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I suggest you don't begin to blame God for the lightning

Now before you jump on me, think of my conspiracy theory. Coppell wins flip chooses 1 game. FM is not happy. They pray to the lightning gods and then slip a fin to the trainer holding the lightning detector. Change the 5 mile range to 35 miles and have the announcer make our ears bleed.

What do you think?

Anything to get CG off the bump. He was starting to cruise in the 3rd and 4th and FM seized the opportunity to call on the lightning gods and the one lightning detector in the District that needs recalibrated.

I would like the record to show that PD is slandering me. I made no reference to the above mentioned post. Ok at least not directly. He developed that one himself. And also, I can't hit a 1 iron period......can you PD? I only know one that can.

I do know what I did wrong though, due to the sensitivity of the PD Moderator
....---------> bye

Now for the beloved T-Bird,

If Coppell was ahead, do you really think the umpires would have ignored the lightning and allowed those boys to stand out there with lightning rods and play so that FM could come back?

I like the defense. It had nothing to do with ahead or behind. It had to do with icing the pitcher. CG with a 30-minute wait might have been more productive. Now granted might is speculation and lord knows we don't want any of that on here. It would have been nice had things worked out differently without the 1 1/2 hour delay, as CG was rolling before the "lightning delay". I know you are passionate about the lightning rods and all that, and I will agree. It is history and the comedic value of my post flew right over your head. Do you honestly think anyone would condone playing with lightning in the area? No, wait you think I do. Ok enough for you.

Now for Dad0406,

The grassy knoll had nothing to do with the lightning detector. There was truly only one person holding it in the Book Depository. It definitely showed lightning 35 miles from FM @ 9:15pm. Therefore, I would state that your hypothesis is unsubstantiated and without warrant.

Oh yea and ------------>haha
Last edited by Outsider_2007
Originally posted by T-Bird Dad:
Coppell had 5 innings before the delay to get it done on offense. They didn't.

If Coppell was ahead, do you really think the umpires would have ignored the lightning and allowed those boys to stand out there with lightning rods and play so that FM could come back?

It is not the umpires call when it comes to lightning. It is up to the game administrator of the home team in conjunction with the athletic trainer who usually has the lightning detector. This is per UiL rules. When the teams are pulled off the field, it is because the lightning detector has indicated that there has been a lightning strike 0-6 miles away. Once this happens, you must stay off the field for 30 minutes. Let's say the lightning detector goes off 17 minutes later with a 0-6 reading, then the 30 minutes starts over. You keep doing this until there are no 0-6 readings for 30 minutes. Then the game administrator, in conjunction with the athletic trainer, informs the umpire that the game can continue.

Now, if the administrator's office is located on a grassy knoll, then that is pure coincidence. Big Grin
Outside(r) where there is lightning,

Thanks for calling me beloved, but you probably alone in that assessment. Cool

Not all of the moderate comedy flew by me, and I do enjoy the back-handed jab at my very moderate intelligence. However, you do seem to have some underlying concern that FM "iced" your stud pitcher. My only point was there were 5 innings prior to "Get 'er done" for both teams and that didn't happen.

After the delay, each team had chances as well. One team pushed a couple in and one didn't. Coppell probably shouldn't rely so heavily on one guy, JMO.
It's all about the coin flip. Smile Train suggested his success with a 2-headed coin. He forgot to tell Coach English to stay away from "TAILS!" when flipping for the home field.

Outsider -- I used to hit a one-iron before I was forced to give up golf and concentrate on this message board. Life is a trade-off.

On an unrelated subject, I'm thankful that PantherSon survived the spring football game!

You could hit a 1 iron?

Explains the promotion! Only you and one other can. (Insert Golf Joke Here)-->

FINALLY, some humor lightning up this very intense situation. Did I tell you the one about the Cowboy, Priest and Hooker?

Now I know you are all smiling just a bit.

I just knew train would pop on with more of the water in the dugout theory, or the bull pen was watered prior to the game, or trash can had mosquito larva in it....but Noooooooo.

Just that they put a sprinkler in the Coppell dugout 3 hours prior to the game. He must really be beat down.
Originally posted by Outsider_2007:

You could hit a 1 iron?

Explains the promotion! Only you and one other can. (Insert Golf Joke Here)-->

FINALLY, some humor lightning up this very intense situation. Did I tell you the one about the Cowboy, Priest and Hooker?

Now I know you are all smiling just a bit.

I just knew train would pop on with more of the water in the dugout theory, or the bull pen was watered prior to the game, or trash can had mosquito larva in it....but Noooooooo.

Just that they put a sprinkler in the Coppell dugout 3 hours prior to the game. He must really be beat down.


We played at Martin one year and during pregame warm-up when I started hitting to the IF, the sprinklers in the infield "just happened" to come on. My SS slipped and fell when I hit him a ground ball...went on to make 3 errors that game. I laughed at the time, but it got to my kids! That was OK, sweeping them the next year and ending their 18 year playoff reign was satisifaction enough for me!
KD...become the moderator and you get more guts posting your comments. I deserve them and like I said ready for them.

UPNIN...take your skirt off baby. Which one of FM's players is yours?

Funneldrill..your starting to be the BEST poster on this site. Your comments are right on and I respect you for them. Becareful DBAT GM holds the title in my mind.

UPNIN...take your skirt off baby. Which one of FM's players is yours?

UPNIN...take your skirt off baby. Which one of FM's players is yours?

Take off my skirt! YOU cant handle my skirt. Smile It is more a kilt anyway!! Smile I have a kid that plays for the Eagles but I cannot divulge his name because then I would not be able to promote him......Thats right....SILENTLY. Have a nice, early summer!
Good day! dirol

UpnIn - OUT! AGAIN!!
Originally posted by funneldrill:
It is not the umpires call when it comes to lightning. It is up to the game administrator of the home team in conjunction with the athletic trainer who usually has the lightning detector. ..... Then the game administrator, in conjunction with the athletic trainer, informs the umpire that the game can continue.

Does anyone know who the game administrator was? Was it the coach or was it the Lewisville ISD Athletic Director or does he delegate it to the coach? The reason I ask is that while I do agree that if there was any doubt, you should keep the boys off the field, LISD appears to be hypocritical. In 2004, Coppell had a district game at Lewisville. The Farmers had lost to us the first district game (of the home and home series) and we played really poorly to start this game and fell behind a couple of runs. It started raining AND lightening. The rain was more than a shower. Someone from Lewisville (we all thought it was the coach but don't really know) kept the game going, obviously realizing they were lucky to be ahead and wanted to get the game official. Let me repeat, there was lightening and thunder, but the game continued. Finally, it downpoured. The game should have been called off, but we ended up waiting and finally restarted the game near midnight. The field was slick and muddy and the outfielders sloshed around in a what looked like an inch of water to finish the game. Hopefully, the UIL forces the "game administrator" to be a school administrator and not someone who delegates it to the coach, who's career depends on winning. Has the LISD AD been around since 2004?
Originally posted by honest and unbiased:
Maybe that big piece of metal RV that Coppell parked right outside of the gate was attracting the lightening.

Just my theory.

So you didn't like my conspiracy theory? I have got to work on the "ghost from the past at the game" angle.....should make for some interesting banter.

So you noticed that U-haul in the parking lot? (Sweet Ride) I thought I was the only one. Was that classic or what. My congrats to TS, he played a heck of a game. The young man gets bigger every time I see him......what are you feeding that boy? Whatever it is I need the formula.
Last edited by Outsider_2007
Originally posted by ACowboy:
Originally posted by funneldrill:
It is not the umpires call when it comes to lightning. It is up to the game administrator of the home team in conjunction with the athletic trainer who usually has the lightning detector. ..... Then the game administrator, in conjunction with the athletic trainer, informs the umpire that the game can continue.

Does anyone know who the game administrator was? Was it the coach or was it the Lewisville ISD Athletic Director or does he delegate it to the coach? The reason I ask is that while I do agree that if there was any doubt, you should keep the boys off the field, LISD appears to be hypocritical. In 2004, Coppell had a district game at Lewisville. The Farmers had lost to us the first district game (of the home and home series) and we played really poorly to start this game and fell behind a couple of runs. It started raining AND lightening. The rain was more than a shower. Someone from Lewisville (we all thought it was the coach but don't really know) kept the game going, obviously realizing they were lucky to be ahead and wanted to get the game official. Let me repeat, there was lightening and thunder, but the game continued. Finally, it downpoured. The game should have been called off, but we ended up waiting and finally restarted the game near midnight. The field was slick and muddy and the outfielders sloshed around in a what looked like an inch of water to finish the game. Hopefully, the UIL forces the "game administrator" to be a school administrator and not someone who delegates it to the coach, who's career depends on winning. Has the LISD AD been around since 2004?

No coach involved in the game can be the Designated Administrator and each school handles the duty assignment a little different. Sometimes it's the AD, assistant AD, a principal, or an assigned coach. Who wouldn't want to do it with all of the extra money they make? I'm just glad that they are there.

Regarding the playing conditions on the field, that is the responsibility of the umpires. Also, I believe no inning can start after midnight according to UIL rules.

The edit has nothing to do with my acquaintance with those involved in your accusation.

I suggest you consider your sons before you get crazy with your posts. Even if you don't, we aren't going to travel down this road here.

There is post concerning Barry Bonds in the general forum -- go argue and accuse there. In this case, you are totally off-base.

End of discussion. Have a nice day.

Originally posted by Panther Dad:
Sunday practices may occur if they are not mandatory or managed by the coach --- didn't you grow up near a sandlot? Smile

Found this on the UIL web site under Regulations for Off Season and Non-School Participation:
"4. School coaches are responsible for notifying student-athletes in their sport that their participation is strictly voluntary, never
required, and is in no way a prerequisite for making the team or getting more playing time.
5. No instruction may be given on a Sunday or during the off-season of a team sport.
6. Someone other than a coach should be appointed to supervise facilities.
7. Coaches should not participate with their athletes in the athletes' sport. Such actions place the responsibility on the coach and
school to prove they are not violating Sunday and off-season regulations."

It's hard to determine what's truly mandatory so I'm sure coaches push the envelope on this all over. I've heard a college player who has early fall workouts that are jokingly referred to as the "mandatory non-mandatory workouts". I've seen a Houston H.S. coach constantly shouting instructions to his summer team (none of his players went to any other select teams) during the summer season games. He was definitely participating, just from the other side of the dugout fence, rather than within.
If the team works as it should, "practices" will occur whenever a leader steps up and says, "see you guys here tomorrow, whoever can make it" --- even WITHOUT coaches.....hence my reference to the old sandlot days. The UIL will not regulate my son's weekend voluntary activities related to improving his game. No need to look deeper, it's not a conspiracy. Smile
Originally posted by JAFO:
A man said to his wife one day, "I don't know how you can be
so stupid and so beautiful all at the same time.
"The wife responded, "Allow me to explain.
God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me;
God made me stupid so I would be attracted to you!

How's that for conspiracy?

That explains alot to me! Wish I'd known that 14 years ago!
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
"...The UIL will not regulate my son's weekend voluntary activities related to improving his game. No need to look deeper, it's not a conspiracy. Smile

You are a little sensitive. No one is trying to regulate your son's voluntary weekend activities. I made no claims of conspiracy. I do contend that UIL rules are violated often and doubt if many school's are perfect. That's just the way it is.
Originally posted by JAFO:
A man said to his wife one day, "I don't know how you can be
so stupid and so beautiful all at the same time.
"The wife responded, "Allow me to explain.
God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me;
God made me stupid so I would be attracted to you!

How's that for conspiracy?

yOO-hOO Tbird Dad.....
Last edited by collikar
Originally posted by collikar:
Originally posted by JAFO:
A man said to his wife one day, "I don't know how you can be
so stupid and so beautiful all at the same time.
"The wife responded, "Allow me to explain.
God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me;
God made me stupid so I would be attracted to you!

How's that for conspiracy?

yOO-hOO Tbird Dad.....

How about the latest TV show, "*** on the Grassy Knoll"
Last edited by tychco

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