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HSDAD- your family members and any military personnel have my absolute support and my thoughts and prayers are with them, without question.

However, separate and apart from that, I do not agree with your conclusion, nor do I believe the invaison of Iraq was necessary or for proper and sound reasons.

Please also keep in mind that the "war" aspect of this ended long ago. The point and the present problem is that we are now there in an ill conceived and poorly (not) planned peace keeping occupation.
Originally posted by BlueDog:
Topple Saddam....Heck yeah!!!!!!!

Show the pictures of the Twin Towers.....Heck yeah!!!!!!

Anybody don't like it.....So what?

This is America, not Canada or France....We defend our Country!!!

Sept. 11, 2000.....Never Forget!!!!...

Of course - this topic wouldnt be complete without another inane post from our resident cyber moron.

You cant even get the date right.

Last edited by itsinthegame
Originally posted by HeyBatter:
BigWI- I can't imagine what I could possibly care less about than your opinion of me.

Why don't you stick to the topic of the thread. I've expressed my opinion on the topic, not on you. Afford me the same courtesy.

The topic was who are you going to vote for, not why do you hate George Bush. You simply used it as a chance to spew your hatred onto this site.

I simply offered you much much needed pity.
Its- besides the date, maybe you could find out for me when the Iraqis attacked the twin towers.

I'm apparently just a dillusional moron for daring to question the Bush administration. You seem to be having better luck than me.

Ah, the return of McCarthyism, what a breath of fresh air.

BTW, BW1 I haven't said I hate anyone. Apparently in your view, disagreement is an emotional state. In any event, my views are adddressed to this topic and who I support/oppose. Your continued personal views of me are irrelevant.
Last edited by HeyBatter
Originally posted by hsfan:
Does anyone want to make intelligent comments (as opposed to name calling) regarding the results of the poll that started this thread? Is there something linking baseball and political views that has the vast majority on this board siding with Bush? Or, is it simply the demographics of the board members?

I think it is Demographics.

You would think that since the country is just about split 50-50 that it would be the case here too.
Originally posted by HeyBatter:
Not to speak for Bordeaux, but my take would be that it is always curious that those who push stongest for war (and to let other people's children be killed) are never ones who have actually served and seen what it is like.

All the Bush family, Cheney and others who saw the "need" to invade Iraq at this time know about war is the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ it brings to them through their various business connections such as Haliburton.

It is this administration and the media they control that have taken such steps to ban photos of dead soldiers and of coffins so you don't see on TV that real life american kids are dying over there for no ****ing reason.

We did not go to Iraq and war as a last resort, we went there 'cause cowboy W couldn't catch bin laden, didn't care too, stated on TV in 2002 that he doesn't even think about him and his daddy's cronies told him it's time to go shoot 'em up, smoke 'em out and show the American people that he is a real commandant in chief instead of the moron that sat dumbstruck for 10 minutes in that classroom in Florida the morning of the 9/11 attacks. He couldn't go against Saudi Arabia, they're his buddies. He couldn't go to Iran 'cause they've got nuclear weapons, he couldn't figure out what to do in Afganistan, there ain't no oil in N. Korea and oh, they got nuclear weapons no too, so let's go **** with Iraq. It should take a few weeks to blow them a way and it did and the war was declared over. Yet we're still there. Funny thing, great planning. American kids dying every ****ing day. Great President. Great Leader. May be if W had spent one day in a fire zone and seen someone's ****ing head blown off, he'd given a little more thought to sending American kids over there so Haliburton could get a new (re)construction contract.
It looks like Hey Batter has been watching Farenheit 911 way too much!!!!
I suggest getting your facts from somewhere other than a slanted movie, for crying out loud!!!!
Actually, I was thinking the demographics were a greater perecentage than the national number of white males, disproportionately Southern and/or rural, and affluent enough to pay for the equipment and showcases discussed herein.

Apparently I should have also factored in snide, HSDad. My experience here in conservative Orlando has been that the same people who are unwilling to read balanced coverage such as,, or even are the first to spew the skewed cliches of the political commercials.....and the very first to label anyone who doesn't think just as they do as something of a dullard.

Not a quality to be proud of.
H&R- glad you found Orlando's post interesting. You might find some of the sites he mentioned interesting.

To that end, and contrary to your comment directed to me, all the information in the world doesn't come from Michael Moore and other celebrities, curt schilling etc. and regardless of whatever you want to believe, those are not my sources.

Further, rather than your dismissive personal insults, I am more than happy to know what facts I have wrong. N. Korea and Iran have nuclear weapons and we've done nothing with regard to them. Iraq did not attack the WTC. I am more than happy to know facts to the contrary. While others, such as our current President may do so, I see nothing gained by blindly adhereing to a belief despite being presented with facts to the contrary. So whatever you got, I'm happy to see the facts.

Name calling and labeling is a tried and true tactic in debate, if not war. You demonize and dehumanize your enemy that way and make it ok to dismiss, insult and attack them.

Again, I'm happy to see facts from anyone and consider or reconsider my opinions. Such free exchange is what this country is supposed to be about. I just never see that free exchange encouraged by those that are always "right".

Hope everyone gets out to vote............
It does not appear that Iraq directly attacked the WTC. That does not mean Saddam was innocent. As for proof, would you believe Bill Clinton?

Mr. Clinton warned that the nexus between rogue states like Iraq and terrorists like al Qaeda poses the greatest threat to America. According to 9/11 Commission co-chairman Thomas Kean, Mr. Clinton believed with absolute certainty that Iraq provided al Qaeda with weapons of mass destruction expertise and technology in the 1990s. He believed it as president when he ordered the destruction of the al Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan, and he believes it now. And it's not just Mr. Clinton. According to Mr. Kean, "Top officials -- Bill Clinton, Sandy Berger and others -- told us with absolute certainty that there were chemical weapons of mass destruction at that factory and that's why we sent missiles."

We are at war. I do not believe it ends in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't like it, but sometimes you need to do what is necessary.
Last edited by hsfan
Originally posted by itsinthegame:

What a tasteless, disgusting post.

I need to be reminded?
Of the slaughter of my friends and colleagues?

Maybe if you - for one moment - tried to be respectful of other people perspectives - you wouldnt write such a vile statement. Especially on a baseball web site.

Were you there? Idiot.

You should read the rules of this board before calling me an idiot.

And as far as whether I was there or not, no, I wasn't there. But I watched in horror as they fell.

And yes, you do need to be reminded of thier slaughter.

You have a problem with me, my email is listed. I can also give you my home phone number if you would like.

Calling me an idiot because I post pictures that upset you shows how little minded you are.

Originally posted by Orlando:
Actually, I was thinking the demographics were a greater perecentage than the national number of white males, disproportionately Southern and/or rural, and affluent enough to pay for the equipment and showcases discussed herein.

Apparently I should have also factored in snide, HSDad. My experience here in conservative Orlando has been that the same people who are unwilling to read balanced coverage such as,, or even are the first to spew the skewed cliches of the political commercials.....and the very first to label anyone who doesn't think just as they do as something of a dullard.

Not a quality to be proud of.

You left out Michael Moore and

Can't leave out the liberal tin foil hat crowd.
Originally posted by HeyBatter:
H&R- glad you found Orlando's post interesting. You might find some of the sites he mentioned interesting.

To that end, and contrary to your comment directed to me, all the information in the world doesn't come from Michael Moore and other celebrities, curt schilling etc. and regardless of whatever you want to believe, those are not my sources.

Further, rather than your dismissive personal insults, I am more than happy to know what facts I have wrong. N. Korea and Iran have nuclear weapons and we've done nothing with regard to them. Iraq did not attack the WTC. I am more than happy to know facts to the contrary. While others, such as our current President may do so, I see nothing gained by blindly adhereing to a belief despite being presented with facts to the contrary. So whatever you got, I'm happy to see the facts.

Name calling and labeling is a tried and true tactic in debate, if not war. You demonize and dehumanize your enemy that way and make it ok to dismiss, insult and attack them.

Again, I'm happy to see facts from anyone and consider or reconsider my opinions. Such free exchange is what this country is supposed to be about. I just never see that free exchange encouraged by those that are always "right".

Hope everyone gets out to vote............
Hey Batter, Please show me where I made a personal insult towards you. And also please tell me what name I called you!!

I am choosing not to participate in this debate any more simply because it is pointless and I am no longer amused by it. But if you will show me where i insulted you and/or called you a name I will apologize!!
Originally posted by HSDad:
The republican slant on this board is definetly demographics. Typical board members here are married with kids and tend to be very actively involved with their kids lives. Basically, were everything the liberals fear the most - Concerned, involved, intelligent parents.

Not only that this thread is a terrific example for our children of how to engage in constructive dialogue addressing issues and differences in a respectful and thoughtful way. Dr Phil would be so proud.
Now even the shouting is over. The polls are closed and America is the winner. Hopefully the Bush administration will keep an open eye that 49% of the voting public is not statisfied. The election is not always about the parties or the candidates, but rather it is a one time occasion every 4 years that those who care to speak up do so at one time. The election is the barometer of the Americas mindset. Let's pray that those in charge see we have issues from within, and work together to resolve those issues.

Now........Let's play ball.
Last edited by rz1
Rz, Nicely stated. I would submit that actually greater than 49% are dissatisfied. It's just that some portion of the remaining 51% found the Kerry ticket more dissatisfying, which seems to be a fact of life with our current politics and politicians. I also hope that we will have leadership that appreciates and legitimately works to mitigate the deep divisions this campaign of negative campaigning, from both sides, created. I have always been fascinated how politicians can call each other names and sometimes even accuse each other of cheating, lieing, etc and then shake hands and put their arms around each other like they are long lost relatives.
Last edited by infielddad
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