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Sad day. Clemens came off very arrogant. Didn't seem that well prepared. Seemed confused with weird answers. I saw the whole thing and I must say that the Pettite thing (and Andy's wife) turned the whole thing upside down for Clemens and his lawyers. Not to mention Nanny-Gate....can you say witness goodness, I can't believe Roger would get to her so quickly once he found out they wanted to talk to her. G-U-I-L-T-Y of lying right there.

BUT! there were a ton of other things that did not go well for Clemens today but I go back to the Pettite thing. Roger loses all credibility.
Last edited by switchitter
How do you have witness tampering if this is not a TRIAL?

If it were a trial would Roger been able to visit the 25 congressmen as he did and sign autographs and auotgraph baseballs

I thought there a bit if a rift between the members as to which side they were on

Call it a tie and lets get on with the season
you can have witness tampering with any type of hearing, it doesn't have to be a trial; and, in any event, this was a Congressional hearing to which I think the issue certainly applies.

So he got to the nanny before anyone else so he could get her "testimony" straight. Tried to meet ahead of time with just about everyone in Congress involved in this to try and influence them.

His testimony ranged from inconsistent to ridiculous; and, trying to lay this off on his wife's use (and McNamee injected her without his prior knowledge and took no action at the time. And she got sick from it but never called a doctor. Give me a break) and that Pettite apparently has no memory capacity and all the physical evidence is from B-12 shots.

this idiot is making bonds look good. He has always relied on being a bully and that's what he's tried to do here.

And for those that want to sweep this away, play hear no evil, see no evil, that's why this garbage happens in the first place when you just look the other way and want to move on.
at some point one must say, "can't clemens just swallow his pride and fess up". The answer is a big fat no! He has always been stubborn, he has always been a bully according to those in his closer circles.

Why do you think he plays for all those half-years. Cycle-up, cycle down. No testing while on the juice.

The problem with Clemens goes very deep. He had his spin doctors at full force today. The republicans seemed to want to side with him. Dan Burton met with him the other day, got autographs and such. Not surprised.
Oh TR give me a break.

He speaks out against steroids and HGH and tells his wife it would help her? She doesn't feel well afterwards and all he does is get McNamee on the phone (he never said why though did he?). You don't call a doctor?
Why didn't he get rid of McNamee after that?
You don't do those things (call a doctor) because if word gets out she had a bad reaction to HGH it ain't gonna look good for him. It appears to me it was all about him.


Give you a break???

Sorry lady but that won't happen---

Think about this McNamee character---has anyone revealed why he left the NYC Police force after three years ?

Think about his in the mail PHD degree!!!

Did you hear him admit that he lied multiple times?

Are you aware of his "rape date" situation which disappeared?

Lets say for the moment that what he says is true but he still says he wasnt a drug dealer--how does that happen?>

I dont know who is telling the truth but I will stick with Roger because deep down I think I McNamee has a deal with the Feds and he is doing what he is doing because they want a BIG FISH--
Last edited by TRhit
This conversation have been repeated several times, actually every time a new player is catched. When are we going to understand that there are a lot more players complicated in roids and HGH than the ones that are clean? Before to blame any one, wait a little and you are going to see your hero to fall like a sand castle.
McNamee lied to protect people. Dan Burton (R-congressman) lied to his family and others about his affair and having a child out of wedlock.

People lie to avoid hurting others, conflict, embarrassment, etc. He now is coming clean and has no reason to tell lies (unless he wants jail-time). He has NOTHING to gain telling the truth. His reputation is already shot. ROGER CLEMENS has everything to lose coming clean. Don't you get it?
Last edited by switchitter

I think Pettite threw his so called buddy under the bus---the info that came out late yesterday and today was not know known to anyone---if there is a lesson to be learned from Mr Pettite----DO NOT TRUST YOUR "FRIENDS" !

Sit back, all of you, count on your fingers how many "TRUE FRIENDS", you have , those that in the middle of night will drive to you home and take pou the hospital
Originally posted by 2Diamonds:
Yep switch, or Giambi who came clean and it's almost now like he never did it.So now how many wins, strikeouts, Cy Youngs could we put an asterisk by? He throws his wife, friend, the doctor, everyone under the bus.Who's next the kids?

I agree. If he would have come clean right up front this would be over with. How many people have talked about Pettitte's records/awards having an asterisk by them? Not very many if at all. Just because he (clemens) worked hard doesn't give him an out.
Last edited by switchitter
Originally posted by TRhit:

I think Pettite threw his so called buddy under the bus---the info that came out late yesterday and today was not know known to anyone---if there is a lesson to be learned from Mr Pettite----DO NOT TRUST YOUR "FRIENDS" !

The "train wreck" is picking up speed.

It will be interesting to see what kind of other "stuff" Rodger's legal team "find outs" (leaks out?) about Petite and his wife, as I assume they will be in full swing attempting to impeach Petite's credability over the next few months.

What are friends for anyway?

This reminds me I need to call my old HS friend and correct his memories about that time.....
Originally posted by CollegeParent:
This reminds me I need to call my old HS friend and correct his memories about that time.....

Good point. Maybe your old HS friend will "misremember" everything!

Yea, that dirtbag lawyer of Clemens is partly to blame for all of Roger's issues. This is one time Roger took some bad, bad advice. He has two seedy lawyers but Rusty Hardin is a piece of rotten pie.

THE ROGER CLEMENS DAMAGE CONTROL WORLD TOUR CONTINUES....get your autographed balls while you can!
Last edited by switchitter
If Petite told the truth, thats all he was ever expected to do, friend or not.

If Roger expected him to lie to cover his tail, then Roger is the one who broke the friendship.

Assuming Petite's testimony is truthful, this is typical of too many people...blame the guy who (under oath) speaks the truth because its something you didn't want to hear. Very sad.
Last edited by justbaseball
TRHit posted: I think Pettite threw his so called buddy under the bus---the info that came out late yesterday and today was not know known to anyone---if there is a lesson to be learned from Mr Pettite----DO NOT TRUST YOUR "FRIENDS" !

Even if your friends speak the truth? Please tell us Mr. College Player Advisor, are we to infer an endorsement of not ratting your friends, or is it an endorsement of "whatever it takes to "get and edge?" or simply both.
Originally posted by Dad04:
TRHit posted: I think Pettite threw his so called buddy under the bus---the info that came out late yesterday and today was not know known to anyone---if there is a lesson to be learned from Mr Pettite----DO NOT TRUST YOUR "FRIENDS" !

Even if your friends speak the truth? Please tell us Mr. College Player Advisor, are we to infer an endorsement of not ratting your friends, or is it an endorsement of "whatever it takes to "get and edge?" or simply both.

Amen Dad04. I am assuming TRhit thinks that Andy Pettitte's wife also threw Roger "under the bus" because she told the truth too? So how many people are Roger and Debbie going to cross off their Christmas card list because friends of theirs told the truth under oath? It's a ludicrous statement this "thrown under the Bus thing".
Last edited by switchitter
didn't know whether to laugh or cry (I laughed!!)

some "old senator x-babe" pointing out "apparent" dicrepancies by reading line-by-line paragraphs from his former testimony.

then pointing out that IF HER staff would'a "miscommunicated" the way his agent did she'd have fired them ... "WHAT action did He take with HIS agent?"

on the congressional record he should'a responded ...
"madam senator, w/all due respect ...
deal as you wish with your staff (they are being paid with MY MONEY, btw) ...
but .. since you DID ask & just for the record madam senator crazy

"I just grabbed the mf by the neck & told my S-O-B agent .. I'm gonna shove his head so far up . . &%*@$, he'll forget what daylight looks like ... if he doesn't get his sh** together"

"btw, he's also actually paid with MY MONEY"
Last edited by Bee>
Pettite threw his buddy under the bus

Pettite has only thrown himself under the bus and then allowed it to roll back over him when he disclosed additional information that no one on earth knew about except himself (as to his injecting himself). What he has disclosed is consistent with what McNamee said about Pettite and Pettite has absolutely NOTHING to gain in ratting out clemens. The man has made it pretty clear that he wants to just tell the truth and get this behind him.

Interesting he states that clemens talked to him about juicing in 1999. clemens says in one breath no i didn't, i told him back then in 1999 that my wife used hgh (doesn't your wife?); then out of the other side of his mouth clemens claims his wife received hgh in 2003. Apparently the rocket also has a time machine that allowed him to go back and forth from '99 to '03.

Knoblach has confirmed what McNamee said, just as Pettite has.

There is NO evidence that McNamme had to get any Big fish, little fish or any fish but to that end Pettite and Knoblach aren't chopped liver. Naming clemens adds nothing for McNamme in the situation and, again, what's in it for Pettite to dump on clemens.

There are simply those who won't believe their heroes are tainted no matter what the evidence.

As far as McNamee's past, the big knock on him was lying to police in 2001 which he did to protect Yankees players not himself.
I think the country has more important things to worry about. Congress does not need to be involved. I just don't get it.

Only when management puts players/sport before the mighty dollar, will this problem be cleaned up. But then management vs labour has been an issue since the beginning of time.

Just my Opinion of course! Smile

(As to Clemens - I found his testimoney about his wife today hard to believe.)
I haven't really had any interest in the proceedings. An entire generation of baseball can't be asterisked except in the minds of the fans.

All I'm really interested in is how Selig and the owners are going to handle the future. None of these proceedings play to the future. It's lipstick on a pig. It's Selig attempting to make people think he's doing something.

"Something" would be telling the MLBPA this is how it's going to be on testing at the next CBO. If you don't like it we'll shut down the game until you break. However, since the whole thing started over money, nothing to damage the money will ever be done. PED's will go on and on until the culture is changed in upcoming player's mindset.

I believe Selig really blew it when he got the Mitchell report. He should have gone to the MLBPA and requested an addendum to the current drug testing plan in exchange for sealing the names on the list.

I realize parents of prospects are very interested in the PED hearings, but is the average fan? When the season starts will the PED problem go back in the closet?
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by justbaseball:
If Petite told the truth, thats all he was ever expected to do, friend or not.

If Roger expected him to lie to cover his tail, then Roger is the one who broke the friendship.

Assuming Petite's testimony is truthful, this is typical of too many people...blame the guy who (under oath) speaks the truth because its something you didn't want to hear. Very sad.

I find it so very sad. Pettite knew this was going to surface one day, that's why he kept asking HIS IDOL what he was going to do. As soon as his name was mentioned, he came out with a statement the next day.

Again, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out, he would not have had to give information if his IDOL had not insisted he go before the committee to get his day to tell the truth. Didn't He was caught in a predicament and I don't see it as throwing his friend under the bus, but the other way around, his friend put him in an uncomfortable situation where there was no compromising.

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