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Having just moved my daughter back to college past weekend, I am assuming some of you have started to move yours there as well.  For you freshmen parents and players, these are perhaps the most exciting of all times during your son's tenure in college.  The anticipation of competing at the college level is about to turn into reality this fall season.  If you are a pitcher's parent, you won't believe the joy when your son calls and tells you he struck some well-known upper-classman out or shut the side down and/or got a compliment from the coaches.  If your son is a hitter, you'll be on cloud nine when he calls and tells you he got his first "college" base hit.


It's emotional when you leave them by themselves at campus, but those feelings of loss will soon be replaced by feelings of anticipation and excitement as your young man enters this new exciting journey in life.


Please post here often on your experiences throughout this fall season.  For parents of seniors, you just might cherish this fall most of all!  You certainly won't believe how fast the time has gone by.   

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My son is a freshman, we moved him in last Thursday.  Thursday was his younger sisters( 16 and 10 years old) first day of school also, so he wouldn't see them in the morning.  They said their goodbyes the night before.  All three were crying and hugging each other, I couldn't help but break down myself.  It was one of those moments in your parenting history that you realize you are doing a good job as a father.  At his JUCO, they have 4 bedroom apartments for the players, and we got him all moved in and food bought.  One of his roommates loves to cook, so he took over that job.  They call him 'Mom"  Funny to see pictures on instagram of my son vacuuming.  It might be the first time I have seen that before.


First practice was the next day, on Friday.  He said they run.  A lot.  And tons of sprints, so he was glad he showed up in shape.    The first game is Saturday of Labor Day weekend, so I am interested to see how that goes.  First pen get thrown today.


Last Friday night, after practice, the team twitter account tweeted that 10 guys were in the hull working out, not bad for a Friday night.  I texted him and asked if he was one of them.  So, at least he has learned to give extra.

My son is on Campus for his Junior year. Coached has already talked to hom and warned him he would not get much time pitching this fall. Coach feels he has pitched enough innings this year, and he wants to give some other kids a look. He feels he knows what son can do and already knows how he fits in the rotation. So son's fall will be some bull pens and some intrasquad innings to see how the new kids can hit college pitching.

I am the parent of one of those seniors. CD is absolutely right, these years have just flown by. My son is leaving to go back to school this weekend, living in a house just off campus with 5 other baseball players and having the time of his life. He is now one of the team leaders and his coach is expecting him to live up to that role.


Baseball has played an important role in his growth from a boy into a man. I am going to take in as much as possible over the next year, because this time next year my son will likely be turning a new page in his life.  

So far each level has been the same, but different. Freshman season was again about learning and earning time, but the ending was very different. Instead of excited anticipation of the next level, the seniors' parents were crushed with the realization that their last game had been played. It's amazing how their children can bring tears to the eyes of the biggest, toughest men.

Good Luck to all parents and players this upcoming 2013-2014 season. Pretty fortunate to have son here this summer after his freshman year. Was able to see him play in a local collegiate summer league, able play catch with him again and throw some BP ( Greatest Dad feeling !), saw him gain some externship experience and lastly able to watch him improve on his strength, speed and conditioning this summer.


Based on all previous posts here and correct me if I am wrong, but a player will need to be in the best shape possible coming into the fall season. Of course, nothing is a given but a good to great fall would only help  a player's chances in the spring.


Son will be flying out early next week by himself and as CD said, We had a blast accompanying him last year as a freshman. We are looking forward to family weekend and see how the team looks in scrimmage. 


One thing we have learned through the years is to spend as much quality bonding time as possible whenever we have chance as this would help solidify memories that son would lean back on when he is thousands of miles away.


Again, Best of luck and health to all this upcoming season. 

My son is back for his senior year at Delta State and he did a grueling workout regimen this summer. He not only did the workouts the coach sent  but five to six days a week he did crossfit training at the health center he was working at eventually taking over running one of the classes. He is in incredible shape and today at Delta they were doing max lifts and he got 380# on the bench and 24 reps of 225# He did 510 on squats going deep and 315 for 15 full squats. All of this at 5'9" and 176 lbs. There is no doubt in my mind that if baseball ends after this year, he is going to try professional crossfit training.


I am extremely proud of what he has accomplished at college as he made second team Academic All American in baseball this last year and will graduate with his Masters Degree in May.

My son a freshman pitcher moved in Tuesday.  Called Wednesday night after first day of practice and said it was awful tuff but held his own.  Today was more of the same except the assistant coach who works with the pitchers used the "F" word a lot.  Said he didn't know anyone could use that word so many times.  He is loving it however.  Already met a couple of volleyball girls and softball girls.  College is good but then classes have not started.

My son went back to college (JUCO) a week ago for his sophomore year.  The college hired a new head coach.  This coach is young (late 20's) and actually leads the team in workouts.  Son said he is working them hard.  Will be interesting to see how the fall and spring seasons play out.  Last year my son earned the starting DH position and did well - .303 avg, 2 HR's, 7 doubles, 12 RBI's and 17 runs scored.  He did play his position (1B) a few games, but was basically the DH for most of the spring.  We didn't expect much since he only had 13 AB's (had 7 hits) and 20 or so innings played last fall. 


His first week was just baseball since classes started yesterday.


Hope everyone has a safe and successful year.

Originally Posted by MidAtlanticDad:

I'm having trouble finding fall college baseball schedules around the Mid-Atlantic.  I guess most schools don’t publish them?

NCAA restricts member institutions to, I believe 2 games in the fall, so I don't think most NCAA schools will post a schedule.  Looking around, I see a lot of schedules posted for JUCOs though.  Not sure about NAIA.

Adopted sons;

From our Goodwill Series events, I have acquired several young baseball players as adopted sons, who have this past week entered college as a Freshman and their parents have related of their adventures.


It is like an end of an era.


Erik is at LMU; Kenny is at Cal State Northridge; Justin at Santa Barbara CC; George at Santa Rosa JC; Jake at Delta CC. The parents will remain "long time" friends.


Baseball teaches life!



Originally Posted by bballman:
Originally Posted by MidAtlanticDad:

I'm having trouble finding fall college baseball schedules around the Mid-Atlantic.  I guess most schools don’t publish them?

NCAA restricts member institutions to, I believe 2 games in the fall, so I don't think most NCAA schools will post a schedule.  Looking around, I see a lot of schedules posted for JUCOs though.  Not sure about NAIA.


The JUCO my son is at has not posted or informed the players of a fall schedule yet.  New coach this year so we're not sure when he'll have a fall schedule posted.  Last year they scheduled 20 games in the fall and managed to play 17 of them.  Three cancelled due to weather.  From what I remember JUCO's are limited to 20 games in the fall.

Out here in the desert we start a little later given afternoon temperatures are still in triple digits. First week of class is in the books. Skill hours start on Tuesday, with full practices\ scrimmages starting in early October. It is doubtful they will play any 'games' other than intersquad scrimmages, but you never know.


Son was told no bullpens for first 2-3 weeks given heavy innings last spring and summer and instead to focus on getting ready for a heavy load in the spring. That gave him some peace of mind, but Organic Chemistry, Intro to Mechanics, Vector Calculus and Computer Programming for Engineers will keep him worried through the fall.

Originally Posted by JMoff:

Out here in the desert we start a little later given afternoon temperatures are still in triple digits. First week of class is in the books. Skill hours start on Tuesday, with full practices\ scrimmages starting in early October. It is doubtful they will play any 'games' other than intersquad scrimmages, but you never know.


Son was told no bullpens for first 2-3 weeks given heavy innings last spring and summer and instead to focus on getting ready for a heavy load in the spring. That gave him some peace of mind, but Organic Chemistry, Intro to Mechanics, Vector Calculus and Computer Programming for Engineers will keep him worried through the fall.

Sounds like my sons schedule:

Physical Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry

Multivariable Calculus 

And then a sociology course


Coach already said he wont pitch much in the fall. 

Originally Posted by BaseballmomandCEP:

I am jones-ing for baseball. Don't know anything about fall games but I think they are all inter squad. (D1)


But in today's mail, (I just got way too excited about this) there was an invitation to the fall alumni game and parent barbeque!!!


Woot Woo, a baseball game to go to, I can't wait!!





I remember sneaking into to watch some of the early fall scrimmages during my son's freshman year. Of coarse, I didn't want my son to see me there, so I sat wayyyyy out in the bleachers, high up in the stands. 


But, it can be done....

Originally Posted by SultanofSwat:

Son texts last week: "Great bullpen. They said good speed and movement"

Dad thought bubble: "Son will start. On weekends. MVP. Drafted, No, first round, Cy Young..."


Son texts yesterday: "Arm sore after bullpen"

Dad thought bubble: "Injury. Baseball over. What degree was he after?"



As parents, we do tend to over react a bit, don't we...

Originally Posted by BK35:

Bishop, do many parents go to the intrasquad scrimmages where your son is?

My son is new to D3 and also starts this weekend


Yes Most if not all the local parents show up for the weekend intrasquad's. We even get a few that fly in from a pretty good distance away. For the parents that have been around the program, it is a social event. For Freshmen parents it is a chance to see their kids compete against other college players for the first time and meet other families. You get to meet friends that you have not seen for most of the summer. You also get a chance to see the new class and meet freshmen parents.


I would not show up during the week when they are having try-outs, and running drills, because that would just annoy my son, but other parents do.


The final two week end of Fall ball for his school is Black and Red series. The assistant coaches draft teams and compete for bragging rights. And then they end up with the Alumni game and a family meal. As I stated earlier my son wont pitch much in the Fall, but I am looking forward to seeing the new pitchers and catchers.


Check with your son, he probably can find out from team mates if parents are welcome. I would not miss it for the world. Any chance to see him play, I am going to take advantage of.


Originally Posted by K Complex:

Sons D3 career is over now so I can attest to how quick it went!  Have fun with it- enjoy the ups and downs along the way....  Gonna miss the Fall ball... but son is now an assistant  coach for a HS team !  So I guess still going to games!

Great to hear that K Complex. When my son is done I plan to watch some of the local wood bat teams in the area that I have not seen play, but always wanted to. I will find my fix somewhere, but not looking forward to it.

My son a freshman pitcher for a D1 Juco learned a hard lesson this morning.  He had made the travel squad and was scheduled to pitch in a minor league park today.  70 scouts are to be in attendance.  However he was late for team breakfast.  Coach told him to stay at school.  He ask if anything he could do and was told he was making an example of him.  He is sick but better now in fall scrimmage games than in the Spring. College is nothing like High School.  Now he knows for sure.

I  just jumped back in here, laughing a little at the Sultan of Swat posts. 


(and feeling your pain #32 dad....our kids have to take their lumps and learn lessons. ow. better now than in the spring.).


My son (also a freshman pitcher)  was supposed to have two innings in inter squad yesterday but was postponed for weather; will throw today. I am hiding my OWN car keys right now to keep me home; I'll wait to see how he feels / what he says about today's outing  B4 heading up there. (And yes I will probably hide in the bushes when I do go!)



And BTW, this is maybe more appropriate for another thread, but he is quickly realizing how hard it is to juggle a science major and D1 athletics!

Originally Posted by BK35:

Bishop, do many parents go to the intrasquad scrimmages where your son is?

My son is new to D3 and also starts this weekend

My son is enrolled at a local D3 university so there is plenty opportunity to go watch. The first practice we went to the head coach came up in the stands to tell us he was happy our son decided to play this year. Our son was recovering from a broken foot last Fall and decided in November not to play ball in the Spring (UGH !) so he could concentrate on academics.We had a lot of discussions but in the end it worked out well for my son. He was on the deans list 4.0 both semesters. Last night my husband dropped by practice to see him hit three over the hitting the score board. We try not to go to too many practices but it sure feels good when we see a good one.

Originally Posted by Runningaway:
Originally Posted by BK35:

Bishop, do many parents go to the intrasquad scrimmages where your son is?

My son is new to D3 and also starts this weekend

My son is enrolled at a local D3 university so there is plenty opportunity to go watch. The first practice we went to the head coach came up in the stands to tell us he was happy our son decided to play this year. Our son was recovering from a broken foot last Fall and decided in November not to play ball in the Spring (UGH !) so he could concentrate on academics.We had a lot of discussions but in the end it worked out well for my son. He was on the deans list 4.0 both semesters. Last night my husband dropped by practice to see him hit three over the hitting the score board. We try not to go to too many practices but it sure feels good when we see a good one.

Runningaway you have a dialog. (PM)

There are many ups and downs during the fall. Tonight there is a picture of my son on the web site with the story about all the summer league all stars, which is good. Tomorrow, there will be something that happens that will convince him he'll be cut. As the parent, I try and modulate the ups and downs via the random text message response.


Bottom line, in my day we called our mother once a week and were interrogated into confessing every detail of what we were up to. Now they answer the odd text message with some nebulous reply and we deal with them one at a time.


My wife has started to randomly "face time" him to provide the mother influence. Unfortunately, her conversations revolve around grades, living conditions and money. Nothing that I care about.

Last edited by JMoff

Son sent a text that he made the travel team for this weekend.  Out of 35-40 on the roster only 25 go to away games - basically what the bus will hold (25 players + 3 coaches).  PHCC (D2 JUCO) is traveling to Rockingham.


PHCC is playing Eastern Mennonite University (Harrisonburg) on Oct 5.  We're planning on traveling to see him for that one.  It's only 3 hours away vs 4.5 to a "home" game.

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