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Woodrow - Does the littlest kitty give you that sad looking face (like Puss in Boots on Shrek 2) everytime you pin blame on her? And I suppose it's her fault too when your dirty clothes don't quite make it to the hamper?

"Honestly honey...Patches LOVES draging my socks and BVDs out of there!"

Or how about the time you left the toilet seat UP?

"No...really honey....honest....I put it down! I don't know how she does it but Patches puts it back up!!"
The last I saw was:

Player Pool

TPM #47
Justbaseball #24
RHP05Parent #27
Itsinthegame #12
AKBaseball13 #13
Catcher09 #17
JT #7
JME #43
0209Mom #19
FlordiaHokie #18
DoubleD’s #5
MN-Momma #9
StillLearning #15
LadyNmom #14
DB2BMom #1
ClevelandDad #16
Rz1 #30
Beezer #23
Creeks #74
SSMom #0

In the stands with a cup of hot totty, and some mittens.

Scouts in stands
15 others without screen names


OK, that's 20, but counting you, B. So if we replace you with Observer44 and woody --- is there another rook out there in the bushes we've missed to make it an even 22?

Draft here or in chat? When? (I'm playing work until 5.30-ish....not that that's currently stopping me.)
Yikes Beez! You've got a better bead on me than Comcast...that's scary!

We do have a Patches! And her sister Maggie along with Maizey who was found, near death, in a cornfield.

Patches isn't the youngest though...that would be Furbie. I rescued her from the neighbor's basement window well a couple of months ago...she was the runt of the litter and her mom, a feral cat, tossed her into the well and thusly into our lives.

And all three of the older ones hang around the toilet, sink, and the shower. Very hygienic kittens. Odd behavior...why am I not surprised?
Last edited by gotwood4sale
I checked with the 'pokes at the Four-T-Four Ranch and they couldn't lasso one.

Same with the firemen on Engine 44...a few embers, but no real heat.

And the brave and respected remaining members of the U.S. 44th Infantry Division. They marched off to find you a number, but their search only yielded the null set.

Checked the whole length of this...

And of course this also...

And I checked with Ken Calvert in California's 44th U.S. House luck.

And I queried every resident here...they all had suggestions for me, but none concerning your number...

The number 44 on the five-pointed star signifies that Wyoming was the 44th state admitted to the Union.

I even asked Hammerin' Hank, NO. 44, and he batted it around for awhile, but no RBI.

I dunno''s perplexing for sure...I'm really...

Last edited by gotwood4sale
In addition to 1st I can also play 3rd, actually I prefer whatever is closest to the dugout. My last start on the mound was in slow pitch softball so if you want to take your chances with a high arc trying to paint the black I could probably be used in relief.

TPM I am ok with purple and orange but I have been meaning to mention that the uniforms Clemson wore last week might have been the ugliest football uni's I have ever seen. I probably just dropped several rounds in the draft but my agent/advisor told me not to be afraid to speak my mind. Ya think I can trust him?
jersey, I believe Bullwinkle was under the impression that the rights to negotiate for your services were not yet finalized. Your agent, Scott Bombast, has been making some heavy demands and the Moose does not tolerate that kind of Bull.

After a latenight session involving much in the way of cigar-smoking, table-pounding, snide remarks about talent, and not a few jello shots, the following rosters have been agreed:

TPM's PPP's - Purple Pawtucket Paws:

JustBB - 24
itsinthegame - 12
catcher09 - 17
JME - 43
FloridaHokie - 18
LadyNMom - 14
ClevelandDad - 16
Beezer - 23
ssmom - 0
playbaseball - 6
jerseydad - 45

My team (and might I add that I, of course, am a lifelong fan of the 2006 World Champion St. Louis Cardinals ----how's THAT for Karma!)

All State Keyboards:

RHP - 27
AK - 13
JT - 7
0209Mom - 19
DD - 5
StillLearning - 14
DB2B - 1
Rz - 30
Creeks - 74
OB44 - ummm....44
GotWood - 365

Venue and start times to be determined by the Commoose. We await your pleasure, Your Mooseness.
Way to go "O"!!

Looks like a lot of very overpriced talent on those PPP's...and you "O", Pulled in all the upcoming undervalued talent...just like 'ol BIlly B....

...Punny how that good karma lined up on the "keyboards"!

And aren't you the smart one "O"! Must have known it is a wood bat league so you took the king of all things wood...The Wood Man.

say "O",...between you and I...if the players are listed by slection order...don't tell the woodman he is a bit s-e-n-s-i-t-i-v-e...Shhh...Mum's the word...

Cool 44
MN-Mom, as the Exhaulted Head Honcho, you're throwing out the first ball. Should you be playing, BW would not want to risk an errant throw of the dice that might result in a Denkinger-like call against you. He's not afraid of the repercussions so much as he's concerned that anybody with 'Mom' in their screen name would lay guilt on him for the rest of the long, dark offseason....
Ohboyohboyohboy! I GOT DRAFTED! I KNEW I would get noticed! I JUST KNEW IT!!!!

Ditto for me.

Hey Coach TPM, I brought a note from my mom excusing me from the first team/parent meeting.
Unfortunately I will be taking care of some not so pleasant family hometown business for the next few days.
Will be back Sunday, ready to play & give it my ol' 110% effort.
Could someone take notes for me? Or bat roll for me if ya start before then?

( I'll take a medium size shirt pleaase,...and I think matching purple colored cleat laces would look spiffy! )
Last edited by shortstopmom

We have reserved you for throwing out the first pitch and Head Chief Blue.

You will be the liason between the Commish and the teams, as you have shown fairness and tolerance.

This is a very important position, do not take it lightly.

You are also in charge of declaring MVP of the series. You may if you wish, rely on PG's services, using scouting reports and gun readings and pop times for deciding who shall receive the trophy. Smile
Originally posted by JT:
Orlando--I designed the cover for our offical team handbook.

Be careful, this type of activity may not be approved by the Commissioner and most likely will give the PPP's advantage of being home team. PPP's have no affiliation for the team from "Klempson", "Clemsin", whichever way you pronounce it.
Orlando, this player needs a stern talking to, and make sure if he is not looking you straight in the eye, you "pimp" slap his chin.

Some players do not realize, on this level, you may need a smacking to keep you in line, or be respectful of the game and the players.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by catcher09:
Talk about Karma - I just was about to go to bed and decided to check in - TPM - this is true - I'm wearing my Clemson sweatshirt!!!!!!!

TPM - you can ride in my private jet anytime - landing at the Piggly Wiggly is a bit of a chalenge though - why cant people put the carts where they belong?

Put the jet in the jet hanger, you are just a "playa" now like everyone else, no special treatment on this team. No egos allowed.

Thanks Wink

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