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Coach, I swear I have been being good. I even called the local sheriffs office and they sent a deputy over to monitor the family reunion. The deputy took away all bullets from everyone attending to make sure there was no trouble – see I’m acting responsible.

Kind of weird, the deputy they sent only had one bullet himself – kept it in his shirt pocket. He said he worked up in the Raleigh area for years with some guy named Andy. I feel safe now.

We did have one issue. Made a bon fire in the back and good ole cousin Johnny threw some of our medicine on it. Airplanes got confused and tried to land in the clearing down over yonder. The folks at Hartsfield International Airport were not pleased. One jet coming from Japan full with Japanese tourists did land. They are now out back and having a blast – good thing my wife is of Japanese decent because when they originally landed they were not happy.

Everyone is now out in the field up under yonder playing beer baseball. Things are good.
i know i'm late for signups , but i wanted to submit my urine test first.i studied for two day's.then the keyboard thing didn't work .not very funny,looked like the 4th of just sent me the new one.i did pitch a little for the state penn.. ...i mean penn state.they say i'm sneaky fast.never had any arm problems,last coach said i didn't throw hard enough to hurt my arm.throw mid to high 60's have touched 70.not afraid to throw some chin music.couldn't hit sand if i fell off a first glance i look a little heavy but the trainer say's i'm at my ideal weight if i was i'm not to fat i'm to short.i'm not very fast but i can steal a few bases,if we need some.i might even have some laying around.i don't know what age group this is but i have dominican buddy that can get me a birth certificate for any age.well gotta go lights out.
Last edited by 20dad
Why do I think I will be playing in the HBL before the season is over. I dont start trouble, trouble just has a way of finding me. By the way, the reunion ended and it was a great time. I also found a pitcher from Japan that is unhittable - If you want to talk to him it will cost a bit - night on the town and all the sushi he can eat.

HBL = (Hungarian Baseball League)

I am very, very impressed with your qualifications! Well, actually amused, but anyway... Do you have any video you could send for further review? And what kind of radar gun were you using on those readings in the 60s?


P.S. Don't take my opinion too seriously, I am not a scout. I am the ceremonial first-ball-thrower-outer. I hope to be gunned in the 30s, maybe topping out at 40.
Last edited by MN-Mom
Now that I’m in charge, I encourage all my teammates to where a thong under the Uniform – it’s a right brain/left brain kinda thing as shown in the ultimate training video called Bull Durham.

FO, careful what you say, you might be the starting catcher – I think Coach is getting a little irritated with me – I have no idea why

Team, we are taking Sunday off from practice but remember to stretch. All together now, Right click, Left click, Enter, space Bar, Right click, Left click, Enter, space Bar,
Right click, Left click, Enter, space Bar, Right click, Left click, Enter, space Bar,

Also, during Sundays football games do some light weights – 12 oz for most of us but for the studs no more then 16 oz.

To show good sportsmanship, I have made it so all of the Keyboarders get a free meal on Monday at Pedro’s House of Nausea. Just tell the hostess I sent you and they will SEAT you.

Originally posted by MN-Mom:
I hope to be gunned in the 30s, maybe topping out at 40.

You've got a chance...the forecast for Monday afternoon is for winds out of the SSW at 15 to 20 mph. If I have the diamond pictured correctly in my head that wind should give you what you need.


Pedro' that across trhe street from Tommy's?

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Coach, sorry I forgit to give ny acceptance speach......

Commissioner Bullwinkle, Coach TPM, The Honorable Mr. Fungo, President TRHIT, Chief Justice PIAAUMP, reverend clergy, fellow Ball Players and Fans, we observe today not a victory of PPP, but a celebration of freedom—symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning—signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our Old timers prescribed nearly a century ago.

The game is very different now. For the college man holds in his mortal hands the best aluminum bat that can impact all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought (wood bats) are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the bat makers, but from the hand of God.

We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to teammate and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of ball players—born at a ballpark, tempered by travel teams, disciplined by a hard and bitter show case environment, proud of our ancient heritage—and willing to witness or permit the slow undoing of Daddy Ball to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

Let every Team know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of the ball club.

This much we pledge—and more.

Finally, to those teams who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for a fair game, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by bat science engulf all pitchers in planned or accidental self-destruction.

"Play Ball"

Temporary Coach Catcher09
Manager Orlando,

Just say the word and I'll have the pitching staff throw up when itsinthegame enters the box and I'm not talking losing the lunch! Some of those guys is talking major smack! "Sissy name"... they seem to forget that the pen (or in this case the keyboard) is mighter than the sword. Break down the word and you get "key" meaning something necessary to unlock and "board" meaning hard long piece of wood. (Gotwood4sale knows something about that!) ?Which is what we are going to open up on their heads! Brown and Fuzzy Hero, turn loose with those dice. We're ready for the melee or excuse me game to begin. Orland, now they have Red in my eyes or am I seeing Purple. PURPLE? ... and who mentioned sissys?

i don't have video but the guy in the next cell i mean apartment is a very good he's going to draw me on every page .then if you flip through it really fast it kind of looks like a video,sorta.we don't have a radar gun so i stoped at one of those construction jobs on the highway.they have one of those signs that tell how fast your isn;t easy to do at rush hour.


i think you asked if i've been caght, well they couldn't really prove anything but yes i have been caught.oh i'm sorry you said CAN i catch?my last coach said i couldn't catch a cold. but i thought he meant i was very healthy?
Coach, I'm not worried about its running game. If he got into a race with a pregnant woman he'd come in third. Big Grin

And let's put to rest the comments about the Keyboards' name. Not only, as you have so cogently pointed out, is it a strong compound word, but the opposition is called something that sounds vaguely like a 'Hello Kitty' product that will be much in demand this Christmas by eight year olds. A stretch, P3's, a stretch.

I expect a light workout today, a well-planned meal and rest from my team. Tomorrow will tell!

Best of luck to the teams, MN-Mom's opportunity to throw 60'6" and the commish to not suffer from carpal tunnel of the hoof.

In case you all were womdering why I have been so good, here is a video of my meeting with Coach TPM. She is the one in pink. It looks like I make the first move but I was simply swatting a bee.

Coach TPM Meeting

With her negotiation skills, I decided to become a "Team" guy.

ITS - I like your style and look forward to you making the keyboarders look like a bunch of sissys from the T-Ball league.
Last edited by catcher09
Keyboarders, I have taken the liberty to try to help you all once again prior to our game. I would suggest you all read this, sign it and send it to your coach. It is for your own good:

I, the undersigned, being of sound mind, willfully and voluntarily make known my desire that my lack of baseball skills shall not be artificially prolonged under the circumstances set forth below, and do hereby declare:

If at any time I should have an injury, error, wild pitch, strike out or be in continual profound embarrassment with no reasonable chance of recovery, certified to be a terminal and irreversible condition by two players of PPP who have personally examined me, one of whom shall be a pitcher, and the players have determined within reasonable judgment that the continuation of life- would serve only to prolong artificially the dying of shame process, I direct that such procedures (including the invasive administration of nutrition and hydration) be withheld or withdrawn and that I be permitted to die.

In the absence of my ability to give directions regarding the use of such life sustaining procedures, it is my intention that this declaration shall be honored by my coach and player(s) as the final expression of my legal right to refuse medical or surgical treatment and accept the consequences of such refusal.

I understand the full import of this decision and I am emotionally and mentally (well, kinda) competent to make this Declaration. I further understand that I may revoke this Declaration at any time by quitting the game in shame.

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