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Disappeared?? Come on man, I don't live on here like some.

The instructors name is Jake Russell and his first rounder from last year is Pete Kozma, taken by St. Louis with the 17th pick. He currently has a couple high school kids that Baseball America is projecting to go anywhere from the 2nd to the 4th round.
The demand for his instruction is growing and the word is that he will soon offer on-line lessons in the near future.
He usually has an audience of guys like me eavesdropping, trying to learn something that we can use for our boys. This guys keeps it simple, simple, simple.

my 8 year gets it and understands his simple concepts.

Metropop, since you are still here, I have a question for you...

What are these simple concepts this guy says to do?
Last edited by BlueDog
Originally posted by Metropop:
Disappeared?? Come on man, I don't live on here like some.

The instructors name is Jake Russell and his first rounder from last year is Pete Kozma, taken by St. Louis with the 17th pick. He currently has a couple high school kids that Baseball America is projecting to go anywhere from the 2nd to the 4th round.
The demand for his instruction is growing and the word is that he will soon offer on-line lessons in the near future.

2007 Stats: .154/.267/.154 at Rookie-level GCL (4 G); .254/.350/.396 at Rookie-level Appalachian (30 G); .148/.179/.222 at Short-season (8 G)

Maybe he should start teaching Kozma how to torque the handle....
Originally posted by CoachB25:

powertoallfields, I'm trying to think about how the hands and only the hands can create torque. I'm missing something in my physiology understanding. Pressures are being applied by various parts of the body and that knob demonstrates minimum displacement at best. Reference the jersey number.

You're close.

Look how little the hands have moved, yet look how much the angle of the bat has changed. Is that shoulder rotation that is causing the angle of the bat to change or him turning the barrel with his hands? If you think it's the former, then how is it accomplished?
Well, if I look at the belt buckle then I notice the distance the hips have turned, I understand the Serape Effect as people that have studied baseball, know kineseology etc. have explained it, look at the number and realize that those shoulders are, in fact turning as well. Those shoulders are also tilting more. Reference the sleeve of the hitter. The camera angle is changing as the player rotates.

BTW, you've frozen frames of a swing. Much is lost in that process. What is your best guess for the length of duration of these positions? Less than a .10 of a second I'd guess. Wrstdude, since you've engaged this topic, would you say that you can see torque in the hands? Is that the purpose of the pics? Would you say that the shoulders are not moving and that there is no such thing as the Serape Effect? Just wondering how you interpret it.
Last edited by CoachB25
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Well, if I look at the belt buckle then I notice the distance the hips have turned, I understand the Serape Effect as people that have studied baseball, know kineseology etc. have explained it, look at the number and realize that those shoulders are, in fact turning as well. Those shoulders are also tilting more. Reference the sleeve of the hitter. The camera angle is changing as the player rotates.

BTW, you've frozen frames of a swing. Much is lost in that process. What is your best guess for the length of duration of these positions? Less than a .10 of a second I'd guess. Wrstdude, since you've engaged this topic, would you say that you can see torque in the hands? Is that the purpose of the pics? Would you say that the shoulders are not moving and that there is no such thing as the Serape Effect? Just wondering how you interpret it.

Just my 2 cents worth. I think you are both right, to a degree. I think that yes, the shoulders have begun to turn here since they are being pulled through by the open hips. The shoulder tilt IMO, is caused by the bending of the back knee to a great extent. As far as the bat dropping to the plane of the pitch goes, I believe the hands are doing this by rotating the forearms. If you look at the dark part of the hitter's sleeve, you will see that more of it is exposed at the top of the sleeve as he gets further into the swing.

What I would like to ask everyone is, from the point in this swing through contact, what is going to make the bathead get through the ball? Is it the hands, wrists, forearms, weight of the bathead? If he let go of his top hand at his point in the swing, would the bathead keep going without being manipulated by the bottom forearm, hand and wrist? Do you agree that the wrists have not unhinged yet in the last frame?
Powertoallfields, thanks for the observations. To be sure, I don't have to be "right." I merely post my ideas and I know what works for my child and my players. That's enough for me and it is proven by results. Powertoallfields, regarding the hinge, if I could see the ball, I'd know more about the hinge. I think you are right and that if they are unhinging, it is barely. Don't get me wrong, still photographs have a place in hitting discussions. However, they also have limitations. I would suggest that video also has it's limitations per the agenda of the poster. Anyone that has taken the time to read the eteamz thread on Hitting converstation with JoeBad would know that. I would reference that thread here with a link but to be honest, there are points where the name calling, curse words etc. are not to my liking. I don't fault anyone but won't link it.

I find discussions like any suggestion that you can look at video and or stills and state that you know what is either going on beneath clothing or in someone's brain to often be misleading. Of course, you can reference those times where a shirt's texture denotes given points. JMHO!
Last edited by CoachB25
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Well, if I look at the belt buckle then I notice the distance the hips have turned, I understand the Serape Effect as people that have studied baseball, know kineseology etc. have explained it, look at the number and realize that those shoulders are, in fact turning as well. Those shoulders are also tilting more. Reference the sleeve of the hitter. The camera angle is changing as the player rotates.

BTW, you've frozen frames of a swing. Much is lost in that process. What is your best guess for the length of duration of these positions? Less than a .10 of a second I'd guess. Wrstdude, since you've engaged this topic, would you say that you can see torque in the hands? Is that the purpose of the pics? Would you say that the shoulders are not moving and that there is no such thing as the Serape Effect? Just wondering how you interpret it.

I'd be more than happy to answer your questions if you'd answer mine. You skipped my questions and started asking your own.

Also keep in mind that I did not post that picture. You did. I merely quoted you....yet somehow your post has mysteriously disappeared.

How did you link that picture if it disappeared?

Edited to add:

I easily found that thread. Heck, at first I forgot I even posted the pics since I don't have my own website with my multitudes of worshipers as some. NO "agenda" here to hide my posting as you suggest. I'm not a messiah, I don't care if you like or agree with my ideas and so, I don't have any reason to delete posts. I do resent the suggest that I might be wrong and so, I deleted it. WEIRD. Regarding your question, I think that the bat angle is set in multiple ways. Tilt, shoulder angle, rotation, back elbow. I don't think it is hand torque. That's my opinion. You're entitled to yours as well.

Now about this I won't answer yours till you answer mine. Just where is that "Refuters" Link?
Last edited by CoachB25
Originally posted by CoachB25:
How did you link that picture if it disappeared?

Edited to add:

I easily found that thread. Heck, at first I forgot I even posted the pics since I don't have my own website with my multitudes of worshipers as some. NO "agenda" here to hide my posting as you suggest. I'm not a messiah, I don't care if you like or agree with my ideas and so, I don't have any reason to delete posts. I do resent the suggest that I might be wrong and so, I deleted it. WEIRD. Regarding your question, I think that the bat angle is set in multiple ways. Tilt, shoulder angle, rotation, back elbow. I don't think it is hand torque. That's my opinion. You're entitled to yours as well.

Now about this I won't answer yours till you answer mine. Just where is that "Refuters" Link?

Obviously your many discussions/arguments must be wearing on you as I neither suggested nor implied anything. You already are jumping to conclusions and think I'm hiding and attacking, when I've done no such thing. You condemn a poster, IMO, for good reason as I agree he can be downright rude and ignorant (I just don't think he's necessarily wrong-and he's much MUCH nicer in person), however you are guilty of virtually the same crime. "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." If you think I'm wrong to compare you two, well, too bad. I just did.

I did not answer your questions as the polite thing to do would be for YOU to answer mine first as I had asked them first.

Whoever heard of being polite and showing some common courtesy? Very WEIRD indeed.

I simply thought it was strange that I could no longer find your post as I had obviously quoted it. Take a freaking chill pill.

I do resent the suggest that I might be wrong and so, I deleted it.

This doesn't make any sense.
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Well, if I look at the belt buckle then I notice the distance the hips have turned, I understand the Serape Effect as people that have studied baseball, know kineseology etc. have explained it, look at the number and realize that those shoulders are, in fact turning as well. Those shoulders are also tilting more. Reference the sleeve of the hitter. The camera angle is changing as the player rotates.

BTW, you've frozen frames of a swing. Much is lost in that process. What is your best guess for the length of duration of these positions? Less than a .10 of a second I'd guess. Wrstdude, since you've engaged this topic, would you say that you can see torque in the hands?Yes. Is that the purpose of the pics? This is a good question, however I wouldn't know the purpose of the pics as I didn't post them. I did give a brief hint at what I thought was happening Would you say that the shoulders are not moving and that there is no such thing as the Serape Effect? Obviously the shoulders are moving, but more specifically the torso is turning-the shoulders are doing nothing. I interpret it as they, the shoulders, are slave to the hips. I believe the Serape Effect supports this. If the right hip is opening first, which is what happens in all swings, and the right hip is "connected" to the left shoulder, as supported by the Serape Effect, then it, the right hip, is going to naturally pull the left shoulder around as the hip continues to open as they are connected (and vice versa for left hip right shoulder). Eventually the muscle will reach a point where it can stretch no further and the shoulder MUST come around. I don't know if that makes sense to you or if it's "correct" but that's how I interpret what happens. Just wondering how you interpret it.
Last edited by wrstdude
Originally posted by wrstdude:
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Well, if I look at the belt buckle then I notice the distance the hips have turned, I understand the Serape Effect as people that have studied baseball, know kineseology etc. have explained it, look at the number and realize that those shoulders are, in fact turning as well. Those shoulders are also tilting more. Reference the sleeve of the hitter. The camera angle is changing as the player rotates.

BTW, you've frozen frames of a swing. I didn't do anything of the sort. Much is lost in that process.I agree. What is your best guess for the length of duration of these positions? Well most video is 30 frames per second, so assuming that is "most video" and it's 3 frames I'd guess .10 of a second Less than a .10 of a second I'd guess. Wrstdude, since you've engaged this topic, would you say that you can see torque in the hands?Yes. Is that the purpose of the pics? This is a good question, however I wouldn't know the purpose of the pics as I didn't post them. I did give a brief hint at what I thought was happening Would you say that the shoulders are not moving and that there is no such thing as the Serape Effect? Obviously the shoulders are moving, but more specifically the torso is turning-the shoulders are doing nothing. I interpret it as they, the shoulders, are slave to the hips. I believe the Serape Effect supports this. If the right hip is opening towards the pitcher, which is what happens in all swings, and the right hip is "connected" to the left shoulder, as supported by the Serape Effect, then it, the right hip, is going to naturally pull the left shoulder around as the hip continues to open as they are connected (and vice versa for left hip right shoulder). Eventually the muscle will reach a point where it can stretch no further and the shoulder MUST come around. I don't know if that makes sense to you or if it's "correct" but that's how I interpret what happens. Just wondering how you interpret it.

Stand still like you were hitting and open your hips while trying to keep your shoulders closed. What is the feel you get? What feels more comfortable keeping them closed or opening them up the same way the hips are?
Last edited by wrstdude

Does dick give you guys a script and send you out like some kind of zealots? You've been posting for a couple of weeks and all of a sudden you're out proselytizing on other boards. Go Cardinals is another. He's like 12 years old and he's calling out guys who were teaching hitting when his mommy was in diapers.

Oh, and calling out a rookie who's not meeting your and dick's standards in pro ball would be silly if it weren't so pathetic. You guys all take on the same persona. Why don't you ask dick what his son's batting average is at his school. After all, he is the recipient of all of the knowledge that dick has gained in the pool hall, beer league and on the internet pretending to be a bully.

Your brother looks like a heck of an athlete but I'm afraid you'll look back one day and wonder what would have happened if common sense had prevailed you had not followed the pied piper (I mean barkeep) into the wasteland.

NOTE: Nothing in this post is meant to denigrate real barkeeps. They are one of my favorite types of people.
Last edited by ShawnLee
Originally posted by wrstdude:
Originally posted by CoachB25:
How did you link that picture if it disappeared?

Edited to add:

I easily found that thread. Heck, at first I forgot I even posted the pics since I don't have my own website with my multitudes of worshipers as some. NO "agenda" here to hide my posting as you suggest. I'm not a messiah, I don't care if you like or agree with my ideas and so, I don't have any reason to delete posts. I do resent the suggest that I might be wrong and so, I deleted it. WEIRD. Regarding your question, I think that the bat angle is set in multiple ways. Tilt, shoulder angle, rotation, back elbow. I don't think it is hand torque. That's my opinion. You're entitled to yours as well.

Now about this I won't answer yours till you answer mine. Just where is that "Refuters" Link?

Obviously your many discussions/arguments must be wearing on you as I neither suggested nor implied anything.
Not wearing on me at all. Posters, such as yourself, will follow the rules of this site. Violate those rules as your mentor did/does, and you will lose your priviledges. I feel no wear and tear from that.
You already are jumping to conclusions and think I'm hiding and attacking, when I've done no such thing. I would consider implying that I deleted posts and a sarcastic "weird" comment to fit the bill.You condemn a poster, IMO, for good reason as I agree he can be downright rude and ignorant (I just don't think he's necessarily wrong-and he's much MUCH nicer in person),I'm calling BS on this. however you are guilty of virtually the same crime. Crime? I moderate this forum. I have often posted that I'm not always right. I constantly post that I'm not an "expert." Has your mentor EVER admited that? I moderate this forum keeping in mind that my philosophy and other posters aren't alike. Therefore, I avoid most discussion until I'm called out as you did and are doing now."Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." If you think I'm wrong to compare you two, well, too bad. I just did. wrstdude, to be honest, you haven't posted enough on this site, valid or invalid, that would make me care one way or the other what you think. Some people on this site disagree with me on philosophy but I DO CARE ABOUT THEIR OPINIONS. They have earned that respect. Perhaps over time, you might as well. Besides, I'm close to Arnold all of the time. (St. Louis Baseball and Fastpitch Academy so I'm sure we'll run into each other.)

I did not answer your questions as the polite thing to do would be for YOU to answer mine first as I had asked them first.Fair enough. I apologize.

Whoever heard of being polite and showing some common courtesy? Very WEIRD indeed.

I simply thought it was strange that I could no longer find your post as I had obviously quoted it. Take a freaking chill pill. Unscrupulous posters often delete posts. I don't unless that poster has violated the rules. Also, I don't have to win arguments. I've had success in real coaching. Chill pill taken.

I do resent the suggest that I might be wrong and so, I deleted it.

This doesn't make any sense.
Reference the above.
Last edited by CoachB25
wrstdude, I forgot to mention that I'm nice in person as well. We live close enough if you ever want to see me in action. However, I'm done for the year at St. Louis Baseball and Fastpitch Academy. If you want a reference, talk to Rick Strickland. He's seen me coach hitting. Yes, unlike the internet hitting gurus, I actually coach.

Edited to add:

BTW, I missed the shot at the ex pro and rookie. Just read it. wrstdude, perhaps you'd let us know some of your credentials? We are always thankful to have ex professionals on our site. I'd love to check out how well you did/are doing in professional ball.
Last edited by CoachB25

Is it possible to "torque the handle" without slotting the back elbow?

If so, why even slot the elbow?

And to exert torque on the handle, how tight do you hold/grip the bat to exert enough torque to have meaningful effect on batspeed?

And how do torque, bat angle and bat plane differ? Does it matter?

wrstdude, being a 7th grade Geography teacher you went to college...what position did you play on the college baseball team? Would you describe yourself as a power hitter or more of a singles/doubles guy?

Just're wearing a hole in the soapbox with some of your recent posts.

Don't worry about answering those questions...if you are a "everything is slave to the hands" and "torque is everything" kinda of guy, they won't make sense to you or why they are important.
Really, wrstdude, if you've bought into a philosophy, personally know and trust the author of that philosophy, and have a membeship on that person's site, then why spend time here? Certainly, that philosophy isn't the "norm" on most sites and so, wouldn't you better embrace that philosophy discussing it with those that do since you've mentioned that you're on this mission for your brother? For reference on the comment on how "R's" philosophy is welcomed on other sites, please check out JoeBad on eteamZ and all of the responses. Colorful to say the least. Certainly that doesn't preclude you from participation here if that's what you wish as long as you realize, as MNMom states, this is a PG site and so don't expect to post in a similiar style to "r".

BTW, Social Studies in the "F" school district. 7th grade? You're a better man than me. Taught Middle School (1 class per day) for 2 years. NOPE never again.
Last edited by CoachB25
Bro, I like the "he should teach him to torque the handle" comment about Kozma above. His first 12 games as a pro were a struggle but he continued to work his tail off and ended the last 30 games at Johnson City hitting .264, not a bad first year in pro ball for a shortstop. But I still like the comment, I appreciate a good knock.

The simplicity of Russells instruction is that he "reduces to the ridiculous" so the thought process is minimal at the plate for his guys. Getting comfortable and having balance were just a couple of his most used terms, but he makes his living doing this so his trade secrets are his, not mine to discuss on here. The bottom line is the guy is seeing results from his players year after year so he must being doing something right.
Originally posted by ShawnLee:

Does dick give you guys a script and send you out like some kind of zealots? You've been posting for a couple of weeks and all of a sudden you're out proselytizing on other boards. Go Cardinals is another. He's like 12 years old and he's calling out guys who were teaching hitting when his mommy was in diapers.

Oh, and calling out a rookie who's not meeting your and dick's standards in pro ball would be silly if it weren't so pathetic. You guys all take on the same persona. Why don't you ask dick what his son's batting average is at his school. After all, he is the recipient of all of the knowledge that dick has gained in the pool hall, beer league and on the internet pretending to be a bully.

Your brother looks like a heck of an athlete but I'm afraid you'll look back one day and wonder what would have happened if common sense had prevailed you had not followed the pied piper (I mean barkeep) into the wasteland.

NOTE: Nothing in this post is meant to denigrate real barkeeps. They are one of my favorite types of people.

My comment about Kozma was tongue in cheek. I'm sorry you missed it, however, I'm sure you're aware that much is lost through text. I hope he does very well, and I'm sure he will. I'm a big Cards fan so I hope to see him up in the future. Any success for him makes me happy.

Richard supplies me nothing. He doesn't give me a Cliff's Notes guide to internet trash talking. I'll leave that up to him. If you read carefully you'll find I'm not a fan of Richard's online demeanor, however, it doesn't mean that I don't think he's on to something.

Also I find it hypocritical and childish for you to attack him within the same manner you dislike. You're no better in my book.

I only started posting to give a different take as I'm sure you're all tired, as proven by your constant attacks, of the way Rich has tried to "teach" you what he believes. But I'm sure you wouldn't give me the time of day, which makes you just as guilty of being close minded as Rich.

My brother's successes or failures will speak for themselves. We've tried some of the other was missing something. The sound off his bat now is telling me we found what was missing. Again, hate him all you want, but I think the hate is causing you to miss the message of the messenger.
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Originally posted by wrstdude:
Originally posted by CoachB25:
How did you link that picture if it disappeared?

Edited to add:

I easily found that thread. Heck, at first I forgot I even posted the pics since I don't have my own website with my multitudes of worshipers as some. NO "agenda" here to hide my posting as you suggest. I'm not a messiah, I don't care if you like or agree with my ideas and so, I don't have any reason to delete posts. I do resent the suggest that I might be wrong and so, I deleted it. WEIRD. Regarding your question, I think that the bat angle is set in multiple ways. Tilt, shoulder angle, rotation, back elbow. I don't think it is hand torque. That's my opinion. You're entitled to yours as well.

Now about this I won't answer yours till you answer mine. Just where is that "Refuters" Link?

Obviously your many discussions/arguments must be wearing on you as I neither suggested nor implied anything.
Not wearing on me at all. Posters, such as yourself, will follow the rules of this site. Violate those rules as your mentor did/does, and you will lose your priviledges. I feel no wear and tear from that. Are you suggesting I violated rules? What rules are those? If not, I'm well aware that Richard has broken rules, and if you'll re-read my post you'll find that I disagree with the way he presents himself and his "ideas". I'm just not willing to dismiss his message because I dislike him as you are.
You already are jumping to conclusions and think I'm hiding and attacking, when I've done no such thing. I would consider implying that I deleted posts and a sarcastic "weird" comment to fit the bill. Well, you did, in fact, delete the post. Correct? Why did you delete it again? You condemn a poster, IMO, for good reason as I agree he can be downright rude and ignorant (I just don't think he's necessarily wrong-and he's much MUCH nicer in person),I'm calling BS on this. He's been more than kind and patient with me and my brother. Call BS all you want. You're wrong. Have you even met him? however you are guilty of virtually the same crime. Crime? I moderate this forum. I have often posted that I'm not always right. I constantly post that I'm not an "expert." Has your mentor EVER admited that? [COLOR:BLUE]I've heard him state many times that he's trying to figure this all out. Again, I AGREE that he doesn't present himself or his material the way that I think he should, but he's a man and he can do whatever he wants. I moderate this forum keeping in mind that my philosophy and other posters aren't alike. Therefore, I avoid most discussion until I'm called out as you did and are doing now.[/color] Called you out? How did I call you out? I answered a post that wasn't directed to me. I believe I was nice and I gave a description of what I believe to be happening. How did I call you out? I asked you some questions is ALL that I did. You painted me with a brush "just because" I'm associated with someone. You took my posts as attacks when they were nothing of the sort. You assumed and we all know what happens once that is done. Not very "moderator" of you. "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." If you think I'm wrong to compare you two, well, too bad. I just did. wrstdude, to be honest, you haven't posted enough on this site, valid or invalid, that would make me care one way or the other what you think. Some people on this site disagree with me on philosophy but I DO CARE ABOUT THEIR OPINIONS. They have earned that respect. Perhaps over time, you might as well. Besides, I'm close to Arnold all of the time. (St. Louis Baseball and Fastpitch Academy so I'm sure we'll run into each other.) [COLOR:BLUE]Well, that makes two of us I guess. [/color]

I did not answer your questions as the polite thing to do would be for YOU to answer mine first as I had asked them first.Fair enough. I apologize. See-was that so hard? Wink

Whoever heard of being polite and showing some common courtesy? Very WEIRD indeed.

I simply thought it was strange that I could no longer find your post as I had obviously quoted it. Take a freaking chill pill. Unscrupulous posters often delete posts. I don't unless that poster has violated the rules. Also, I don't have to win arguments. I've had success in real coaching. Chill pill taken. [COLOR:BLUE]I've had success as well, I'm not here to thump my chest and post my resume. I'm just looking to present, what I feel to be "correct", whatever that actually means, in a different light than what Rich does. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not well versed in it enough to even begin to hold an extreme debate as the likes of Tom or Rich however. I'm just a pup. But I do like learning and I do like the successes I've seen with my brother. That above trumps ALL. His success is what I have in mind. I'm going to provide for him what I believe to be accurate. If what we're doing now doesn't pan out this season, then I assure you I'll continue to find the right "path". [/color]

I do resent the suggest that I might be wrong and so, I deleted it.

This doesn't make any sense.
Reference the above.
Originally posted by CoachB25:
wrstdude, I forgot to mention that I'm nice in person as well. We live close enough if you ever want to see me in action. However, I'm done for the year at St. Louis Baseball and Fastpitch Academy. If you want a reference, talk to Rick Strickland. He's seen me coach hitting. Yes, unlike the internet hitting gurus, I actually coach.

Edited to add:

BTW, I missed the shot at the ex pro and rookie. Just read it. wrstdude, perhaps you'd let us know some of your credentials? We are always thankful to have ex professionals on our site. I'd love to check out how well you did/are doing in professional ball.

I've addressed this to ShawnLee, but my "shot" was 100% tongue in cheek. I hope Kozma does extremely as I'm a huge Cards fan. His successes make me a happy guy during the baseball season.

lol @ the ex-professional comment.
Originally posted by S. Abrams:

Is it possible to "torque the handle" without slotting the back elbow? Sure, I "believe" Rich maintains that it's easier to torque, however, with the forearm in a vertical position. Kind of a torque and slot, simultaneous, thing. I could be wrong though, cause I forgot his script..... Wink

If so, why even slot the elbow? I think I addressed this above

And to exert torque on the handle, how tight do you hold/grip the bat to exert enough torque to have meaningful effect on batspeed? How tight? Tight enough to not drop it I guess. I don't think squeezing the handle has anything to do with torquing.

And how do torque, bat angle and bat plane differ? Does it matter? I'm missing the point you're making here I think. I find it easier to "torque" the bat when it's in a tipped/vertical position. I can do it with the bat in a 45 degree slot, but I don't get the same "feel". Keep in mind I'm not a huge proponent of the word "torque". I think that word has always been used for lack of a BETTER word. I like "turn the barrel" better myself, but who know s if that's any better.

wrstdude, being a 7th grade Geography teacher you went to college...what position did you play on the college baseball team? Would you describe yourself as a power hitter or more of a singles/doubles guy? Never played college ball. Hung out with all the guys that were on the team though does that count? Big Grin Still good friends with one of them-he's a scout for the Giants now. My baseball career ended in high school due to injury. I went to a D-1 college and I DEFINITELY was not D-1 material. I'm more than sure the whole point of these questions is to "discredit" me because I've never played high level baseball...great job-nobody's ever played that card before. I was also unaware that one MUST be a professional to know what they're talking about. I know plenty of people who know more than me about Geography, yet they are not "Geography Professionals" as I am.

Just're wearing a hole in the soapbox with some of your recent posts. soapbox? If this is in reference to the Kozma comment, then for real dude, get over it. This is twice now you've commented about it.

Don't worry about answering those questions...if you are a "everything is slave to the hands" and "torque is everything" kinda of guy, they won't make sense to you or why they are important. Sorry-I answered them anyway.
Originally posted by wrstdude:
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Originally posted by wrstdude:
Originally posted by CoachB25:
How did you link that picture if it disappeared?

Edited to add:

I easily found that thread. Heck, at first I forgot I even posted the pics since I don't have my own website with my multitudes of worshipers as some. NO "agenda" here to hide my posting as you suggest. I'm not a messiah, I don't care if you like or agree with my ideas and so, I don't have any reason to delete posts. I do resent the suggest that I might be wrong and so, I deleted it. WEIRD. Regarding your question, I think that the bat angle is set in multiple ways. Tilt, shoulder angle, rotation, back elbow. I don't think it is hand torque. That's my opinion. You're entitled to yours as well.

Now about this I won't answer yours till you answer mine. Just where is that "Refuters" Link?

Obviously your many discussions/arguments must be wearing on you as I neither suggested nor implied anything.
Not wearing on me at all. Posters, such as yourself, will follow the rules of this site. Violate those rules as your mentor did/does, and you will lose your priviledges. I feel no wear and tear from that. Are you suggesting I violated rules? What rules are those? If not, I'm well aware that Richard has broken rules, and if you'll re-read my post you'll find that I disagree with the way he presents himself and his "ideas". I'm just not willing to dismiss his message because I dislike him as you are.
You already are jumping to conclusions and think I'm hiding and attacking, when I've done no such thing. I would consider implying that I deleted posts and a sarcastic "weird" comment to fit the bill. Well, you did, in fact, delete the post. Correct? Why did you delete it again? You condemn a poster, IMO, for good reason as I agree he can be downright rude and ignorant (I just don't think he's necessarily wrong-and he's much MUCH nicer in person),I'm calling BS on this. He's been more than kind and patient with me and my brother. Call BS all you want. You're wrong. Have you even met him? however you are guilty of virtually the same crime. Crime? I moderate this forum. I have often posted that I'm not always right. I constantly post that I'm not an "expert." Has your mentor EVER admited that? [COLOR:BLUE]I've heard him state many times that he's trying to figure this all out. Again, I AGREE that he doesn't present himself or his material the way that I think he should, but he's a man and he can do whatever he wants. I moderate this forum keeping in mind that my philosophy and other posters aren't alike. Therefore, I avoid most discussion until I'm called out as you did and are doing now.[/color] Called you out? How did I call you out? I answered a post that wasn't directed to me. I believe I was nice and I gave a description of what I believe to be happening. How did I call you out? I asked you some questions is ALL that I did. You painted me with a brush "just because" I'm associated with someone. You took my posts as attacks when they were nothing of the sort. You assumed and we all know what happens once that is done. Not very "moderator" of you. "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." If you think I'm wrong to compare you two, well, too bad. I just did. wrstdude, to be honest, you haven't posted enough on this site, valid or invalid, that would make me care one way or the other what you think. Some people on this site disagree with me on philosophy but I DO CARE ABOUT THEIR OPINIONS. They have earned that respect. Perhaps over time, you might as well. Besides, I'm close to Arnold all of the time. (St. Louis Baseball and Fastpitch Academy so I'm sure we'll run into each other.) [color:BLUE]Well, that makes two of us I guess. [/color][/color]

I did not answer your questions as the polite thing to do would be for YOU to answer mine first as I had asked them first.Fair enough. I apologize. See-was that so hard? Wink

Whoever heard of being polite and showing some common courtesy? Very WEIRD indeed.

I simply thought it was strange that I could no longer find your post as I had obviously quoted it. Take a freaking chill pill. Unscrupulous posters often delete posts. I don't unless that poster has violated the rules. Also, I don't have to win arguments. I've had success in real coaching. Chill pill taken. [color:BLUE]I've had success as well, I'm not here to thump my chest and post my resume. I'm just looking to present, what I feel to be "correct", whatever that actually means, in a different light than what Rich does. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not well versed in it enough to even begin to hold an extreme debate as the likes of Tom or Rich however. I'm just a pup. But I do like learning and I do like the successes I've seen with my brother. That above trumps ALL. His success is what I have in mind. I'm going to provide for him what I believe to be accurate. If what we're doing now doesn't pan out this season, then I assure you I'll continue to find the right "path".[/color][/color]

I do resent the suggest that I might be wrong and so, I deleted it.

This doesn't make any sense.
Reference the above.
Last edited by wrstdude
Originally posted by Metropop:
Bro, I like the "he should teach him to torque the handle" comment about Kozma above. His first 12 games as a pro were a struggle but he continued to work his tail off and ended the last 30 games at Johnson City hitting .264, not a bad first year in pro ball for a shortstop. But I still like the comment, I appreciate a good knock.

The simplicity of Russells instruction is that he "reduces to the ridiculous" so the thought process is minimal at the plate for his guys. Getting comfortable and having balance were just a couple of his most used terms, but he makes his living doing this so his trade secrets are his, not mine to discuss on here. The bottom line is the guy is seeing results from his players year after year so he must being doing something right.

I hope you know it was good natured and with no ill-intentions. I'm sure his techniques are more than sufficient. I'm glad you found someone who produces-that seems to be the hard part.

I'll take your word that it was tongue in cheek as I have no real evidence that it wasn't. Usually someone gives some indication of that so as not to be misinterpreted. Perhaps I jumped to the conclusion becasue that is very typical of dick's posting style. He's right becasue he says so and he'll argue louder, longer and more venomously than anyone else.

As to the "hypocritical and childish" stuff; have you ever read any of his stuff. While I'm not trying to sugar coat my opinion of him, I think you have some serious issues if you believe that my comments relating to him are anything like the stuff he spews.

As to my question about the Cliff's Notes; you seem to be an intelligent person. Don't you think it interesting that periodically, someone fairly new to the boards will spend some time reading dick's stuff and then, within a couple of weeks, they are calling people out just like dick (albeit with less rancor). Perhaps it's a funtion of the type of people who are attracted to dick in the first place.

Think about it.

Most spend many months or even years reading before they begin to post or at least post with well reasoned questions as they learn. Not dick's acclytes. They spring forth from the HI board fully knowledgeable and ready to battle with all unbelievers.

Regardless of what you might think, my reference to you brother's ability was genuine. IMO he doesn't need anything you can find at HI, although some of the stuff from DMac may be useful. He was very accoplished for his age when he got to dick. As an athlete, you're always looking for a way to improve and improvement becomes more difficult the better you get.

Dick doesn't have any secrets. This whole thing developed because he got thrown off Englishbey's site for being an a**h**e. That simple. I was reading trhe posts daily when it happened and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Some others claim to have been booted for no reason. I can't speak to their situation but I know that any forum would have booted dick for the way he was behaving at EH. The whole 2nd engine thing started with "the swivel" which he said that he had just learned from Englishbey.

Good luck to you and your brother. Take everything with a grain of salt.
Last edited by ShawnLee
Most spend many months or even years reading before they begin to post or at least post with well reasoned questions as they learn. Not dick's acclytes. They spring forth from the HI board fully knowledgeable and ready to battle with all unbelievers.

How long have you been on this site??? I'm sure you've been involved with hitting for longer than you've been on here, right? What makes you think that the people that believe in what Richard has to say haven't been studying hitting for years? I was a huge disbeliever in what he had to say until I finally figured out what he was saying. A drill he showed on this site got it for me when I went to the cage to test it out. When I find something that I know works and believe it will help someone, I will let people know what I know. I had a conversation with Richard after I finally figured out what he was saying and I believe him to be genuine in trying to help people get to the next level of hitting.

I don't pretend to know what the circumstances were surrounding his being kicked off of the other site, but I am sure he is bitter about it all. When I am ignored when I know something to be true, I get frustrated and angry too. I think it is human nature to do so.

The bottom line is that what he has to say has merit. Does that mean that everyone has to do what he says to the letter to be successful? I don't think so, but it won't hurt either and it will more than likely help if you apply his thinking. I think some hitters will be successful doing any of the top instructors mechanics, but I am of the belief that if it can possibly be improved, go for it!

The only reason I posted that message is that you were coming off like Richard/Chameleon/name-of the-day...not a good habit or way to be involved in a discussion. Your attacks on CoachB25 were off base.

The questions...we disagree on your answers but that's fine. Could care less about Kozma (have never heard of him). Have long said that torque is a bad reference word for the hand/bat action.

College question was a shot, granted, but based on the defensive nature of some of your postings, not totally unwarranted. Never said anything about being the need to be a professional (maybe just the need to act professionally). Having played HS, you know to take someone like Richard and his minions with a grain of salt. You also know alot of what is espoused by some works well in a batting cage but not in a game.

Did you answer the questions correctly...well, you only answered the one about grip pressure. Agree with the answer....the "hands" guys cannot agree and support their argument. Nor can they give any credence to the slotting of the back elbow if the hands are what everything keys off of. The other questions have really nothing to do with a vertical bat/forearm position, even though a vertical bat is a good thing. Nothing wrong with a 45 degree slot either.

Nothing you read here or on other hitting websites is anything new. Alot of gurus will talk CHP,BHT/THT and whatever and think they have come up with something revolutionary...and make money off the idea. Been around this game literally since birth and at every possible level...seen gurus come and go, rehashing what somebody else said years ago and calling it their own.

I admit often I will like what some of them say; actually I like how they may say something that may prove useful to a certain hitter (the same key may mean something different to other hitters; sometimes helps to be able to say the same thing in different terminology to get through). While I may disagree with some on this board, I will pick and choose some of their phrases at times when working with various HS hitters. It ain't about my ego, it's about helping the kid understand the swing he needs to hit a baseball in HS.

Good that you are trying to help your brother. Hope you find a good instructor that he can relate to and understand...that's alot more important than anything you learn on this or any other website. The fact that you desire to help is the important thing. Good luck.
I think it is good that we've all put our cards on the table. We have some great discussion going here and so, thanks to everyone that has contributed. Now, if we can, let's all get on with the hitting discussion. I'm never going to say that I'm totally innocent of any attacks. I'm certainly not perfect. I do appreciate that members understand how long I've been at this and how much I care about this site. Thanks.

At one point in the discussion with the stills, the question was asked if "torque" could be seen in the "still pictures." I disagree that it can. I would then venture to suggest that at least a part of what is being seen in the hands is the result of the bat head going into the lag position. Another part of what is happening, in my opinion, is that there are resulting changes in the hand position due to tilt and the elbow. Thoughts?

I would love to take a lesson from you or watch one of your lessons to see each step in the process so I can understand where you are coming from, but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon at least. I think the only way to settle this difference of opinion between the torque or not to torque camps, would be to have the same hitter show both types of mechanics and judge the batspeed, frames from go to contact and actually ask the hitter which one feels better. The problem would be finding an impartial hitter to do the demo and he would actually have to be taught both types. Like you've said many times before, both camps can take video and stills and make a case for their views.

You actually seem to be a reasonable person. Pronk/Encinitas is another. You two are about the only two who follow richard that I'll say that about. If you find value in it, great for you. I'm all for people being able to make their own decisions. The whole point is that richard doesn't see it that way. Have you ever seen a thread where someone disagreed with him that he didn't lose it and become almost insanely abusive. Go to ETeamz Softball for a sample.

Some say he isn't like that in person. Look at him. He doesn't have a keyboard to hide behind in person.

As far as getting kicked off EH, it had nothing to do with knowing he's right and no one listening. He was happy as a clam, a very large clam, just beating people up with his internet muscles and the Steve said enough. That's when he had the epiphany. Not before, immediately after he was banned for being an a**.

Since that time, he has gone from the swivel to the 2nd engine to this and that and now it's all about the back hip. I know that people continue to learn as time goes on, but he adds something new EVERY week or so. And all of it is directly oposite of Englishbey.

Now, I'm not saying that Steve is right about everything, but I'm pretty sure he's not wrong about everything. The point being that you are listening to a guy who has more interest in his own agenda which is getting even with Steve than he ever did about learning how to hit.

Can you honestly say that it doesn't surprise you that he is constantly "discovering" all these new and wonderful things and EVERY one is opposite Englishbey.

All I know is, if a guy is that dishonest in his motivation, I have a hard time trusting anything he says. JUst be wary of him.

Actually, I prefer listening to Tom or Mankin as to their beliefs and the way they explain it, but the drill Richard showed on this site got it for me. Believe me when I say, I wanted to rip his head off for the way he talked to people. What I learned, was that because of the way he was saying things, I wasn't listening to the things he was saying that had substance. I vowed from that point on, that I was going to look for the pearls through all of the Oyster **** instead of worrying about the smell. I try to listen to or read what people are saying and then try to figure out if it has merit or not.

I wish that there weren't the restrictions on Englishbeys' beliefs on this site and both could lay them out fully. I understand why since he makes his living that way, but it makes it tough when you only get one full side of the story.
powertoallfields, you know what, I'd love to give a lesson to you or for you to watch. Not because I know anything but because I truly love doing it. To me, baseball is my life's enjoyment. I love taking a hitter, watching them hit, thinking about what I've seen and then devising a plan. I hope that plan then works for them. I love the game itself and so, this will be the first time since I was very young that I won't be coaching a high school team. I already miss it more than words can say.

The conflicts about torque, 2nd engine, etc. are for us all to figure out on our own. Everyone, including myself, have an agenda. I think I know what works and so, that is what I coach. To this point, my players have benefited. There are people who post on this site that I'd love to go watch work. If we all stop learning, we take a step backwards. The philosophy or camp I belong in thrills me constantly because I find it makes me think. To be honest, my child benefits as well. In the end, that is what we want for everyone no matter what camp they "belong" to. I certainly hope that we all consider ourselves in the kid business.
That's when he had the epiphany. Not before, immediately after he was banned for being an a**.

Look, there were a few other people talking about stretch and fire hitting mechanics long before Richard started believing it....But, you already know this....

Tom had been saying, "arm action is King"....Donny and Swingbuilder had been saying, it's about the hands loading against the hips......

I don't think there was any sudden epiphany.......I think Richard was through with PCR by the time he was banned......

Donny talked Richard into doing the Hitting Illustrated website because, for whatever reason, he couldn't do it.....
Last edited by BlueDog

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