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Son hit his first college home run today in a conference victory. Unfortuneately, I didnt get to see it. I have had bad luck in watching his games this year. I can only make a few of his home games, and none of his road games. He has started every game except three this year, and I went to all of the ones he didnt start in.
My school's team is finally enjoying our first day off from practice or games in almost a month, since we arrived home from Florida. As some may recall, we finished our Florida trip at a very shaky 4-6 overall. Despite the fact that we were playing good teams, we knew we were better than that. Upon arriving back up north, we caught fire. We are now 15-7 and went on a streak of 11 consecutive wins before bowing out yesterday afternoon in a conference game. We sit comfortably in second place in the conference currently at 8-1. Our entire pitching staff has been outstanding thus far...there was a span of three consecutive complete game shutouts out of our starters and four consecutive outings with 0 earned runs. We have 3 starters with an ERA below 2.00 and a team ERA of 2.68 through 22 games.

We play an away game again tomorrow and an away DH Wednesday.
Last edited by J H
CD- We read an article that Maddux, Glavine and Smoltz used to compete in everything they did when they pitched together in Atlanta (things supposedly got heated on the golf course). We have a predominant four man rotation and decided we should have the same kind of friendly competition amongst our starters to see who can have the better numbers for the season. Its made everyone try to one-up one another, and it's been fun.

Pitcher #1: 5 apps, 4 starts, 4-0 W-L, 1.17 ERA, 38 1/3 IP, 34 H, 7 R, 5 ER, 3 BB, 29 K, 2 CG

Pitcher #2: 4 apps, 4 starts, 3-0 W-L, 1.80 ERA, 25 IP, 13 H, 8 R, 5 ER, 9 BB, 23 K, 1 CG

Pitcher #3: 5 apps, 5 starts, 3-1 W-L, 1.82 ERA, 29 2/3 IP, 16 H, 7 R, 6 ER, 12 BB, 29 K, 0 CG

Pitcher #4: 5 apps, 5 starts, 2-1 W-L, 2.70 ERA, 30 IP, 29 H, 15 R, 9 ER, 9 BB, 23 K, 1 CG
Originally posted by Coach Merc:
Bad news from the Merc family as Mike broke his jaw in 2 places on Sunday. In the top of the 7th with 2 out, Mike went to backhand a low linedrive that took a bad hop and hit him in the side of his face. He had surgery on Monday and his mouth is wired shut for 4-6 weeks. Its been a hell of a week.


Ugh, always something, hope he's feeling better.
Rhodes will be playing in the conference tourney beginning Thursday as the number 1 seed, I am happy to report. We finished 11-5 in the conference, and 21-17 overall. We'll see Hendrix in game 1, then depending on the result, the winner (if we lose)/loser (if we win) of Trinity-Oglethorpe. We'll be having two important pitchers, our #2 starter and #2 reliever, returning from injuries for the tournament. The tournament format is double elimination with six teams.

For me, I don't have much to report. Since my first real tough start (3 IP, 4 ER) a few weeks ago, I haven't seen any action. I'll be ready to go for the tournament, but honestly have no clue what my role is/will be. I'm fairly certain if a starter has to exit very early, they'll dial my number. Beyond that, I'm not sure if I would get tabbed for the potential 4th or 5th games as a starter. One thing is for certain though, I believe that if we get that deep I'll have to go in some capacity. I've always been at my best in high leverage situations, so I'll be ready for whatever they throw at me. Had a productive scrimmage outing last week in which I was fairly tuned up with command. I feel like I have it all together as of today's bullpen session, because I got the sink back on my fastball, which had been absent for a couple outings.

I'll update as we progress through the tournament!
I love, absolutely love your post and approach to the SCAC tournament.
Getting yourself ready and confident for any situation is a very solid mind set.
To be honest, a 6 team, double elimination leaves the coaches assuming they will play well but working ideas on what happens if someone does not get the job done.
Good luck.
This one is a further step up in intensity.
I have been watching your progress throughout this season. Look at every positive. They are there.
The tournament is bookmarked.
Take it easy on the guys from TU though, okay? Wink
Here is an update for those of you familiar with my son's injury situation:

He was cleared to play last week after rehabing an elbow injury. His coach gave him the choice of red shirting or playing. After considering all of the possible reasons, he decided he wanted to play this year. He pitched 2 innings in a jv game last Thursday against Ashland, faced 6 batters, 1 hit, 2 k, threw 20 pitches. Sunday, Heidelberg was being killed 10-0 by Marietta, the #2 DIII team in the country. Coach decided to put son in with 2 out and 1 on in the bottom of the 6th. First pitch was a strike, next pitch sailed over the right field fence with the help of a 40 mph wind. He walked the next two, then struck out the next batter. He came back out in the 7th, gave up a leadoff double, but the runner never advanced, as the next 3 batters went down ground out, strike out, ground out. While he was mopping up innings in a game that was well out of reach, he still gained valuable experience against one of the best teams in the country. He is now traveling with the varsity. Thanks again to everyone who offered such valuable support, advice and insight while we dealt with his injury.
Rhodes had a pretty crazy and certainly not all bad tournament, although we were eliminated last night. We started off by beating Hendrix on the strength of a great complete game performance by our ace.

We kept rolling by beating Oglethorpe in the aforementioned 21 inning thriller. We started our #2 who was coming off an injury, and he had to exit early after just not being 100% healed. We then had a solid relief effort from one of our top set up guys for 2 and a third, followed by a 10 and two thirds inning, 167 pitch (I charted them all) effort by our star closer Hunter Chandler. Taylor Babich pitched the remaining four innings (if memory serves me right). After a straight steal of home to tie the game in the top of the ninth, we scored the next run in the game in the 21st inning on an infield single. There were several times in those "middle" innings (aka 10-20) in which a call or bounce another way could have easily ended the game. A bases loaded, no out, jam was broken up by a double play turned on a failed suicide squeeze by Oglethorpe. We forced the out at home and tagged a runner that had ran past third celebrating, thinking the game was over. Almost ten innings later, Taylor Babich made a dive and toss to get the out at home on another suicide squeeze. Likewise, there was a play in which our go ahead run was overturned after a ruling that our batter was in the baseline when he was hit by the throw. Very emotional and draining game, but a great story to tell for sure. The amazing thing about such a long game is that I surely left out extremely memorable plays and game changing plays.

The next day, we squared off with the other undefeated team in the tournament, Trinity. It was a clean, well played game on both sides. Our sophomore conference starter turned in a great full game performance, but came out on the short end. The bats didn't come through, but that's the game sometimes and against a team like Trinity we weren't hanging our heads too much that the ball didn't bounce our way in that game.

We waited for the next game to determine our opponent for the nighttime elimination game. I was told I'd start, and then after some reconsideration I was indeed given the ball. I was encouraged to really up my intensity for the big game, and in the end that is a big thing that backfired. I got way too emotional and lost control of what was going on too often because of it. I've always been super-relaxed on the mound, and throughout this year when things have gone wrong it has been perceived that it has been caused by a lack of focus. When it comes down to it, it always comes down to a lack of execution. I'm pretty ashamed of the way things went but at least it didn't end up looking so bad on paper and we had a chance in the game. Needless to say, not much right for us as a team the rest of the game and here we are now, with two "regular season" games left against the same team, Hendrix next weekend. Coach believes there is a small chance we get an at large bid so we may have a lot at stake in those two games. If not, we still have our senior day regardless.

If, as it seems, we don't make the NCAA, it's not all bad. I'll get a quicker start on my summer internship and two jobs here in Memphis and a chance to go home before those commitments begin. It's been a long and emotional season and I will be ready for a little bit of spare time.

Congrats to the Trinity Tigers, they were certainly the deserving winner of the SCAC!
JPontiac - absolutely loved that report. You are a fine writer - a very fine writer!

Now you see why experience counts so much at the college level. Now you have experience. Next time your experience will tell you how to prepare for and ultimately "execute" during the moment when your name is called.

The hsbbweb is very misleading sometimes. Sometimes, all we hear is good news around here and of course we all love that. Learning from failure is also good news. All players fail at one point or another. The great ones learn from defeat and get'em the next time.

Nice post.Baseball is such an emotional roller coaster.I just have so much respect for you guys to go out and battle game after game.I have learned so much watching my own sons ups and downs in the game.But I am astounded by the resilience of you young men.I think that is the great lesson in all of this.The ability to rebound, and attack the game the next time.I guess thats why you guys made it this far, because of your tenacity to face failure and still fight on.Shows an awful lot of character that will take you far beyond baseball.

"Eternity is longer than a baseball season"
I should repeat your comment to JPontiac - - nice post. Over the years, we have faced a lot of criticism from folks because we have invested so much time and attention to our son's baseball. In the last 2 or 3 years as we have seen him mature from a relatively shy 16 or 17 year old to a confident 19 year old college player we realize we made the right choice 10 years back. It was at that time his coaches saw something in him and came to us to encourage us to try to develop that. Not that I'm saying he is the next Johnny Bench, but he does have some talent and a burning desire. Will he ever play MLB, odds are he won't. BUT, has he learned valuable life lessons which will be with him once he leaves the ballfield for the last time. Absolutely! And isn't that what good parents do for their kids, give them opportunities to develop. Thanks for letting me vent! HAHA.

I agree and we faced much of the same criticism.My son will be a senior next year and I am just shocked by how fast it went by.My son had hoped to get drafted this year,but his stats are'nt great.The funny thing is he has smashed the ball consistently all year right at someone, or the OF makes so stupendous catch.Last night when on two srtikes he took the ball to the 380 mark that was drilled, OF went back and was spinning around trying to find it off the wall, and somehow came up with it almost falling over himself, and snowconing it.One of the parents came to my husband and said your son is the unluckiest hitter I have ever seen.I have never seen a kid hit the ball HARD consistently and find a way to not have a hit.

Tough stuff, esp when its been a battle anyway this year in other ways. But God has a plan, and I tell my son every day, Gods plan is better than any plans we make.So whaever happens in baseball, God will prosper and bless our sons beyong measure.

That is my prayer every day,Lord Bless my son,Lord protect my son, Lord help my son to lean on YOU and not baseball.Lord give me the stregnth to lift my son up to you everyday,To let you, and let go.Lord thank you for the gift of a wonderful ypung man to raise and love.Thank you for the blessing of him.Thank you every day.
Originally posted by fanofgame:
That is my prayer every day,Lord Bless my son,Lord protect my son, Lord help my son to lean on YOU and not baseball.Lord give me the stregnth to lift my son up to you everyday,To let you, and let go.Lord thank you for the gift of a wonderful ypung man to raise and love.Thank you for the blessing of him.Thank you every day.

I love that prayer as well. Look, God has a plan for your son. Its not your plan. Its not my plan. Its Gods plan. God does not make mistakes. Put your faith in the Lord and not in yourself. Its out of your hands and its out of my hands. And lets be honest whose hands would you rather your son be in? Your own or Gods?

We have to have faith and we have to trust. And we have to keep all of this in perspective. Baseball no matter how important to us or our children is still just a game. Life is not a game. The lessons taught them through this game and its experiences are far more important than the actual games played. They are going to be a man a lot longer than they are going to be a baseball player. They are going to be our sons the rest of our lives.

Put it in the Lords hands and then step back and thank God for the blessings he has given us. He is perfect and he does not make mistakes. If its in the Lords hands we can sleep knowing that all is well. My prayer is that my son's will learn to lean on God and have a personal relationship with him. And then they will have the peace of mind in knowing that everything is in his hands.

I know many here do not like to hear people talk like this. Julie can delete this post if it offends anyone. But someone will read it before that happens. So its all good. My prayer for all of your sons is the same as it is for mine.
I was talking to a USC grad yesterday who didn't hit well in the Cape Cod league and wasn't drafted after his junior season at USC. He had a solid season as a senior and was drafted. He also was doing quite well in minor league ball until his playing career was unfortunately ended by an injury suffered in a car accident.
It's hard to believe that the DII Season is over. It went really fast but peering back I see how much he "grew" as a man (both physically and maturity) this first year.

The quality of Baseball has been outstanding. Conference Tournament being held next week to be followed, hopefully for us, by Regionals in N.C. I really like the game resulting from BBCOR bat changes. Jr. is excited about the chance to play in the post season. Also, he is looking forward to Summer play and all the conditioning/training he has planned prior to Fall ball beginning anew...

I trust everyone has enjoyed their year!
Our season is (probably) officially over now. If the right teams lost this past weekend, and we took two from Hendrix, we would have been a lock for the at-large. The right teams lost, but Hendrix took Sunday's game from us on our senior day in the midst of storms that meant I had to help shop vac the outfield for a couple hours before the game, then an hour long tornado siren delay in the eighth before coming out again, reworking the field, and having the game called due to lightning after a half inning.

What sticks with me in particular is one of our senior closers coming out of the game, fully knowing he had thrown the last pitch of his career. He was obviously upset at the thought and I'm already afraid of that day when I throw my last.

Apparently there's a miniscule chance that we're still in it. Coach plans to let us know today or tomorrow once he finds out. More than likely, our season is done and we missed it by 1 game. It's been several years running now that we've missed the at large bid by 1-2 games. This year we had that big intangible on our side, travel cost. The regional is hosted by Rhodes.

I have yet to make a decision about summer ball. I'm staying in Memphis and interning at Action News 5, a short drive from campus this summer. With that, my summer research assistant position, and my summer RA duties I'll have to talk with coach about whether I'll be able to find time to play summer. If not, I'll still be on our strength and conditioning program.
Well, fenwaysouth jr's (freshmen) season ended today. They had a non-confernce makeup game today that got cancelled, and will not be rescheduled. His team got a lot of seniors in this weekend when they were mathematically eliminated. I really feel for the seniors and their families, as some will not play baseball again. I guess it is part of the circle of baseball life. That will be my son and some of his teammates in a few years, but I try not to think about that too much.

It was an exciting year full of ups and downs as freshmen pitching parents. The coaches seemed to have a definite plan for my son. His first college appearance was against #1 UVA when they were down a bunch of runs (in relief). It was his "forging steel", or "oh sh*t" moment as I like to call it. Then he came in middle relief for a few innings during some Spring Break games, and did well. Then he started a mid-week non-conference game at home, which was followed by a weekend conference start at home. This was followed by starting some conference games away. It was a steady progression of gaining experience, learning, and increased responsibility.....makes sense. My wife and I really enjoyed talking to the player's parents, and listening to all the team stories. Pretty interesting stuff. There are so many lessons learned. Most of all, I think I learned to relax and enjoy the moment when my son was on the mound. I genuinely appreciate the opportunity, his hard work, and everything about the game of baseball. I can't wait for next year! Big Grin
Thanks for that information.Its all good.he is healthy, passing all his classes, hitting 4th after not playing in beginning of season.Tough year in so many ways I couldnt even write it on a blog.Hope and pray next year is better for entire team and program.If they gave a BA for hard hit balls right at people he would be hitting .400.Not a lucky hitter at all this year.God has a plan, and my son is an awesome man.I am so proud of him in so many ways.

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