Tagged With "Flower Mound Baseball Tryout"
NT Titans
Area Code Tryout Rules and Ideas.
My son will be attending the upcoming Area Code tryouts on Monday and I was wondering if anyone who has been thru this process the do's and don'ts of what to do and also does anyone know when we would hear something back about making or not making the...
Pitching Speeds
How are pitching speeds determined? Is it the speed of the ball when it crosses the plate? Is it the speed of the ball at some interim location between the mound and the plate? Is it the maximum speed the pitch reaches? Not that it really matters, I'm...
Osbourn Defeats First Colonial
OHS Eagles, with sophomore Brett Howell on the mound throwing a complete game defeats First Colonial 5-1 to advance to the AAA State Final..OHS is expected to throw Tony Pasquirello, a Junior with a 10-1 record in the state finals tomorrow.BTW - OHS...
Be Physically Ready for Showcases/Camps
We had the misfortune of having my son royally sprain an ankle in a tournament on the eve of a camp at a school he was very interested in; he checked in and went straight to the trainer for more ice. Not good. The school was wonderful about it but his...
Houston Thunder Baseball 2012 14U Baseball Tryouts in January
Jesse Espinoza 832 896 9511www.HoustonThunderBaseball.netjbaseballislife@yahoo.com Houston Thunder Baseball is looking for a couple of competitive ballplayers to round out our 14u Elite/Premiere team this 2012 spring. We are acollege prep organization...
Recruiting; Summer Camps v. Showcases v. Summer Team
Hello All. Hopefully someone (or many someones) can help me with a question.My son is an '06 that currently plays on a very competitive 18U summer team. This past year he has written many letters to schools he is interested in (Div 1 and Div 3) and...
U16 Columbus Premier Tryouts. Columbus, Ohio
The U16 2012 Columbus Premier will be holding tryouts on Sunday August 14th at New Albany High School in Columbus from 1:00-3:00. If unavailable on that date please contact me for a private tryout. The Premier will play a 8 Tournament showcase...
Question about the Draft and being in College
Ok heres my deal, Im going to a division 1 school next year to play ball, I didn't enter the draft because i would of been selected very late. I feel that I'm getting better with every outing as i proceed into my first year of college. And i believe...
S Florida Marlins tryouts looking for players.....
The South Florida Marlins, a new Elite travel program for 2012 will be conducting tryouts for 2013, 2014 and 2015 HS Graduates for the summer season on Dec 3rd and Dec 10th. We are looking for dedicated, hard working, committed baseball players. The...
The "marketing" game??
TRHit's response in an earlier thread about marketing got me thinking. We have just sent out letters and Video CD's to several colleges. What's next? Follow-up with a phone call in a 10 days to 2 weeks to arrange a campus vist? Another letter? ...
Area Code
I asked in the California forum, but thought I would ask here as well.For those that attended the Area Code tryout this week in Stockton, how was it? Anyone make the team?
Commodores a good fit for Webb's Wormsley
Congrats to Clark on his son's commintment to Vandy.Sentinel article:By DREW EDWARDS, edwardsd@knews.com June 21, 2005 After helping Webb School to its second Division II state championship game in the last three years, Jordan Wormsley had one more...
They said it!!!
In light of all the brilliance being spread over the last week, I thought I would share with you some of the quotes I have heard from scouts and college coaches over the last year. Just food for thought."High school kids get drafted on physical...
Blue-Grey Question
Are the B-G Events wood bat? My son has a tryout this coming Saturday. Thanks.JT
Johann Knee signs with DIV II powerhouse Kutztown
I just want to give a fatherly congratulations to my son Johann Knee of Montgomery Village, MD for his signing with the DII Kutztown Bears, Kutztown University. Although he had offers from DI schools such as Ohio, University of Miami (OH), Cleveland...
Arm Speed
just a quick question. I've heard it said, if you can throw 93 from the outfield for example, then you have arm speed. Lets say an OF/P is throwing 93 from the outfield is it true they will eventually be able to throw 93 from the mound as they mature...
Area Code Games
I am an '06 that has been invited to an Area Code tryout (not an Area Code camp but an actual tryout). I know it is very difficult to make an Area Code team but do you get any exposure to colleges by trying out even if you don't make it?Thanks.
balk w/unoccupied bases
what is the ruling for a situation where bases are unoccupied and the umpire calls a balk because the pitcher's foot gets stuck on the mound and does not deliver the pitch? shouldn't it just be called "ball?"
White Sox area scout team fall
So where exactly was ESPN?
Many of you I'm sure have awaited the results of my old timers game performance (I prefer "classic", thank you very much), so here you go: Pre-game: big breakfast and nothing to eat within 5 hours of game time, except advil and water. If it ain't in...
Amateur Baseball Report
Our 14-year old son was selected for a 2nd tryout for the Amateur Baseball Report showcase for national team. Does anyone have advice on this (if it's worthwhile, useful, good, bad etc)? THANKS!
Player looking for 16-18u in Mid Atlantic Area
I'm a 15 year old 1b, OF. I lettered for my varsity team last year as a freshman. I played for an 18u showcase team last summer and this fall, but we will be splitting up after this fall. Please PM me for more information about myself, or with any...
Dallas Titans Fall Tryout
Dallas Titans2008 Fall Showcase TeamsShowcasing From September – November Regional Showcase Events at Colleges and Universities – Cost - $350+Perfect Game WWBA Qualifier and Nationals 18-20 player roster selected from Showcase RostersCost-...
Pitcher tags base-stealer; Balk?
Noboby out, runner at second with a righty on the mound. Runner is not held and takes HUGE lead. Pitcher steps off (behind the rubber)with his right foot. Runner stays put, daring a throw. Pitcher runs at runner with ball. Runner is surprised,...
Texas Stallions Baseball 10U, 13U, and 14U
Looking for a couple of players for each team for Fall 2012. If you have a good attitude and a desire to develop your skills with top-notch coaching, we are looking for you. We are an established club where you can grow with teams from 9U through 18U....
How'd your Memorial Weekend Tournament go?
Not real pretty in our case although there were some high points. We're mostly a 13yo team but we do have a 14yo pitcher who turned 14 on Wednesday. His dad called Friday night to say that he had warts removed from his hands and couldn't play. He had...
Pitching Demensions
What are the pitching dimensions for each age group. Obviously I know that 60 feet 6 inches is for about age 15 and up. What are the others? I am looking for wherehouse space for an indoor facility and want to have a mound that will allow for all ages...
Looking for Summer Teams in Northeast PA
I was wondering if anyone knows of any summer teams in Northeast PA for my son to tryout to play?
The Dallas Tigers Baseball Club will be holding tryouts for ages 9-18u August 11th and 12th in Coppell at Tiger Field. Go to www.dallastigersbaseball.com to register and for specific details. The Tigers just finished our most successful season in our...
Baseball shape - two sport athlete.
2013 plays football too. He has received several personal invites to Fall College camps. Obvously the stakes are higher this fall. I believe he has not met some of these coaches. They have sought him out through word of mouth I assume...but have not...
Flat Ground vs. Mound
We are using the Jaeger throwing program and we are using the radar gun on the pull odwn phase at 60 feet. Does anyone know how many MPH you would add on to the flat ground to have an idea how fast you would be throwing from a mound?
Need ideas for tryouts for 13u team
Our 12u team split up at the end of this year and we will be doing tryouts for 2009 in another week or two. I've got a usual routine for tryouts but I'm looking for some fresh thoughts from the group of coaches here. I'd love to get some outlines of...
Pitching control
I'm a 14yo and sometimes on the mound I tend to lose focus and start throwing balls. I notice that when I try to throw just to get a strike, I drift it high and inside on the batter. Then I try to correct myself and throw low and outside and there it...
I'm a 14yo and sometimes on the mound I tend to lose focus and start throwing balls. I notice that when I try to throw just to get a strike, I drift it high and inside on the batter. Then I try to correct myself and throw low and outside and there it...
Pitching question
MY son started in his game today(pitcher). he worked 2 innings,when my son left the mound(inning ended) the score was 5-5. now he left the hill and had 2 at bats before the inning ended, then he came out, by now the score was 13-5 (us). my question is...
JC tryouts
does anyone have any information on whensome of the junior colleges will hold theirtryout camps?
Any East Coast showcases - fall 2008?
My son is a rising junior at a Maryland private (MIAA - division A) school and played on varsity this past year as a sophomore.He is going to tryouts for some fall showcase teams (we are getting a late start) and will tryout for a fall Legion team as...
Illinois Indians Baseball '09 Tryouts
Come try out to be a part of the Illinois Indians Travel Baseball Team for the Fall 2008 and Summer 2009 travel baseball seasons. The Illinois Indians are a travel baseball organization comprised of 10 teams in the age groups of 9-18 years old....
Pitching Mound Work?
We are hosting a Regional again this year and we have clay brick in our landing area. However, the tarp was left off over the summer and we seem to have developed a hole. It reappears each game and now, I'm thinking of purchasing a "Jox Box" for our...
Can a team, between innings decide to change pitchers, have him go out and throw warm up pitches from the mound then decide they don't want him to pitch, then go back to the starting pitcher?