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Well it finally happened our Delta State team took a good old whippin today for our first loss after eleven wins to open the season. We played poorly in every facet of the game so I hope the guys recover in time for this weekends series against #7 West Florida. I think the guys will bounce back as everyone knows you won't go undefeated and this is a big series coming up. We'll have to see!

Three Bagger - tough day!   But as the saying goes, "That's baseball!"


PHCC split last Sunday against Wake Tech CC in Cary, NC (Saturday's games were rained out).  They won the 1st game, 6-5, but lost the 2nd game 9-1.  Wheels must have come off.  Son DH'd in both games.  Went 2-7 for the day getting a hit in both games. PHCC is 6-3 to date.


They host Brunswick CC this coming weekend, Bluefield College on the 6th before going back on the road to Danville. (Well, it's not far down the road....hehehe)

Originally Posted by bsbl247:
Originally Posted by JMoff:

My boy (freshman LHP) gets his first start tomorrow night. Only thrown two innings so far, bullpen getting shredded tonight, dad's bowls are loosening. He's been brought along as a reliever so extended innings will be a challenge.


At least I get the day off work. Go Wildcats...

Hey JMoff,

Congratulations to your son.  I caught some of the game on the internet, and I see that he picked up the W this afternoon...not bad for his first start.

Thanks, it wasn't bad... I was very happy. He was happy, but not satisfied, which is good. Took him out to dinner afterwards, so I could get the "game behind the game" stuff. It was good to simply spend some time with him and share the moment.



Sometimes life has a funny way of teaching us life lessons. His hard work and tenacity will pay off in the end. The was a player on my son's team who fought injuries during his first 2 seasons, and came on to be a huge contributor in his last 2 seasons. Being a good student, teammate and working hard at his rehab are the best that he can do at this point. 




Hopefully one of many... Being there to see it is the best!

Originally Posted by bsbl247:

Thanks FAN & Birdman...I appreciate it.


JMoff...enjoy it.  BTW, my son played against the Wildcat 3rd baseman in HS.  He's had a great start to 2013.

Yes he has...


One thing I've noticed after just a few weekends of college ball. The parents are all very nice, humble people who don't self promote their kids, seem genuinely happy when somebody else's kid does well, don't seem to gripe about playing time and basically just enjoy the experience. I sat next to the mom of the gentleman you site during one game and she (and his grandparents) were so very nice, it was great.


I've met the Friday, Saturday and Sunday starters parents and they are all just great people. I've known the Saturday parents since HS (if you look at the roster, you'll understand the connection) and their son has been VERY supportive of my son. The parents gave us a complete "how to" on college baseball from the "you really need to enjoy this" perspective.


My son is a freshman, he might not have played this season, he might not play again this season, but I'm going to enjoy this season no mater how it evolves.


Kind of makes you think if good parents aren't part of the equation for "making it".

JMoff huge congrats to your son on his first collegiate start and win!


bsbl247 - you are a gracious person.  I don't really care for the expression too much, but I can feel your pain and frustration.  You and your son are handling it in the most positive manner possible and that is indeed admirable.  Keep the faith!


Some good news to report...


One of my favorites here is fenwaysouth.  Always positive and encouraging others.  Must have been killing him to wait until March 1st to get the season underway but it did finally - in a BIG way.  His son opened for Cornell last night and pitched a solid pitched 6+ innings for his and the team's first game/win of the year.  The young man just might have to delay that IVY-League Engineering training for a few years while his baseball career continues to progress to the next level.  I am pretty sure fenway will find it in his heart to bless that path when it occurs  

Thanks CD.  I really appreciate your thoughts. 


After we celebrated the first team win of the year (Friday), our family went out for a fantastic steak dinner.  A steak dinner after my son pitches has become our family ritual.  My son had to call it a night at 9pm Friday as he had to get back to his hotel room to study for 2 exams on Monday.  He was up late Friday night.   He studied yesterday Sat AM before the bus left for the field, and he'll study more on the bus ride back to upstate NY on Sunday.  This is the life a of college athlete, and my hat goes off to all the college student athletes across the country that can do this.


It was an interesting weekend with new lineups and such. My wife and I play "lineup bingo" in trying to guess the head coaches lineup for the first games....the loser has to drive.  I won this weekend with bragging rights until next weekend.  I'm not the smartest guy in the world, and I've come to the realization that all the seniors that graduated last year are not coming back.  it is a brand new season with all new teams & players out there.  It really messes with my head when I see a familiar number and the person I think is in it....isn't.  Our conference held its own this weekend as the first weekend of the season.  While the first week of the season doesn't speak volumes about a program it does give you an idea or clues as to f what is going on with familiar conference programs. I'm watching everything very closely, as I'm sure most baseball parents do.


My other realization is that I'm going to have to sell my 30mpg car for a Prius or some 50 mpg hybrid for the rest of the season.  With gas prices sitting at $3.65, I'm not sure I can go to as many games as I want.  I'm looking at all options. 

Originally Posted by fenwaysouth:

It was an interesting weekend with new lineups and such. My wife and I play "lineup bingo" in trying to guess the head coaches lineup for the first games....the loser has to drive.  I won this weekend with bragging rights until next weekend.  I'm not the smartest guy in the world, and I've come to the realization that all the seniors that graduated last year are not coming back.  it is a brand new season with all new teams & players out there.  It really messes with my head when I see a familiar number and the person I think is in it....isn't.  Our conference held its own this weekend as the first weekend of the season.  While the first week of the season doesn't speak volumes about a program it does give you an idea or clues as to f what is going on with familiar conference programs. I'm watching everything very closely, as I'm sure most baseball parents do.


My other realization is that I'm going to have to sell my 30mpg car for a Prius or some 50 mpg hybrid for the rest of the season.  With gas prices sitting at $3.65, I'm not sure I can go to as many games as I want.  I'm looking at all options. 

It does get expensive traveling to the games. Luckily, I've got 111 miles driveway to ballpark, most of it with a 75mph speed limit. Usually an hour forty five one way.


I've been debating the value of staying overnight versus the 10-11 gallons of gas round trip. We decided the nice dinner on Saturday night with son and staying over was better than trying to go home on Saturday night and drive back on Sunday morning.


We also started what I hope will be a new tradition, having my son invite some of his out of state friends to our family dinner so they can share some of their stories.


And I think I understand the lineup now based on LHP/RHP starter and performance. It took a couple of weeks though...

Consider yourself fortunate.  It's a 260 mile drive (4.5 hours) one way to go see our son play. Fuel here is not quite as high ($3.55/gallon), but so far a trip to see him is about $80 in fuel costs.  That's with our Journey - it would be $100+ if we use my truck.   We don't go every weekend, but have made it a point to go once a month.  We stay overnight at his apartment when we do go.   Usually they have a doubleheader on Saturday with a single game on Sunday.


He does have at one "away" game that will be only 90 minutes away.  So long as he makes the travel squad, we definitely plan on attending that one.

Originally Posted by bsbl247:


You're fortunate...prices in Southern California are ranging in the $4.25 to $4.41 for regular unleaded gasoline.  I need to trade in my Suburban and buy a Moped.




Ouch that is just painful & expensive!  God Bless Al Gore for inventing the Internet so we can watch our kids play on our computers when we have to.  For the last three years it has been much better logisitically & economically for us to go to away games than home games.  Once the season starts the home games are an 8 hour drive one way for us.  Last year, we missed one home series, and made all the away games. 


I hope your son gets better soon, rehabs, and finds the field when he is ready. Good luck to the Anteaters this season.   They're off to a strong start.



Congratulations to your son. I heard through the grapevines that he has a chance to crack the rotation. Saw him in the live stream and he is very poised. Of course, I have seen him before during our scout team games but I am glad he has settled in. Good Luck rest of the season.


We haven't played our first game yet due to snow in the Midwest but looking forward to their first games in Winter Haven, FL



Originally Posted by Ryanrod23:



Congratulations to your son. I heard through the grapevines that he has a chance to crack the rotation. Saw him in the live stream and he is very poised. Of course, I have seen him before during our scout team games but I am glad he has settled in. Good Luck rest of the season.


We haven't played our first game yet due to snow in the Midwest but looking forward to their first games in Winter Haven, FL



Thanks RyanRod, I'll be watching for scores and recaps of your games as well.

Originally Posted by bsbl247:

My son has transitioned into a pretty good Radar/Pitching Chart teammate. He is 7 months removed from Tommy John Surgery and continues to rehab everyday. I know that this has been a challenge and there's no doubt in my mind that he's going to come back stronger, not only from a physical standpoint, but mentally too.


The squad has started off the 2013 season at 7-1 and ranked in the top 25 nationally.  They're playing extremely well, and their a fun team to watch. I've been to the majority of home games, and I follow the gametracker when I can't make it to the ballpark.  I'm not gonna lie, I miss watching my kid play ball...injuries are part of the game.  Unfortunately, my son has endured injuries the past two seasons, and I'm just hoping that the "Injury Bug" is finished with him for awhile once he's healed.


In the meantime, I will continue to be out at the ballpark supporting the team and the radar/pitching chart kid in the stands...I love this game.

bsbl247.. I wish your son continued improvement and eventual return to the diamond.


jmoff..Thanks ...

I can't participate in the conversation about traveling a distance to my son's home games. I am very fortunate as it is a 12 mile trip for me. This can sometimes take up to 1 hour because I have to go over the George Washington Bridge and travel on the Cross Bronx Expressway, but usually I am there in 20 minutes. 


Because my son's team plays on turf and the bad weather has cancelled a major trip, we have played in the coldest weather I have ever experienced. This weekend finished up in the high 20's with a 30 mph wind blowing straight in from LF. My old bones can't take much more of this.


More cold today for a mid-week game...

Originally Posted by birdman14:

I can't participate in the conversation about traveling a distance to my son's home games. I am very fortunate as it is a 12 mile trip for me. This can sometimes take up to 1 hour because I have to go over the George Washington Bridge and travel on the Cross Bronx Expressway, but usually I am there in 20 minutes. 


Because my son's team plays on turf and the bad weather has cancelled a major trip, we have played in the coldest weather I have ever experienced. This weekend finished up in the high 20's with a 30 mph wind blowing straight in from LF. My old bones can't take much more of this.


More cold today for a mid-week game...

birdman14 - it's nice to see your son bounce back nicely from injury.  All the best to the young man.  Hopefully he can keep the "old man" warm inside with a few hits today 

Ryanrod: Thanks buddy.  Your son has got to be itching to get back on the field and play?  I know the adjustment to an Iowa Winter is much different than Arizona.  Best of luck to him.


Birdman: There's no need to worry about traveling, however, it sounds like you still have to deal with traffic and our nation's gas crisis.  You're fortunate that your son is that close, and as CD said...I'm glad that TS is healthy!

Originally Posted by birdman14:

I can't participate in the conversation about traveling a distance to my son's home games. I am very fortunate as it is a 12 mile trip for me. This can sometimes take up to 1 hour because I have to go over the George Washington Bridge and travel on the Cross Bronx Expressway, but usually I am there in 20 minutes. 


Because my son's team plays on turf and the bad weather has cancelled a major trip, we have played in the coldest weather I have ever experienced. This weekend finished up in the high 20's with a 30 mph wind blowing straight in from LF. My old bones can't take much more of this.


More cold today for a mid-week game...

Birdman I am SURE you know this, so don't laugh at this CT gal trying to give you a tip about getting over the GWB.   But I have done this so many times, most recently yesterday coming back up from DC, when the GWB had 90 minute delays at mid day. I had ZERO minute delay.  


If you are coming northbound via the NJT , stay to the right, follow signs for lower level and stay on local not express, and at Leonia zip over to the side road (looks like you are exiting in Leonia but you are not).  I was zipping along at 70 laughing at the folks sitting dead stopped on the express approach lanes.


Then take the Lower Level of the GWB and those toll lanes are usually much faster. (Of course listen to CBS for tips on that). Then, off the bridge, regardless of where I am headed outside of Manhattan, I always take the Henry Hudson Parkway, which is so pretty, and NEVER ever ever the Cross Bronx, which is just plain nasty.  


I'm betting this gets you to Fordham in the same time (or much less?)  with so much less stress.


Originally Posted by BaseballmomandCEP:
Originally Posted by birdman14:

I can't participate in the conversation about traveling a distance to my son's home games. I am very fortunate as it is a 12 mile trip for me. This can sometimes take up to 1 hour because I have to go over the George Washington Bridge and travel on the Cross Bronx Expressway, but usually I am there in 20 minutes. 


Because my son's team plays on turf and the bad weather has cancelled a major trip, we have played in the coldest weather I have ever experienced. This weekend finished up in the high 20's with a 30 mph wind blowing straight in from LF. My old bones can't take much more of this.


More cold today for a mid-week game...

Birdman I am SURE you know this, so don't laugh at this CT gal trying to give you a tip about getting over the GWB.   But I have done this so many times, most recently yesterday coming back up from DC, when the GWB had 90 minute delays at mid day. I had ZERO minute delay.  


If you are coming northbound via the NJT , stay to the right, follow signs for lower level and stay on local not express, and at Leonia zip over to the side road (looks like you are exiting in Leonia but you are not).  I was zipping along at 70 laughing at the folks sitting dead stopped on the express approach lanes.


Then take the Lower Level of the GWB and those toll lanes are usually much faster. (Of course listen to CBS for tips on that). Then, off the bridge, regardless of where I am headed outside of Manhattan, I always take the Henry Hudson Parkway, which is so pretty, and NEVER ever ever the Cross Bronx, which is just plain nasty.  


I'm betting this gets you to Fordham in the same time (or much less?)  with so much less stress.


Haha, that one works most of the time. Better is exit the NJT at Rt. 46E right after both sections come back together. It only goes to the lower level, which is restricted to cars. Just be aware that late at night (after 11PM) you have to have EZPass. The Henry Hudson is a nice drive, but about 15 minutes longer because you go west then north in a big circle. 


PM me if you want to know the ultimate short-cut across the GWB during those 90 minute Sunday night delays (shhhh, it's a secret).


I think I know every conceivable short-cut through the Bronx known to man. Some of them can be a bit sketchy. 

Originally Posted by ClevelandDad:
Originally Posted by birdman14:

I can't participate in the conversation about traveling a distance to my son's home games. I am very fortunate as it is a 12 mile trip for me. This can sometimes take up to 1 hour because I have to go over the George Washington Bridge and travel on the Cross Bronx Expressway, but usually I am there in 20 minutes. 


Because my son's team plays on turf and the bad weather has cancelled a major trip, we have played in the coldest weather I have ever experienced. This weekend finished up in the high 20's with a 30 mph wind blowing straight in from LF. My old bones can't take much more of this.


More cold today for a mid-week game...

birdman14 - it's nice to see your son bounce back nicely from injury.  All the best to the young man.  Hopefully he can keep the "old man" warm inside with a few hits today 

CD thank you for the kind words. I am hopeful to see Tyler make the big jump this year!


My guy is supposed to close again as well, but the opportunities have not happened yet. He will be ready when they do! Today was definitely a little warmer. Always a good day when you are watching your boy play!


Well for me it's a ~350 mile/5.5 hour journey each way (NH->PA) and it's well worth the price of time and gas. If the wife and I go together we usually split the drive, if we go alone we always stay over somewhere.  Only get to enjoy this experience for 4 short years and perhaps 7-8 days per season (son is a starter).  Right now we're in Ft Pierce, FL..  Hopefully the infield plays better for him tomorrow than they did against Catholic (cannot be much worse than allowing 5-6 unearned runs depending on which box score I looked at).

I feel for you guys with the long drives. The other options my son seriously considered were about 15 miles (too close), 800 miles and 1700 miles. I'm very happy with his choice. Too far away for him to show up with dirty laundry, but close enough I can jump in the car and catch an emergency start. The other options were "internet only".


Good luck to everyone this season and keep those updates coming!

I have experienced the extremes. My oldest son played 2500 miles away from home at my alma mater. I could not have been more proud; he had an amazing experience that resulted in lots of new friends, wonderful memories and a sense of independence and an ability to be on his own that will serve him well for a lifetime. He became a fine young man. It also cost a me a lot of money to go back east to watch him play. I don't know how much and I never want to know. I loved every second of it all and I wish it could have continued forever.


My youngest son is playing 18 miles from home. It is amazing in every way -- a true blessing. My wife and I can go watch practice on a moment's notice. I would not trade it for anything. And, in this case at least, it is not too close. He has gone away to college in every sense of the concept and comes home pretty much only when we ask him if we will ever see him again. The result has been lots of new friends, wonderful memories and a sense of independence and an ability to be on his own that will serve him well for a lifetime. He has become a fine young man and gained to exact same independence that my older son did. It also costs us a lot less money. I will miss it when it is over.

Last edited by jemaz

My travels continue this season as the wife and I spent the weekend at younger son's college track meet in San Antonio, came home and worked four 12 hour days, leave for the 582 mile trip to Mississippi tomorrow to see three of older son's games this weekend, get back Monday night, then immediately leave on a 375 trip to Abilene for older son's only games Tuesday and Wednesday in Texas this season. I come back and work two days and then off to another track meet in Kingsville TX next weekend. But I love it! Thank goodness I have a lot of years with my company and get five weeks vacation. I use every bit of it on my two son's sporting events. But that's fine with me.

Originally Posted by fenwaysouth:


birdman14 posted.....I think I know every conceivable short-cut through the Bronx known to man. Some of them can be a bit sketchy. 

 The Bronx is a wonderful place.   Where else the world can you get a Rolex watch and your windshield cleaned at the same time from the convenience of your car! 


Originally Posted by jemaz:

I have experienced the extremes. My oldest son played 2500 miles away from home at my alma mater. I could not have been more proud; he had an amazing experience that resulted in lots of new friends, wonderful memories and a sense of independence and an ability to be on his own that will serve him well for a lifetime. He became a fine young man. It also cost a me a lot of money to go back east to watch him play. I don't know how much and I never want to know. I loved every second of it all and I wish it could have continued forever.


My youngest son is playing 18 miles from home. It is amazing in every way -- a true blessing. My wife and I can go watch practice on a moment's notice. I would not trade it for anything. And, in this case at least, it is not too close. He has gone away to college in every sense of the concept and comes home pretty much only when we ask him if we will ever see him again. The result has been lots of new friends, wonderful memories and a sense of independence and an ability to be on his own that will serve him well for a lifetime. He has become a fine young man and gained to exact same independence that my older son did. It also costs us a lot less money. I will miss it when it is over.



Great game for your son on the 1st part of DH today. YOU ARE DEFINITELY SO BLESSED to be so close and enjoying every minute of your son's college experience! Good Luck on 2nd game!



Originally Posted by BaseballmomandCEP:
Originally Posted by fenwaysouth:


birdman14 posted.....I think I know every conceivable short-cut through the Bronx known to man. Some of them can be a bit sketchy. 

 The Bronx is a wonderful place.   Where else the world can you get a Rolex watch and your windshield cleaned at the same time from the convenience of your car! 


'bout that Rolex watch.... 

Originally Posted by jemaz:

I have experienced the extremes. My oldest son played 2500 miles away from home at my alma mater. I could not have been more proud; he had an amazing experience that resulted in lots of new friends, wonderful memories and a sense of independence and an ability to be on his own that will serve him well for a lifetime. He became a fine young man. It also cost a me a lot of money to go back east to watch him play. I don't know how much and I never want to know. I loved every second of it all and I wish it could have continued forever.


My youngest son is playing 18 miles from home. It is amazing in every way -- a true blessing. My wife and I can go watch practice on a moment's notice. I would not trade it for anything. And, in this case at least, it is not too close. He has gone away to college in every sense of the concept and comes home pretty much only when we ask him if we will ever see him again. The result has been lots of new friends, wonderful memories and a sense of independence and an ability to be on his own that will serve him well for a lifetime. He has become a fine young man and gained to exact same independence that my older son did. It also costs us a lot less money. I will miss it when it is over.

I'm glad you can be so close for your son. I'm sure that is exciting. I would LOVE to be able to jump in the car and drive down the road when son gets an unexpected opportunity, so I share your ethusiasm.


But my loving wife doesn't like doing his laundry, so the distance is worth something...


The internet is great as it connects us all, even when we aren't present.


Jemaz, I will give you this much, Tempe is no Tucson. The dirty T is a very difficult city to drive in (only city in America that posts speed limits in feet/minute) and not feel 'uncomfortable' in. I'm still learning the where you can go and where you can't. 

It's been a year since I've taken time to chat. Been trying to get a new business going. Glad baseball season is back. Loved to watch oldest son play college ball only 4 hrs away. Now time to watch Jr. play HS ball as a Jr.  Just getting over another injury. Level 2 hip flexor this time.  Finally busted out with a 4 for 4 game with 2 HR, double , single and 7 Rbi's. Going to be a fun year! Jmoff sounds like Jr doing well. Hope to see you in Phx in a tourney or a field! And Ryanrod23 , how's Jr. doing at Grinnell? I think that's what I remember where he was going.

Went to see our son this weekend.  PHCC hosted Southeastern CC.  Schedule was a doubleheader on Saturday and a single game on Sunday.  Saturday was beautiful baseball weather - 70 F with a light breeze out of the SW.


Both games were very good. Two back-to-back walk off wins!


Game 1:

SECC got out to an early 1-0 lead in the 2nd.  PHCC tied it with a solo HR by the catcher in the bottom of the frame.  By the 8th inning, SECC had built a 4-2 lead.  PHCC had squandered a few opportunities but hadn't given up.  Bottom 8th PHCC has runners on 2nd & 3rd with 1 out.  A deep fly ball to right center (sacrifice) gets one run in, score now 4-3.  Son comes up to bat (DH) with runner on 3B.  Hits a hard liner back up the middle, Second baseman fields it deep behind 2B and tries to "Jeter" it, but the throw to 1B is not in time and the run scores.  4-4.  Son is pumped.  A routine groundball ends the inning.  We go to the ninth.  PHCC retires the SECC lineup (3,4,5) in short order.  In the of the ninth Will Hylton hits a walk off single to drive in the winning run.  Jason Turner pitched a complete game, striking out 10, walking three and only giving up 2 earned runs.  Game was a slug fest - PHCC cranked out 10-11 hits while SECC had 13 hits.


Game 2 was a different story.  It was a pitcher's duel with SECC scoring an unearned run in the 4th to take the lead.  The Patriots tied in the 7th (final inning) with Patrick Love hitting a walk off single to end the game.  Sluge (PHCC) pitched a complete 7 inning game only giving up 1 unearned run and three hits.


Sunday's game was washed out due to overnight rains that soaked the field.


Overall, a very enjoyable weekend.  In game 1 son reached on an error (a very hard hit ball to the SS), had a RBI single that tied the game in the 8th.  Game 2 he pinch hit, but ended up flying out to RF. 


PHCC is now 12-6 overall and 6-4 in Region X. 

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