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Coach English did bring Green back.

FM had did not bring Neal back but that decision had already been made before the delay.
Millard was coming in anyway, he just had to re-warm-up. And warm-up he did, the lefty sweep and the break on the ball looked good from where I was sitting, right behind homeplate.

As for the Train, everyone is his own man and I think the moderators handled the situation well. If the above post is right it worked to FM advantage.
To say that CG had a bad inning is not correct IMO. FM came out ready to play and hit the ball the first inning plain and simple. Supposedly the guns had him at 92 and his slider and curvball looked pretty good to me.

The killer inning for Coppell was buttom of 5 after the delay. Coming back after a delay like that is tough on a pitcher. The errors, especially the first one and the one by the left fielder were a killers.

CG is a stud. We all know he will bounce back after this one. Kind of ironic that the game was decided by other factors with so much hype and pressure put on CG all week though.

CG is a stud
Neither team needed additional motivation here -- I would be surprised if Train and his antics had any impact at all. The kids barely looked up from myspace. Smile

Coppell has a ton of returning talent -- they will be a force next year. And they are sending at least one senior to a top-25 D1 program. Weather could affect several games this week/weekend. People will second-guess, but the game was tied when the lightning came --- a non-interrupted game may have yielded a similar result.

After all is said and done -- it is baseball -- a game we all love. And this battle was between two good teams. At least no one was hurt in these particular storms.
Weather was not a factor in this one. I agreed with the first delay and to error on the side of safety; however the second delay was somewhat suspect but agree that it should have probably been at least looked at. However the 3rd delay must have been part of the FM plan.

Now before you jump on me, think of my conspiracy theory. Coppell wins flip chooses 1 game. FM is not happy. They pray to the lightning gods and then slip a fin to the trainer holding the lightning detector. Change the 5 mile range to 35 miles and have the announcer make our ears bleed.

What do you think?

Anything to get CG off the bump. He was starting to cruise in the 3rd and 4th and FM seized the opportunity to call on the lightning gods and the one lightning detector in the District that needs recalibrated.

I say conspiracy! FM Pulls another one.

IMHO, you are mostly correct. FM came out aggressive and swung the bats well. Cole's inning wouldn't be bad for most pitchers but for Cole it wasn't vintage. He hit a batter on a 1-2 count, the curve ball that hurt didn't break ( it hung) any thing like it usually does and did for the next three innings.

Most people here and especially you are way ahead of me on these things, my boy is only a freshman. UH, you do this Forum proud and well. You are right about how FM (the boys / program) handles itself and how it came into the game.

Coppell needed to execute better both from the mound and in the field, at least two of the runs were “unearned”, the hit batter and (first) dropped fly ball. Lots of ifs and could ofs still only add up to a Coppell lose because the boys didn’t hit and field as well as they can.

A couple of times a year when I catch my son during bullpen work I go out to the mound and try to throw the ball over the plate. It is a humbling experience and reminds me of exactly how hard the game of baseball is and what my son is trying to do.

I will stop posting on this topic and just read the good stuff the rest of the day.
The winning run scored before Millard took the mound in the 6th. Neal's win. Millard's save.

The correct ruling on this is if Millard was told by the coach he was going to the mound after Neal came off the field, then Millard would get the win, even though he wasn't officially in the game until the start of the next inning when the coach officially told the umpire. Seen this many a time in the minor leagues.

Not sure if they do it the same in HS.
For the record... I do support the 3 game series format versus the 1 game option. I think the UIL ought to force that all 4A/5A series to be 3 games and change the state tournament to a double elimination format. A baseball game has too many bounces to let one game be a decider.

Checked my history books a bit. Coppell has had bad luck with the 1 game format. In the last 6-7 years they 2 dalliances with it. Both were bad. In 2000, Coppell had an outstanding team with a 30 win 2 loss record. There were several All-Staters and a couple of current professional players on the team. They had a series against Mesquite Poteet and the Mesquite coach won the flip and chose the 1 game series with his star pitcher (later a strong pitcher at TCU). His comment was "this team (Coppell) has only lost 2 games all year, why would I think they'll lose 2 this weekend." Worked perfectly as Mesquite won a 4-3 decision with several close calls an a lot Cowboys left stranded on base.
Meatsdad --- ACowboy --- others

This forum has great respect for the Coppell team. What occurred last night was simply a result of the inherent risk. The one-game versus three is a dead horse. We can let it RIP.

You and your fellow Cowboy fans have handled this situation gracefully, even those some may not have agreed with the philosophy. In either case, you supported your coach and your players. The rest of us have enjoyed the last few days --- after all, we keep coming back to get more!

Train is simply a fictional character. He pushed us over the edge of neutrality in this series. I personally think Flower Mound is funner to hate. Smile

Congrats H&U -- keep it rolling for D8. Who do you want to see days? applaude

Our school films each and every game we play and I know our pitchers, son included, go in the day after the game, unless it is a Sunday, and watch the games and evaluate what they did/how they did it and what they need to do the next outing. It has been extremely helpful and a great tool.

PD: Didn't take you long to sound so Grown-Up, wow the moderator position suits you well..... And yes, it has been fun these past few days or is it weeks leading up to this...

I think a lot of us, myself included, learned alot about what this board can do to hype a game and also how toes can be stepped on .....and through it all I found myself, crossing over the tracks to support the "other" team in our city and by doing so I met some new folks over there at FM,,,,, and who knows if that would have happened if all of this ribbing hadn't gone on??????

I will say it was a bumpy ride, a good game played by 2 talented teams and through it all I remain the Marcus Loyalist.........and gosh darn it I want our team to be playing waaaaaaaa. cry
Last edited by oldbat-never
OP -- that makes no logical sense -- hmmm, it might be a UIL thing -- hmmm. Smile

So, you're telling me that when I coach my team, my son can go 35-0 if I tell him before every inning that we are behind that he is entering the game --- and change my mind if we do not score? When we do go ahead, I can have him throw one pitch, then turn it over to my closer!

Good plan! coolgleam
I know it makes no sense, but I have seen it and things sometimes get touchy!! When the coach tells a pitcher he is in the game, from what I understand, then he is the pitcher of record. I could be 100% wrong, but I remember this same thing happening a few times in the past. I'd like to know the "official" ruling. Someone out there may be able to clear it up for us.
Welcome Sports fans and FM faithful. I am ready to take a beating this week so bring it on. Mad FM played very well last night and we made some mistakes but that’s baseball. FM fans came ready to play having the band there was a nice touch. Did you like our RV parked behind your dugout? Also, don’t run out of food again that was weak.

Who decided to flood our dugout? I know the water was left on accident right? (Classless move) bighair

I knew we were in trouble when FM made an UNBELIEVEABLE and LUCKY as heck catch in CF robbing us of an RBI by JK.

IMO…I did not think Cole was warmed up enough before taking the mound in the first. The first inning was HUGE by FM. The two out hit (milard or popescue) killed us. Thank god you helped us by trying to bunt.

After the delay we made a coaching mistake and I am sure DE would agree today. Cole should never have been left in. He just did not have it after the delay and FM jumped on him again. Throwing the ball 92 is just a part of his game but the breaking ball was not too sharp after the delay. Our defense killed us in the 5th but that is HS baseball. The other part that hurt us was winning the conference. Having so much time off with the bye week was not good…I am glad that is changing.

Now for my personal comments:

UPNIN: Are you a kid? If FM needs “bulletin board” material at this time of the year then your done next round. No way you will win next round… it becomes a coaching issue. toilet

KD: if I did not know you I would have taken offense to your picture post. Did you collect 9/11 photos too? I know it was good hearted fun with you.

OBN: Don’t get me started darling. Cool

We have a lot to be thankful applaude for this year and we will celebrate it at our banquet next weekend. We are a young team and getting better. I will predict another conference championship next year and better things to come.

Congrats to FM for moving on and H&U I will see you and the rest of our crew ready to play ball and win another championship this summer! We should be ready to go with Blake and Cole done with HS playoffs.

I just became SL/Allens #1 fan. I know some players there too. FM you have not heard the end of this TRAIN. Having 10 days off will kill you. UPNIN….should I post Bulletin Board material!!! angry
This stuff is in rule 10 of the rulebook.

I found the below and haven't figured it out yet. It pertains to 9 innning game so I think the 5 inning rule for starters is only 4 innings. As you can see there is some room for subjectivity.
(a) Credit the starting pitcher with a game won only if he has pitched at least five complete innings and his team not only is in the lead when he is replaced but remains in the lead the remainder of the game. (b) The "must pitch five complete innings" rule in respect to the starting pitcher shall be in effect for all games of six or more innings. In a five inning game, credit the starting pitcher with a game won if he has pitched at least four complete innings and his team not only is in the lead when he is replaced but remains in the lead the remainder of the game. (c) When the starting pitcher cannot be credited with the victory because of the provisions of 10.19 (a) or (b) and more than one relief pitcher is used, the victory shall be awarded on the following basis: (1) When, during the tenure of the starting pitcher, the winning team assumes the lead and maintains it to the finish of the game, credit the victory to the relief pitcher judged by the scorer to have been the most effective; (2) Whenever the score is tied the game becomes a new contest insofar as the winning and losing pitcher is concerned; (3) Once the opposing team assumes the lead all pitchers who have pitched up to that point are excluded from being credited with the victory except that if the pitcher against whose pitching the opposing team gained the lead continues to pitch until his team regains the lead, which it holds to the finish of the game, that pitcher shall be the winning pitcher;
(4) The winning relief pitcher shall be the one who is the pitcher of record when his team assumes the lead and maintains it to the finish of the game. EXCEPTION: Do not credit a victory to a relief pitcher who is ineffective in a brief appearance, when a succeeding relief pitcher pitches effectively in helping his team maintain the lead. In such cases, credit the succeeding relief pitcher with the victory. (d) When a pitcher is removed for a substitute batter or substitute runner, all runs scored by his team during the inning in which he is removed shall be credited to his benefit in determining the pitcher of record when his team assumes the lead. (e) Regardless of how many innings the first pitcher has pitched, he shall be charged with the loss of the game if he is replaced when his team is behind in the score, or falls behind because of runs charged to him after he is replaced, and his team thereafter fails either to tie the score or gain the lead.
Originally posted by ACowboy:
On the post game show on the radio I heard a FM player said he watched films every morning. Sounds like a great idea. What are they watching, videos of themselves and professionals hitting or vidoes of prior games? I never heard of H.S. baseball coaches studying film like football coaches do.

The FM players study the films of their AB's. I can tell you this though, they did put in a lot of prep for this game and saw a lot of breaking pitches at short diatances. This coaching staff prepared this team for this game as well as I have seen by any coaching staff at FM. Hats off to the staff. hi

As for the "conspiracy" theory....The game officials determined when play was to I think Domino's was late with their delivery! Smile
Last edited by texlobo60
Originally posted by Train:

IMO…I did not think Cole was warmed up enough before taking the mound in the first. The first inning was HUGE by FM.
After the delay we made a coaching mistake and I am sure DE would agree today. Cole should never have been left in. He just did not have it after the delay and FM jumped on him again.
Now for my personal comments:

UPNIN: ...... No way you will win next round… it becomes a coaching issue. toilet


Seems to me, based on your comments above, that Coppell's loss was a coaching issue!

Games are usually won with pitching, defense and execution. While I was not at the game, it seems that the FM TEAM was successful with all of the above; Coppell was outplayed. Why can't you just congratulate FM (not the backhanded "congrats to FM for moving on") for being the better team last night instead of using terms like "lucky" and making excuses or placing blame?

Congratulations to the FM Jaguar team! Good luck in the next round.
Last edited by Dad0406
What a great atmosphere last night! Great fans on both sides and two very good teams battling it out. Last night is what Texas High School Baseball is all about! Great to finally put names and faces with screen names!!!

Now, my two cents worth as a coach. I preach everyday how baseball is a game of you deal with it and how you come out the next day is how you are judged. Most coaches (I do anyway) preach to their kids that the great thing about baseball is that we can redeem ourselves tomorrow, or the next game. This is the danger of the 1 game playoff, one bad pitch, or one bad inning, or 1 bad at bat with runners in scoring position, or one bad coaching decision, can end a season. I understand why coaches choose to flip for 1 game. But, as the president of the "coaches that second guess themselves for weeks at a time" club, you have to play 2 out of 3 so you have a "safety net" against those types of things I listed above. I bet that teams that lose 1 game playoffs wish they had another chance! My motto...if you are going to end my season, then beat me twice!!!

As for CG staying in the game after the delay...if Coppell wanted the one game playoff so they can ride their horse, then surely you can not be surprised when they got back up on that same horse after the delay.

I agree with Train, errors are definitely a part of HS baseball. Remember, they are 15, 16, 17, 18 year old kids and it is amazing how they remind of us of that at times.

I also don't believe that Train's comments on here served as added motivation for Flower Mounds players...parents yes!!!...players no. I know if I were facing CG, I'd better be focused on him and what he is trying to do to get me out instead of "some parent's" comments on some message board.

As for "coaching mistakes," show me a coach that does not make them, and I'll show you a person that is sitting in the bleachers behind home plate! I have made plenty in my 10 years as a head coach. I suspect that I will make a few more the longer I do what I do.

That my baseball...the greatest game there is. I think it is great we can get on here and share our opinions and talk about HS baseball. Sure, we will disagree with each other from time to time, and may even get "upset" with each other. But, I hope we can all agree that the young men that put on the uniforms and play the game, is what is should be all about on here and we make sure that we keep that in mind.
Before the Moderhater closes the thread, I thought we could all take a stroll down memory lane.

Train's posts on this thread:

Thanks for that GREAT NEWS Texlobo60...One Game...

I know anything can happen BUT FM's summer starts on Wednesday.

Who's Next?

Cowboy..... please bring your calculator to this game to keep up with our runs scored and FM K's that night. Both numbers will be HIGH.

Our bunt defense is ready.

If you consider him strong then we most likely will see a 5 inning game. Too bad I wish FM could play 7 so we can get more AB's.

NOW, NOW, NOW H&U don't get personal.

Are you feeling the pressure over at FM yet? Feeling the summer coming soon? At least you can come watch us the following week.

Regarding the strong hitters...we know about Phar,Murph,Popescue,and Milard. Your website is so helpful. Do the rest just bunt?

How is bunting practice coming along?
I am sure many will be happy to hear that the TRAIN will be out of gas until after our victory on Tuesday. I guess I have been adding fuel to the fire according our assistant c

Oh, such good memories.
UPNIN: Are you a kid? If FM needs “bulletin board” material at this time of the year then your done next round. No way you will win next round… it becomes a coaching issue.

Again you fail to see the errs of your ways! I will skirt around your question of age as you skirted several direct questions posted by various board or in you case "bored with you" members. I seriously doubt that the FM players needed the bulletin board material but it did not hurt. The CHS coach and YOU under estimated the FM team. FM by my count had already played 3 elimination games in a week, Plano, Marcus and Duncanville. I am only guessing that the pressure of a one game format was nothing new to FM but your team had to sit and wait and pack everything into the ONE game! Brilliant move! I have it from good authority that FM offered to play 3 games at CHS. Hmmmm. Out of respect for other posters from Coppell which have dignified themselves with a level of class which you will never ascend to I will refrain from becoming too belligerent as you are such an easy target.

I pity you but at least you had enough dignity to come forward. My only question for you is, How do you like your crow!

UinN - OUT!
Last edited by UpnIn
There is a benefit to a team having to "struggle" or "fight" their way up the ladder. Flower Mound has faced elimination several times already this year and the kids have probably learned a lot about themselves. They had already faced the pressure cooker and have built confidence in themselves. The Flower Mound/Lewisville/Allen district is also very tough.

On the other side of the coin, it is definitely not always a benefit to be "well rested." Sometimes rested results in "rusty."

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