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More importantly, it's time that the 49% recognize that this country is a majority republican nation. If you want bipartisanship it's simple, win an election once in awhile. Democrats have been steadily losing gound for several years because of tired ideas, they're the ones that need to take a look around and figure out that being a republican doesn't make a person a brain dead, pick-up driving, shotgun toting, Rush Limbaugh zombie. I submit that if the main stream media weren't so biased, you'd never see a liberal win an election and nowhere near 49% of the country are democrats.
The Democrats need to put Al Sharpton, Ted Kennedy, Bruce Springsteen, Hollywood actors and actresses, and rock bands in the barn and lock the door..........Then, and only then, they may get some respect......Their spokespeople have become too much of an ecclectic mix of moronic buffoons..... chat

And, oh yeah, it would help if they would at least attempt to portray themselves as having Christian values.....Even though most of their candidates don't.... kidding
Bush tried very hard early in his first term to reach out to democrats, particularly Teddy Kennedy, and for his troubles, Teddy back stabbed him the first chance he got. If you want some cooperation, it needs to come from the minority side of the aisle. That would be the same side that fillibusters every federal judge nomination and never offers anything close to a compromise on any bill. Democrats have never learned to behave as the minority party because they just don't believe they are a minority. Well, they are and until they realize it, the chance for cooperation and everyone locking hands to sing "We Are The World" are nil.
This is a HSBBW, not really a place for politics, but I wanted to be included Smile
This country has become a majority of conservatives, there are very few from the left and very few from the right anymore.

I saw an interesting discussion last night (I think it was ABC), regarding the change that needs to be brought about in the next four years,necessary in order for our country to move ahead. I think lots of americans are tired with having politicians run campaigns against each other based on party ideals, which is how I have always voted.
President Bush has the ability of becoming one of our greatest presidents in history, not just for 911, but for having the ability to bring both party philosophies to his administration and focusing on the american population in general, which is middle class values, not rich , not poor.
And politicians need to get off of their bandwagons and do what is right for the population as a whole, not just because his/her party has certain philosophies.
I have no problem with two candidates standing up for the same issues, I would rather be more interested to know how you are going to go about making those issues work.
And I do hope someone comes up with a better idea about how to make those votes count. We here in FL where urged to send in absentee ballots. Many did so without being absent from the state this year, just so they would not have to wait in line. Those absentee ballots will never be counted, either because they were not legible, had information missing or just plain not needed in the end.
Well at least with W back in office and the Expos moving to Washington D.C. that old saying about Washington can be resurrected, albeit a little different.... First in war, last in the NATIONAL League.

As far as another old saying, this election reminded me that "A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse".

Bringing up Kerry's record is not negative campaigning. Every election we hear that tired cliche that there is "too much negative campaigning". I don't buy it, if you cand stand the heat...

Bush will again attempt to work with the minority party but I'm willing to bet that once again, they'll make demands instead of offering or accepting compromise of any kind as though they were in power. And just wait and see what democrats do when the first Supreme Court Judge appointee comes up. You heard it here first, democrats will first crucify the nominee's record, they'll accuse him of being a right wing nazi who will instantly overturn Roe vs. Wade. If you think I'm wrong, wait about a month from now when Rehnquist announces his retirement and think back to this post.

Again, no healing, no "We are the World" until the minority side realizes they lost again and learns to behave accordingly. (Which isn't going to happen)
Originally posted by HSDad:
Bringing up Kerry's record is not negative campaigning. Every election we hear that tired cliche that there is "too much negative campaigning". I don't buy it, if you cand stand the heat...

I don't have a problem with negative campaigning, which is bringing up the others records as oppose to bringing up your own. Negative campaigning is not necessarily dirty.

The problem I have with the last few elections is the distortions, half truths and outright lies told by both sides of the election.

My vote wasn't a vote for Bush as much as it was a vote against Kerry. I found neither to be exceptionally strong.

As I indicated in a different thread. Anyone smart enough to do the job well, is smart enough not to want the Job.
Last edited by BigWI
HSDAD- I think you are absolutely correct in your comments about the Supreme Court and that will especially be the case if the nominee is Ashcroft or some similiar cronie of the administration.

But, keep in mind, that is the point of the structure of our government-checks and balances between the executive, legislative and judicial branches.

W was elected (at least he was elected this time) as President, not as King and soverign ruler.

BTW, per your post, how is it that minorities are supposed to behave?
Last edited by HeyBatter

"W was elected (at least he was elected this time) as President, not as King and soverign ruler."

Makes my point, it's been four years and dems still can't accept that Bush was elected, legally and fairly elected in 2000. Quit acting like a bunch of three year olds that had their suckers stolen from them.

And anyone associated with Bush is a cronie in democrats minds so I guess nobody he nominates short of Bill Clinton will be acceptable.

Finally, the minority party should behave like adults when they lose a vote in the House, even when they lost down party lines, 'cause that's the system, whether you like it or not.

Once more, win some elections and you can name the tune.
Last edited by HSDad
In 2004:

The White House

4 More Senators

Defeated the Minority Leader

4 or 5 more House Seats

One More Governor

Two more state houses.

And the first time since 1988 that the President got more than 50% of the vote.

Seems like a mandate to me.

W better not start governing to the left, he will ostrisize the base that elected him.

If you want your policies represented, elect some representitives.

Just take a look at the Red vs. Blue....pretty convincing.

BTW, how many Democrats in this nation ran on a "I like Bush" campaign?


If by master, you mean majority, than yes, do as the majority says. Have you ever heard of majority rules? Does the law of the land somehow rub you the wrong way? In a monarchy, the king can ignore the will of the majority anytime he chooses. It sounds to me like you're the one that want's a monarchy to overrule a majority you don't like. duel
Last edited by HSDad
Originally posted by infielddad:
"W better not start governing to the left, he will ostrisize the base that elected him."

"Bush planned a short speech to the nation at 3 p.m. ET, McClellan said. “I think you can expect the president will talk to the American people about how we move the country together to get things done,"

Uh oh! Eek

Well, that is good. He isn't going to move to the left, he is going to expect the left to move to him.

Because he is the winner.
HS- you and I clearly have far differing views of what a democracy is and how it works.

That you think the/a minority needs to know "how to behave" is a comment that is simply frightening to me.

It's that very comment that the "right" is always about. It's America, love it or leave it, We're right, your wrong and dissenting, opposing or contrary opinion shall not be tolerated. Gee, isn't that the very oppression we are fighting against in Iraq.

Well sir, I have the bill of rights (despite what the patriot act has try to do with it) and those rights are not republican, democratic or Nader party. they are the rights of individual americans and I will excercise my rights and continue to do so, if that's ok with you.

By the logic you have espoused, no social (or any) change would ever occur e.g. the "majority" once wanted segregation and slavery until a minority spoke up. Society would remain static and consistent with whatever the "majority" says by way of your comments.

Sorry, I'm not willing to live in that fashion and with all due respect, I think I'll move on. Best wishes to you.
Last edited by HeyBatter
Originally posted by HeyBatter:
I get it HS. Thanks for the clarification. Just do as the master says.

I think I just went through a time warp and landed on the Planet of the Apes.

All hail King George. biglaugh
Hey Batter,
It's King Dub-YA.. not King George (he was from England). So try again King Dub-YA, Dub-YA. Well you got more 4 more years to get it. Keep practicing!!!!!!!LOL,LOL,LOL
Simply put, the Democratic Party has strayed too far from it's old base. Does anyone remember when the South was called, "The Solid South?" It voted strickly Democrat. Well, such is not the case anymore. I also believe that this election demonstrate the nation's views concerning an incumbent President. He didn't win by much. This nation didn't give him a mandate for his policies in overwhelming electoral college numbers. I believe this is good for America. Senators in the Republican Party must realize that President Bush won by a narrow margin of 51% to 49%. In two years, 1/3rd of the Senate and all of the House will come up for re-election. Should the promises of today not be kept, they will be hard pressed to be re-elected. THAT IS GOOD FOR ALL OF US. I challenge both parties to re evaluate their platforms. Definately the Democrats must. If they don't, they'll never see the light of day from inside that oval office again. JMHO!

I just can't let that one go.

By learning to behave I mean that when you lose a vote you move on and fight another day, get over it. Our system is simple, laws come up for a vote, they pass or they don't and this will generally be determined by the party that controls the majority of votes. It's a simple easy to understand system. It means when you lose a vote, the majority of people have rejected your idea.

For you to bring slavery into the equation is exactly the kind of childish behavior your party has become notorious for. You feel like your losing an arguement so out comes the heavy artillery even though it has nothing to do with our conversation and for the record, slavery was ended by Abraham Lincoln who was a republican. So what now? The Civil Rights Act of 1963 was passed by a republican controlled house as well, just for the record.

Dissent all you want because this is America and regardless of what you think, nobody is threatening the Bill of Rights and nobody will come in the middle of the night to make you disappear because you dissent.

If that hurts your feelings, well then let me be the first to call the WAHHHHHambulance for you.
Last edited by HSDad
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Simply put, the Democratic Party has strayed too far from it's old base. Does anyone remember when the South was called, "The Solid South?" It voted strickly Democrat. Well, such is not the case anymore. I also believe that this election demonstrate the nation's views concerning an incumbent President. He didn't win by much. This nation didn't give him a mandate for his policies in overwhelming electoral college numbers. I believe this is good for America. Senators in the Republican Party must realize that President Bush won by a narrow margin of 51% to 49%. In two years, 1/3rd of the Senate and all of the House will come up for re-election. Should the promises of today not be kept, they will be hard pressed to be re-elected. THAT IS GOOD FOR ALL OF US. I challenge both parties to re evaluate their platforms. Definately the Democrats must. If they don't, they'll never see the light of day from inside that oval office again. JMHO!

Bush got more votes than any President in history.

Bush won by nearly 4 million votes.

The Republicans added to their lead in the Senate.

The Republicans added to their lead in the House.

The Republicans gained in the Governor's mansions

The Republicans gained in the State Houses.

The Republicans won.

That is a MANDATE.


No matter how the liberal media spins it.

The Democrats can not point to ONE GOOD THING about this election.

You guys can fool yourself thinking that this isn't a mandate. You can fool yourself into thinking that Bush should move to the left to govern.

You are wrong.

Bush will govern from the Right. It is the RIGHT that elected him.
HS-- waahhmbulance. Now that's some funny stuff.

BTW, if you believe for one second that the current republican party is the party of Abraham Lincoln or that the republican party of the 60's were the advocates of civil rights, now that's really some funny stuff.

Anywho, as to my earlier post, sorry I didn't check with you, the (self appointed) majority, as to what examples or topics to which us minorities can make reference. Given that you don't even know to what party I belong, your presumptions are all the funnier still.

Each time I read your posts, I can't escape the reminder of the town hall meeting scene in the movie Field of Dreams and the exchange between Costner's wife and the lady named Bulah.

See ya Bulah, I'm done with this.
Originally posted by KellerDad:
Bush got more votes than any President in history.

Bush won by nearly 4 million votes.

The Republicans added to their lead in the Senate.

The Republicans added to their lead in the House.

The Republicans gained in the Governor's mansions

The Republicans gained in the State Houses.

The Republicans won.

That is a MANDATE.


No matter how the liberal media spins it.

The Democrats can not point to ONE GOOD THING about this election.

You guys can fool yourself thinking that this isn't a mandate. You can fool yourself into thinking that Bush should move to the left to govern.

You are wrong.

Bush will govern from the Right. It is the RIGHT that elected him.

When DUMBYA needs more troops for the Iraq meat grinder, all you GOP voters should have your kids at the front of the line to volunteer.

When DUMBYA appoints a potted plant to the Supreme Court you should all be the first ones to voluntarily surrender your civil rights & help in the shredding of the Constitution.

BTW, please let me know when you get in to the upper 5% of taxpayers so you get to reap all these wonderful tax benefits to offset your higher health care & fuel costs as well as Social Security disappearing.

When the evangelical ayatollahs come for you because you aren't holy enough for them, don't call me because they will have gassed me a long time ago. I grieve for what used to be a great country. I mourn for the America where I grew up, the one country that gave hope to the rest of the world, that was a beacon of freedom because it died last night.
Last edited by voodoochile
I couldn't have said it better Voodoochile! I don't forsee a bright future down the road. The only difference between us and the Middle East, I'm so afraid, is instead of a country like Afghanistan with infighting between the Muslims it may very well be who's a born-again Christian and who's not. I don't know why these extremists don't worry about what goes on in their own house and stop worrying about what goes on in mine. But then again, I'm from PA, one of the few democratic standholds left, where we are apparently liberals.
Originally posted by CADad:
We live in CA. We had to be in the upper 5% just to buy a home. Just what kind of income does it take to be in the upper 5%? You've given us a goal to strive for. Please try to be a bit more melodramatic next time.

So do what I say, sign YOUR kids up to go to Iraq. Voluntarily give up your civil rights, Social Security etc. There's an old saying genius & I only pray you get to live it... BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR YOU JUST MIGHT GET IT!
Last edited by voodoochile
They need to look in to why all those exit polls were wrong.

Something sounds fishy when all of them were showing Kerry way out in front of Bush.

When voters are asked who they voted for right after they have just casted there vote. I don't think there going to lie!

Or was there a plan by the Dems to make it look like it was going to be a land slide for Kerry. And this would help Kerry by making a potential Bush voter think there was no need to vote since the race was over for Bush.....Hmmmmmmm?

I would not put this past the those liberal *** scumbags
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The Democrats need to put Al Sharpton, Ted Kennedy, Bruce Springsteen, Hollywood actors and actresses, and rock bands in the barn and lock the door..........Then, and only then, they may get some respect......Their spokespeople have become too much of an ecclectic mix of moronic buffoons.....

You forgot that other Moron .....Michael Mooore_on!
CADad, the figure is $200,000 annual income in order to see a significant benefit from Bush's tax cuts. At the time he proposed it,he liked to throw around the figure of "an average $1,500 tax cut". Average, not median, please note. Much like suggesting if you took your annual income and Alex Rodriguez', divided by two, and told you that was your salary. And then you believed him.

Bush favors logging companies "thinning" National Forests "to curb forest fires", drilling for oil in the Arctic Wildlife Preserve in Alaska, and allowing industry to police itself on the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts (The Sierra Club has called him the worst president regarding the environment in the history of the country), he cut after school care for 500,000 children and underfunded that No Child Left Behind program his wife likes to talk about. I guess the 225,000 in Ohio and the additional additional 2.5 million out of jobs since he took office didn't vote for him, particularly as he increased tax incentives for companies who make their profits and employ their workers outside of our country. Or the 3.8 million people who lost their health insurance in the first two years of his term. Or the Medicare-dependant who will be paying the price the pharmeceutecal companies set, as opposed to negotiated prices through Medicare.

Gone from the Labor Department is the Equal Pay Initiative, and I do consider Roe v Wade in danger. Women's rights are not on Bush's agenda at all.

None of this is "spin", sports fans, you can look it all up.

Islamic extremists (who produce the terrorists) believe that the West in general and America specifically is the enemy and wants to destroy their culture, take over their land, and terrorize their people. If you can possibly look at things from anything other than a purely American perspective, the invasion of Iraq (and those tapes from Abu Ghraib) was a recruitment tool for Al Qaeda. I don't feel safer.

My husband is in Hong Kong right now on business, and took the company's lawyer there for the first time. He warned him not to be shocked at the number of people he would see wearing Osama Bin Laden t-shirts; he's regarded as a hero for standing up to the US' cultural and economic imperialism and getting away with it. Bush was too busy in Iraq to pay much attention to the real villain of 9/11. But those people are not Americans, so we don't care what they think, do we? Or what actions they take based on what they think. Or what products they don't buy.

Ah, but Bush is seen as being in the forefront of Christian Values. I just don't see misleading his constituents, ignoring those in need, thwarting equality, raping the environment, and not making a priority of children and education as good values, Christian or otherwise. Perhaps one of you could explain to me exactly what these Christian Values are that he stands for. Pro-Life and against homosexual marriage? How involved do you want the government in the intimacies of YOUR life?

PAbbMom, I have had those same thoughts --- the very people who are appalled at Islamic extremists display many of the same characteristics in their own religious fervor.

And I have also shared thoughts with you, catchermom03 (in addition to the extreme importance of a good catcher Wink). We survived Johnson being a cowboy and the dirty tricks of Nixon. I expect we can survive Bush.

And the "whining" over the 2000 electon "like a 3 year old" etc? Google Katherine Harris and her purging of the electoral roles in Florida. I guess disenfranching thousands of legitimate voters in one state (that was won, as you recall, by 537 votes and was the difference in the election) is one of those Christian Values. Or something that citizens of a free demcoracy should regard as just one of those things. (Oh, George, you're such a scamp!) Presidential campaign: $150 million; having your brother as the governor of the swing state: priceless.

No, I'm not proud today.
I do expect you will get some heat from your post, but I think it was well thought out, and as a Floridian can understand.
How frustrating to know that thousands upon thousands of absentee ballots were never delivered. It was too late for my kids to get them sent out of state (again) and back in time for election. They just never showed up.
What was the point if they weren't counted anyway?
You all need to take off your tin foil hats and enjoy life for a while.

Taking away civil rights? Come on!!!

Same garbage was spouted about Reagan when he was in office.

16 years after he left office, history regards him as American Hero who saved the country.

Draft? Meat Grinder? We've lost 1,100 kids over there. We lost more than that in the first 15 minutes of Iwo Jima. War is dirty.

And I guess the 3-1 majority of troops that voted for Bush must mean he's a terrible commander in chief?

Top 5%? I would gather that most on this board fall into that category.

They started saying the Republicans were going to take away Social Security in the 50's. Has one old person missed a SS check, EVER?

Scare tactics.

Michael Moore'isms.

Tin Foil Hat Crowd.

Blue State nonsense.


I am Proud. Proud to be an American. Proud to be a Republican. Proud to be a Texan. Proud to have voted for George W. and Dick Cheney.
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