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Soxnole and others

It is always talked about how pro athletes are to be role models. Here he is hanging out in places that he should not be because of his stature and image. And in NYC the media will eat him up with this as they have already begun to

Poker and gambling in general is as a big a problem for our youth as is steroids whether you want to believe it or not.

Perhaps AROD should take a page from Derek Jeters book and stay low key
Before everyone jumps the gun and judges Arod, maybe we should get the whole story.

Maybe he was...

cold and looking for a place to warm up
waiting for a cab
needed to use a phone to order a pizza
blind date said to meet her there
was lost, scared, and looking for directions

The list goes on, but it is not fair to judge him prematurely because he knows that gambling is illegal.

Last edited by rz1
It's his business if it is true.

It seems to me, like it or not, that A'Rod is a public figure and his becoming a public figure was largely the result of the actions of his agent and himself. If A"Rod/Boras are going to hold news conferences surrounding contract, trades. etc. then he puts himself into the "public arena." Also, if true, the gambling may also be the business of MLB and the Yankees depending on what is in his contract and what the nature and extent of the gambling.
When someone brings himself into the "public spotlight" they really don't have much to complain about.
Aren't all pro ballplayers public figures?

Granted, some more than others, but do we only keep tabs on the ones we don't like? Do we think that no other players are gambling? Razz What good is David Wells doing coming to his post game conference in a hat? Where was the outrage?

Poker and gambling are prevalent in our society now? Is it all illegal?

Where the heck was the HSBBW convention gonna be held? What a hoot!
Last edited by Chill
The whole professional athletes and gambling question is a delicate one (as I was saying to Pete Rose only the other day Wink). It's not 'his business' or a poker habit that's the question. It's becoming involved in underworld gambling and the characters who inhabit it. Being seen to have a flutter at a legal casino is one thing; if he or any other pro athlete was seen at an illegal casino, that's a whole game.

Although I must say this concerns me one HECK of a lot more:

Why Those Umps?

combined with:

Umpires Who Gamble
Here's my 2 cents worth, ARod is messing up. People who run those illegal gambling joints are probably invoved with the mob in some fashion. He's putting his career on the line, as well as his life. It's stupid and somebody better get him to wise up.

BTW, I was watching a show this morning about this very subject. It was stated that "Hollywood" celebraties visit these sort of places in NY City, as well. And if that certain place was going to be raided, the cops would inform those celebraties. Go figure.
If any of us are professional athletes in a position to impact the outcome of a game and our Saturday Night Poker Game is with Guido and assorted Wise Guys, then it's the same situation. If the gambling houses are illegal, he's consorting with criminals. Black Sox ring any bells?

Now, with the coin young Alex makes, I tend to doubt he could possibly get in too deep, but why taint your reputation...and the game's? Has he noticed that little steroid distraction?

But I guess those great bearers of Hard News, Fox & The Daily News have it right. People would much rather hear about a multimillion dollar player behaving badly than gambling umpires. Heck, what could they do to swing a game in order to make good on a few bets?
Before I believe an unsubstantiated "rumor" printed by a "sleaze newspaper", and we all know how truthful and accurate they are...not" I would believe Scott Boras, who said there's no truth to the story.

I believe thios is a "planted story" by the New York media to begin the process of trying to run A-Rod out-of-town. After all A-rod didn't fare to well in the ALCS. Wouldn't put it pass the Yankees front office to "this supposed leak".

Give me a break. A-Rod going to a sleaze private illegal gambling club when he can fly on a private jet to Vegas...don't believe it for a second.

NY athletes have frequented after hours clubs (gambling and others) for as long as I can remember.

In most cases - the clubs were located in what is now Soho and Noho.

There were even a few places in Brooklyn (Red Hook area) the guys would go to.

Baseball players - boxers - basketball players - and just about any other major sport I can think of.

The years that were really wild were the mid and late eighties. The NY Mets made the downtown scenes (all of them LOL) frequently.

Wild days. And fun too!

If Arod wants to have some fun - what is the big deal? It is his business and as long as he is just playing cards and having fun who cares?

Noone said a word when Jimmy Johnson would come to Caesar's and drop $10,000 per hand on baccarat.

Poor Arod - I feel bad for him. LOL

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