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Going to vent a bit, 2014 as 2 offers to D1's. One he has had for about a month as a preferred walk on- guaranteed spot. He likes the school but hesitant because of no athletic money. He knows of 2 other RHP offered that haven't accepted to anywhere as of yet. Yet tehy have told him they have no more money for 2014. There is a long topic on just this subject right now on here. They told him to take his time. 3 weeks ago he went to a camp at another D1 and threw very well. They called him that night, ask for transcripts etc. They called and emailed very consistently. He really likes the school. Great fit academically. 10 days ago they made him an athletic offer, it is right on the border of our state but still out of state. Academic money was very nice as well. With both of these it was very affordable which made us thrilled. When they contacted him with offer, they said although this was the offer, they always make them officially on campus. They gave him 2 dates - today and tomorrow. We chose tomorrow simply because it fit my schedule better. He had never seen campus itself (basbeall is just off campus and we went in back way when we went to camp). But he fully intended to committ tomorrow unless he hated campus.


On last Thursday he got an email to call coach, he tried 3 times. On Friday while he was at HS he got another email (he doesn't have smart phone so can't see emails until he gets home), coach said he knew 2014 had tried to calls several times but he really needed to talk to him. So he called when he saw email. Coach said 2 RHP (which he is) had commited day before and so athletic money was no longer available, but he was next onlist and they still wanted him to come play for them and still wanted him to come Tuesday. He was heart broke, but said he understood. He knows we can't afford there without athletic money, but mostly he felt betrayed. He called them yesterday adn said we weren't coming tomorrow, we simply couldn't afford it without the offered athletic money 


If he had known that he had to committ, he would have but they had told him to wait until Tuesday (tomorrow).


I guess the lesson he learned is look out for yourself, obviously coaches are. I would guess in next day or 2 he will commit to the walk on spot for fear of losing that as well. We won't be telling anyone except that coach. If he gets offered a better fit with money, he might take it. I believe in committment, but this has proven to be like snake oil salesmen to date.  

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I'm sorry ChefMike.  Honoring your word is very important.  At least you found out ahead of time.  You can also advise others to beware if they ask about school. 


As for the walk-on spot, make sure you talk to people close to program, and/or people that were in program, how they treat walk-on players.  I have found there is a wide variety of treatment from program to program.

I also agree tough story, and reality is this is recruiting reality. This happens all of the time.


Don't have your son take an offer just to take one, he has time, he doesn't have to sign or commit in the early signing period.


Your son was a B or C recruit to this coach, he had most likely given the others an ultimatum and this is the result.  Just remember that they do this hundreds of times and some of us once or twice.

Originally Posted by Aleebaba:

I'm sorry ChefMike.  Honoring your word is very important.  At least you found out ahead of time.  You can also advise others to beware if they ask about school. 


As for the walk-on spot, make sure you talk to people close to program, and/or people that were in program, how they treat walk-on players.  I have found there is a wide variety of treatment from program to program.


Only thing we have to go on for walk on is coachs word. He is a brand new HC, though he has been at the school as assoc HC for a number of years. The one upside from a non scholarship playerspoint of veiw is he was a walk on at his college when he went and told us that, I verified , and said he had a "soft heart" for  non scholarship players



Sorry to hear about your son's situation.   Reading between the lines, it looks like the coach was playing games with the initial offer vs real offer (have to be on campus) bulls*it.  He was stalling because he had another offer out there, and he was going to require your son to be on campus accept his offer.   If this Coach is going to do this to your son in the recruiting process, you don't want to find out what he is capable of with renewable athletic scholarships that determine whether or not your family can afford the school.   JMO.    


I hope your son makes the best of his situation with the other school.

Originally Posted by TPM:

I also agree tough story, and reality is this is recruiting reality. This happens all of the time.


Don't have your son take an offer just to take one, he has time, he doesn't have to sign or commit in the early signing period.


Your son was a B or C recruit to this coach, he had most likely given the others an ultimatum and this is the result.  Just remember that they do this hundreds of times and some of us once or twice.

TPM, I get conflicting information on there is time. I keep being told the money is gone or almost gone, then I keep being told there is time. I do know a couple of his friends that are a year older that signed in mid spring to play at a D1, but very few. If you are talking about D2 and 3, yes there is time. But I am not sure about D1. Any insight would be great.

He might be a D2/3 player. He keeps being told he is definitlely D1 pitcher by prospect camps, etc (RHP sits 84-88, has hit 90 several times, up to 93 once that I know of. these are all documented by somebody else, not a Dad mph ). So we (he and his Dad- me) are confused.  



Let me get this straight, you were ready to send your son to a school he and you had never even seen before?  


Would you buy a house after speaking to a realtor without doing multiple visits, a home inspections, sleeping on the decisions, etc?


Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise.  Like others said above, you still have time, but I'd suggest visiting a bunch of schools this fall.


Rich  <---  2014 NC & VA Tours Posted

Guess I wasn't clear, we had seen the school grounds just not the inter workings of it. That is what was supposed to happen today. We had talked to several students that go there (they work for me and I connected he and them) about student life etc. We had done the research on his major etc. 


I guess from a house point of view we had been by it and really liked it. Today was the day we got to see it inside and talk about the financial part in detail. If he liked what he saw, we would have made "accepted" the offer to buy. Then, of course, we would go thru the process of inspections "getting admitted to the university".All of it was pending on today. No worries on that now though.


He/we has visited I think 7 colleges since beginning of summer, Those that showed interest and some he was just interested in. To be honest they weren't much more seeing the grounds and talking to a few people, much like the above college. This college came on fast because of camp which they asked to him to attend. Maybe it should have been on his radar but since it was out of state, he hadn't really looked at it closely.


I agree about seeing some more coleges this fall. Just trying to narrow down the choices to viable candidates. Those that we thought were and visited (except the one with roster spot offer) seem to not be choices anymore 

Rich, if there is more I should do to see thE colleges please advise. He is my 3rd child to go to college. The other 2 didn't play ball in colleges so that part wasn't an issue. On other 2 we simply went to a few colleges they were interested in, walked the grounds, met with admissions, saw they buildings were their major was, dorms, cafeteria, rec building etc.. From that we did bit more research for financial reasons, they applied to where they were interested and away they went. I don't know any other way, This time we had simply added the baseball coach (if available) and baseball facilities to the mix. Is there more we should do? 

The fact that college tuition is often times a families largest investment outside of their home makes it seem like tons of research should be done.


Just shooting from the hip... 


Sit through a class.

Stay a night... keep in mind that every college on earth is fun on a Friday night, perhaps visits during the week wouldn't hurt.

Talk to athletes, non athletes, ex athletes.

Talk to professors.
Talk to alums.

Eat the cafeteria food.

See some dorm rooms.

Visit during warm and cold months.

Sit in the dugout during practice.  

Watch a practice without announcing you are coming.

Watch some games or scrimmages.


College is a big decision.  College is expensive.  

I'm not exaggerating when I say I see families do more research on car purchases then college decisions.  


There are not a lot of "bad" choices at this level.  But don't you want the "best" choice for your sons?!  The best choice academically, socially, athletically, financially, etc.


This type of research is exactly what motivated me to do the College Bus Tours.  Should a kid "like" a school just because a coach "likes" them?  Kids should see lots of schools to be able to figure out what THEY want in a college.


Again, not a lot of "bad" choices.  Your boy will be fine.  Sounds like he has some other things cooking.


Best of luck.  Keep us posted.



Soon you will read posts about the players that went to the D1 school and got cut in the fall and are transferring to NAIA and JUCO.   Just this fall my sons team has had a player come in from a D1 school to his JUCO ... they also had a player that has already quit/booted off the team. 


The player is a commodity used to  help the schools baseball team win, and keep the coaches employed. In return you get to hopefully play baseball, make good friends and hopefully get a degree. 


  I know of a top level D1 school that is sitting on 42 players this fall, the coach knows he has to trim that number to 35.... He is also actively recruiting trying to better his hand...


Have a plan B , C, D






Those are great ideas. yuour right, did some (see dorm and go during week) of that but not much esle. DID eat the cafeteria food. As a chef, kept my thoughts on that to myself most of time and let my kid decide since he would be one eating there.


son will start to regroup tomorrow for other colleges and find out time frame on roster spot college. He had stopped looking since he thought this was going to be the one and had no other offers pending. I let him just be from Friday when he got the news until after today when he was supposed to have his dreams realized. He wasn't in the mood to hear move on.  

As hard as it is , don't let it get you and your son.  I know it's tough... one thing my 2013 learned was that he would rather go to a JUCO where his "stock" was higher , than a D1 and fight and claw for everything. 


He felt that going where they liked his style of pitching, where he could go for free, and get to play the first two years was more important than the level , sitting and waiting to play.  I mean wow at a D1 school you have to make the team, then the travel team, then get on the field... 35 on the roster  9 on the field.  all that glitters my friend.

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