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Originally posted by beenthere:
Can FM hold the Coppell bats to less than 3 runs? That may be the key to the game.

Can we talk a little more baseball and a little less all this other stuff?

I agree with beenthere. Green will do well and his defense will stand behind him so the big question of the game is --- Can FM pitching hold the Coppell hitters down? I don't know much about the FM pitching. Who's good? and what's their record?
I have friends in Flower Mound and live in Coppell. We are going to have to live close to each other forever and very close over the next two plus years of sports.

I like the intensity of both sets of sports fan. I know most of us adults can leave personal attacks out of it especially when it comes to players.

Coppell fans generally demonstrate good sportsmanship.

A little bravado isn't bad to get a good baseball conversation started.

Just remember by saying the Coppell Coach doesn’t want a 3 game series because
He doesn’t have enough pitching is demeaning to their #2. And demeaning to Coach English.

High School coaches get paid to win or they don’t last long. Regardless of what they get paid it is how they make their living. They can’t be around the kids if they aren’t coaching so they have to coach to win. In this case we are talking about moving on to the next round.

This isn’t about who has the best team, it is about who will get to the next round. That said, after it is done if Coppell beats Flower Mound tomorrow night, Coppell will have the better team because both teams showed-up and played the game and Coppell will still be playing. The reverse is true also. Teams do play one game at a time.

Coach English has a STUD pitcher and it is because of CG that he is going with the one game playoff. Isn’t it one and done in Austin?
Good point swingdoc -- unless your stud is ambidextrous (can we use that term here)?

Meatsdad -- you make some good points. It's more of a philosphical question. In this case, we all understand why Coach English wants one game -- and most people agree that it is the best way for his team to advance this week. But, you have to admit, it is also a risk. In my opinion, the only situation that "demeans" (too strong a word perhaps) anyone's #2 or #3 is one that keeps them in the dugout for another week.

In a few days, we'll harp on another subject -- or the same one all over again. Smile
I agree. If anyone is concerned that Coppell doesn't have enough pitching for a 3 game series against FM its look like one would have to be Coach English. He is the one who chose to leave his #2 and #3 in the dugout.

I personally think that both teams have the talent to play with anybody in a 3 game series.
While this one will be one game only, I would expect whichever team that advances to give the next round's opponent a run for their money too, one game or three.

Me, I am a purist, give me the three games and playball. The talent runs deep on both sides.

I think some talent that is understated is brought out in game situations that we might not ever get to see unles they play more games in a playoff.

What unknown talent is waiting to be given confidence to excel?

As for our #2 & #3, Coach English has confidence in them but Cole Green is as close to a sure thing as you get.....but maybe that is what Irving thought last weekend before Blevins came-up lame for one night.
Originally posted by honest and unbiased:
...If anyone is concerned that Coppell doesn't have enough pitching for a 3 game series against FM its look like one would have to be Coach English. ...

It is not the case that Coach English doesn't believe in his pitching. It is stronger and deeper than last year when he went with 3 games series through 3 or 4 levels of play-off wins. I don't know why you all don't get it. Cole Green is just that good. Sure no one is perfect, but the odds are in favor of going with this guy. He is very consistent.
Originally posted by gunslinger:
All this talk about CG, is driving me crazy, Yes he's going to get the "W" on tuesday but i really think the difference maker in this one is gonna be Jonathan Kaskow greenjump

I agree with that and tried to make that point earlier in this thread. It is the Coppell bats that will decide this game. If FM can hold them to a run or two, they can. There are a couple of other power hitters in the line-up besides JK. If they are on, FM pitching must really hang in there.
Why drive, take the Train.......... Big Grin

I too am thinking of attending but not sure if I can get there soon enough to get a seat I am afraid it will be SRO............and these old legs of mine can't stand for 7 innings, not counting on 5 as was mentioned above.

If you make it up FD text me and if I am there I will buy you a coke and say Hey!

With all the hype it should be a gooooood game.
Originally posted by MeatsDad:
....I think that is like district play isn't if they were in the same division and they tied they would play a one game elimination Flower Mound did with Marcus

Good one Meat! cutelaugh

Your moniker makes me think of that Porky's movie from the early 80's.
The ALCS, i know the c stands for champion and the s for series...the AL stand for American League so that would be major leagues....and that might be equal to like Saturday in Austin where they play one game to see who gets to the final "ONE" game...then again, how many more rounds in the Texas High School Playoffs until they get to Austin...just a question?
Let's remember these are both good teams and either will be well suited to move on and play a couple of series between now and Austin. Which ever team wins faces a tough road to Austin.

But tonight, they play one game. Like it or not, let's cheer for a well played game decided by the boys on the field. I hope neither coaches or the unpire do more than their job and guide the game.
Just returned from the game, left at the rain delay, darn my kid has homework tonight!!!! Got to meet FD and Tbird-dad tonight......Sat w/Catchallmom and by H&U and only wished I had known what Train looked like as I would have made the effort to say howdy.

Great putting faces to names.....

Game was a bit shaky for Coppell first inning, FM came out and scored 3 runs in the bottom of the first. Didn't look like CG had control of his pitches early in the game...... But then CG got into a grove and the curve you have been talking about was working. FM's pitcher was keeping up with CG and then darn the lighting. It is a pitchers battle for sure but I think the FM bats seem to be a bit stronger tonight from my point of view.

Hope they get the game in and yes KD the umpires are just the same as always, inconsistant at best.............

Wish I could have stayed but if they postpone till tomorrow it I will be back. If I get a call from Catchallmom I will let you know the status......

GREAT MEETING YOU FD you are the gentleman in person as you are on the board. Tbird-dad tell you wife hello and I wish your son the best in your series against Sulfer Springs..........

H&U all I can say is your son is a STUD!
And to the other FM Dad that I have come to know your son is a "player for sure".. not gonna give you away.

Catchallmom: As always fun to be w/you!!!!!!! And maybe we will get on that Amazing Race yet!!
Last edited by oldbat-never

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