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Originally posted by Panther Dad:
Shea is supposedly 5-2 with a 1.78 -- I think a one-game series in this sitation is ridiculous this isn't 2A, come on coaches -- buck up! Smile

That would be the Duncanville and Coppell coaches and their preference not FM's. I dont know these coaches, I just don't like them. They don't understand HS baseball! I know some kids that know them! Smile
Last edited by UpnIn
Originally posted by honest and unbiased:
Everybody on this board knows there is no way for Coppell to beat Flower Mound in a 3 game series.

H&U; You must be smarter than the rest of us. If I remember right, last year, Coppell beat some pretty good teams, like Marcus, Arlington Martin and Denton Ryan (who had 2 HS All Americas.) They didn't have chance against those teams either. All those series were best 2 of 3. Talent is not always so easily judged and it is not the only factor, but this year's Cowboys are more talented than last year's.
Then why the single game, ACowboy? Coppell has a solid #3 as well -- and Kaskow can throw, if needed.

I suspect HP will play 3-game sets -- and they have one of the most dominating pitchers in the country.

Coach English is a baseball guy and I respect him a lot. I have always seen him as more of a purist -- which spells "best of 3" to me.


H&U, your bias is showing! Big Grin
Last edited by Panther Dad
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
Then why the single game, ACowboy?

I don't know. I'm not in charge of that department. You'd have to ask the coach. However, you'd have to agree, it's not a bad bet to put all your marbles on a game with Green pitching. Perhaps it even an outstanding bet. Coaches are paid to win and make those decisions.
I'm not saying it is a short-sighted move by the Coppell coach, but to argue that the Cowboys have better overall talent seems like a contradiction. If that were the case, there would be no objection to playing best-of-3......and I understand that it wasn't your choice or Train's choice or Watten's choice. Smile If you lose by 1 in the bottom of the 7th though, you will probably have regrets concerning the end of your guys' season.

Remember, my opinion and $3.75 might get you a small cup at Starbucks. angel
The only reason for a coach to choose one game is if he thinks he has a better chance winning one instead of 2. As risky as one game is even with a stud as good as CG on the mound, he must have no confidence in his team's ability to win a 3 game series.

The only reason IMO that a coach would think he can't beat a team 2 out of 3 is that he thinks the other team is superior.

I personally have no problem with a coach choosing one game as it is within the rules and his right to do so. As good as CG is, I still think FM has a chance to win. In addition if we happen to win or if he happens to have a bad outing like BB had last night, I would rather not have to face him again in a 3 game series.

If a team has any chance of winning State, which is what this is about anyway, you are going to have to beat somebody like CG along the way sometime. Both teams are loaded with talent. I hope both play well and that the game lives up to the hype.
PD, I do actually agree that I just generally think the 3 game series it the way to go.

H&U, regarding your post, "the only reason IMO that a coach would think he can't beat a team 2 out of 3 is that he thinks the other team is superior."
We disagree. It's still all a probability game. Example: The CHS coach may feel that his odds of winning 2 of 3 against FMHS are 60%, but his odds of winning 1 of 1 with Green on the mound are 75%. 75% is better than 60%.
The coach should seek what he thinks is the best probability to win. He is paid to do that. The "better" decision doesn't mean the alternative is less than 50% (what you would call"inferior".) Do you understand?
Despite my comments favoring the longer series, ACowboys makes a valid point. It is about assessing your chances against your opponent in each situation -- it does not necessarily mean that you lack confidence in your guys. Having said that, if a coach is confident that his ace will win game 1 -- which seems to be the case here -- and he believes his team to be superior to the opponent...then logic says that he should feel pretty good about a split of the final 2.

Ok, the horse is definitely dead -- let's beat it no longer. In either case, someone will be able to claim, "the best team in a one-game series won!" Smile

ACowboys -- thanks for handling your argument with class. Good luck to your son.
I understand but disagree adamatly. Your synopsis sounds like a little bit of tricky accounting to me.

If you happen to be an accountant I might want to use your services around next years tax time though.

Seriously, I have a lot of respect for both teams. They both were in my top 3 for Roundrock in a previous post about pre-season predictions.

We look forward to having you guys at our place.
Originally posted by honest and unbiased:
Seriously, I have a lot of respect for both teams. They both were in my top 3 for Roundrock in a previous post about pre-season predictions.

Thanks for your kinds words. Hopefully a couple of DFW teams will be so fortunate to make it down there. There are many great players and teams out there and after what I witnessed last year in the excitement and closeness of the play-offs, it is a blessing each week a team is able to advance.
Although Don English is paid to win, I believe he is also paid to develop his team and instill confidence in all his players. Going with one game vs 3 game doesn't really accomplish those but he may just win. Is winning a one game playoff against a FMHS team going to help the Cowboys build a strong and confident program? In my opinion, it does not. What happens if CG isn't "on" or gets sick/hurt and number 2, 3, or 4 steps in but doesn't get that one win? What will the reason be, not as strong as CG, the other team was the stronger team, you'll never know. IMHO, if you can't beat Flower Mound at least 2 games out of three, what will you do when you get to the later rounds? Will you opt for a one game with CG every round? Is he a great player/pitcher? Absolutely! But many of that caliber have lost one game as we have seen. But this is only my opinion, my degree is in chemistry not statistics.
The CHS Coach is very, very strong in player character development. I've seen other posters treat him with respect as well. He deserves it. Every series is different so who knows what a coach's decision-making process is. There are many factors we don't know about such as pitchers' arms, injuries, hot bats, etc. Those of you are trying to make this into a "lack of confidence" issue have no real reason to think so. I guess you're just having fun.
I'd have to agree both with ACowboy and PD. The coach's decision for a one game series doesn't mean admission of much of anything other than he believes in his Ace. PD is right, this horse has been beaten to death.

I've got another topic for you. The Jaguars have excellent fundamentals and have proven their ability to bunt. Will Coppell's infield have to adjust?
NOW, NOW, NOW H&U don't get personal. Smile

Are you feeling the pressure over at FM yet? Feeling the summer coming soon? At least you can come watch us the following week.

Regarding the strong hitters...we know about Phar,Murph,Popescue,and Milard. Your website is so helpful. Do the rest just bunt?

How is bunting practice coming along? alieneyesa
Stop taking things so personal. Its having FUN with you and this anticipated GREAT game. Having FM a part of the new conference next year will be so much fun.

If you need me to write on this site that I think your son is a threat... I will. He is a threat, though IMO Russo is your MVP.

Just having fun with you and all the FM supporters. But, I still feel we will win. Smile
If your comments are just considered some good natured ribbing or fun then I am OK with it. If that was the true intent then I overreacted.

No, I don't need you or anyone else to say he is a threat.

Concerning 8-5A MVP, while the 2 kids mentioned in other posts are deserving, I think you have to throw Bren Schuler into the mix also. The way he stepped in after the injury to ST was pretty valuable to his team IMO.
H&U...that is all my comments were meant to be (good natured ribbing). I NEVER want anyone or player ever to think I personally attacked anyone. Those that know me understand the uniqueness of the TRAIN.

It should be a great game. I would not miss this for the world.

Never saw Schuler throw so I cannot comment. I have good things though.

I am sure many will be happy to hear that the TRAIN will be out of gas until after our victory on Tuesday. I guess I have been adding fuel to the fire according our assistant coach.

Train out! tater
You stir the pot time and time again and insult specific kids and other posters online while seeming to take great glee in all the havoc you create, bow out because "your" assistant coach tells you to and then you have the audacity to call it all good natured ribbing and just part of your "uniqueness." Yes, I for one am glad that you have been derailed by "your" assistant coach! It's about time!
WOW! is all I can say. I've spent the last 2 hours reading the two threads involving FM & Coppell & Train. The next few years should be interesting to say the least in the New 6 -5A.

I have to say Train sounds like he has his facts straight and enjoys good hearted banter, he went over the line but came back on track...even said I'm sorry twice.

It also sound like he knows a couple of poster personally and that caused other people to view his posts in a different light.

He is right FM people take these things way to serious but maybe that isn't all bad. Coppell people don't take enough things serious enough.

I look forward to reading this mesage board in the future.

I'm new to this so I'll just shut-up and read until I get to know you all a little better.
= = Moderator comment: = =

I have received several complaints about recent comments in this forum, and it is a serious concern. Making disparaging comments about players (or other parents or coaches, but especially players) is not the purpose of our forums.

I do not have time to read the Texas forum often, but I agree that some of Train's comments are offensive. The "just kidding" defense might apply, but if you try to imagine being the player who is being kidded about, or his parent, that defense wears thin.

Train, please read the Board Manners page again.

Other members, if you see a post that breaks the rules, feel free to report it by clicking the Report This Post icon in the lower right corner of that specific post.

You can also send me a PM with any other concerns.


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