rays Fan

I've gone back several pages in this thread and have not found any reference made in this thread as to the comments you are referring to in this article. If this is an attempt to "get around" the locking of a thread then I don't appreciate it. I've also read the article and believe it to be a general letter and not a definitive endorsement. The letter contains comments such as, "to my knowledge" etc. which leave one to believe the generalites are not to be considered "specific" endoursement but rather a pat on the back for the effort of Mankin. Nothing more and certainly nothing less.

This thread is not about an argument with either JJA or Tom. If this is some personal confrontation, take it to the pms. Otherwise, I'm going to have to step in.
Last edited by CoachB25

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